

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Hugs everyone! ERCP planned for tomorrow afternoon. Probably staying overnight tomorrow. At the hospital here now. I have a roll away bed for me! He is doing well. Wanted me to help him wash his nawty bawdy bits! Haha! His eyeballs are still so yellow!
    Good thoughts for your guy,you & Drs. My DH had yellow skin.....which led to his surgery,so know what you mean. So glad you can be with him & get your Zzzzs at night.Hope you have someone with you thru the wait.Chin up,Becca.

    Pat in Ohio
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Becky - feel better fast.

    Thinking of Becca and her husband

    Clarity - welcome! Yea for being under 140

    Hydrogurl - welcome! What is the Wild Rose cleanse? I don't think I've ever heard of it

    Rye - and the cats don't put holes in the screen?

    richfieldgirl - welcome

    pip - I totally agree with you that things happen for a reason. It took me 30 years, but I think I finally figured out why my mother was taken from me when I was so young. Glad it didn't take you 30 years!

    Becca - my heart goes out to your dh and you. Will be praying

    grnwoodtree - welcome! You sure have a lot on your plate. Comraderie is so very important, so keep coming back. Welcome to the hamster wheel!

    Did a load of laundry yesterday. Didn't really need to, but the washer was available (probably since it was Sunday), so did it.

    Friends of ours are coming down Sat. Her hubby and Vince will go to the 500, I'm trying to get a game that we can play while they're gone. They're planning to leave here at 5 Mon morning to go to this place in GA where you take a ferry to an island. Boy, we usually don't get back from the 500 until late, and I think they're starting later this year. Then to get up so early, I give them credit. They wanted to know if we wanted to go with them, but we have to give the cats the medication. Besides, I know Vince isn't keen on getting up so early.

    I had this spring float down here but decided I was going to take it back to NC and just donate it, it's just too much of a hassle to take it to the pool. Well, Vince broke it. That's one less thing we need to take to NC! Called Publix since the Publix down here has discontinued the bread crumbs that I want. If they can get them in the Publix by me, I have to buy a full case of 12. I was hoping to just buy 4. But looks like I'll have to get 12. Well....that'll last me for about 4 years! Need to call the people who signed up to bring a snack to the Newcomer general meeting this Wed to remind them.

    Lisa - your daughter sure is taking advantage of Cory. I'm so sorry for you. I just find it so hard to relate to a mother who would choose not to spend time with her children

    Marlene - welcome

    Michele now in FL who is off to the gym
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Morning ladies
    Becca I am praying for a wonderful outcome for hubbys surgery and you will have us all in your pocket..
    I slept pretty well and will be working in hartford...so have to walk the dogs ,get gas and get my lunch together..
    worried about the pup being left alone, but he should be just fine..
    a day at a time,and court tomorrow ... Ugh
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca: Thinking of you and your DH today and hoping all goes well.

    Wendy: What’s up with that lady? My heart goes out to you. I have a widowed BnL that expects us to pay every time we go out. I have entertained him for the last 25 yrs every time we had a family dinner. My husband gives him a very expensive bottle of scotch every Christmas. He gives us a fruit cake. Ugh!

    Grnwoodtree: You sound very depressed. Prayers going out for you.

    Kim: The chicken roll ups sound delicious. I am sorry the roommate is not working out but I am glad you are acknowledging it and taking a stand.

    Heather: Good thoughts for you and son and his family. We have been going through the same with our son (42) and I just keep praying that he stands strong. As far as I know, I think he has been sober for going on 6 months. He is attending AA and it has been a God send.

    Sharon: Waving at you!

    NY Karen: Hope the confusion with the orchestra gets worked out to your satisfaction.

    Lisa: Hugs! What in the world would your daughter do without you and her dad?

    We have to meet the grand kids at their bus stop today and bring them to our house. Then we have to get them to their church where they are getting classes to get ready to be baptized.

    My DH and I have decided that we will start having our big meal of the day at lunch time. In the evening, it will be up to each of us if we need something more. I think this will be good because I have gotten where I dread planning and cooking each evening.

    Carol in GA

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    I cannot keep up with the posts especially as I am trying to go more social media free on the weekends. But I agree with everybody who said Wendy, no more visits with these people! There is no law that says you have to endure this kind of treatment. You sound like such a great person and your decency and kindness is wasted on them.

    I feel for you Lisa, about the grown children in the same house as I have had that since August with no real end in sight. Love her to pieces and she needs the support for now, but Father Time is looking over our shoulders every single day. A lot of progress but so far to go! And a daily struggle to say the right thing and not say the wrong thing. And the next time I lose her I want it to be for all the right reasons, and that we will both be stronger and more secure.

