

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Machka - if you Google Burns Night you will get a million hits. :DEvelyn is right, it's in memory of Robert Burns, the Scottish national poet. He wrote the Address to the Haggis.

    Karen - McSweens (no other tradtional haggis comes close) also make a very acceptable vegetarian haggis. :D My DDIL used to have that when I invited her over.

    My lower back is sore as is my right foot. I have lost no weight despite the added exercise. Grrrrrrrrrr! :# I will have to eat less. :'(

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    edited January 2018
    My lower back is sore as is my right foot. I have lost no weight despite the added exercise. Grrrrrrrrrr! :# I will have to eat less. :'(

    My lower back was sore after my first couple runs. Then it settled in. Also, if you are doing anything with weights, form is very important.

    And I haven't lost weight either. I have been able to lose weight by adding exercise, but I have to add a whole lot of exercise ... a minimum of 90 minutes a day on a "rest" day and averaging about 3 hours a day in general. When I do that, I can only keep it up for about 5 months, and then I have to back off to rest.

    Meanwhile ... the battery in my food scale died!!! How am I supposed to eat if I can't weigh my food???

    It's not quite that bad yet, but I've got to get back to weighing everything soon, so I'll have to replace that battery soon.

    Machka in Oz

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning! Happy Saturday! Well, I got half of my house undecorated and cleaned yesterday! I left the tree up, so that I could enjoy one more evening of "Christmas". I am off to the store to do the grocery shopping, then I will come home and get the living room undecorated and cleaned and the tree down. I will be making some tomato soup this week, along with some chicken noodle. DH has more dental work this week, so soft foods for him. I will probably be adding some shoveling to my work out today. There is about six inches on our driveway from last night.

    Kelly in Michigan - Welcome from another Kelly in Michigan. Most of the women on this site refer to me as KJ. This is a great group of women that have lots of advice, interesting chats, and diverse lives and ways of solving life's problems! Come often and join in!

    Rye- You and I are alike in our love of soups and our love of shoveling! I bet you don't get to do a whole lot of shoveling in Texas. I could send you some snow, if you like!! >:)

    Cathy- OF COURSE, it hits 60 degrees the day after I leave Texas! Ugh! I am glad you got out to enjoy it! I remember taking my own kids for gelato once in a while as a treat. Knowing it was a european version of ice cream, made it more "special" to us.

    Heather- Your Burns Night party sounds like fun! I had never heard of it, so I googled it. I had no idea he wrote Auld Lang Syne. The words to that song were always a mystery to me. Give the haggis a stab and raise a glass for me! Fun stuff!

    With the song Auld Lang Syne going through my head, I just remembered; I watched the NYE ball drop on tv and was shocked that the New Yorkers were not singing Auld Lang Syne at the New Year! They were singing New York, New York. smh...a whole generation of celebrants will now think that the new year celebration is all about them. What's that all about?

    Well, tempus fugit! And so should I...ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    @Lagopus ... I find your life way, way up north fascinating, but I really don't know how you do it. A month without sunlight would have me curled up in bed weeping. I find it hard enough when the sun sets by 6 pm.

    I know that come June you'll have daylight all the time ... that part I could do. :)

    M in Oz
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Just checking in. -10 (-23c) here this morning. Going to stay in bed a bit and read for a while before I get up.

    Taking down the tree this morning so if my jump rings come in I can start my bracelet without feeling guilty about not getting anything done.

    The muscle in my ankle still hurting even though I’m wearing my support and don’t go barefoot. I’m going to make yet again another appointment with the foot dr. He really hasn’t been much help so far so I’m only going give him one more try. I think he is the only one in town but I’m going to check with my dr first to see if there is anyone else I could go to.

    Hope everyone has or is having a good day.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    Heather - I'm glad you found a photo for your book but sorry about all the feelings that came back. When did your dad's molestation finally stop for you? I had a girlfriend in high school who was obese. I'll never forget the day I was visiting her - and we were teenagers - we were in her room chatting, and she tearfully told me that her dad had been molesting her. I cannot remember the particulars - I think it started when she was a child. Anyhow, I recall walking out of her room and seeing her mom standing there in the kitchen and not liking her mom much anymore.

    Thank you for the update on Ros - I hope this next round of chemo is successful for her and gives her a long and happy life! I think it's great DOS has found a girlfriend... meeting the family is a big step. Nice to think the greyhounds helped with the match-making, lol.

    Barbara S Oregon - I just reread Elena's almond flour muffin recipe - all I have is almond meal which is pretty coarse and has flecks of brown in it. But I still may try it, perhaps it will be more like a bran muffin.

    I know I have to start decluttering again. I think it will be easiest to start with extra bedding and pillows - many of them still in the plastic. And going after the pantry again. Our local gospel mission has a little food bank and will take items up to a year past the "best by" date.

    By the way, I finally did splurge on a "My Pillow" and so far it's going pretty well.

    Machka - Kim - I like the idea of focusing on eating MORE of certain foods vs. being only about restriction of some foods (like Little Debbies and Reese cups, lol.) Since I've upped my greens and fruit, I've noticed the cravings for processed food going away. Focusing my attention on what I'll put in my smoothie or what kind of salad I'll make helps take my mind off DH's chocolate stash. B) I know it will take training and vigilance.

    My seed order arrived and now I'm getting ready to place another one - Park Seeds has mini kale meant for containers. DH won't like it, but I'm am thinking about tossing a LOT of flower seeds into some of my former veggie garden and letting them go crazy. I had such good luck with the wildflowers last year - I bet there will be a lot of self-seeding going on with those as well.

    Speaking of, it's going to be a warmer, rainy day. I need to finish cleaning up the garden a bit between showers. Pull more carrots. I think DH is going to prune the apple trees.

    Have a good day everyone!

    SW WA State

  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi all,
    I've just been looking at our BBC news online and seeing how bad the weather is in parts of the US. It is an eye opener to be sure! It is very cold here in South Wales UK but nowhere near as cold as some of you have it.
    On a lighter note, can't remember which of you is/are the line dancers, but, I'm off to a line dancing social evening later and looking forward to it.
    Take care all
    Karen UK
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,978 Member
    Lazy this morning.


    RV Rita