

  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    @Kevrit (Rita)google your hubby's disease, it's not a cancer precursor, and often it goes away on it's own in a few months! So sorry you've been worrying yourself over it! @Janet, your GD is beautiful, what an exciting time! Barbie, you GO girl! I'm on my very first smart phone, had it a year, and still don't know how to do most things on it! lol Took me 3 months to learn how to answer a call, I had to call everyone back! 4th of July... y'all have me SO jealous... our town holds their celebrations on the 3rd. Every year. The THIRD! Takes all the fun out of the 4th. No day long parties here, celebration starts at 6PM, over by 9! BUMMER! Top it all off? IT RAINED!!! ROFL

    Ok, back to the house work, I'll check in again later. ;-)
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    edited July 2018
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    I have decided to try doing intermittent fasting. I realized yesterday that if I lost 7 or 8 more pounds I would be considered overweight instead of obese. :'( I have kind of been doing it since last Saturday but not truly. Watching all the Youtube videos and find it interesting.

    Carol in GA

    Carol - good luck with that! I did the 5:2 for a couple weeks and it really did work. Main thing for me was to forgo added sugar and salty snacks on the non-fast days.... even tho the video's say "eat what you want" on the other days, they didn't take me into account, lol. And perhaps younger folks can get away with it.

    - So sorry for your friend's bad luck with that severed ligament. You are such a sweetie for taking chili over to her. Glad her son is coming back for a bit to help care for her.

    Kate - my BMI is also around 24 and I have to content myself with it. I agree with Heather - it's easy to look scraggy at our age, lol.

    I think my new "project" is investigating weight loss and health in seniors over 65, I keep reading so much about how it's OK to be a bit on the heavier side, but read yesterday that healthwise, it's OK to be overweight with subQ fat as long as the person doesn't have a lot of abdominal fat. Per Dr. Robert Lustig "FAT Chance", Caucasians can often bear a BMI of 30 before they have adverse heath effects (I think this explains why my "stout" German grandmothers were long lived and pretty healthy). Blacks can go as high as a BMI of 35, while the cut off for Asians is 25!

    Yet, most of these experts say to watch our waist sizes and belly fat and the waist size for women shouldn't go over 35 inches. I think that's an overgeneralization. Decades ago at 5'9" I had a waist under 35". For my 5'4" sister, a 35" waist would mean she's packing some - perhaps too much - fat around her middle.

    Anyhow, figuring out what's right for me. As long as my blood pressure and blood sugar are in line and I can keep my brain healthy, that's the main thing.

    Mary - are you or were you doing a 16/8 eating program? I am having trouble coming up with lower carb foods - though I think adding more nuts would be a good solution since they are high in healthy fats and protein and fiber with fewer carbs. I have LOTS of little avocados in the fridge and put one on my salad each night but eating another one during the day is too much, lol. Hope your daughter is doing OK at home - updates? Sending prayers!

    - thank you for your input regarding alcohol and sugar in your family. My grandfather was a type2 diabetic as was his father so I know it runs in the family. He was always adamant that we kids would never drink and I wasn't sure why - if it was because of the cost, the church teachings, OR if there was alcoholism in some of his relatives and they connected it to diabetes. I don't have diabetes but I do keep an eye on it by testing my FBS every couple weeks and ordering an A1C test when I have my blood tested yearly. I see that cloud over my head after I go crazy with sugary foods .... :(

    Rebecca - you are doing a FABULOUS job! Way to go getting in your gym time and good luck at the doc appointment this afternoon. Hope the fireworks is done...tho in our county they are allowed to still BLAST them tonight. Crazy.

    - I loved the photo of your "kids" at the beach.

    Have a good Thursday ladies! <3

    Sunny SW WA State
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Lanette ~ I am going to try the 16/8 mixed with the 12/8 as must be. My biggest problem is that when I get up in the morning, I feel so hungry. But, after a couple of cups of coffee it goes away. One of the YouTube speakers said you should not put anything in your coffee but I will be putting fat free 1/2 n 1/2.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Carol - I am making myself like black coffee, lol. I water it down about half with water then really look forward to my coffee with milk later. It's taking some "doing" tho.

    Does your FF 1/2 & 1/2 have many carbs? If so you might be better off with a bit of full fat - I think they are going more and more against FF products because the sugar/carb content is often higher. That said, your plan might work just fine for you. <3

    According to Dr. Bredesen's research done on preventing Alzheimers, he was OK with 12 hours between supper and breakfast with the night meal at least 3 hours before going to bed.

