

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Linen Closet: I do not have one. :'( Everything gets crammed into a chest of drawers.

    Ironing: What's that? When I was growing up we usually had help with ironing for our house of 7 people. She even ironed my dad's shorts and my mom's slips.

    Lisa and Janet: I am just fighting NOT to gain any more weight. At 167 lbs and being 5' 2" I am probably considered obese. But, at age 69, I really only care when I think about putting on a bathing suit.

    Plenty of sunshine here but still in the 20's and low 30's. The Pomeranian loves it! Begs to go out on the porch and has to be made to come back in. :|
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    I'm collecting some running songs for a play list on my phone. Does anyone have any good suggestions? Songs with a good, regular, upbeat beat. I've found three so far, but would love to get at least 30 minutes worth. :D
    I'm so annoyed about them changing the app. :grumble:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    Regarding decluttering ... twice in my life (2004 & 2009) I did a major declutter/purge. They were that traumatic I have no desire to do another one any time soon.

    Regarding sheets ... my mother taught me how to fold them neatly. I keep the extra bedding in a blanket box in the dressing room. We use it to sit on to put on shoes or pop the laundry basket there when we're putting away clothes. Towels go in a large unit in the bathroom.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Heather~ anything by Bruno Mars..Uptown Funk,Pherell Williams Happy
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Rita, you are my twin! My house is livable. Anyone who comes to see me in my home knows what to expect. The most sweeping that is done is around the litter box and that is only because I don't like walking on dirty kitty litter and trading it all over the house.

    Lanette, I'm not sure who you mean when you say my two girls. Is that my two daughters or my two grand daughters? I don't mind talking about either one of the sets. Christina is still very busy in her job. She has to routinely drive from her home outside of Lexington my and going to West Virginia for her job. It drives her Dad crazy. He is of the old school that women don't drive on the hissy by themslves like that. She has a good knack for finding good cars for a cheap price. She loves looking for cars in the $500 to $1000 range. She usually is driving her bosses car which is either a new hybrid Camry or his old BMW but he needs the beemer back so they went car shopping. A couple of years ago they found an old Crown VIc and it was her main car. Now that is the car that Trinity drives when she is doing her practice driving on her permit. So Mom bought an older model minivan, can't remember what model it is. But when they came for Chritsmas her Dad approved it. And that is a big thing. He really loved that she drove a Crown Vic. Being a Police car, he thinks she is driving the safest car. So now he knows TRinity is safe. Oh, she did drive the 3 hour drive here for Christmas and then drove home and stopped off in LOuisville for my SIL side of the family Christmas. Ellie had the part of Naughty Santa in Yes Virginis there is a Santa Claus Jr. in their winter play. She is cocky enough that she said she knew she wouldn't even need to do an audition fr it since she was the Genie in Alladin last year. She also made the archery club this year. They loved Christmas this year because there was a new baby. Both of them volunteer in their church's children's area in the baby nursery. I think Ellie's age of 11 is the minimum age to volunteer. You can volunteer in the older kids area but to work with the babies and change diapers and feed them you have to be 11. I have no idea how they made that age requirement. But both girls love singing and lead the worship in the kids area which is called Kids Quest.

    Michelle still hasn't gotten any better physically after having her gall b,adder out. Still the abdominal pain, night sweats, hot flashes. She had a Cat scan of her abdomen but she hasn't told me what the results are. I guess I need to text her! Since it is 41 degrees today I am sure she will be spending time out at the dog park. The dogs don't mind being out there that much in this frigid weather but their owners aren't to keen on it. I just wish she had a bigger yard so they could get their energy out and be more behaved inside the house.

    Christina got me a cat condo for Chritsmas and I haven't gotten either cat to use it at all. If I tempt them with a cat treat I can get hem to get it on one of the levels but that is the only way. There has been one cat treat on the top level for 3 days now and they don't realize it. I can tell they have smelled it but don't know how to get to it.

    Well I'm watching the ice dance competition now. Everyone is saying Minor got robbed by not being on the Olympic men's team but he failed on his only quad attempt where Nathan Chen did 5 of them. I'm sure the winner in the Olympics will have several Quads in their program. I did enjoy his skate though. I remember him from several years ago and didn't even know he was back on the dancing scene. So far USA has a good figure skating team to represent us.

