JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hello all, busy here again! Smiley faces galore especially @Bex953172 smashing it with the exercise!

    I’ve had a good day. Decided not to work out this morning but got a run in by running home this lunchtime for the car. Which then made me feel obliged to go to hot yoga tonight even though I was tired and it was dark and wet. So pleased I did. Peckish after dinner now so trying to stay strong. Will have my shake and get to bed soon.

    Friday goals
    - morning workout? ( need a rest but also trying to bank cals for the weekend!) ❎ took the sensible choice of a rest
    - See Head re appraisal reschedule ✅
    - Book train tix for 22nd ✅
    - locate string and finish pulley toys ✅
    - Home at lunchtime for car ✅
    - Hot yoga after work ✅
    - Pick up P from play date ✅
    - Girls pack for weekend with ex ✅ only homework to pack tomorrow
    - Rest! ❎ not yet!

    Saturday goals
    - morning workout
    - Pack girls homework and wash hair before ex picks up at 9
    - Yoga at 10:45
    - Make meal for bf
    - Fun and rest hopefully!

    Happy weekend everyone! X
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    JFT- Thursday November 15
    2L of Water - 1.5
    Calories in Green by 150 - I was over by 300+, but I moved most of the day so it probably balanced out.
    5 Fruits and Veggies - Do fries count as a veggie? If not, I had 1/5
    Only 1 Evening Snack - :)
    Walk 1 Mile - Probably, but not intentional
    5 Little Somethings at Bathroom Break - I think I remembered once
    Write in Journal - Nope
    BE Conscious of my goals - DO NOT BE DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF! - I am doing it! I am busy and a little stressed, but I'm doing it!

    JFT- Friday November 16
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Little Somethings at Bathroom Break
    Write in Journal
    BE Conscious of my goals - DO NOT BE DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF!

    Wow I haven't even had time to log in here yet today. It's 4PM! I am ready for the show tomorrow, I am just logging in quickly and then heading out to do my shopping for the paint night and stock up on some other items at Michael's and the Dollar Store. I Haven't even had lunch yet and I'm starving!!!! This might not be good.

    I miss you all, but please know you are on my mind. Wouldn't you know it, work got busy at the same time I got busy with my shows. Is it wrong that I hope that they don't change my end date on me now? Later ladies, I will try to say hi tomorrow, but if I fail I will for sure be back on Sunday!

    P.S. - my little craft show last night that my hubby bet I wouldn't do anything at made almost $200. I had to drive home on terrible roads though. It was +5 and raining when I went in, when I came out 3 hours later it was -5 and had been snowing. Lots of ice. It was plus 10 on Wednesday and -14 this morning... very strange weather.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Hows the quilt coming on :)

    It’s Going Good!!! We didn’t have time to get it all done last weekend, so my friend was to finish it up today and will bring it in to work on Monday. Then I will finish it up next weekend with the binding and it is all done!!! 😊
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Friday
    1. Make mindful food choices and journal every bite. :)
    2. Red Glass / 5 somethings. >:)Not bad on water but didn’t remember the 5 somethings. Why is this so hard to remember?!
    3. Meal plan for myself while DH is hunting. :)
    4. Write out my Advantages Response Cards for Beck's Diet Solution. :)
    5. Read Day 2 of Beck's Diet Solution. :)
    6. Pre-plan and pre-log my food for tomorrow. >:)Will do this in morning
    7. Run to JoAnn's Fabrics and pick up the items I need. >:)Moving to tomorrow. Ran out of time.
    8. Run to Aldi's for Butterball turkey if still on sale. >:) See above.
    9. Walk Maddie tonight after work. :D Yes! We had a really nice long walk tonight. 60 minutes and stopped at the neighborhood park where I let her run around the baseball field a bit too.
    10. Relax tonight and go to bed early so I can get early start on my day tomorrow. :)I have had a really nice evening here tonight just having quiet time and bonding with my sweet Maddie.
    11. Gratitude Journal :) / Dodie or Joyce :) / Simple Abundance :). / Read new mystery novel until lights out. :)

    Have had a really nice evening! I will hop on in the morning to set my goals for tomorrow.

    I am hoping by coming on here and closing out my food diary for today, I won’t give in to my sweet tooth urge right now! 🤗

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @Snowflake1968 Sounds like all your hard work is paying off and it sounds like you’re having fun too! Good luck tomorrow! 🤗
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    I've been away for quite a while, I've missed you all and hope everything's well. I need to get back "on the horse". Soooo...
    JFT Saturday
    1. Water
    2. Studio - finish round robin, pull up green/yellow quilt to start the quilting of time
    3. Laundry
    4. Start butter chicken
    5. Declutter at least one box of stuff
    6. Brush and floss
    7. Bed by 10:30
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    Eugh I'm so tired.
    Not sure what time I fell asleep. But I was up again at half 3 with Casey crying again (I don't think she's feeling very well)
    And the un again at 7 for the other girls.

