
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.20min, 140mhr, 12.2amph. 1.4mi= 79c
    apple watch- 65c
    TREADMILL- Capetown South Africa Trail- 35min, 294feet, -3 to 10.0incl, 4.5-6.0sp, 157mhr, 11.40min mi, 3mi= 359c
    Apple watch- 353c
    STAIRCLIMBER- 7min, lvl10, 133mhr, 38floors = 88c
    apple watch- 91c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.47min, 15.4amph, 134mhr, 1.4mi= 70c
    apple watch- 48c
    RIDE BIKE PUY 2 SUMN STA- 15.19min, 150mhr, 11.9amph, 3mi= 174c
    apple watch- 146c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.32min, 157mhr, 9.04min mi, .5mi= 66c
    apple watch- 53c
    jog wk 2 sta- 20.55jmin, 7.4amph, 146mhr, 2.5mi= 196c
    apple watch- 150c

    total cal 1091
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did Gilad Step and Tone DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Jari Love's Extremely Ripped Hardcore DVD

    barbie - has it been 6 years already since you sold your house? Where does the time go to. I remember when you were selling the house. Good luck at the dentist

    I'm usually told me bp. Like barbie, I also get a summary online of my office visit so I can print that out and it has my bp on it.

    Ginger - happy birthday to your mother. It's so nice when older people are so sweet. When we were at Denise's wedding I spoke to Pete's grandmother. She was so rude it wasn't even funny. That was the first time Vince had ever met her and she didn't make a good impression on him at all. Yet that whole family seems to feel that she's like the machriark and they treat her as such. She expects special privileges.

    Lenora - if you ask at the pharmacy, they will give you bottles that are not child proof. They will also put your meds in a non-childproof container if you ask them. I've done this so I know they will do it. You might have to sign something saying that you give them permission to use non-childproof containers, but that's not a big deal. You can keep your daily meds in a non-childproof container and the ones you take as needed in a regular container. This way, just by looking at the container you know which are daily or not. I DVR all my shows, too

    karen - I like to prelog. Actually, sometimes it bothers me if I can't prelog. So many times I look to see if I have room for something else. I can't prelog the whole day, but I usually at least prelog my dinners for the week.

    KJ - many many times a man won't listen to a woman, but let someone else say the exact same thing....they do it. That happened to me with FIL

    Terry - feel better soon. Hope it isn't something real serious.

    Well, off to the Newcomer general meeting

    Predictions - the only problem I have with those predictions is that it never happens. At least not for me. Guess Mother Nature doesn't want me to go below a certain number.

    Wendy - your meals sound amazing. That picture must be of what you are planning to look like at 70. It certainly can't be you today. An online dance party sounds neat

    Terry - looks like you have a wonderful caregiver there

    Barbara - I think I would go for the original crown. It may not last, that's true....but it may

    Joyce - congrats in getting to onderland

    Our KMart closed a few years ago. I don't go to Sears hardly at all now that they've really limited their petite dept. They are good for their Craftsman tools, tho

    I really like a dentist who isn't into everything. I had a dentist once who recommended that I get all new fillings because the ones I had were so old. Big deal. They worked. I changed dentists ASAP. Do what's absolutely necessary, that's for me.

    llorenza - welcome and congrats on the loss! Sounds like you'll fit right in, those are all the things we talk about, our days, foods, recipes, everything.

    Exercised, had the Newcomer general meeting, came home and helped Vince bring in more Christmas decorations, went to Publix and then ceramics while Vince stayed home to wrap up extension cords. Really, the only thing I could do is put them in the containers.

    Now home and in bed soon.

    Michele in NC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Regarding bone density tests ... I've asked my doctors for them on a few occasions and they've refused to dp them. They day I'm too young to get them done ... despite the fact that I'm a long distance cyclist and long distance cyclists are notorious for having low bone density.

    M in Oz
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Barbie, I think you need to find a new dentist. If you're getting cleaning 3 times a year, there shouldn't be much plaque build up, so it really shouldn't be such an ordeal. I saw one hygienist, once and once only, and she was kinda rough, I never went back. I gave up on that whole practice. I didn't go to a dentist for a few years, but just saw one a few months ago. His hygienist was awesome and so was he, hardly any pain from either of them and I did have a filling replaced. I still have my own teeth and plan to keep it that way also. I have several crowns too, didn't cost me as much as what I've seen on here! And dh just had one from our new guy, $1150, and this is without any benefits package.
    I know that comment covered more than Barbie, I kind of got carried away! lol
    Made a great dinner tonite, chicken wings and onion rings! I did do some raw veggies too, and the wings and rings were baked, not deep fried, so I guess that's something. Sure did enjoy it tho! lol Back on plan tomorrow.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Wendy with your experience fasting, I think the FMD will be a snap for you. I had to google the macros and proper calories for my size. While it is not easy, it has not been difficult either - prob because I’ve regularly been doing 5:2 fasting since October.

