

  • birgitwebster
    birgitwebster Posts: 64 Member
    hi. I'm in, too. I work a desk job so it's challenging to get in steps. i am aiming for 350,000 for the month. i usually walk 1.6 mi on my lunch break and 3.2 mi on my treadmill after work. i also walk the dog.

    looks like I'm off to a good start.

    5/1 - 15,190
    5/2 - 16,571

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    Weekly target: 65000 to 70000

    5/1 11401 ✅
    5/2 10225 ✅
    Weekly Total:

  • rosetigger
    rosetigger Posts: 1,147 Member
    Weekly target: 60,000 to 70,000

    5/1 9863- just missed on my fitbit. Wandered around some more without it probably got 10k.
    5/2 - 9800 - still not finished will update tomorrow.
    Weekly Total:
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    welcome all!

    My step goal is 7500.

    May 1 -- 6009
    May 2 -- 8115 :)
  • HarrietChilds73
    HarrietChilds73 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in too! 10,000 steps per day.
    1/5: 14,182

    2/5: 26,751 (went to a Clubbercise class!)
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    1/5: 13857
    2/5: 13553
  • Leannep2201
    Leannep2201 Posts: 441 Member
    1/5: 10,484 steps. ✅
    2/5: 10,942 steps. ✅
    3/5: 13,699 steps. ✅

    Another busy day, as well as refereeing a (short) soccer game this afternoon... good for the step total!
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    10k daily step goal
    5/1/18 - 10,802 ✔
    5/2/18 - 12,097 ✔
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    boehle wrote: »
    DWBalboa wrote: »
    10k daily step goal
    5/1/18 - 14,669 ✔

    you copy cat lol

    Lol.... looks like I'm not the only one. ;)
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    10k daily step goal
    5/1/18 - 14,669 ✔
    5/2/18 - 15,878 ✔
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    edited May 2018
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    DWBalboa wrote: »
    boehle wrote: »
    DWBalboa wrote: »
    10k daily step goal
    5/1/18 - 14,669 ✔

    you copy cat lol

    Lol.... looks like I'm not the only one. ;)

    You're lucky I kinda think you are rad.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,525 Member
    I work a desk job M-F & take hourly stairs breaks (3 floors). My goal is average 12,000 steps / day. I'm a walker, not a runner. Next race 6/9/18 10K. Workplace Step Challenge 4/16 - 8/31 & prizes at halfway point + end for top 30 women = I want a prize!

    Previous Months:
    01/2018: Total 341,336 ~ Average 11,010 ~ 1/12/18 Frenzy on the Fox 5K 47:26 & pace 15:19
    02/2018: Total 239,838 ~ Average 8,565 ~ sick & recuperating 2 weeks / missed 2/10/18 Seroogy's Valentine 5K
    03/2018: Total 430,973 ~ Average 13,902 ~ 3/31/18 Badger State Brewing 10K 1:30:28.82 & pace 14:35 ~ beat < 1:35 goal
    04/2018: Total 353,998 ~ Average 11,799 ~ eased pace & distance, fighting off plantar fasciitis, which I've had in the past
    Previous Month:
    1. 7,521 ~ 7,521 ~ 7,521 ~ Easter Sunday / rest day / 250+ steps 10/14
    2. 14,330 ~ 21,851 ~ 10,925 ~ PTO day / walked dog 4.15 mi 1:08 / 250+ steps 11/14
    3. 10,812 ~ 32,663 ~ 10,887 ~ PTO day / spring snowstorm & shoveled 4" wet, heavy snow 1hr / 250+ steps 7/14
    4. 15,285 ~ 47,948 ~ 11,987 ~ Roads covered w/ snow & ice / treadmill before work / 3 mi 48:05 / 250+ steps 14/14 boom!
    5. 13,700 ~ 61,648 ~ 12,329 ~ Treadmill (late start) before work / 2 mi 32:58 / 250+ steps 14/14 boom!
    6. 12,845 ~ 74,493 ~ 12,415 ~ Treadmill before work / 3 mi 50:07 / 250+ steps 13/14 (work intervened)
    7. 13,035 ~ 87,528 ~ 12,504 ~ Walked dog 3.77 mi 1:02:50 / roads (mostly) clear of snow / 250+ steps 9/14 (Sat.)
    8. 14,819 ~ 102,347 ~ 12,793 ~ Walked dog 3.61 mi 1:02:54 / 250+ steps 9/14 (Sun.)
    9. 9,841 ~ 112,188 ~ 12,465 ~ Rest day / 250+ steps 13/14 / enrolled in Wellness Step by Step Challenge at work (4/16 - 8/31) and added ChallengeRunner app to my phone ~ excited to do this!
    10. 13,037 ~ 125,225 ~ 12,522 ~ Treadmill before work / 3 mi 48:35 / 250+ steps 13/14 (noon meeting)
    11. 15,319 ~ 140,544 ~ 12,776 ~ Walked dog after work 3.77 mi 1:02:40 / 250+ steps 13/14
    12. 7,846 ~ 148,390 ~ 12,365 ~ Rest day / seminar 8 hrs + check-in table + drive time / 250+ steps 12/14
    13. 12,237 ~ 160,627 ~ 12,355 ~ Treadmill before work / 3 mi 49:47 / 250+ steps 14/14 boom!
    14. 7,986 ~ 168,613 ~ 12,043 ~ Day 1 of blizzard (Sat.) / shoveled snow 1 hour while hubby snowblowed / 250+ steps 6/14 (forced hibernation = lots of sitting & napping)
    15. 7,794 ~ 176,407 ~ 11,760 ~ Day 2 of record-setting blizzard (Sun.) / workout again was shoveling snow while hubby snowblowed (2X) / 250+ steps 6/14 (repeat of prior day)
    16. 10,249 ~ 186,656 ~ 11,666 ~ Snow finally ended (Mon.) / workplace closed for day / crews needed time to clear parking lots & roads / snowfall total at 24.2" and 2nd highest single snowfall event in history / shoveled for last time while hubby again snowblowed / 250+ steps 13/14 (finally got busy around the house)
    17. 10,180 ~ 196,836 ~ 11,578 ~ Rest day / 250+ steps 13/14 (back at work)
    18. 12,883 ~ 209,719 ~ 11,651 ~ Treadmill (sigh) before work / 3 mi 48:58 / 250+ steps 13/14 (hair appt.)
    19. 8,736 ~ 218,455 ~ 11,497 ~ Rest day / still up early before work / 250+ steps 14/14 boom!
    20. 15,341 ~ 233,796 ~ 11,689 ~ Walked dog after work / 3.45 mi 58:41 pace 16:59 / 250+ steps 13/14 ~ fear I may have start of stress fracture on upper left foot / also noticed right foot hurting, may be plantar fasciitis (had it in 2004) ~ ack!!! Will be reducing my walking pace and distance a tad for the near future & see how my feet feel. Sad dog & sad me.
    21. 10,849 ~ 244,645 ~ 11,649 ~ Walked dog 2.32 mi 43.02 pace 18:32 / 250+ steps 14/14 boom! (Sat. = wow!)
    22. 13,271 ~ 257,916 ~ 11,723 ~ Walked dog 3.3 mi 1:01:06 pace 18:32 / 250+ steps 12/14 (Sun.)
    23. 8,395 ~ 266,311 ~ 11,578 ~ Weight machine & circuit training before work / 250+ steps 13/14
    24. 7,264 ~ 273,575 ~ 11,398 ~ Rest day / 250+ steps 13/14
    25. 14,455 ~ 288,030 ~ 11,521 ~ Feet doing better (yay) / walked dog after work / 3.09 mi 56:39 pace 18:19 / 250+ steps 13/14
    26. 12,077 ~ 300,107 ~ 11,545 ~ Weight machine & circuit training before work / 250+ steps 14/14 boom!
    27. 14,080 ~ 314,187 ~ 11,636 ~ Walked dog before work 3.19 mi 56:48 pace 17:48 / 250+ steps 14/14 boom!
    28. 14,522 ~ 328,709 ~ 11,739 ~ Walked dog 3.27 mi 58:33 pace 17:54 / 250+ steps 10/14 (Sat.)
    29. 11,059 ~ 339,768 ~ 11,716 ~ Walked dog 3.27 mi 1:01 (dog treats at Al's) / 250+ steps 6/14 (church + car 3 hrs + cemetery visit + restaurant w/ family)
    30. 14,230 ~ 353,998 ~ 11,799 ~ Walked dog after work 3.08 mi 55:21 pace 17:59 / 250+ steps 13/14