    Anyway, JFT Saturday
    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - No Exercise but walk dog
    - Nov Challenge
    - Crochet
    - Laundry
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    I pigged out last night.
    I don't feel too bad about it though, it wasn't mindless. I wanted to. It wasn't emotion fuelled I just wanted to have a nice night with my OH, which I did :)
    Ive logged it and I'll be over when I add the chocolate I had.

    No Exercise today, need a rest day but I'll walk the dog.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Jft Friday
    1. No more coffee :)
    2. Drink 1 water per hour :)
    3. Stick to prelogged menu - eat the lunch planned before starting soup so i dont overeat soup. :) / >:) stuck to it until after dinner and went mindlessly snacking about. Whoops. A bit disappointed in myself but what can i do but get back at it today.
    4. Be kind - communicate clearly :)
    5. Finish invoices :)
    6. 10 minutes meditation/core work :)
    7. Load of laundry >:) hahaha why. Why whyyy.

    Jft sat
    1. Keep it simple
    2. Waters on the hour
    3. Log all food
    4. Stay under maintenance
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member

    JFT- Friday November 16
    2L of Water -1.5
    Calories in Green by 150 - in the green but it only 80 something
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 1/5
    Only 1 Evening Snack - 🙂
    Walk 1 Mile 😂
    5 Little Somethings at Bathroom Break - 😕
    Write in Journal -
    BE Conscious of my goals - DO NOT BE DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF! - 🙂

    JFT- Saturday November 17
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Little Somethings at Bathroom Break
    Write in Journal
    BE Conscious of my goals - DO NOT BE DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF!

    Had a successful paint night last night, got home a little earlier than expected which was a nice surprise. Was in bed by 10, read for a while then went to sleep. Woke up at 230 am abd couldn’t get back to sleep until close to 5. Up again at 730, now I’m going into my show for setup. Going to be a long day!

    Looking so forward to tomorrow and relaxing a bit!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    I've been away for quite a while, I've missed you all and hope everything's well. I need to get back "on the horse". Soooo...
    JFT Saturday
    1. Water
    2. Studio - finish round robin, pull up green/yellow quilt to start the quilting of time
    3. Laundry
    4. Start butter chicken
    5. Declutter at least one box of stuff
    6. Brush and floss
    7. Bed by 10:30

    Glad to see you! Congratulations on the grandbaby! :heart:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Well, I logged on last night to try to stay mindful and not give into my sweet tooth. FAIL. I went to bed and seriously my stomach was feeling sick, like I didn't eat enough yesterday (which was actually true), so I got up and ate 2 pieces of toast...one with half tablespoon of raspberrry jam on it. It was whole grain toast, so that wasn't bad and was still in the green. But THAT wasn't enough...oh no....not for me! I proceeded to eat 3 chocolate chip granola bars! Not one....not two...but THREE of them! WTH? So yeah....big fail.

    Today I have my Advantages Response Cards written out (Beck's Diet Solution Day 1) to remind myself of why I want to lose weight and get healthy, and I've planted them all over the place and even set alarms on my phone to go off and remind me to read them throughout the day. Here goes nuthin'....

    Husband got a nice 10-pointer this morning at deer camp, so that's awesome! We eat a lot of venison. This will allow us to have more ground into burger, and we won't have to buy hamburger all year. Lots of stew meat too. Happy, happy, happy! Just for the record...he is not a trophy hunter. We do eat all the venison. I was told by my oncologist it is one of the healthiest meats I can eat. :smile:

    I was home alone with Maddie all night and she didn't want to go to bed because my husband wasn't home. She was waiting for him until about midnight. It's funny how quickly she has become accustomed to our "normals" around here. She cuddled with me a lot last night. I thought she would wake me up at 6:00 like she does every morning, so I didn't set an alarm. Figured I'd wake up plenty early to get everything done today that I wanted. But I actually ended up not waking up until 9:00 and had to wake HER up! LOL! Now I'm sipping coffee in my nice quiet house with Hallmark Christmas movies on. Getting ready to hop in the shower and head out to run some errands and then coming home to sew and bake for the holidays!

    Have I mentioned I'm loving my quiet time alone? LOL!

    Okay, time to stop rambling...

    Just for Saturday
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Eat mindfully
    3. Read my ARC's throughout day
    4. Red Cup / 5 Somethings
    5. 5 Freggies
    6. Walk Maddie
    7. Declutter desktop
    8. JoAnn's run: pick up fabric, towels, cookie press, and snap thingy
    9. Aldi's run: Butterball turkey, veggies, healthy snacks
    10. Bake spritz cookies & pumpkin bread and freeze for Christmas
    11. Sew kids' Christmas gifts - start
    12. Read Beck's Diet Solution Day 3
    13. Wind down tonight by watching an uplifting movie before bed
    14. Gratitude Journal / Dodie or Joyce / Simple Abundance / Lights out 10:30
    15. Up early tomorrow and don't waste the day!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Today I went shopping and I bought some jeans in a size smaller than I have EVER bought jeans (as an adult).


