

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Barbara - That is pretty much how I fold my sheets. This guy was definitely folding a full-sized fitted sheet; no way it was any bigger. The chair worked for me. Then laying it on our king-sized bed to do the folding in 3rds. I will have to figure out which ones are king and queen and keep 2 of each (plus the flannel set). One 'on' and one 'off'. I think I counted at least 9 sets; and so many extra pillowcases it doesn't make sense where I got them. I am pretty sure some of them were wedding presents ... 45+ years ago.

    Mimi sent her sheets to be washed and pressed; but, if I had 100% cotton, I would probably do the same thing. What I have found to be a bit strange is the higher the thread count, the more wrinkled they seem to get if not folded up right as you pull them from a hot dryer. His balling up the sheet at the beginning of the video is about the way Louis feels when I ask that he help me. He is getting better. For a while I was putting just one set of sheets in the dryer and by the time I got them out, all the sheets were inside the fitted one and 'if' I had had room, I would have just stored them that way. But, it took longer to dry them unless I go in and check them and untangle them to finish drying.

    First full day with Louis being gone. Jennifer is supposed to have gotten me a new fireplace lighter. I tried to burn trash yesterday since it was so nice yesterday when I got up. Only about 2 handfuls of trash just would not burn; then I got some 'fat-lighter' and even it would not stay lit. I just raked it all up in the middle of the burn pile and will not worry about it. I think some of it was damp because the bottom of the trashcan was damp. I don't know where the hose when unless it is plugged into the side spigot to run the hose while it was below freezing. I need to wash it out before it gets too full of trash.

    The hiding place for the Hobby Lobby craft stuff was hysterical. I am planning on getting Louis to buy me some banker's boxes and repack my Christmas decorations and mark them so I don't put them back into another box that is marked to hold something else.

    I have not kept up with my food, just enough (breakfast and snacks) to keep my 'days running' going. I am trying to take Margaret's advice about turning off my electronics by 8:00pm and going to bed by 10:00. Last night I stayed up until the news came on at 11:00pm and I slept until 8:15 this morning. Got up and let Cracker out and went back to bed and slept until 9:30am. I have 'yawned' all day long. But, not sleepy enough to go to bed. Did take a few 'naps' today.

    Other than that ... haven't been doing much today.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    Thanks, Barbie, for leading out this thread for more “mature” adults! I do need to connect more on MFP with older women who refuse to atrophy. After six months on MFP and logging every day plus increasing exercise from hardly any to 5,000+ steps a day, I am .8 lb. away from goal! It really helped to log everything. That’s after ten years of procrastination. So grateful to God for that breakthrough. The hardest part still lies in front of me and I can feel the resistance. I need to increase the steps more and add weights, etc. I need to restore muscle after sitting so much at a computer for years.

    My goal is to be physically fit and responsibly active by my 70th birthday in June.

    Start slow but start on workout tapes
    Increase steps to average 6,000/day.

    HarvestSue in TN

    Welcome, Sue, I carry a pedometer and many others have a FitBit or something similar to inspire us to walk more. Also many of us have read and used the suggestions in "Strong Women Stay Young". I hope you'll keep coming back.

    :) Barbie from NW Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    Lpaul50 wrote: »
    Hell everybody. Iam new this site. My goals for this year is to lose alest 30 pounds more.I lost 35 pounds already. still walking one hour at the walking track and doing aqua-fitness twice a week. Instructor suggested doing lane swimming on Monday.Maybe go try that. Need motivation to keep going.

    :)Welcome, If you like exercise in the water, you'll keep doing it and get all the benefits. Walking and dancing are my exercise favorites. I like to do stuff that doesn't require that I change my clothes.

    :) Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    some beat jogging music

    thank u by alanis morrisette
    One by Alanis morrisette
    View of the Valley by Bicycle
    StayOn by BoDeans
    Hootnanny by Bubba Sparxxx
    Loose Yourself by Eminem
    Ballando (spanish version) by Enrique Iglesias
    Freedom! 90 by George Michael
    Just a Dream by Nelly
    Don't Let me get Me by Pink

    Oh and also:
    I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas!

    Great song but I couldn't have that on my playlist, not the right beat for running
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :)Barbara, I recommend that you read or listen to "10% Happier" and "Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics" by Dan Harris and look for his meditation app "10% Happier". I meditate without an app or a guided meditation but that doesn't work for everyone.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    lpaul - welcome! Congrats on losing 35 pounds. Now get to that pool or else pip will get her boot out....lol!!!!

    Regarding the folding sheets...my granndmother showed me that when taking the pillowcases off the pillows to wash, turn them inside out. After drying, put your arms into the pillowcase, grab the far corners of the pillows and turn the pillowcase right-side out onto the pillow. Vince never heard of this until I showed him.

    Helped Vince take the ornaments off one of the trees (the Star Trek tree), then we took in the inflatables. Even tho it is cold out, it's only rained once since we put them out. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. Before they can be put away, we need to inflate them to dry them out. So now we won't have to have them inflated as long. The ground is so hard that Vince went to pull one of the stakes out of the ground and it broke. So we're just leaving the stakes in the ground. I don't think our ground was ever this frozen.

    Went to WalMart, Vince needed milk so I went there since I needed a few other things, too. Renewed our membership at Sam's. Not that we use it a whole lot, but we do buy most of our gas there since we get the 5 cent discount. Out of curiosity, I checked out the price of the milk there. It was almost 30 cents higher than at WalMart next door. Don't really understand it since they are the same company. You would think they'd be buying in bulk and have the same prices. Honestly, I don't think the prices at Sam's are that good. However, if you need something in bulk, you can get it there. Also, their meats are much better than the meats at WalMart.