    As for sugar, except for Christmas I had worked all added sugar out of my diet pretty much. Honey In my beef jerky marinade and a tiny bit of honey in My coleslaw dressing is really all I can think of. Similarly I have cut out virtually all wheat. So. Yeah that is 99% of all processed foods. I will allow myself here things only for special treats- but like Heather I don’t really have a sweet tooth so such sweets are not hard for me to keep limited.

    I am officially trying to find my maintenance calories. In 2017 I was tracking for approximately 39 weeks. I lost 40 pounds (but that includes the start a diet woosh of 12 pounds). MFP tells me I averaged 1197 calories. This is very discouraging since my exercising isn’t represented there (— no additional calories no matter what my weekly exercise regime). These numbers tell me that I can eat about 1250 calories a day + something (considerably less than Apple Watch estimates) for exercise.

    These pitiful numbers ( sorry there is no way for me to be satisfied on 1250 calories) are one of the reasons I am trying the fast this week. At these calorie rates I can never have a gyro or serving if my husband’s King Ranch Caserole ever again unless I eat nothing else at all that day. Grump Grump. Yeah I’ll probably get a couple hundred extra calories a day from exercising but My average week is walk 5-10 miles, swim 2-3 miles, strength 2x a week, HIIT 3x a week and some irregular miscellaneous rebounder, hula hoop and dance. That is still a pittance caloriewise for all that. And I don’t see any increase in that because frankly I hate it all. If my health didn’t demand it I wouldn’t be doing any of it. Grump Grump.

    Ah well. This is the hand I’ve been dealt and have to make the best I can. Sorry folk, I’m probably just tired.

    Everyone take care


    My maintenance is about 1500 plus exercise. Not much.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited January 2018
    Machka9 wrote: »
    ryenday wrote: »
    Wendy with your experience fasting, I think the FMD will be a snap for you. I had to google the macros and proper calories for my size. While it is not easy, it has not been difficult either - prob because I’ve regularly been doing 5:2 fasting since October.

    As for sugar, except for Christmas I had worked all added sugar out of my diet pretty much. Honey In my beef jerky marinade and a tiny bit of honey in My coleslaw dressing is really all I can think of. Similarly I have cut out virtually all wheat. So. Yeah that is 99% of all processed foods. I will allow myself here things only for special treats- but like Heather I don’t really have a sweet tooth so such sweets are not hard for me to keep limited.

    I am officially trying to find my maintenance calories. In 2017 I was tracking for approximately 39 weeks. I lost 40 pounds (but that includes the start a diet woosh of 12 pounds). MFP tells me I averaged 1197 calories. This is very discouraging since my exercising isn’t represented there (— no additional calories no matter what my weekly exercise regime). These numbers tell me that I can eat about 1250 calories a day + something (considerably less than Apple Watch estimates) for exercise.

    These pitiful numbers ( sorry there is no way for me to be satisfied on 1250 calories) are one of the reasons I am trying the fast this week. At these calorie rates I can never have a gyro or serving if my husband’s King Ranch Caserole ever again unless I eat nothing else at all that day. Grump Grump. Yeah I’ll probably get a couple hundred extra calories a day from exercising but My average week is walk 5-10 miles, swim 2-3 miles, strength 2x a week, HIIT 3x a week and some irregular miscellaneous rebounder, hula hoop and dance. That is still a pittance caloriewise for all that. And I don’t see any increase in that because frankly I hate it all. If my health didn’t demand it I wouldn’t be doing any of it. Grump Grump.

    Ah well. This is the hand I’ve been dealt and have to make the best I can. Sorry folk, I’m probably just tired.

    Everyone take care


    My maintenance is about 1500 plus exercise. Not much.

    No not much, but about what, 20% higher? than 1250. Aren’t you lucky! :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Has anyone heard from Sue in WA, either I've been missing her posts or she hasn't been on here in a while. I hope everything is okay with her and her family.

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm not even close to needing info n maintenance so I don't have a comment except to say that you don't sound like yourself Rye. You can figure this out.

    Lorenza, welcome. I have diabetes 2 also. I a, on Metformin twice a day and my fasting blood sugar and A1c have a,ways been good. We don't eat much at home because I am the lousiest cook in world. My sister and I both grew up in the kitchen every day with Mom. But when I left home I left all that at home. Nothing came so me. My sister is a wonderful, creative cook. I feel left out. We eat out and. Use the web sites for pretty much any restaraunt you want to go to. I don't look now because I know pretty much what to eat. Maybe. Need to see if they have made any changes though. Shouldn't depend on them for my called intake. It is I to me to know.

    Well, went to choir practice. Bummer. Although it was wonderful to be sitting in that precious choir loft and be with my friends, and sing songs of faith and the home, the act of singing set my lips on fire. Yep, I was Hot Lips Houlihan. I always thought it was Honahan but it isn't. But after choir was over, it went back to its usual severe burning, just not totally on fire. But I wouldn't have been able to sing the cantata at Christmas if I felt like that. Not to worry, it's a long time until Christmas. The weatherman doesn't know that, Friday we have 3-5 inches of snow. That's probably our average season snowfall. Kids are excited that they will have a 4 day weekend because of Martin lUther King Day 'mOnday

    Hmmm, my lap was just invaded by my 14 pound puddy cat. That's ok, her brother gets to sleep with me. Mozart has never been allowed by Melody o get in bed with me. Although there are times I hear them in cat fights under the bed at night. That really disturbs your sleep.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Hey everybody typing from my phone not an easy chore. I’ve read all the posts all day and not said much but I’m wishing everyone well. Today’s been cool and overcast all day and the weather guy said it would be sunny I was sorry he was wrong.

    As for the dentist deal, I went right before Christmas for the first time in 10 years prior to that I had had insurance and went three times a year. I’m surprised that so many have mentioned the cleaning is so painful ,maybe I’ve been lucky that my Dentists have always been gentle. The new dentist is really great but dental work in California so expensive !so I’ve done some checking and found a local dental school and hope to have my teeth cleaned there next month. It will be $40 where at the Dentist the cleaning is almost 200.

    Smiles Kim from n California
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    ryenday wrote: »
    Wendy with your experience fasting, I think the FMD will be a snap for you. I had to google the macros and proper calories for my size. While it is not easy, it has not been difficult either - prob because I’ve regularly been doing 5:2 fasting since October.

    As for sugar, except for Christmas I had worked all added sugar out of my diet pretty much. Honey In my beef jerky marinade and a tiny bit of honey in My coleslaw dressing is really all I can think of. Similarly I have cut out virtually all wheat. So. Yeah that is 99% of all processed foods. I will allow myself here things only for special treats- but like Heather I don’t really have a sweet tooth so such sweets are not hard for me to keep limited.

    I am officially trying to find my maintenance calories. In 2017 I was tracking for approximately 39 weeks. I lost 40 pounds (but that includes the start a diet woosh of 12 pounds). MFP tells me I averaged 1197 calories. This is very discouraging since my exercising isn’t represented there (— no additional calories no matter what my weekly exercise regime). These numbers tell me that I can eat about 1250 calories a day + something (considerably less than Apple Watch estimates) for exercise.

    These pitiful numbers ( sorry there is no way for me to be satisfied on 1250 calories) are one of the reasons I am trying the fast this week. At these calorie rates I can never have a gyro or serving if my husband’s King Ranch Caserole ever again unless I eat nothing else at all that day. Grump Grump. Yeah I’ll probably get a couple hundred extra calories a day from exercising but My average week is walk 5-10 miles, swim 2-3 miles, strength 2x a week, HIIT 3x a week and some irregular miscellaneous rebounder, hula hoop and dance. That is still a pittance caloriewise for all that. And I don’t see any increase in that because frankly I hate it all. If my health didn’t demand it I wouldn’t be doing any of it. Grump Grump.

    Ah well. This is the hand I’ve been dealt and have to make the best I can. Sorry folk, I’m probably just tired.

    Everyone take care


    My maintenance is about 1500 plus exercise. Not much.

    No not much, but about what, 20% higher? than 1250. Aren’t you lucky! :)

    1250 is the amount I need to consume to lose weight. I'm 5'6".

    M in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited January 2018
    Earlier someone was talking about their co-in-laws and it reminded me that my co-mother-in-law taught me the yiddish word for that relationship: she is my "machatainista". <3

    Karen in Virginia
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    It's a conundrum.

    But for now, I think it's time to try to live more in the present, less in the future, enjoy this for what it is and deal with the future as it comes. That's the theory, anyway.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa, thoughtful in NC

    Yes ... do today, and tomorrow ... and maybe this coming weekend or a month from now ... but that's all. At this point don't worry about what might happen a year from now.

    However, do put things in place so that you've got the flexibility to do something else when you're ready. I'm sure you know how to do that.

    My husband and I often live more or less month to month. We were even talking about it tonight ... how that interview question, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" has been and still is incredibly difficult for us to answer. 5 years? Who in the world can say! If someone had asked me that in 2005, I doubt I would have replied, "Oh yes, in 2010 I see myself living in Australia working in bushfire recovery for a local council after a massive bushfire came through and pretty much wiped out the shire". But ... there I was!

    Until just recently, we've been living more or less a semester at a time. I'd start another semester at uni, and we'd hang in there until the end of the semester with some vague idea that perhaps when I finished, we might move somewhere else, get different jobs, do something else.

    Only recently, our situation has changed a bit and we might now stay put for the next year ... or two ... or more. And I'm all right with that. But then again ... who knows ...

    Meanwhile, one of the reasons I want to get my home office in order is so that when we move again, I'm ready. A lot of what I do is so that when we move again, I'm ready.

    So yes, focus on the present, enjoy the present ... and before you know it, you'll be "there", wherever "there" is.

    Machka in Oz