Women in their 40s!



  • 72smile
    72smile Posts: 19 Member
    I’m 45 and have 40 lbs to lose. Please feel free to add me. I would love to have mutual positive support. How do you add friends?
  • jenna762001
    jenna762001 Posts: 27 Member
    Well, I made it through week one! I'll weigh-in in the morning, but i feel good about the week. Ate pretty healthy, was intentional with my meal planning and logging, worked out every day, got in a long (10 mile) run on Saturday, which I almost whimped out on because I'm sick of cold morning weather, so that was huge. My biggest fear is that I'll step on the scale in the morning and not see any results and then fall (or take a running jump) off the wagon. I struggle so much when i diet and dont see a loss each week. I know it happens and that weight fluctuates, but it messes with my head so much if i dont see obvious changes and results each week.
  • jorsdom
    jorsdom Posts: 4 Member
    New week. New day. New goals!

    Every day is a chance to change things, do things differently. Don't like the way your day is going? Did you eat too much at breakfast? Don't beat yourself up. Adjust the rest of the day and move on.

    If you are focusing on making healthy changes and changing your lifestyle, you cannot blow your diet or blow it. You may have had an off day or even an off week, but get back up and focus on your goals!

    Love this^^

    I am following the 80/20 rule and it has been so liberating to know that if I want to eat something it is not "cheating" or "falling off the wagon" I dont have to beat myself up or anything. I just keep going with my healthy eating the rest of the day or tomorrow.

    Happy Monday Ladies!!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    jorsdom wrote: »
    New week. New day. New goals!

    Every day is a chance to change things, do things differently. Don't like the way your day is going? Did you eat too much at breakfast? Don't beat yourself up. Adjust the rest of the day and move on.

    If you are focusing on making healthy changes and changing your lifestyle, you cannot blow your diet or blow it. You may have had an off day or even an off week, but get back up and focus on your goals!

    Love this^^

    I am following the 80/20 rule and it has been so liberating to know that if I want to eat something it is not "cheating" or "falling off the wagon" I dont have to beat myself up or anything. I just keep going with my healthy eating the rest of the day or tomorrow.

    Happy Monday Ladies!!

    That's the attitude that will get you results. Had a bad hour, bad day, bad week...just get right back on track and don't kick yourself.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    jorsdom wrote: »
    New week. New day. New goals!

    Every day is a chance to change things, do things differently. Don't like the way your day is going? Did you eat too much at breakfast? Don't beat yourself up. Adjust the rest of the day and move on.

    If you are focusing on making healthy changes and changing your lifestyle, you cannot blow your diet or blow it. You may have had an off day or even an off week, but get back up and focus on your goals!

    Love this^^

    I am following the 80/20 rule and it has been so liberating to know that if I want to eat something it is not "cheating" or "falling off the wagon" I dont have to beat myself up or anything. I just keep going with my healthy eating the rest of the day or tomorrow.

    Happy Monday Ladies!!

    80/20 rule is a great idea. I say that i try to be good 97% of the time, but 80/20 is probably more truthful and realistic!

    I'm more 70/30. :tongue:
  • jlmarciniak
    jlmarciniak Posts: 13 Member
    Just turned 40 with about 40 to lose! Not coming off as easily as it used to, lol. Feel free to add.
  • Jewel0124
    Jewel0124 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm 48 and I'm working on losing a total of 75 lbs. I'm doing them in quarters so I'm working on the first 18.5 pounds. Feel free to add me.
  • tinaka2016
    tinaka2016 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi I'm 46 and need to lose 35lbs. I stopped using MFP around 3months ago due to lack off motivation - bad move as the scales have been slowly but surly going in the wrong direction since.

    So, new week, new start! I've stumbled across this thread and have been reading with interest.

    Please feel free to add me.
  • 72smile
    72smile Posts: 19 Member
    Yep I am on the new week page too. I’m 45 yrs old and ready to take back my life instead of settling for the same. I am not giving up!

