Less Alcohol- July 2018- One Day at a Time



  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    @JulieAL1969 I have a friend who has been sober for awhile (I think 2 yrs) after AA. I personally know nothing about it. But you are taking the first step to figure out if it is for you personally. I look forward to seeing how this works out for you
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    For July, (and probably August), I want to start drinking only on weekends, and only 6 drinks a day then. Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday, all three if it's an especially rough week. :# I hope I'm not too late to join this thread, but I could use the support.
    I am... not so good at the moderation thing. For a couple of months I was drinking 10 shots of vodka a day and not eating much. Good weight loss strategy but people do tend to worry, LOL.
    As today is Monday, that means no alcohol for 4-5 days, starting today... woo. Psyched. Not really.

    It is never too late to join us. I wish you good luck in this journey. A number of us are moderate drinkers here. I myself have successfully cut my drinking to Saturdays only, once in awhile there is a second day but not regularly.
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    @andysport1, hang in there. I can relate to your feeling after Day 10. A "few" times that Day 10 has actually led me to think, "Wow, I did 10 days, so surely now I can enjoy one drink." I've finally learned that is lying to myself, but I do understand feeling very tempted around the 10-12 day mark.

    It's 4 a.m. CDT here in the U.S., so it's 10 a.m. for you now. I hope by now you are feeling much better. Julie often mentions the "6-second" nature of cravings. I hope the last few hours have been good for you.

    I'm up at 4 a.m. after having slept 1 hour. I've been out of touch lately trying to help my mom navigate a situation in which a business partner is taking very unscrupulous advantage of her, and she is having trouble standing up for herself. And yes, I've used wine to "comfort" myself. Stupid. It is not a comfort, and this sleepless night is a tough reminder. So back to non-drinking, which is much much better for me.

    I believe I have discovered that I am not as anonymous as I thought on this board, so I'm backing off a little bit, but I'm certainly following and appreciate all the good thoughts.

    Thanks very much and thanks for sharing your story, I hope you sort things out.
    One day at a time
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    @snoo61 Thanks, I’m doing ok. Hey well done yesterday.
    @lorrainequiche59, no I don’t write in a journal, but I’ll give it a try
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    Omg, you’ve had a tough few days, I can only offer hope.
    Good luck this next few days.
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    andysport1 wrote: »
    Yesterday was the hardest ever
    I went out very early in the morning just to get away from the possibility of having a drink.
    It worked
    Then at lunchtime my wife had arranged we meet friends at the horse racing, everybody was drinking, then out for a curry with 20 people that all had plenty.

    Even I can’t believe this, I had no problems, I didn’t even want a drink
    Then today I’ve been ok until 1 hour ago when I got a craving, I went and bought a Pepsi and I’m ok now.
    Phew, what a couple of hard days.

    I'm glad you made it through, sounds like a day of wins. ):
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    @snoo61 Thanks so much. Yes, I love your spin: Let the adventure begin.
    I woke up and felt relieved that I feel good today. I'm looking forward to the meeting but I must say I hope I dont cry sitting there.

    You've done an incredibly brave thing and should be proud. I hope the meeting goes well for you... and don't be afraid to cry!!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Last night, I reached out to a friend who is an addiction counselor. I called him crying and said i need you. We talked for a half hour and today I'm meeting him to talk. I think his presence in my life will be helpful. He's taking me to my first AA meeting - I know some people love it and some people don't , but it may be the hope I need. I don't want to live always teetering on the edge.
    P.s. My friend says it takes 3 days for alcohol to leave the system. So, that's good news. i always thought it was ten days.
    ErynVee great weekend for you! Like someone on our thread says, you are exercising your will power muscle.
    snoo61 Great job ! You set a goal and was under it. And you probably slept soooo well. Xo

    One of the things that has occurred to me while compiling tips is how different people respond to different mindsets/tricks/insights/courses of actions. Finding what works can take some trial and error it seems. I don't know you that well but I get the feeling this meeting is not something you are looking forward to attending. The fact you are going shows a strength and a commitment that I hope I have if I ever need it. I don't really know anything about the program other than the basics you see in TV shows so I don't have an opinion about it one way or another but I definitely see no harm in exploring it as an option.

    I think the difference between the 3 days and the 10 days is that 3 days is how long it might take alcohol to leave your system and 10 days is how long it might take to get to the first recovery/withdrawal point after daily drinking. I don't know any of that as fact it is just from what I have read. I have read some pretty "tough" journals of some people who took close to 30 days before getting significant relief.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,285 Member
    @JulieAL1969 good luck on your journey and thank you for creating this platform..
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    Good for you @JulieAL1969. I actually didn't like the first AA meeting I went to. So if that one isn't for you, there are many others to look at.
  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    Ke22yB wrote: »
    @JulieAL1969 Congratulations on a positive step in your journey
    I have been wondering since I found this site how to react to some of the posts.I am a relative new comer here and don't participate nearly as much as some others so I tend to keep my opinions to myself.
    I realize every journey is different and we each have to make our own way and seek our own path. I feel we are quick to say great job to one another but avoid pointing out what we feel may be an error in judgement sometimes. This is a hard journey and we need as much support as possible even if it isn't always positive

    My point I guess is we have to be ready to hear the good and the bad sometimes to keep us on track

    I kind of butchered your quote, but I would say how to react is with honesty, yet tactfully. I personally am working on being direct without being unkind. I prefer direct people because there is NO guessing what is on their mind....they just say it. I think it is an art to be able to speak truth in a way that appeals, BUT like you said sometimes the person we are speaking to isn't receptive to the truth no matter how it is presented. I suppose that is their issue then. A therapist once helped me to see that other people's reaction to me says more about them than it does about me.

    I really hope that you don't hold back from sharing at risk of "offending" someone because it may help someone who is ready to hear it. It's a risk. Like you said it's "nice" to hear all the positives, but sometimes we "need" to hear the other stuff also. I think you have some valuable insight because you have been there & continue to work at becoming a better person....thank you for sharing :)

  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    snoo61 wrote: »
    @snoo61 I'm looking forward to the meeting but I must say I hope I dont cry sitting there.

    No worries if you cry. Its just the alcohol being scared out of you, by your strength!

    LOVE that....crying is "the alcohol being scared out of you by your strength."