
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    , i leave the criticism in the toilet.🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒

    I will have to remember this quote.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla, biggest big hug, sweetie. I'm in absolute total awe that you drove your motor home to the park. You might mention to DH he is welcome to check out all cupboards, drawers, closets, etc so as to be able to immediately put his hands on whatever he may need :). Good heavens, we've traveled many many time in the RV and I often look two or three places before I find what I'm looking for. Chin up, you are my super hero 💞

    Janetr OKC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,575 Member
    Katla - hope your dog is doing better. The BIG fireworks was blasting in our neighborhood last night, house shaking stuff. CBD did nothing for our old dog who crawled under the bed - flattened herself like a snake and squirreled under there with only 5" clearance if that but we were able to pull her out - but I'm going to lay in a supply of Karen's favorite CBD from Bluebird Botanicals for next time.

    Sorry your DH was such a pill. We must get their attitudes adjusted at times whether they like it or not, lol. >:) And say the magic words (fill in the blank) for our own sanity. My retort is generally "well, next time YOU get to do the packing and be in charge of where things go." Hope things are going better today.

    Heather - gosh what a cute house and love having the layout like that. Hope you can make lunch with your friend.

    Karen in VA
    - Holy smokes those cute kids are growing fast! Love the photos of mom & grandmom too!! Any plans to head west and see them in the near future?

    Wendy - we are enjoying seeing photos of you chilled and in the rain. Thanks for the cool-off, lol.

    Rebecca - love all the art you were able to hang in DS's room. What wonderful memories they must have sparked. When is your next doc appointment about the parathyroid?

    Barbara AHMOD - sorry you won't be able to make it to Bandon.... you remind me so much of myself. I was all excited last week to have lunch with my new neighbor today but was relieved when she had to cancel. :/

    Better close for now and get ready for the allergy shots and morning shopping. Pups and DH are watching the dog show from Philly this morning so they won't even miss me.

    Have a great day!!

    Cool and overcast WA State

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »

    Barbara AHMOD - sorry you won't be able to make it to Bandon.... you remind me so much of myself. I was all excited last week to have lunch with my new neighbor today but was relieved when she had to cancel. :/


    LOL ladies, add me to the list. At a distance I can get excited about social engagements, but I am pretty much always thrilled when they are cancelled.

    Well, have to work today til 8pm. And work tomorrow. And since I can’t drive and have been working all the Saturdays lately, we have mountains of dirty clothes and linens to wash, so after work tomorrow when husband comes to get me we’ll have to spend the rest of the day at the laundrymat.

    Really looking forward to this weekend, my first one in a couple of months with two days off and NO social engagements to interfere!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
  • mizlily
    mizlily Posts: 2 Member
    auntiebkauntiebk I feel ya, with the unhung artwork. It took, oh, about 3 years for us to get *some* of our up, and I still have a pile in the corner. It's only been since 2010.

    Congratulations!!! I'm so impressed! I'm hoping just to get back into shape to do a 5k by next spring, can't imagine a half marathon. You're awesome!

    Mondays are long work days for me, so I didn't expect to get much done yesterday, but sneaked in a half-hour walk at lunch.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    Feeling very proud of myself! I went to the gym, doing all the circuit weights, and walked 3.0 pace for 30 minutes. It might not seem like much, but its a step in the right direction. Then husband wanted to go to our favorite pizza place. We ordered sodas, and I got an iced tea. Then he asked me what I wanted, and I was honest and said I'd rather just fix my taco salad I had scheduled. I had no problem with watching tennis that was on, and sip my tea. He said, " I don't want to have you sit and watch, while I eat my pizza, I'll take it to go". I didn't cave and just eat pizza, and we both were happy.
    Yeah me!

    Win! Win! That's awesome!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Wendy - Utterly fabulous! Many congrats. :D

    Had good yoga session, pleasant chat over coffee in the pub afterwards and then lunch with my friend. I had two starters. Garlic prawns and salt and pepper squid. Just salad with it. No bread - gave it to my friend. Had my pretend gin drops in a diet tonic. Cup of Earl Grey. So a good choice.
    Came home and cooked tonight's lamb and flageolet stew, plus a chicken, lentil and spinach curry for tomorrow and to freeze. That's the last of the garage freezer rescue. DH made blackcurrant cordial with the unfrozen blackcurrants. Put brandy in it for keeping. He mainly uses it for adding to plums or apples etc when he stews them. We added a stick of cinnamon.

    England match tonight. I will leave DH to it.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I am away from home & only have my phone with me, so I can’t respond to everyone, individually. I made a grocery run today for chips for DH & pepto bismol for the dog. Poor dog was seriously upset by fireworks at home & had terrible diahrea. The pepto tablet really helped.

    This is our first trip in the RV, and is going pretty well so far. It is quiet here with few loud noises. DH is irritating me with criticism to the point I’ve been feeling pretty low. We just loaded up our personal items over the course of a few days & he criticises me every time I have to hunt for something because I can’t instantly remember where it is. I spoke up about it & he’s gone off to the park restrooms. I hope he’ll come back with a better attitude, & leave the criticism in the toilet.🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒

    I hope he leaves it in the toilet too, that criticism will ruin your trip for you.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I am away from home & only have my phone with me, so I can’t respond to everyone, individually. I made a grocery run today for chips for DH & pepto bismol for the dog. Poor dog was seriously upset by fireworks at home & had terrible diahrea. The pepto tablet really helped.

    This is our first trip in the RV, and is going pretty well so far. It is quiet here with few loud noises. DH is irritating me with criticism to the point I’ve been feeling pretty low. We just loaded up our personal items over the course of a few days & he criticises me every time I have to hunt for something because I can’t instantly remember where it is. I spoke up about it & he’s gone off to the park restrooms. I hope he’ll come back with a better attitude, & leave the criticism in the toilet.🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒

    Its an adjustment that's for certain! I think a little heart to heart is necessary👍. Some people roll this changes, others take time to adjust. I think the only main deal is do you handle acclimating together or individually? One or the other isn't a reflection on that person, its ok. He needs to deal with adapting, without being cranky towards you. We also had personal stuff shampoos, medicines in a plastic tool caddy. Just stick it in your shower. It was easy to keep stocked, and take to wherever.💗
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I wanted to talk to you all about my beads. I am back down to the weight I was the last time I was wearing my bracelet. The bad thing is the bracelet has balls at each end with one side you can unscrew for putting on more beads. For those that don't know what I'm talking about I am on this bead journey. 1 bead = 1 lb lost. I add to a bracelet I bought at a craft store. The end balls give me a little black and blue mark on the inside of my wrist. Its not a metal mark, but an actual bruise. So trying to figure out an different set up. Meanwhile I am down 13 beads! Yeah!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member