Let me know you a little better



  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    @Tmanfive, have a great and safe time. :o
  • lx1x
    lx1x Posts: 38,326 Member
    I get frustrated very easily when driving. I like it fast and people get in the way 🤷‍♀️


    Oh wait.. skipped over the driving part.. my bad.

    I tend to read too fast and skip important part. 😝

  • Ironwoman1111
    Ironwoman1111 Posts: 3,913 Member
    I still like watching cartoons and I’m excited for Hotel Transylvania 4! 🧛‍♂️👻🐺🦇 I love going to the movie theatre with the reclining chairs, getting a big bucket of buttered popcorn, M&Ms and a Diet Coke. 🍿🍫🥤
  • Finishiitnow
    Finishiitnow Posts: 896 Member
    What would be the advice that you would give to your younger self?
  • honey_honey_12
    honey_honey_12 Posts: 14,157 Member
    What would be the advice that you would give to your younger self?

    Don’t sweat the small stuff. ☺️
    I wasted too much time getting upset over things that didn’t matter.
  • Sweet_A
    Sweet_A Posts: 7,694 Member
    edited July 2021
    I Love Fireworks!! 🎇

  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    What would be the advice that you would give to your younger self?

    Contrary to popular belief life is NOT black or white, it's gray all the way. So you don't have to be a symbol of perfection, just be enough to like and respect yourself. Believe it when people tell you "Life is short" even if it didn't feel like it when you were a teenager. Don't let all the outside negativity from others mold you into who you think you should be. AND put aside some of your earnings every single week, no matter how little an amount it may be.
  • Revolu7
    Revolu7 Posts: 1,032 Member
    edited July 2021
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    What would be the advice that you would give to your younger self?

    Contrary to popular belief life is NOT black or white, it's gray all the way. So you don't have to be a symbol of perfection, just be enough to like and respect yourself. Believe it when people tell you "Life is short" even if it didn't feel like it when you were a teenager. Don't let all the outside negativity from others mold you into who you think you should be. AND put aside some of your earnings every single week, no matter how little an amount it may be.

    @ReeniieHJ i like you and tend to agree with you most times.....but not about your first points here. I believe the more blacj and white you make your life, the happier abd more successful you will be. Most gray areas i believe come from not answering hard questions and not dealing with tough times honestly. There is usually a right and wrong answer to every question.....there is usually a right way and a wrong way to be. Almost every time someone told me about something and said, well thats a gray area, i could see how it really wasnt. It was a tough area, but thats ok.

    And i also feel life is short if you look back on it as it not being fulfilling. Ask a person sitting in prison how fast time flies by. Sure my days go by so fast sometimes, but when i sit back and reflect, i feel satisfied and full. I dont wish away time, and i dont long for the past......time moves just fine for me as long as i use it well and dont waste it. You dont get back even a second, so i think wasting time is what makes it fly, because you will end up wishing for it back and get the feeling things have passed you by.

    I agree whole heartedly with the rest of what you said 😁
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Revolu7 wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    What would be the advice that you would give to your younger self?

    Contrary to popular belief life is NOT black or white, it's gray all the way. So you don't have to be a symbol of perfection, just be enough to like and respect yourself. Believe it when people tell you "Life is short" even if it didn't feel like it when you were a teenager. Don't let all the outside negativity from others mold you into who you think you should be. AND put aside some of your earnings every single week, no matter how little an amount it may be.

    @ReeniieHJ i like you and tend to agree with you most times.....but not about your first points here. I believe the more blacj and white you make your life, the happier abd more successful you will be. Most gray areas i believe come from not answering hard questions and not dealing with tough times honestly. There is usually a right and wrong answer to every question.....there is usually a right way and a wrong way to be. Almost every time someone told me about something and said, well thats a gray area, i could see how it really wasnt. It was a tough area, but thats ok.

    And i also feel life is short if you look back on it as it not being fulfilling. Ask a person sitting in prison how fast time flies by. Sure my days go by so fast sometimes, but when i sit back and reflect, i feel satisfied and full. I dont wish away time, and i dont long for the past......time moves just fine for me as long as i use it well and dont waste it. You dont get back even a second, so i think wasting time is what makes it fly, because you will end up wishing for it back and get the feeling things have passed you by.

