

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) I am at an all day sit down meeting so I had to get up super early to walk the dogs and be ready to leave at 7 AM. I drove home at lunchtime to walk the dogs and eat my lunch. I don't do well sitting still so today has been a challenge.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    stats for the day:

    spin- 60min, 90aw, 85aw, 157mhr, 129ahr, 14mi = 507c
    apple watch- 467c
    fl exerc- 7min, 3sets of 10ea, 6 diff exercises, 114mhr, = 47c
    apple watch- 51c

    total cal 554

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Home and in bed...2 1/2 hours of sorting and it's a bit better...all I can say is he has alot of junk...
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • judefit18
    judefit18 Posts: 38 Member
    Temp 5, "realfeel": -16; 18" snow on the ground. It's January. Only 2 more months of this to go...

    I'm trying to keep up on this page, it goes fast.... Oh, yeah, I managed to keep to my goals today, mostly :-)

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Allie, when my dad passed away we got a LARGE dumpster so that we could go through the shop. The house wasn't bad, mom wouldn't let him bring a bunch of crap in and would always tell him to take stuff out to the shop if he wanted to keep it. We filled that dumpster. Yes, there was some stuff from our house too, but mostly just his shop. Old extension cords, old nails, just old junk! We found a few treasures too, but mostly just lots of junk that he'd bought at other people's yard sales and thought he could sell at his own yard sale for more. Yeah, didn't happen and eventually people stopped coming to his yard sales because it was the same old junk and he wanted too much money for it. I all but gave away a LOT of stuff when we held a yard sale in the fall, but I was just so glad to see it go, the money was just gravy! lol It is definitely a process. When I finally attacked the house, it actually took me about 6 months to sell, donate and generally get rid of everything. I sometimes look at our stuff and wonder "if I were to die tomorrow, what would the kids think of some of this stuff". Oh well, hopefully I'll be around long enough to make some sense of it myself! I keep trying!
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Karen NY ... Enjoy your mini-vacation at home! By the way, 8" of snow is a lot by any standard! ;) We had a good laugh when we saw this ...

    Well, I hope it will quote what I wanted.... Love this! Speaking as a sort of northerner or at least a former one!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,218 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Machka, sure hope the fire doesn't affect you and that it gets put out quickly!
    Katla49 wrote: »
    M in Oz: We were plagued with fires last summer. The smoky air is horrid & I have great sympathy for your current situation. It may put a crimp in your training routine and biking for a while. Take good care of your lungs! :flowerforyou:

    Fortunately none of the fires (there were 3 or 4 in our area) were very big and they all got put out quite quickly. The police and fire service did something a bit different ... they targeted all the firebugs in the area, so they had crews on hand where known firebugs live.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,218 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Out of step with the prevailing sentiment here as usual. I rebel against ‘positive’ resolutions. Add x food, eat more veggies, etc. These become chores in my mind and then I tend only resent them.

    If I can frame things as goals, then I am more likely to wholeheartedly give it my best. Especially goals with flexibility or wiggle room. My calorie goals, for instance are now weekly goals - enabling me to be more flexible. I like games, and my Apple Watch makes getting my movement and exercise each day into a game (oops, have to go walk now if I want to close that ring today...). But paradoxically I hated the MFP challenge I joined - it felt too much like chore and too little like goal.

    Probably ought to get my head shrunk, I sound a bit crazy and conflicted- lol


    I'm goal oriented too ... with some flexibility.

    I cannot commit to something that requires I do or don't do something specific every day. Last year I even tried again with a silly little daily "resolution" where I decided I would wear a necklace 5 days a week going to work. I have a lot of necklaces but I so rarely wear them because I just can't be bothered. I thought it might be nice to wear them all over the course of a year. That lasted until about the third week of January!! :lol:

    Mind you, in those three weeks, I bought several pairs of earrings because one thing I discovered is that I don't have a lot of matching between necklaces and earrings. :grin:

    So I train for events and have annual goals instead. I just work away at them, and usually along about the end of March I check where I'm at ... and again in June, and toward the end of September. The check ins can spur me along a bit if I'm lagging behind in my goals.

    Machka in Oz
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I think omits have had to read 5 pages! Note to self, don't wait so long again.

    I'm with you all about resolutions that involve not allowing myself something. Moderating Joyce, moderation.

    Katla, could it be that your daughter wants to take her things in a suitcase so she can be there to see her open it. If it is mailed, you can't control when it gets there.

    I'm really enjoying watching the figure skating. I can't be.ieve it is less than a month when the Olympics start!!!!!! I find myself getting involved in sports I never even paid any attention to. DirectV has the Olympic Channel and I enjoy its offerings. I can't wait to see what kind of coverage it has for the Olympics.

    My numb fingers and side of my face is driving me bananas. I am all wrapped up in a double layer fleece ball get and I can't get warmed up at all. I want my body back. And my blood pressure still isn't under control, it is the highest at bedtime. Makes Charlie very nervous to know I am going to bed with it so high. I will run out of my as needed pill tomorrow.

    Love you bunches, stay warm and safe. Joyce, Indiana
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    M in Oz - those cherries made my mouth water, then there was the cherry crisp. Boy do I want some cherries.
    KJ - I though about you when it was in the 60s the day after you left. Oh well, I’m sure you enjoyed your time in TX anyway. Probably when you come back in the fall it will be in the 90s.
    Terry - take care of yourself. Shoveling can be good exercise but it can hurt stuff also.
    Yvonne - wanted to tell you how sorry I am about the passing of your DAD. Hopefully next time KJ comes you can meet her as she is amazing.
    Cathy - I really. Enjoyed getting to know you better and it was kind of funny when that man got out of the car. I just kept on driving.
    Katla- thought of you this morning as I attended Yoga for the first time at the Y. It was harder than I remember but I think I am just not use to using those muscles. Really enjoyed it.
    Rori- so exciting to hear about your upcoming cruise. We love to cruise but we always try to go to the gym or walk on deck.
    Since I didn’t take notes I’m having problems remembrances what is going on. Hope the NE folks are staying warm.
    Better get my food logged.
    SueBDew in TX