24 Hours of Exercise per Month Challenge - OCTOBER 2018



  • Machafin
    Machafin Posts: 2,988 Member
    I'm in

    10/01 - 45 minutes weightlifting

    Total: 0.75 Hours
  • kschildroth
    kschildroth Posts: 570 Member
    Didn't make the 45 hours last month so I'll try for 40 this month.

    10/1 - 1 hour bootcamp

    Total: 1 hour/40 hours

    10/2 - 1 hour lifting; 1 hour hot yoga

    Total: 3 hours/40 hours
  • FluffBGone1975
    FluffBGone1975 Posts: 64 Member
    24 min walk- This is walking to and from my vehicle on campus- Normally don't log this, but I was really booking on the way in this morning and got to work all sweaty this morning.

    30 min walk at lunch

    28 min circuit training

    82 min total activity

  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    1 hr 30 mins + 60 mins lifting

    2 hrs 30 mins total
  • cardio_enthusiast
    cardio_enthusiast Posts: 639 Member
    October 2018 Goal: 35 Hours

    1-October 1 hour of running
    2-October 30 minutes of circuit training



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Oct 1
    1.4 hrs walking
  • T_143
    T_143 Posts: 1,022 Member
    15 min punching bag + 1hr

    1hr 15 min
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    2 hrs 30 mins + 30 mins cardio

    3 hrs total
  • henrysmom13
    henrysmom13 Posts: 23 Member
    JDMac82 wrote: »
    Here's the 24 hour challenge thread for OCTOBER . Let's do it again!! And welcome to any newcomers!

    The goal is to accomplish at least 24 hours of exercise during the month.(MORE IS GREAT) Any type of activity that you would log in your exercise diary counts (both cardio and strength training) ~ walking, running, paddling, biking, swimming, gardening, weight training, dancing, HIIT, aerobics, elliptical, rowing, circuit training, stretching, etc. You get the idea.

    For you BEASTS out there (you know who you are), if you want to do more, just post your personal goal that is over the baseline challenge goal.

    And for anyone who wants to join part of the way through, just post a comparable goal to finish out the month (for example, joining half way through, post a goal of 12 hours).

    There is no group for this and no private messages needed. No fancy spreadsheets either, just report your running totals here in the thread.

    Happy Exercising!!

    Last month's thread is here for examples on how to log your info:
    JDMac82 wrote: »
    Here's the 24 hour challenge thread for OCTOBER . Let's do it again!! And welcome to any newcomers!

    The goal is to accomplish at least 24 hours of exercise during the month.(MORE IS GREAT) Any type of activity that you would log in your exercise diary counts (both cardio and strength training) ~ walking, running, paddling, biking, swimming, gardening, weight training, dancing, HIIT, aerobics, elliptical, rowing, circuit training, stretching, etc. You get the idea.

    For you BEASTS out there (you know who you are), if you want to do more, just post your personal goal that is over the baseline challenge goal.

    And for anyone who wants to join part of the way through, just post a comparable goal to finish out the month (for example, joining half way through, post a goal of 12 hours).

    There is no group for this and no private messages needed. No fancy spreadsheets either, just report your running totals here in the thread.

    Happy Exercising!!

    Last month's thread is here for examples on how to log your info:

  • henrysmom13
    henrysmom13 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Oct 2
    1.4 hrs + 1.5 walking

    2.9 hrs Total
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel Posts: 10,891 Member
    edited October 2018
    :star::heart: :star::heart: :star::heart: 30+ HOURS EXERCISE IN OCTOBER :heart: :star::heart: :star::heart: :star:

    1st: 0
    2nd: 1 hr 10 min

    :star::heart: :star::heart: :star::heart: :star: * TOTAL: 1 hours 10 minutes * :star::heart: :star::heart: :star::heart: :star:

  • allison8668
    allison8668 Posts: 885 Member
    10/01: 60min outdoor Bike
    10/02: 20min Elliptical, 40min Treadmill

    Total: 2 hours
  • kschildroth
    kschildroth Posts: 570 Member
    Didn't make the 45 hours last month so I'll try for 40 this month.

    10/1 - 1 hour bootcamp

    Total: 1 hour/40 hours

    10/2 - 1 hour lifting; 1 hour hot yoga

    Total: 3 hours/40 hours

    10/3 - 1 hour bootcamp; 37 minutes running

    Total: 4 hours 37 minutes/40 hours
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    3 hrs + 30 mins cardio

    3 hrs 30 mins total
  • FluffBGone1975
    FluffBGone1975 Posts: 64 Member
    18 min Kettlebell workout
    30 min of lunchtime walk

    48 min total

    I decided I am not counting my walking to and from my parking space...
  • ghy139
    ghy139 Posts: 302 Member
    10/3=2 hrs water aerobics+1 hr water zumba

  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel Posts: 10,891 Member
    edited October 2018
    :star::heart: :star::heart: :star::heart: 30+ HOURS EXERCISE IN OCTOBER :heart: :star::heart: :star::heart: :star:
    WEEK 1: 2 hours 51 minutes
    1st: 0
    2nd: 1 hr 10 mins
    3rd: 1 hr 41 mins
    (31 min Weights, 25 min Tai Chi, 45 min Elliptical)

    :star::heart: :star::heart: :star::heart: :star: * TOTAL: 2 hours 51 minutes * :star::heart: :star::heart: :star::heart: :star:
  • T_143
    T_143 Posts: 1,022 Member
    10/1- 30 min walking
    10/2- 30 min MMA
    10/3- 60 min Full Body

    Total: 2 hrs
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    3 hrs 30 mins + 45 min's calisthenics + 45 min's cardio

    5 hrs total