    I am facing one of those milestone birthday years next month and am trying very hard to be grateful that the fact I have made it this far is a gift denied to so many, but it is still a bit unsettling to think about having my days of pensioning in that side view mirror much closer than they appear. Not much for parties but feel I need to commemorate it by doing something positive and fun.

    Hugs to all suffering with health and financial and family problems and early Valentine's wishes to everybody!

    Betty ROC



  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited February 2018
    We have a sunny day here....glad the windows are clean.
    PIP,wish that was my meal on the grill.....

    KIM,I also agree with Heather.....She has great advice to offer.

    Years ago DD got stuck with an electric bill while sharing an apt with 3 “good”friends at college.Her Dad gave her a real talking to.No one takes him where $$ is concerned & she knew that. It turned into a great lesson learned for her & the used to be friends.

    HEATHER. I’m not qualified to comment on your problem.You know your family well & are there
    to help. After that,we all choose our own path & what will be,will be.Doesn’t keep us from worry :s

    ALLIE,best of luck tomorrow.

    LISA,you wouldn’t be Lisa..... if you did not like your guy being taken advantage of.Nobody does it better than a DD.
    Just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.After a while,maybe you can tell her she needs a baby sitter for wk ends ?
    After all,she will be needing almost a full time sitter or in home care in just 3 mos.Does she have someone in mind?

    Well,DH is tired of me b***hing at him & has Dr appt today.When I went 4 wks ago,it cost $148 for him to listen to my lungs & said it was a virus.Prob same with him,but please Lord,not 4 wks worth. :/

    Time for my early lunch.Had a fresh pear for breakfast,was so good.Have golf taped,so gonna watch that.
    Enjoying my lazy day.
    Been buying yarn to crochet a scarf,but have managed to forget it......several times.

    Pat in Ohio
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Wendy I agree it sounds like these people are not true friends by they way they treat you. Sounds like they live in entitlement land.

    Next time they try to impose themselves on you just say this is not a good time for a visit. (No explanation.) No that date won't work either. Sorry busy then too! It is our turn to visit you! You get the idea. If they press for details just say that is our business. The less said the less they can worm their way in uninvited. I have a feeling they have heard this routine from others they have tried to get a free vacation. They may not be as well off as you think. Some know how to put on a good show. They may be spending beyond their means on their lifestyle. That is their problem not yours.

    If your DH wants to be friends with husband he can find a way. If DH persist and wants them to visit be honest and say we cannot financially afford them.

    We went to an exhibit on 1968 at our history center with friends. Our favorite was the music quiz. They were turbulent times too. The exhibit was well done.

    Winter is colder than average this year. Snow not so much. I am ready for a warm up.

    :heart: Margaret

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Welcome to Startover Monday!!

    - so glad the ERCP is scheduled and they had a bed for you there. Happy to hear your DH is in good enough spirits to be on the naughty side, lol. >:) My DH is a little worried that he'll be "stripped down" when he goes in for an ultrasound next week and doesn't want a female tech doing it. I'll likely be in the room with him if they'll let me while it is being done. I told him they'll be discreet and keep him covered up.

    - now, that's a great idea about your DS taking up running. Do you think he'd go for it?

    Carol - wonderful idea about making lunch your main meal and grabbing whatever for supper. I totally hear you on what to fix!!??!!. I kind of had supper planned yesterday but didn't feel that well so told DH I was running to McDonalds for a filet of fish! Picked up a couple for him. Thank goodness for "start over" Mondays.

    - GGRR! If I was there I'd pretend I was a public health nurse and put a sign on your door that your house is quarantined because of some new flu! No visitors for the foreseeable future!! Stay away!!

    Good that your DH was doing dishes. Does he know how you really feel about them? Any way you could make a plan/policy for the next time they/he visits? Sounds like the guys enjoy each other's company - they take off and fish and give YOU a vacation, lol.

    I keep replaying your scenario in my head. Your visitors remind me of a work-acquaintance I'd go to lunch with. I'd normally have something cheap like a $2 bowl of soup and water (this was 30 years ago!) and she'd have a burger with everything, Pepsi, etc. She'd always insist we split the check. She was from a wealthy Seattle family. I wasn't good at standing up for myself very well back then so after a few times I was conveniently not available for lunch and the "friendship" went away.

    These days, I'd have no qualms about telling her SHE was a cheapskate and she needs to pay her fair share, lol. B)

    This past year, DH been getting calls from a childhood acquaintance on the east coast who evidently got our number from his brother. This fella keeps calling and wanting to "come visit". DH hasn't spoken to him in what - 60 years and really has nothing in common with him.

    DH and I have agreed on a plan to deal with folks like this. If this fellow keeps pressing, tell him it would be nice to visit with him for AN AFTERNOON and we're NO LONGER SET UP FOR OVERNIGHT GUESTS. Period. There are many nice motels in the area that would love his business.