    I keep that in mind when I only make it 13 hours.

    Good luck -

    SW WA State
  • sherndon0518
    sherndon0518 Posts: 4 Member
    I just rejoined MFP and found this group. :) I am 54 (feel like 34), I moved to Florida from Indiana one year ago after living in the Midwest my entire life. First time my hubs and I are "empty nesters" and while we are enjoying our move and new life it has come with a 10 pound weight gain over the last year. I am very motivated and back on track. Literally tracking my food and exercise intake. If any of you lovely ladies have struggled with weight gain (especially in your tummy, spare tire) due to the BIG "M" any words of advice or motivation would be welcomed. Thank you.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Happy July 5th. I am sooooo glad the 4th is over. Our neighbors have been shooting fireworks every night since they were able to sell them in the county. Then the last 2 nights it has sounded like a war zone and a couple times I thought they were going to come in the windows. Our 2 fur babies have fought going out side to do their business and last evening when I was in the bedroom getting ready for bed Oscar jumped on the bed and peed over the blankets. I was so upset and he went outside fighting all the way. So had to pull everything off and do wash. Thank goodness of rubber mattress pads. This morning they must of realized it was over as they went outside with no problems. They were shooting them off until after midnight and they I woke up just before 2 to lighten and thunder and rain. I am going to take a nap after I get off work, I hope.
    Karen-Virginia--I am so sorry to hear about DGS problems at camp. I pray his summer gets better.

    RV Rita & Machka--HUGS

    Katla--Sounds like this RV trip is working out well.

    You ladies amaze me how you just keep going and going. I am taking it one day at a time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm always a day late and a dollar short it appears. 14 pages already. I hope everyone on this side of the pond had a great 4th of July yesterday!

    Thank you, Barbie, for another month! You are awesome!

    I spent yesterday studying to take my re-certification exams in Epic today. Studied all day and into the night and then I came in to work only to find out the exams got rescheduled for 7/16. One one hand, I was relieved because I get so stressed out when I have to take these exams. They are SO HARD! But on the other hand, I was really pissed since I spent the whole holiday alone and studying! (I love the fireworks and spending time with family on the 4th!) But if that is the worst thing that happens to me this week, I've got a pretty good life, right? :mrgreen:

    As for my monthly goal accountability, there is much left to be desired. In layman's terms, I failed....miserably.

    June Goals
    Weigh LESS on July 1st :) Not by much, but I'll take it.
    Lymphedema arm massage daily :# Not as consistent as I'd like to be.
    Walk or ride bicycle 4x week = (30 minutes of activity) :s Back in physical therapy for more work on my hip, SI joint and back. So.....working on it I guess?
    Journal food and drink daily ;) For the most part, yes!
    64oz glasses water every day >:) definitely need to work on this. My fingers are like puffy sausages today.
    Be up to goal of 8000 steps by July 1 >:) Almost to 7,000 but then had the hip/back issue rear it's ugly head again.

    I'm going to use the same goals for July, since I obviously have lots of work to do.

    July Goals
    Weigh LESS on August 1st
    Lymphedema arm massage daily
    Walk or ride bicycle 4x week = (30 minutes of activity)
    Log every bite and sip daily
    64+ oz water every day
    Consistently reach 8000 steps/day by August 1
    Remove myself from water cooler gossip and stay positive
    Read Beck's Diet Solution this month

    Have a FANTASTIC day beautiful ladies!

    Tracie in hot, humid, sweltering Wisconsin

    2018 Mantra (The 3 P's): With persistence, patience and a positive attitude, I will achieve a healthier me in 2018.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :'( Bessie, our young rescue dog, had a tough time with the fireworks last night. The noise scared her and we spent a lot of the night comforting her and trying to help her feel safe. When I took her out at 7:30 PM and midnight, the noise scared her and she didn't pee. I worried that there would be a wet spot on the rug in the morning, but all was fine when I took both dogs out at 4:30 AM for their usual before breakfast walk. The fireworks are too far away for us to see but close enough to hear the noise that, in part, resembles gunshots.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Bleah. Slept all day Tuesday and most of yesterday. Vicious circle, feel bad, don't make good food choices, no activity, feel worse...
    Made better food choices yesterday, meditated and did knee exercises today. Hoping to do better on activity too.. . but just spoke with a dear friend who's very sick and in dire financial straits, and that makes me sad. Prayers would be welcome.

    mfp is NOT helping. Every time I try to log food from my laptop it kicks/logs me out. Foo!