    [4/21/18] Ack!!! Babying my right foot to prevent full-blown plantar fasciitis.
    [4/30/18] Limiting distance / pace + stretches has really helped.

    Daily ~ MTD ~ Average
    1. 9,129 ~ 9,129 ~ 9,129 ~ Rest day / 250+ steps 13/14
    2. 7,411 ~ 16,540 ~ 8,270 ~ Rest day (unplanned ~ overslept alarm) / 250+ steps 12/14 (spa night)
  • GitaneXIV
    GitaneXIV Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2018
    I would love to join if you'll have me! Didn't quite make it the past two days, but I think this challenge will help. Maybe I'll try to make up those missing steps. ;)
    10k daily step goal
    7,362 (-2,638)
    5/2 8,511 (-1,489)
    Weekly Total:
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    GitaneXIV wrote: »
    I would love to join if you'll have me! Didn't quite make it the past two days, but I think this challenge will help. Maybe I'll try to make up those missing steps. ;)
    10k daily step goal
    7,362 (-2,638)
    5/2 8,511 (-1,489)
    Weekly Total:

    Hey, ANY step total laps couch potatoes many times over! And you can set your personal step goal under the 10K if you are just starting out ... if you find your numbers improving as the month rolls along, by all means see about "making them up" but better to do SOME than over-do and end up doing NONE for a time.

    Whatever suits your current ability.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    GitaneXIV wrote: »
    I would love to join if you'll have me! Didn't quite make it the past two days, but I think this challenge will help. Maybe I'll try to make up those missing steps. ;)
    10k daily step goal
    7,362 (-2,638)
    5/2 8,511 (-1,489)
    Weekly Total:

    most of us are all over the board
    fitbit suggests a min of 10k so you will see that being the standard but like the person above me said.. its more than someone lounging on the couch all day.
  • birgitwebster
    birgitwebster Posts: 64 Member
    hi. busy day. 2 mi on the treadmill. 1.6 mi at lunch

    5/1 - 15,190
    5/2 - 16,571
    5/3 - 14,320.. as of 9 pm. not quite done yet.
  • rosetigger
    rosetigger Posts: 1,147 Member
    Weekly target: 60,000 to 70,000

    5/1 - 9863- just missed on my fitbit. Wandered around some more without it probably got 10 k.
    5/2 - 10,142 - Yes, but so tired.
    5/3 -
    Weekly Total:
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    Weekly target: 65000 to 70000

    5/1 11401 ✅
    5/2 10225 ✅
    5/3 11657 ✅
    Weekly Total: