Breaking Bad



  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Okay, watching the confession again, why would Walt have paid Hank's medical bills if it was Hank that forced Walt to get involved in meth production and Hank was the kingpin? Supposedly to distance Hank from the money? Still, it seems weak. I think the confession is a brilliant tactical move, but if it is still work then it has to intimidate Hank, and that connection seems a bit tenuous if Walter is to be believable as being the underling. Very curious to see how that plays out though.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    Okay, watching the confession again, why would Walt have paid Hank's medical bills if it was Hank that forced Walt to get involved in meth production and Hank was the kingpin? Supposedly to distance Hank from the money? Still, it seems weak. I think the confession is a brilliant tactical move, but if it is still work then it has to intimidate Hank, and that connection seems a bit tenuous if Walter is to be believable as being the underling. Very curious to see how that plays out though.

    I had an issue with this too^

    Just saw tonight's show. I was like " good! I want Jesse to win this game."
    My hubby goes: " this isn't one of your reality shows where someone wins and everyone else gets voted off"
    I'm like: " Yeah it is."

    I despise Hank after tonight's show.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Jesse has finally pushed walt over the edge. i cant see how jesse survives the next episode. as they say..."snitches get stitches". i just hope nobody touches 1 single hair on that sweet boy Todd's head.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    Jesse has finally pushed walt over the edge. i cant see how jesse survives the next episode. as they say..."snitches get stitches". i just hope nobody touches 1 single hair on that sweet boy Todd's head.
    "Sweet Todd???" (Barf)
    No! Jesse is gonna get Walt and Hank! And if things work out this way I'll be a very happy camper:)
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Jesse has finally pushed walt over the edge. i cant see how jesse survives the next episode. as they say..."snitches get stitches". i just hope nobody touches 1 single hair on that sweet boy Todd's head.
    "Sweet Todd???" (Barf)
    No! Jesse is gonna get Walt and Hank! And if things work out this way I'll be a very happy camper:)

    i give jesse about 2% chance of surviving. i want Walt's final showdown to be with the Aryan guys.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Too many possible scenarios right now. We know that Walt leaves town and comes back to an abandoned house and has an M-60 in his trunk. Clearly he survives. There is no indication that Jessie is around at that point.

    Who wrote "Heisenberg" in his living room? Maybe Jessie, but more likely Todd's uncle and his group. Walt has to have a show down with someone threatening enough for Walt to buy the M-60. That's not Hank and it certainly isn't Jessie.

    Todd's uncle has clearly been setting up a meth manufacturing and distribution network as was shown when his group wiped out the competition with Lydia's help.

    Either they force Walt on the run or Hank does, but if Todd's uncle kills Jessie, Hank has little to no evidence other than Jessie's confession. So, my one prediction is that I think Jessie bites it during one of the next two episodes.

    The question is what causes the show down if Walt is already out of the meth business?

    Things to ponder until next week.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    How dare you BOTH insinuate that Jesse might be killed. Just... How dare you!
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    I think Skye might get herself in trouble, or killed. I believe Jesse's plan is going to be a good one!

    I kinda dispose both Hank and Walt at this point. Hmm. Maybe it's getting personal with me:)
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Best line this week: Gasoline all over me! My arms! My legs! My groin!

    I also really liked "Let's just say his plan at that time is to murder you by stabbing you with a sharp stick. What then?"
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    Best line this week: Gasoline all over me! My arms! My legs! My groin!

    I also really liked "Let's just say his plan at that time is to murder you by stabbing you with a sharp stick. What then?"

    Lol! there was lots of comedy. How about "the virtue of poisoning a child"
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    Just my theories, nothing more.

    1) I am pretty sure "Heisenberg" was written in the house by skater punks after it hit the news that he was a drug lord. I don't think there's any further significance to it other than to show that the house is abandoned.

    2) Walt's whole family is going to die in classic Greek tragic irony format. I don't see Walt killing himself, though. He's a textbook sociopath, and they are too self-absorbed to kill themselves. What I want to know is whether they die before or after Walt uses Saul's guy. If it is after, it fully explains Walt coming back angry with an M-60.

    3) Hank is going to kill Todd. Todd's family will view it as a set-up and turn on Walt. This is probably what triggers Walt using Saul's guy.

    Other than that, I'm just really into this show.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I know there are a lot of Skyler haters out there. I'm not one of them but it has always annoyed me that it bothers her where the money comes from, but not enough to not take it. I think she had some great moments last night, chief among them "Yes I was spying on you, and I feel really really bad about it". I also liked that she seems to feel guilty about the video. That really bothered me last week that she helped Walt make the video that put her sister and brother in law through hell. She did seem upset about it after the fact, because she was barely speaking to Walt but it was good to hear her actually call it "awful" this week. I was surprised to hear her say "What's one more?" but then I realized that during the video, Walt admitted to killing Gus and Hector, although I doubt she knows about all of them. I liked that this episode had multiple examples of people FINALLY calling Walt on his bull.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    What was your Favourite line tonight? Mine was "fire in the hole *****!"
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    looks like Hank and Gomey are done. maybe jesse too but i doubt that...jesse will die in the next to last episode.