    I agree whole heartedly with the rest of what you said 😁

    @Revolu7 I like that you voiced your opinion. Having the personality traits that I do of seeing both sides(thank you Libra ;/) I actually can see your POV on both comments I made. I think one's perspective comes from all the things that make that person an individual, experiences of past and present, environment, genetics, upbringing, just everything. Plus it also depends on which topics we're talking about when it comes to black and white and life's too short. :)
    I mean black and white definitely does exist in some circumstances but I guess when I posted that, I was thinking back to any conversation I've ever tried to have with my brother about climate change, religion(egads), politics, gender choice/civil union/etc.(really bad)...IOW it's his way or no way. And I could see a little of that during my childhood with my parents. My policy is 95% Live and Let Live as long as you do no harm to people/animals/property of others.
    I truly wish some of us MFP'ers could sit down around a table and just talk, share, discuss and listen; ya know....good old fashioned conversation without a keyboard. :/
    And as far as your comments about Life is too short, I agree with what you said but OTOH, disagree. :) D@@mn the Libra thing. Just ask my sister who lived a full life with her dh of 54 years while he was withering away to nothing from Alzheimer's. :( And I don't mean to sound snarky saying that but what she wouldn't have given to keep having extra days by his side. I remember talking with my mom's dr. while we were in the hospital waiting for her to pass away; he said his mom lived to be 100 and it still wasn't long enough. So again, I feel it's about perspective and the individual.
    Regrets, life not being fulfilling, etc., I cannot imagine there are many of us who don't experience at least a little bit of this looking back. Things we wished we'd done differently or things left unsaid.

    So, pull up a chair, share your thoughts. :) Better grab a coffee or a drink, we might be here awhile. :)
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    edited July 2021
    I stop on railroad tracks because the sign says not to

    I roll through stop signs because the sign says to stop

    I drive faster when the light turns yellow

    I pause when the light turns green because of all the crazies that run red lights 🤭

    I live 5 minutes from the ocean, but only go during off months because too many people.

    I don't like drinking or eating out of anything made from plastic

    I often eat my lunch sitting in a parking lot because of time constraints

    I'm an orphan

    Now I'm sad...that's all for today



    (new and innovative reach-around angles.)

  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Awww @Peachesand_cream
  • Peachesand_cream
    Peachesand_cream Posts: 594 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I stop on railroad tracks because the sign says not to

    I roll through stop signs because the sign says to stop

    I drive faster when the light turns yellow

    I pause when the light turns green because of all the crazies that run red lights 🤭

    I live 5 minutes from the ocean, but only go during off months because too many people.

    I don't like drinking or eating out of anything made from plastic

    I often eat my lunch sitting in a parking lot because of time constraints

    I'm an orphan

    Now I'm sad...that's all for today



    (new and innovative reach-around angles.)


    My favorite angles ❤️
  • Peachesand_cream
    Peachesand_cream Posts: 594 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Awww @Peachesand_cream

    You're a sweetheart, Reenie. I thank you for your hugs 🤗
  • michelle_FR
    michelle_FR Posts: 191 Member
    I’ve always loved reading and getting lost in stories. And unrelated, I can handle and have been through a lot more than I give myself credit for.
  • michelle_FR
    michelle_FR Posts: 191 Member
    Some people honestly think something is wrong with me because having children was never my top priority. .

    Child free 4 lyfe, by choice 🖖
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    I really really hate the process of doing my own nails. Remove old polish, file, push back cuticles, oil cuticles...

    It’s too much.

  • Ironwoman1111
    Ironwoman1111 Posts: 3,913 Member
    @vanityy99 wrote: »
    I really really hate the process of doing my own nails. Remove old polish, file, push back cuticles, oil cuticles...

    It’s too much.

    Me too. It’s tedious work. But I do it once in a blue moon when I’m feeling fancy.😄 But I love getting pedicures! I think most feet are weird looking and ugly and some cute paint helps with all of that.