

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Good Saturday morning!
    Just caught up. Has been a difficult week with work and home, but managed to get some things completed. Took last night off! DH and I took out the shelby with her new brakes! They work! Yay! Dinner out then rest! Hopefully finish up a few small projects at rental today after work.
    MACHKA- sounds like you are finding your new routine. So glad your husband is improving.
    LISA- safe travels!
    RYE-continued healing

    Time to get ready for work. Hugs, love and high fives!

    Kylia in crazy Ohio
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Machka - yes, great idea limiting visiting hours in your DH's ward. Glad to hear you are back to work a bit and settling into a routine.

    Karen in VA
    - gorgeous flowers! My hyacinths (my favorites!) have gotten trampled into the mud it seems by the wind and rain we've had this week. :(

    Kate & Karen UK - Thursday was in Les Miserables? Wow! Spoiler:so glad he coughed up that bullet - I thought he would. B) Kate, it sounds like your earlier procedure took care of the gall bladder problem. The Grand National sounds pretty neat to me - love to see horses. Maybe we'll get to see it on BBC over here at some point.

    SW WA State where we'll be on flood watch this weekend. April showers and then some :#

  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Lanette: I also take 5000 units of D3 daily. I started many years ago at a lower dose and increased to 5000 a couple of years ago. The information coming out of Alzheimers research prompted me to up my dose. 5000 IU is thought to be a suitably protective level. I got that information from OHSU a few years ago but couldn't find it there again more recently. The series of programs that you shared was a godsend. They were so informative and full of strategies and hope, that I now feel more confident, better in general, and possibly even smarter. I also participate in yoga several times a week as well as other physical activities including horseback riding. :star::heart: :star:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
    C. S. Lewis

    Katla - Yes, that Broken Brain series was a winner. I especially liked Bredesen's information about vitamins (I now take CoQ10 as well as the D B) ) and doing the IF (intermittent fasting) - 12 hours between the night meal and breakfast and not eating 3 hours before bedtime (not always successful but at least I'm aware) and of course cutting way back on that ole demon sugar. I think he also mentions eliminating gluten? I have to dig out my notes.

    Pip - after I posted about the B vitamins, I realized I haven't been taking my B12 supplements! :s - lozenges under the tongue. I try to take them 3 days a week. Does Kirby have the neurologist appointment set up? You might have posted about it and I whipped past it. :# .

    Lenora - good luck with that colonoscopy! Hope everything works out for you this time. I imagine they've done an abdominal ultrasound? Not that it would show what you need to know. That hospital sounds like a twisted maze. Ours is too - it's a little one but a person almost needs a guide to even find the cafeteria.

    Beth - good luck on all of your tests - it will be great to have them behind you.

    I told my Chiropractor he was the son I never had today. I love being an old lady! I can say all kinds of things like that and no one takes offense or thinks I'm hitting on them, lol. >:) I feel pretty darn good, I think he got my energy channels all aligned.

    OK kids, time to get back to watching Endeavour! I hate it because I'm now on Season 4 and that's the last one on Acorn TV. I think Season 5 is now broadcast in the UK? I'm "in love" with Thursday, lol. Reminds me of one of my favorite bosses.

    SW WA State

    yes kirby set up an app.i think Tuesday. it's while he's at work so no separate driving time since it's at the hospital where he works. he says that his case was going to be discussed with other specialists of neurosurgeons that will be exciting too. I told him to ask about the vitamin thing too
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Good morning!

    We are waiting to see whether we will be hit by the huge ice storm moving in from Canada. Right now we're sitting on the edge of impact according to the weather maps ... so we're getting the generator in place and making certain we have everything we need. Betty in Rochester is likely to have upwards of a half inch of ice. Officials are expecting wide-spread power outages and tree damage .... yuck