    so nazis rescue walt....demand he cook more than once since they had to kill DEA agents...he says no....they kill his family or a good portion of them....he buys the M60 and goes to a showdown with them after having taken the ricin in case he survives he doesnt want to wind up in custody.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    When is this available on Amazon? I tried checking just now and it hasn't showed up yet. :sad:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i read an interview and vince gilligan that all of walt's roosters are about to come home to roost. he's done too many things to other people's kids (brock and jesse's gf) to not have some of that come back on his kids.

    my guess is that marie finds out hank is dead (no way he or gomez survive) and she blames walt. she breaks out the poison and instead of getting walt she gets skylar and/or hanna

    i think all of that foreshadowing throughout the seasons of the toy cars being smooshed are related to jr. i especially think that after saul told him to not drink and drive. my theory is that walt finally gets into a crash with his weird 2 feet driving system and just like in jane's case someone just looks on while he dies and doesnt help.

    as for todd i think lydia's going to turn that boy into her human shield. we still havent seen the wrath of the people lydia works for.

    i think jesse and walt are going to reunite against the aryans who are probably going to try to force them to cook by holding andea/brock hostage and skylar/hanna
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i think you are on to something with marie. she's gonna kill a few people before this is over.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    There was definitely a reason Hank called Marie right before the Aryans got there. (Now someone not involved in the shootout knows that Walt was captured. When he goes free, she will know why.) Even though I knew it was going to happen, my heart sunk when those pick ups started coming around the bend. Hank is one of the few characters I really cared about surviving, although the more and more he's gone of the rails as far as not informing work of what was going on, the more I thought he must be a goner.
    I totally forgot about that last night for a minute and when Walt was racing to the money, I kept thinking Hank was going to show up with a million agents and helicopters and whatnot. And then when he showed up with just Gomez and Jesse - yeah, he's done. Gomez too. I don't even know if they have bullet proof vests on, but the Aryans do.
    At least Hank got to feel the satisfaction of catching Walt.
    How do you guys think Skyler will react to this? Marie will certainly tell her, if not go on a killing spree of her own. She was mad enough about the video - if Walt succeeds in killing Hank, even if unintentionally, I think she'll turn against Walt too.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    I think that if Hank and/ or Jesse are dead, Skye will react with cold acceptance. She has changed. We saw an example of this when she showed she was quite ok with Jesse being murdered and how she's got Walt's back now. Skye has "broken bad" too. Many of them have, even Gomez isn't doing things by the book anymore. It's like Ponyboy in the Outsiders. Nothing gold can stay.... <sigh>!
    There was such a build up to these last eight shows, and they do not disappoint.

    Imagine if Hank hadn't phoned Marie. Hank would be a hero, Walt would be arrested and Jesse and Gomez would be sitting there like ducks waiting for the thugs.
  • MarisaDLS2
    MarisaDLS2 Posts: 108 Member
    My theory is next episode, Gomez and Hank die, Jesse and Walter (of course) survive.

    Jesse is the Prodigal Son/Hero, Walt of course bc he is the central character.

    Uncle Jack's Gang WANT to kill Jesse bc of Walt's deal with them,
    Walt changes his mind, says he does NOT want Jesse dead,
    convinces Uncle Jack's Gang to let Jesse and Walt cook together again
    so Todd can learn to improve his meth cook.

    Uncle Jack's Gang find Walt's money and dig it up
    after the stand off.

    There are 3 more episodes left, so not everyone of Walt's adversaries can die all at one time.

    In the past, only one Major Adversary of Walt's dies during any one climactic episode.

    Marie realizes Hank is dead and goes to the DEA with the information that Walt is Heisenberg.
    She's been wanting to turn that evidence over to them since she's known.
    Skylar gets taken into custody by DEA, kids end up going to Marie
    as she is their only law abiding living relative.
    (I don't think Walt Jr AKA Flynn or Holly (the baby) will ever be placed
    in any danger, that's just too harsh, due to their ages and Walt Jr's handicap.
    That would really be crossing the line).

    I do not think Marie will kill anyone,
    she just likes the idea of it, but the only one she really wanted to kill was Walt.

    The DEA now know who they are looking for.

    Somehow Walt escapes Uncle Jack's Gang & the Substandard Underground Meth Lab
    but Jesse dies in the process, as does Todd.

    Lydia is now on the hunt for Walt as well as the DEA.

    In the end, Walt ends up losing everything he cared for,
    the money, Jesse and his entire family.

    He contacts Saul's source to get a new identity.

    He goes back to the house to get the ricin capsule,
    he has faced death too many times to commit suicide by ricin.
    He just wants it in case he is caught by DEA or Lydia and has to kill himself while in custody.

    He rides off into the sunset, on the run from DEA and Lydia.

    Of course, I could be completely wrong about any of this and I probably am!

    This series has never been predictable !