

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Welcome Lori!

    I have an Amazon Fire tablet, and I went to the apps store and found MFP, downloaded it and voilà!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Then I have it bookmarked on my silk browser page. I update the bookmarked page daily, and just remove the old page.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Terry, congrats on getting your kettlebell workout in first thing in the morning making it a priority and starting the day with a WIN. Studies have shown over and over that people who exercise first thing in the morning are much more successful at sticking to it, rather than those who try to fit it in later in the day, when things crop up and they have used up all their energy. So, my humble suggestion to you, is to set your clock a little earlier, every day try to get up ten minutes earlier, until you have enough time to squeeze your workout in and cool down and shower before your angelic presence is due at work. It may mean going to bed a little earlier each night as well. To achieve your health goals, it is worth it. <3 Wendy

    Thanks Wendy. I’m going to see how well I can do getting my excercise in after work. If that doesn’t work I’ll try your idea.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I agree with Wendy. If I don’t get the workout done in the morning, chances are I won’t.

    That said, we all have to do what works for us!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,071 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Right now the abundance of Valentine’s Day commercials are making me think about chocolates at night.

    I completely forgot about Valentine's Day! I haven't seen a thing about it here ... there's Back-To-School stuff in the stores because the kids start their new school year in a week, and there's Easters stuff. I've even seen one reference to Mother's Day, but no Valentine's. At least, not that I've noticed, and that's probably a good thing. :)

    M in Oz

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    (((<3))) Allie
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    ((( <3 )))) Allie
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,071 Member
    edited January 2018
    lorig_2000 wrote: »
    Thanks for the reply. You can use Lori. I’m 58, live in Calgary AB. I work as an Admin assistant so I’m in front of a computer for 9 hours a day. I just gave up on WW so came back to MFP after 6 years away from it. How do you start a post using an IPad that stays in the group?

    This isn't a group, it's just a thread posted within Motivation and Support. You post here by opening the thread, and clicking Post Reply. :)

    Welcome here!

    I spent quite a number of years growing up in Alberta and lived in Calgary for almost a year of that, as well as towns/cities around Calgary for much longer. It's a part of the world I'm fairly familiar with. :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,071 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Today is Answer Your Cat's Questions Day!

    "If you’re a cat person, you’ll no doubt wonder what your cat is thinking from time to time. What unsolved mysteries does your tabby ponder, hmm? Answers Your Cat’s Questions Day is a chance to find out, and to answer some of the big questions. Take some time and attempt to work out what questions your cat is asking, and make a concerted effort to fill in the blanks." Riiiight. I think the only question my cats ponder is when I'm going to feed them again.

    I've been gone so long I guess I need to reintroduce myself to any new arrivals. I'd planned to be home for the holidays, but my dad walked into the emergency room on December 9 because he felt puny and his ankles were swollen. A week later he was diagnosed with stage 4 renal cell carcinoma and transferred to hospice, and he died on the 27th. I ended up spending three weeks in Houston helping care for Dad, making hospice and funeral arrangements, and working with my siblings to get his independent living apartment emptied out because we had to have him out of there by the 5th.

    Welcome back ... I have missed your "Today is ... Day" comments. :)

    Also very sorry to hear about your father too.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,376 Member
    Did 10 minutes of Tone Trouble Zones DVD, held my plank for 2 min 53 seconds, plan to go to the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Cathe Cardio Mashup DVD

    Chris - so good to see you again. Welcome back! Glad your ankle is better but not glad you gained. Put your mind to it, and we KNOW it'll come off.

    Becca - as for the things I eat on the list, I don't really eat many white potatoes but I love sweet potatoes, I don't know if I can live without chocolate, cakes donuts cookies and candy I have but in very small quantities. I do have some of that V-8 that comes in the small cans. It's handy to have when driving somewhere.

    M - when we went to see my girlfriend in Switzerland, I dn't believe they even HAVE a freezer. Or if they do, I certainly don't remember see it. It must have been really really small. Their refrigerator wasn't that big, either.

    Lisa - what a wonderful "good morning" you had! Car seats are a pain, but so worth it.

    Tere - congrats on the loss. That is so funny about your husband. I say that personal trainers get a kickback from the guys who install the rails around the toilet.....lol I'm sorry about your college clasmate

    Lori - welcome back. You joined by posting! Be sure to bookmark this site so you can come back often

    meg - sounds like your husband is keeping himself real busy!

    Welcome anyone new that I may have missed.

    Allie - I remember watching my father's hearse take his body to be creamated. That sight has never left my mind

    My cats aren't wondering when they'll get fed next. They're probably wondering why they aren't being fed NOW.