    Lanette, Rye, Karen in VA "it helps to know others also deal with this aggravating trait". Thank you ALL!
    Rye enjoy your social-engagement-free weekend. Toe=oww :cry: Kidd Kirby and Jackie Kane cuteness overload indeed. ;)
    Mizlily thank you! You made me smile and feel better about my piles of art in the corner... Well done on the lunchwalk!
    Heather "Pretend gin drops" Oooh I'd love that in my Pimm's cup with curry. Any particular brand? Does your DH share his cordial recipe?
    Rebecca yay 13! Always my lucky number.
    Rita really hoping your DH's is not the retractile mesenteritis that has been associated with cancer, that he has good reaction/quick healing with the prednisone, and that he will get OVER himself and go to the specialist and get the follow up! Men!
    Tracey in Edmonton, the deck of cards got a snort out of me!
    JanetR your grand daughter's a beauty, just like her gran. :)
    Sue in WA Fondue is one lucky cat!
    Katla "feel like I have done the impossible" Brava!
    Karen what a summer camp nightmare for your grandson and his parents. :rage: 15 hour round trip drive to boot.
    Lanette would you share your lentil/veg soup recipe?
    Carol adding your DnL's brother to the list. Lawyers' ineptness grr.

    Welcome tigrib from Toronto. Tracking input consistently is the key first step for me.
    Welcome back dim4mom, let us know what you'd like us to call you and general location to help us keep you straight.

    Only up to pg 12 but time to get up and out!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    60 g protein 4/4, meditate 2/4, walk one more step 2/4, knee exercises 2/4, walk Tumble 2/4 times, SWSY 0/2, hang up or purge art 0/1
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited July 2018
    Oh so I decided last minute to play tennis by myself, since it was sunny at the gym. You can check out rackets and tennis balls at the gym. The tennis courts have walls on the side you can hit against. I do that, then I hit the three balls back and forth over the net. Its monotonous, but I hit, jog to get the balls hit, then repeat! I definitely get a workout!
    Bought more yogurt, seems like a good morning go to thing. I also am addicted to grapefruit juice! That's what I I take my vitamins with in the morning.
    I couldn't do all this without your support, and I do appreciate you all!
    Whidbey island
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    The book on the Case Against Sugar I am finding the discussion on how the sugar industry defends itself fascinating. My main impression is that they have given us what we wanted (something sweet) over what we needed ( nutritious food that what better our health.) I didn't realize how powerful the sugar industry is. They were instrumental in getting cyclamates banned for their own purpose not whether it was good or bad.

    I do not see sugar being reduced in foods anytime soon. All I can do is use my food dollar to buy the best quality and nutritious food I can. I am going to the Farmers Market, buying nonGMO food when I can, and grass fed organic meat and dairy. I appreciate these foods are available.

    When I bought my last can of paint there was an added disposal fee because they assume someday there will an added charge to disposed of it. In Minnesota they do not tax food. They do however tax pop and candy. I suppose that is the closest they can come to adding a fee to foods that do not encourage good health.

    :heart: Margaret
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    edited July 2018
    Barbara AHMOD - here's the lentil soup recipe:

    "Progresso" French Lentil Soup -

    This recipe makes 8 to 9 cups of thick soup; calories/protein/fiber and other nutrients are probably match cup for cup what the Progresso label states. Freezes well!

    2 or 3 Tablespoons olive oil
    1 1/4 c. French (green) lentils, sorted and rinsed. Sometimes these are hard to find at most markets. They don't break down much when cooking like the brown and red ones do. I order from Amazon.
    2 cups chopped onions
    2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
    1 cup chopped carrots
    1 cup chopped celery
    4 cups vegetable broth
    1 pint (or one 14.5 oz can) tomato sauce or finely chopped canned tomatoes
    Handful of baby spinach or kale, finely chopped
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Saute onions, garlic, celery and carrots in olive oil for a few minutes in dutch oven. Add broth, tomato sauce and lentils. Bring to boil then simmer for 30 minutes, covered, stirring now and then. Add spinach/kale and cook additional 5 to 15 minutes. Soup will thicken more when taken off heat, add water if desired.