    Becca - did you at one time live in China? CRS right now

    pip - WTG on that streak! Have you ever gone to the walk.jog.fm site? As I recall, they listed their songs in BPM. I'm glad that I don't have to worry about a beat for running since I don't do running....lol

    joyce - I'm worried about you, too

    Terry - great that you got your rings. Now you can really work on them.

    Lenora - I thought him balling up the sheet in the beginning of the video was priceless.

    Michele in NC
    who is going to go thru more cookbooks
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Exermom- it has changed the way I listen to music :0/
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Barbara - That is pretty much how I fold my sheets. This guy was definitely folding a full-sized fitted sheet; no way it was any bigger. The chair worked for me. Then laying it on our king-sized bed to do the folding in 3rds. I will have to figure out which ones are king and queen and keep 2 of each (plus the flannel set). One 'on' and one 'off'. I think I counted at least 9 sets; and so many extra pillowcases it doesn't make sense where I got them. I am pretty sure some of them were wedding presents ... 45+ years ago.

    Mimi sent her sheets to be washed and pressed; but, if I had 100% cotton, I would probably do the same thing. What I have found to be a bit strange is the higher the thread count, the more wrinkled they seem to get if not folded up right as you pull them from a hot dryer. His balling up the sheet at the beginning of the video is about the way Louis feels when I ask that he help me. He is getting better. For a while I was putting just one set of sheets in the dryer and by the time I got them out, all the sheets were inside the fitted one and 'if' I had had room, I would have just stored them that way. But, it took longer to dry them unless I go in and check them and untangle them to finish drying.

    First full day with Louis being gone. Jennifer is supposed to have gotten me a new fireplace lighter. I tried to burn trash yesterday since it was so nice yesterday when I got up. Only about 2 handfuls of trash just would not burn; then I got some 'fat-lighter' and even it would not stay lit. I just raked it all up in the middle of the burn pile and will not worry about it. I think some of it was damp because the bottom of the trashcan was damp. I don't know where the hose when unless it is plugged into the side spigot to run the hose while it was below freezing. I need to wash it out before it gets too full of trash.

    The hiding place for the Hobby Lobby craft stuff was hysterical. I am planning on getting Louis to buy me some banker's boxes and repack my Christmas decorations and mark them so I don't put them back into another box that is marked to hold something else.

    I have not kept up with my food, just enough (breakfast and snacks) to keep my 'days running' going. I am trying to take Margaret's advice about turning off my electronics by 8:00pm and going to bed by 10:00. Last night I stayed up until the news came on at 11:00pm and I slept until 8:15 this morning. Got up and let Cracker out and went back to bed and slept until 9:30am. I have 'yawned' all day long. But, not sleepy enough to go to bed. Did take a few 'naps' today.

    Other than that ... haven't been doing much today.


    I found some red big plastic bins for under $5 at Big Lots that I put my decorations in. Then I am clear where they are.

    Book calling...Terry
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I hunk all of you for your concern for me. Tomorrow morning I will call my GP and give him the update he asked for. I will a,so let him know that if he wants me to continue on the Clonodine for my as needed medicine that it needs a refill. My last reading was 140/75 so it isn't terrible all the time. I just wish I had set the date/time on my B/P machine when I bought it. That way I could accurately tell him exact dates and times. But it didn't. Also, it keeps 60 readings in memory, no, is ent exceeded that but I wish it kept more. The online app it syncs with only keeps about 20. So I have to erase the early ones which are also the higher ones in order to get the ones I am taking now. I wish I could just take my phone and show him all of them. But I can't. Boo hoo.

    Sue, as the oldest member here, how old are you?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    HEre is my favorite running song atm. I change my music playlist around so I don't get bored.


  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Michele in NC, not China but we were stationed in Japan for 7 years.
  • SnowDog16
    SnowDog16 Posts: 20 Member
    I am checking in this week. I am down 2 lbs this week, so a total loss of 24 lbs. My sweet dog ripped her nail again so back to the vet and more rest again. It will be weeks till we can play agility. My calendar is so empty now. I would normally play agility with her 3 or 4 times a week, with classes or a trial.
    I see we are talking about folding sheets. I will confess, I wash the sheets and put the same ones back on the bed. Then I do not have to fold. I think the camper sheets are in a jumble in my closet, clean but not folded. I have one new pair of sheets still in the bag. I really hate to fold, Iron, sorry I just would not do that.
  • SnowDog16
    SnowDog16 Posts: 20 Member
    opps Forgot to say it was Cathy from Alberta
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the music suggestions. I will be going through them. :D<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Sunday -- busy exercise day! First I went out for a run where I explored various trails and ran along the beach. Next I went for a bicycle ride to stretch things out a bit.

    Distance: 10.7 km

    Distance: 21.4 km

    That ^^ was yesterday ... today ... my legs are dead! I managed to walk 8.5 km, but that was it. We debated about walking down to the beach, but ... no. Not today.

    I was sort of thinking of running tomorrow, but I think I'll leave it for another day.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I finished making my list of 18 things to do in 2018. Several of them will take all year, some will take an hour, and the others are somewhere in between. Now I'll put the list on the computer and print a copy to put where I can see it. I have already started several of them.

    <3 Barbie from drizzly NW Washington

    That's similar to what I do. :)

    I've got the highlights of my list here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Machka9/view/goals-for-2018-944264 but I've got the whole, detailed list on the computer and I refer to it every few days.

    I do the main things, and sort of chip away at the less important stuff.

    M in Oz