    After exercise stopped at the UPS store to check on the mailbox for Newcomers then went to Publix to get an antipasto tray for tonight. Vince said that an antipasto is more of a salad, I always thought it was a tray! I just had absolutely no idea what went into it, except for olives. Then senior bowling. Went to the Destination Dinner with Newcomers tonight. It was nice, lots of food, but I was a bit disappointed that it ended so early. Well, that's to be expected, they did have to clean up and be out of there by 9.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,653 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- apple watch only, 8.16min, 145mhr, 10.8amph. 1.4mi= 73c
    treadmill- apple watch only- 45min, 1562elevation, 10incline, 4.0sp, 3mi= 360c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.29min, 13.7amph, 136mhr, 1.4mi= 86c
    apple watch- 45c
    Bike ride PUY 2 SUMN STA- 15.20min, 148mhr, 11.8amph, 3mi= 162c
    apple watch- 115c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.14min, 137ahr, 152mhr, 10.11min mi, .5mi= 67c
    apple watch- 55c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.01min, 9.42min mi, 149mhr,.5mi= 60c
    apple watch- 55c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 18.42min, 8.3amph, 151mhr, 2.5mi= 196c
    apple watch- 154c

    total cal 1004
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Becca so good to see you back with us. Sorry for the loss of your step-dad. I love your witty and wise sayings.’
    JanetR - safe travels to Denver. So sorry that your sister passed,
    Joined a fitness challenge at the Y today. All I have to do is show up at least 14 days in February for classes or to work out in the gym. I think I can do that.
    Dh is feeling sick tonight so I made him chicken noodle soup and he said he feels better. Magic.
    Meg - good to see you posting. Take things one step at a time. This too shall pass.
    Chris - I was thinking about you and hoping you were doing well.. Glad you are back with us.
    Welcome to the newbies. Remember to bookmark the thread at the top right of the page so you can find us again.
    Heather - I lived in England three years and I was thinking it was almost like you were speaking a foreign language. LOL
    Michele - when we lived in England we had a very small fridge, no freezer. The reason was they went to the market everyday to buy fresh food. Milk was delivered everyday on your doorstep. Our first shopping trip we went to green grocer and bought quite a few items and after we paid they ask where our bags were. We had no idea we were suppose to bring a string bad. So we had to just carry everything in our arms.
    Eyes getting blurry so better stop for tonight.’
    SueBDew in TX
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Yvonne, I’m sorry to hear about your father. In case you missed it, Allie just lost her father, too. My uncle died last week as well, and although very sad, I don’t think compares to losing your dad.

    My sister from New Orleans is in town for my uncle’s funeral, so she and I went shopping today. We hit Tuesday Morning, TJ Maxx, Steinmart, Ross, and Marshall’s. I am exhausted.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    . Michele in NC , that foods list is harder to stick to!
    For me, I do have a piece of candy now and then. Like today, we visited our local Goodwill store, and I bought a grape blow pop. A sucker with bubble gum in the middle! Yes my tongue turned almost blackish/purple, but I had fun grossing out my husband saying blaaaaaaah every so often!
    I don't eat fried, fast, white breads, or chips. I do have a cookie now and then, and a soda every so often. That's life, but the most important thing is my mindless eating, and gorging on fast food is over! Its been years and years, and I have grown up a lot since those days.
    Moderation is life's measurement, and like tonight I had some rice a Toni about 1/3 cup, then a cup of Asian salad mix w/ the tortilla pieces and pumpkin seeds. I cut up a small pork chop, and drizzled on some avocado cilantro dressing. Can you say YUM!!!!! I should've taken a pic of it. That's how I love to eat now!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,071 Member
    edited January 2018
    exermom wrote: »
    M - when we went to see my girlfriend in Switzerland, I dn't believe they even HAVE a freezer. Or if they do, I certainly don't remember see it. It must have been really really small. Their refrigerator wasn't that big, either.

    Some European fridges have a freezer in the bottom.

    So if it looked something like this, you might not have registered that the bottom part is a freezer:


    suebdew wrote: »
    Michele - when we lived in England we had a very small fridge, no freezer. The reason was they went to the market everyday to buy fresh food. Milk was delivered everyday on your doorstep. Our first shopping trip we went to green grocer and bought quite a few items and after we paid they ask where our bags were. We had no idea we were suppose to bring a string bad. So we had to just carry everything in our arms.

    During our first 3 years in Australia we didn't have a freezer either. The first year we lived so far off the grid we couldn't have powered one. We actually did buy our tiny chest freezer and my husband converted it to a fridge. We went that route because cold air sinks and so it was more efficient than an upright fridge. Then we moved into town and continued to use it as a fridge for the next couple years because we did just as you describe ... we stopped by the local grocery just about every day.

    And if you came to Tasmania, you'd be expected to bring your own bags when shopping too. :) But shops do have some for sale if you forget.

    M in Oz
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    . SueBDew in TX , awe, you are sweet. I do feel like a smart person, chatting with you all, and sounding grown up..... Lol! I think Navy life prepared me for pretty much anything. Maybe in some way, the Navy prepared me for my husbands surgery, pre and post care. Just going with the flow. I have nice memories of living in Japan, using the trains, not really knowing where I was going, but knowing I would be fine. Yen in my pocket, and adventure in my heart! Hearing Japanese over the loud speaker, seeing the Kanji and not understanding. Pretty much all your communicational senses used. But perfectly calm. Like can't get more unpredictable as that huh!
    Love ya!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    (((Allie, Terry, Yvonne, Janet, Becca))) :'(

    So very sorry to hear of your losses. My heart and condolences go out to you.

    Chris in MA