    Feel free to add me as a friend too.
  • JustKeepSwimming2008
    JustKeepSwimming2008 Posts: 174 Member
    Starting Weight: 198.8
    Goal Weight: 135

    01/01: 198.8
    01/08: 196.4
    01/15: 191.6
    01/22: 189.8
    01/29: 189.6 <<<mini goal weight: 190>>>
    02/05: 188.8
    02/12: 185.0
    02/19: 182.8
    02/26: 181.2 <<<mini goal weight: 184 >>>
    03/05: 178.6
    03/12: 178.2
    03/26: <<<mini goal weight: 176 >>>
    04/16: <<<mini goal weight: 171>>>

    This is how I track my weight for a challenge I'm in here on MFP. Really helps me stay motivated each week. Also, really like the 'mini goal weight' as this is not as overwhelming as only looking at how far I have to go to get to my end goal. Feels good to meet those mini goals too! :)
  • tinaka2016
    tinaka2016 Posts: 159 Member
    Starting Weight: 198.8
    Goal Weight: 135

    01/01: 198.8
    01/08: 196.4
    01/15: 191.6
    01/22: 189.8
    01/29: 189.6 <<<mini goal weight: 190>>>
    02/05: 188.8
    02/12: 185.0
    02/19: 182.8
    02/26: 181.2 <<<mini goal weight: 184 >>>
    03/05: 178.6
    03/12: 178.2
    03/26: <<<mini goal weight: 176 >>>
    04/16: <<<mini goal weight: 171>>>

    This is how I track my weight for a challenge I'm in here on MFP. Really helps me stay motivated each week. Also, really like the 'mini goal weight' as this is not as overwhelming as only looking at how far I have to go to get to my end goal. Feels good to meet those mini goals too! :)

    What a great idea, I'm definitely going to try the "mini goals". You've done a fantastic job losing 20lbs!
  • tinaka2016
    tinaka2016 Posts: 159 Member
    72smile wrote: »
    Yep I am on the new week page too. I’m 45 yrs old and ready to take back my life instead of settling for the same. I am not giving up!

    Feel free to add me as a friend too.

    Great starting attitude - I'm right with you!
  • 72smile
    72smile Posts: 19 Member
    Yes mini goals are so encouraging. I’m also inspired by someone who shared they had a bad week and her teenage son hugged her and said, Mom, don’t aim for skinny gym rat...aim for never giving up.

    I can do that, by God’s grace and some encouraging people. We’re all on an imperfect unpredictable journey. We will have bumps and curves, but that’s what makes us who we are. We’re not just a number or size but a whole person who has a lot more to contribute to this world than what we look like!
  • tinaka2016
    tinaka2016 Posts: 159 Member
    Jewel0124 wrote: »
    I'm 48 and I'm working on losing a total of 75 lbs. I'm doing them in quarters so I'm working on the first 18.5 pounds. Feel free to add me.

    Like @JustKeepSwimming2008 the idea of having mini goals isn't as daunting.
  • kittens2cute
    kittens2cute Posts: 68 Member
    I'm 40 (41 in June) and looking to start with 30 lbs....on my way towards 55-60 if possible! Feel free to add me!
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member

    I am 43 soon to be 44. I started my journey when I turned 40. I have lost 49lbs. My focus has shifted a bit since I started. I currently weigh 147lbs and am not really looking at losing anymore weight. I have started running and lifting heavy weights and have put on quite a bit of lean muscle. Just remember it is truly 80% what you put in your body, you can't out train a bad diet!!
  • thynes1313
    thynes1313 Posts: 1,623 Member
    I turn 46 next month and after losing almost 60 pounds and maintaining it, I started to slip the last 2 years and then POW it hit me in the face... I had put on almost 25 pounds... I used to use another site like this and the logging and sup[port was so helpful so here I am going for round 2. It's harder than when I was younger so right now my goal is to be HEALTHY, and hopefully lose about 15 at least in the process lol. Hello all!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    72smile wrote: »
    Yes mini goals are so encouraging. I’m also inspired by someone who shared they had a bad week and her teenage son hugged her and said, Mom, don’t aim for skinny gym rat...aim for never giving up.

    I can do that, by God’s grace and some encouraging people. We’re all on an imperfect unpredictable journey. We will have bumps and curves, but that’s what makes us who we are. We’re not just a number or size but a whole person who has a lot more to contribute to this world than what we look like!

    That is the sweetest thing ever! I just want to give your son a hug now!
  • Grammytryingtogetfit
    Grammytryingtogetfit Posts: 672 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies!!!! Sorry I have been MIA since Thursday, I got to spend some time with my grandson :):) Looks like we have some new faces in here. Welcome ladies WE ROCK!!!!!!!