Strength Training Challenge



  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I've been down with the flu and only back at my workouts for the last 2 days. Today I did strength. I'm still a bit weak so had to drop down slightly on the weights for just a couple of exercises but I did it. I worked chest, shoulders, triceps, abs, quads, hamstrings and gluteus. I'll get my back, biceps and thighs on Saturday. Feeling better everyday so hoping I'll be working on increasing my weights again soon.

    Stay strong everyone!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Jodios - sorry you've had the flu but it's great that you are starting to feel better. Take care---no relapses!! :bigsmile:

    So nothing new here---up-to-date on the January squat/push-up challenge and did the 30 minute full body strength/toning workout (Leslie Sansone). Shoulder issues did cause me to drop back on weight used for several exercises but maintained heavier weights for the remainder of the workout.

    Be strong (and hope everyone is well or at least on the upswing).

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member

    So nothing new here---up-to-date on the January squat/push-up challenge and did the 30 minute full body strength/toning workout (Leslie Sansone). Shoulder issues did cause me to drop back on weight used for several exercises but maintained heavier weights for the remainder of the workout.

    Be strong.


    No increases in weights today but you know, same thing.......apparently it's like the Groundhog Day movie for me when it comes to these workouts.

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I got in my first strength training session of the week - I did the Hollywood Trainer circuit B (did A last week so needed to finish it up). I'm finally feeling back to normal so I'm hoping I can start to up the weights again I think this week I'll do more circuit training vs. straight lifting. After missing so many workouts I feel the need to up the burn a bit.

    Stay strong (and warm)

    Jodios in soon to be arctic N. Il
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm still sidelined, but I'm hoping to get going in February.:flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    ......did the same things again today.

    JODIOS - glad you got your workout in. Glad you're feeling back to normal! That is very good news indeed.:smile:

    KATIA - February is not far away now! :flowerforyou:

    Be strong.

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Got in my second strength training. I did a 20 minute HIIT session followed by 20 min of strength. Feeling a bit sore now, but glad I did it. Hope everyone has a great day and be strong.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Good job Jodios!!! Yesterday (and today) I did the squat/pushup challenge. Yesterday I also did the Leslie 30 minute strength/toning workout and did some extra core work. Tomorrow is a reset day on the squat/pushup challenge and I'll be out of town so will be skipping the strength/toning workout as well.

    Wishing everyone well.

    Be strong!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    As anticipated, I was out of town yesterday. Today I did my scheduled squats/pushups for the January challenge. Also did the strength/toning portion of the Leslie Sansone DVD that I've been using. I've not lost any weight but I must be doing something---3 people at church today asked if I was losing more weight because I look *smaller*----maybe that means more muscle less fat?? I don't know but I'll just keep working.

    Be strong.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    You have to see this post. I hope the link works. (I'm still too wimpy for most of the strength training I'd like to be doing. At least I'm back to modified yoga.)
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Katia - LOL!!!! - thanks for sharing the plank link

    Lin - you probably are losing fat and gaining muscle…don't you love when people notice there results of all your hard work. How are your clothes fitting? I assume they are getting looser too.

    I did an upper and lower body strength training session today. I upped the weights a bit so that was good. I'm a bit sore from yesterday, but I'm glad I didn't wimp out and worked out despite wanting to just stay in bed curled under the blankets…its -13 degrees here without the wind chill and it is very windy.

    Hope you all are staying strong (and warm)

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Good job Jodios! Excellent work increasing the weight during your session. I understand wanting to stay in bed. Darn cold weather!

    Katia---that was funny!

    I did the squat/pushup challenge today---not many more days left for this January challenge! Also did the 30 minute Leslie Sansone workout again. And as far as how my clothes are fitting, I really can't tell much difference. I do know I have more muscle but I didn't think it would be enough for anyone to notice. I'm happy to be a bit stronger.

    Wishing everyone well. As always.........

    Be strong.

    Lin :flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    I did my toning/strength training with Leslie today and moved up a bit on the weights for several of the chest exercises. Tomorrow is the final day of the January squat/pushup challenge. I'm on track and WILL finish it tomorrow. I think I'll do a 30 day butt challenge I saw online the other day. It's squats/bridges/lunges in increasing numbers each day.

    Hope everyone is well and safe......

    Be strong.

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Got in Jillian Michael's Buns and Thighs DVD before I had to hit the road for an all day meeting (lots of sitting). Mostly worked the lower body but she had a lot of plank based exercises so feel like I got in some upper body. I've been lax about new moves so here is one:

    Start in plank. Jump both feet up just outside your hands and then lift your torso and arms so you are in a low squat with arms overhead. Reach your arms back down to the ground and hop back to plank. Immediately jump back up and move into your squat. If jumping is too hard just step forward and back as you move through the squat.

    Stay strong everyone! Jodios
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    I did finish the squat/push up challenge yesterday. Today I did my Leslie S. toning/strength workout, started the 30 day butt challenge (squats/bridge/lunges), also trying a February challenge involving sets of bicycles/side plank hip raises/Russian twists. I did a 2 minute 45 second plank today----I tried to move from a plank on palms to plank on forearms back to plank on palms
    but when changing positions on the right side my shoulder gave way and that was the end of the plank...... Next time I think I'll just hold as long as I can.

    Hope everyone is well and enjoy that football game tomorrow. :bigsmile:

    Be strong.

  • Kirk_R
    Kirk_R Posts: 112 Member
    I have more or less set "ultimate" goals of a 315lb bench, 405lb squat, and 495lb dead lift, but if I happen to hit those one day, I refuse to stop at them.

    Yeah, it can be tough to continue once you've hit long term goals. I hit my long term squat, bench, and DL goals then floundered for a little bit and finally shifted to something else (the something else was one of my kids needing a regular running partner, which wasn't really compatible with lifting goals anyway). Now 6 years have passed and I would have a heck of a time even getting back to my previous PRs. The point being, make sure you really are ready to refuse to stop once you achieve your big goals.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    did a quick 30 minutes of "functional" strength training after teaching yoga. Very different from standard lifting exercises. I'm a bit sore tonight so I think it was good to switch it up a bit. Definitely worked lower and upper body - not sure my core got much of a workout though.

    Stay strong everyone. Jodios
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Not a lot new here---did my Leslie strength/toning workout with the same level of weights as I have been using. Doing several month/30 day challenges adding in a bit of extra core work. Today I don't have much energy or focus........I think I need more rest. Haven't been sleeping well as I am letting *things* get to me once again.

    Wishing everyone well this week.

    Be strong.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Not a lot new here---did my Leslie strength/toning workout with the same level of weights as I have been using. Doing several month/30 day challenges adding in a bit of extra core work. Today I don't have much energy or focus........I think I need more rest. Haven't been sleeping well as I am letting *things* get to me once again.

    Wishing everyone well this week.

    Be strong.


    Boring me checking in again. Repeated the workout described above.............but I have gotten a bit more sleep.

    Be strong.

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Lin - so glad you are checking in. I've been down for the count with the stomach flu this week. I'm going to do some easy cardio or maybe yoga today - first exercise since Sunday. I'm hoping to get back to my strength training this weekend.