    Crockpot - sauté veggies in skillet in the olive oil, mix with remaining ingredients, cook on high for 3 - 4 hours.

    Of course, add more or less of the veggies - this is a good recipe to play around with!

    SW WA State
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    The book on the Case Against Sugar I am finding the discussion on how the sugar industry defends itself fascinating. My main impression is that they have given us what we wanted (something sweet) over what we needed ( nutritious food that what better our health.) I didn't realize how powerful the sugar industry is. They were instrumental in getting cyclamates banned for their own purpose not whether it was good or bad.

    I do not see sugar being reduced in foods anytime soon. All I can do is use my food dollar to buy the best quality and nutritious food I can. I am going to the Farmers Market, buying nonGMO food when I can, and grass fed organic meat and dairy. I appreciate these foods are available.

    When I bought my last can of paint there was an added disposal fee because they assume someday there will an added charge to disposed of it. In Minnesota they do not tax food. They do however tax pop and candy. I suppose that is the closest they can come to adding a fee to foods that do not encourage good health.

    :heart: Margaret

    I am in Alberta, Canada and we have had an environmental fee added to paint, electronics, tires, engine oils and other items for close to a decade. They have new eco stations where these items need to be disposed of, you can't put them in your household garbage.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi friends. I hope you all had a safe and fun Fourth of July! I went to a party at my best friend's house. We just went out to do fireworks when a big storm rolled in! So he got them off quickly. When I got home it was SO nice...no fireworks going off in the pouring rain. But I suspect they will be going off (illegally) tonight.

    We did get 1 1/2 inches of rain in about 40 minutes. More is expected today and tomorrow.

    I had lunch with my best friend and her sister, who is from out of town, today. We went to a seafood place and omg....YUM. I had grilled oysters and clam chowder. While it didn't look like a whole lot, now I am stuffed!

    I think it's naptime! Take care everyone, Meg who is floating down the road in Omaha!
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Hi Sisters,
    Lanette good on you for being a "lifelong learner" and focusing on how to live a long a healthy life! I have been studying too, books on diet, longevity, exercise, herbs and hormones. So much information to absorb! My most recent learning is that women (as well as doctors!) have been brainwashed by Big Pharma into believing they need estrogen once they hit menopause, when in truth it is a progesterone drop that needs to be compensated for. The other important point is that it has to be a natural progesterone not a chemically made "progestin" which causes foreign havoc in your body. The book I learned this from is called "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause" by Dr. John R. Lee. I am using a wild yam cream at the moment as well as vitex agnes, but I am trying to get my doctor to prescribe a natural progesterone as it will be much cheaper for me in the long run. I am also not 100% sure if the body does convert wild yam into progesterone. That is something I need to do more research on. My belief is that if you get your hormones balanced, your weight will become normalized. Of course, what you eat does affect your hormones as well.

    Hi Gomonygo, yep you can just jump in and make comments and join us on our journey to better health and weight. I have also chosen to give up meat, as well as dairy, eggs and fish (but not honey!) LOL My research is overwhelmingly in favour of eliminating it from your diet if you want to avoid most cancers and health problems. I do not miss it at all, and have found many wonderful tasting substitutes such as coconut or almond yoghurt and vegan cheeses. I have a lot of fun converting my favourite recipes to a more healthy version, like the cinnamon rolls I made yesterday as well as the "ham hocks and beans soup" that I made yesterday minus the hamhocks. I used coconut cream to replace the fatty texture and I made a healthy linseed, olive oil, organic polenta, cornbread to ladle it over. Perfect for our cold winter night here in New Zealand. I am not a perfectionist, so occasionally I do eat food that has some milk, butter or egg in it, but 99% of the time I avoid it. I used to think egg was okay, but then I read that it causes your body to make a bad toxin in your guts so I use ground flax in water to substitute for eggs in my baking.

    <3 Wendy
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Rebecca~ be careful with grapefruit juice some medications don't react well with it... my dad would eat granola with unsweetened grapefruit juice instead of milk :#
    well we spent 3 1/2 hrs at the pool, Taliah had a blast... I am so glad... she met a little pakistani girl her age, and they got along wonderful so they played for an hr our so, we are back and I have a load of laundry going. its in the dryer now...
    having my friends over for lunch on Sunday..