    Well Michelle is going to be over here around 5 and I am still in my Jammies so I better get up and change. We are supposed to have freezing rain tonight.

    Joyce, Indiana.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm collecting some running songs for a play list on my phone. Does anyone have any good suggestions? Songs with a good, regular, upbeat beat. I've found three so far, but would love to get at least 30 minutes worth. :D
    I'm so annoyed about them changing the app. :grumble:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    I have a playlist that I call beat jogging. I run to the pace of the music. doesn't matter if the words are depressing, it's the beat of the music that I have to keep. I have used It on all my runs and marathons. when I got faster then I would add music with a faster beat cuz the original music is too slow, but it's good for long runs anyway.

    the problem with me, even if I LOVE the song, I won't use it if it's not to my pace of running. so for me it's all about the beat, not who is singing. so I find people who I like with songs that have the beat I need
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Welcome to the new youngesters. I KNOW I am the oldest person on this thread but hey I’m proud to be as active as I am at this age. We just joined our Y which is only a couple of years old and so far everything has been great. Did a “gentle” yoga class Saturday and made me wonder what the hard classes are like. LOL
    Mary_ miss seeing you and hope all is well in AZ. I know the changes in your employmentment status has taken time to get organized but I miss you.
    Lin - miss seeing your “see you lighter” posts.
    Feeling a little stuffy today with sore throat. Wondering if this is a result of the heat being out and getting chilled. When reading posts I noticed women wanting motivation and results and it made me think of what my pastor said this morning. The output you get is in direction portion to the input you give. So buckle up and get serious. I know I need to. I’m already two weeks behind as I wanted to get everything straightened out the week before New Years. Tomorrow is another day.
    SueBDew in TX
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Heather, Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne - loved running to that one. Also Back in Black and Thunderstruck by AC/DC, Pink has a few good ones also, I just can't think of any of the names right now! I agree with Pip, I like the beat of the song for running, the words etc aren't as important, in my opinion. Good luck!
    Joyce, I'm concerned about your blood pressure readings, especially if they are high when you are at rest. It could be that you are not on the right meds. I really hope you can talk to your gp about this soon.
    Sue, your pastor is absolutely right! We do get out what we put in! I'm working on it.... lol
    That's it for me for now. Hope everyone is enjoying their day.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Terry, the bracelet and earrings are beautiful!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:

    rowing machine- 10min, 146mhr, 74aw, 1864meters, = 91c
    Apple Watch- 93c
    rope pull- 10min, lvl5, midset, 142mhr, 1105ft = 93c
    apple watch- 91c
    TRX- 8.45min, 3sets of 10ea, 3diff arm exercises, 114mhr, = 45c
    apple watch- 45c
    fl exercises- 20min est, various w/kirby= 142mhr, 90c
    Apple Watch- 77c
    wash dog, etc apple watch only- 40 min, 215c

    total cal 534
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    some beat jogging music

    thank u by alanis morrisette
    One by Alanis morrisette
    View of the Valley by Bicycle
    StayOn by BoDeans
    Hootnanny by Bubba Sparxxx
    Loose Yourself by Eminem
    Ballando (spanish version) by Enrique Iglesias
    Freedom! 90 by George Michael
    Just a Dream by Nelly
    Don't Let me get Me by Pink
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    OK the sheets on my bed are pretty much our only set. I do have some smaller sizes, that I just hang from hangers. The same with my pillow cases hang from hangers, that I just hang in the spare room closet. That goes for all table runners, and beach towels. Pretty much all we have in our nuke sons old rooms closet is husbands military uniform, the stuff I already said, and the Christmas items. Oh and the tree is in there too!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    some beat jogging music

    thank u by alanis morrisette
    One by Alanis morrisette
    View of the Valley by Bicycle
    StayOn by BoDeans
    Hootnanny by Bubba Sparxxx
    Loose Yourself by Eminem
    Ballando (spanish version) by Enrique Iglesias
    Freedom! 90 by George Michael
    Just a Dream by Nelly
    Don't Let me get Me by Pink

    Oh and also:
    I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    csofled wrote: »

    Cheri Are you feeling frowny-faced?

    Karen in Virginia