    Oh - just read Margaret's thoughts. Great ideas.

    - now, you look terrific!

    Before I forget - someone is having a birthday today! Terry? Sharon? Joyce? Was going to write it down. Drat!! Please confess so we can shower you with Happy Birthdays!!! <3B):D


    Beautiful, sunny, and COLD (25f) SW WA State

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited February 2018
    Back from a big shop. Of course, we only went out for a few bits! ;) We are having homemade blinis with faux caviar and creme fraiche for lunch on Valentine's Day and then fillet steak in the evening. I wanted some nice veggies to go with it, so now we've got baby fennel and spinach. I like my steak well peppered with garlic butter. :D
    I also bought three cards for friends who have birthdays soon. I need another for a niece. I've stopped a present now as she is 19 this year. Don't suppose she will be impressed with just a card, but rules is rules and we did the same with the others.
    Tonight is fish soup.

    I haven’t cooked pancakes in years for Pancake Day, but DH was taken by my idea of having them for lunch tomorrow. I will still have my usual amount of calories, but enjoy a pancake. A nice change.

    This morning I did some editing - hooray! ! ! It is very painstaking and that is not my forte. :noway:

    Wessecq - You look great. Probably, like I used to, you carry your weight well and scrub up well. A good frame. No way you are an XXL. But it's how you feel inside that counts. I'm bothering myself about my few pesky pounds, but no one else can see it. I can and that's the important thing. Only you can judge how you feel.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • beckyobryan153
    beckyobryan153 Posts: 32 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Michele, my knee is better, but still a bit swollen. Because of that I'm going to stay off it as much as I can for today. It's cloudy, but cold. The rain has stopped and the dampness is all but gone. Grnwoodtree, Welcome. This is a great group to be in. Eat what makes you happy. That's not to say that you shouldn't eat healthy, but that you should also eat what you love. Becca, prayers for DH and (((hugs))) to you. Hope all is well soon. To all the other ladies, have a great Monday.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Wendy I agree it sounds like these people are not true friends by they way they treat you. Sounds like they live in entitlement land.

    Next time they try to impose themselves on you just say this is not a good time for a visit. (No explanation.) No that date won't work either. Sorry busy then too! It is our turn to visit you! You get the idea. If they press for details just say that is our business. The less said the less they can worm their way in uninvited. I have a feeling they have heard this routine from others they have tried to get a free vacation. They may not be as well off as you think. Some know how to put on a good show. They may be spending beyond their means on their lifestyle. That is their problem not yours.

    :heart: Margaret

    Margaret - It is our turn to visit you. Priceless. Clapping, lol.

    Giggling in SW WA State
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    wessecg: You look great. I am just the opposite. I buy everything to big and then give it away. Ugh! What shall we call you? Where are you from?

    Heather: Had to look up faux caviar and blinis. At one point my son worked in a French restaurant and I had stuffed crepes for lunch. Delicious!

    Wonderful advice to Wendy!

    Carol in GA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Have to drive 2 hrs to doc appointment for DH’s hernia. It has been really hurting him so I’m a bit worried about the outcome of the surgery. Will find out today when that will happen.

    Walking going to be a challenge today with all the traveling.

    RV Rita
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited February 2018
    Wendy How rude. You indicated the guest husband was worse and my imagination is going wild.

    I don’t have any sage advice, grew up VERY practically and quite frankly I’d have no problem saying, “I’m sorry I can’t afford to buy your “movie ticket, groceries, ____” and step away from the cashier. I’d flat out tell her I needed gas money if she wanted to go anywhere (unless it was somewhere I already intended to go). On the other hand, the cheese & house keeping comments would leave me raging and unable to defend myself. So I do empathize but don’t have anything to offer. I would certainly try talking to hubby again.

    Michelle The screen is so beat up! Kidd Kirby is the only screen climber, but he’s a big heavy cat! It sounds like you are really enjoying FL, and I’m a bit envious. I’d so love a pool! As for body, I’ve decided at this age, if I look good in clothes, I’m doing well. Since I’ve had considerable cellulite since my early 20’s I have never been comfortable with how my body looked anyway.

    Lanette I worry about the outdoor kitties, it has been cold again! But they do seem to be well. We see and feed Sweetheart at least once a day, and Applesauce is around several times s week. Mr Mustachios was here for a couple of weeks but I haven’t seen him lately :(. How’s that foot?

    Becca, Heather, Lisa, etc Hugs and wishes that the family troubles and travails smooth out happily and quickly.

    Me, I’m getting better, will walk to work today. Wed and Thurs were in bed all day and I took it very easy through the weekend. Still some sinus irritation left and a pretty wicked sounding cough - but the leaky faucet that my eyes and nose were last week has mercifully stopped.