    Now that's motivating! I have to stay in these jeans (and maybe get some even smaller ones.. )

    THAT IS AWESOME! I'm so happy for you! That's what it's all about, Slittle! :mrgreen:
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    Glad to see you! Congratulations on the grandbaby! :heart:
    Thank-you my dear. Delilah Jade, born Thursday. Her new quilt is in my profile.
    Novel to follow, please don't feel you need to proceed if you don't want to read.
    I've just recently realized I've been angry with hubby, and depressed. A few months ago I decided to try to stop working. Well, hubby informs me that we can't afford for me to stop working and I've been really concerned not just about money but about whether I can continue to function. In the last 2 months I've fallen twice going up the stairs. I didn't break anything but my doctor and my chiropractor are not impressed. Talking with him didn't change anything and so I've decided to stop sucking up my pain and abilities to not do things because I usually just try and ignore it and work through it. Now I've been being out in the open about things, getting him to lift and carry, and putting my medication right out in the open and letting him see how much I'm taking ( it's not too much, it's just nothing I ever let him be super aware of). Maybe he's noticing now?
    The downfall of all that is that I'm noticing more of what I can't do and was just struggling through before. So if he's aware great, but I'm not a fan of being aware of my own fragility and inabilities. I knew they were there before but to display them to the public so to speak makes them too real.
    Anyways, that's the gist of how things are going around here. No need to get all glum and worried about me. I'm fine, just having some realizations and not liking them. I hope everybody else is doing okay. I won't go in back and read the hundred zillion posts, I'm just going to move forward from here. Love you all.
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Hello! Happy weekend! I hope everyone is well!

    @mytime6630 I hope you kept that ice cream in the freezer where it belongs!
    @PackerFanInGB I'm so glad that you are enjoying your quiet time! I don't often get it anymore because the DH isn't working at the moment but boy do I cherish when I get it! Enjoy it while it lasts!
    @Bex953172 You are killing it, my dear! I hope that Casey is feeling better this afternoon.
    @AJB1014 You are doing great! I saw all those smiles! Be proud of yourself love!
    @Snowflake1968 I hope you are killing it at the show today! Keep us informed.
    @Faebert I hope you are enjoying your kid-free weekend!
    @bcTRAI Delilah is downright edible she's so cute! Good to see you back!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Today has been good so far. I did a lot of cleaning earlier and moved a couch out of our living room to prepare for a new one that my Dad is helping us transport in about an hour. We're pretty excited. Our last one finally bit the dust. Just not comfortable anymore and a tad bit misshapen.

    While Matt and Dad are doing that I am going to be over D's house to hang out and organize. Maybe eat a slice of pizza or two...not the best dinner because we had pizza for dinner last night but it's what she's got. Lol. I'll log it accordingly. It's awesome to see all of the NSV that are happening around this board the last week. Gives me a lot of hope that we can actually get ahold of this whole weightloss things and make it our b!tch. Lol. It's already after 3 today so I think I will do only a brief list of goals for the rest of the day. So here we go!

    JFT, 11-17-18

    1. Make shopping list for tomorrow
    2. Spend time with D/find warrantee
    3. Only eat two pieces of pizza! Log accordingly
    4. Spend time with the DH and friends
    5. Bed at a reasonable time! Church in the morning.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    Its been so quiet since Friday!

    Hope everyone is well!

    @Faebert how is your sister by the way, not asked for a while.

    @mytime6630 stay accountable! Get your butt back on here!

    @maryrobinson40 hope everything is okay with you! Missing your positive posts!

    @PackerFanInGB Quiet time? What's that again? :lol:

    @bcTRAI Delilah is such a beautiful name! And shes just adorable! I'm loving the quilt too!
    I envy everyone's quilting abilities!

    @slittlemeister well done on the new clothes!
    I have some things stashed away in my drawer.
    I have a crop top that I bought over 5 years ago that I've NEVER worn LOL, I bought it because I couldn't simply pass on it, it's such a lovely top! I can just about squeeze into it but I need my OH to get me out of it!
    And everything else bulges out around it lol its hilarious.
    It'll be great to be able to wear it (hopefully next summer!)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    Anyway, JFT Saturday
    - 8 glasses of water ✔️
    - Be in the green❓
    - No Exercise but walk dog❎
    - Nov Challenge❎
    - Crochet✔️
    - Laundry😠

    I'm so tempted just to set fire to all the laundry. Then I don't have to do it.
    I now have 3 mountains of folded washing! One in the dryer, one in the washer and one more load!
    The clothes are never ending!
    I'm amazed that everyone still has clothes in their drawers!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @bcTRAI I'm sending you the biggest cyber hugs that I can muster up. I hope you can feel them. It's very difficult to acknowledge things like that in ourselves...I'm still trying to find my "new normal" as they call it. It's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do... Love to you. xoxo