What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,885 Member
    Weird weather today but the wind wasn’t bad
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    Kinesis chest press 3x8
    Kinesis incline press 3x10
    Lateral raises 4x12
    Tricep rope pushdown 1x10, 2x8
    Standing calf raises 5x8
    Ab circuit: Machine crunch, cable woodchop, 30 sec plank x3
    1000 m row
  • mytyglotz
    mytyglotz Posts: 1,804 Member
    Sunday morning: Very short date with Team Body Project
    • "Upper Lower Cardio"
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    10K row along with 100 pushups, 100 lateral raises and 64 weighted squats. Longest row (54 minutes) so far in a while, since last Spring. Really super easy again, all under 70% max HR (very slow and easy, low DF, but back is fine and that's what I'm shooting for).
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    10K row again today. Really slow again today, but two 10Ks on back to back days and no issues. All under 70% max HR. Today is an off day for lifting, so just doing back rehab. I think it's the Superman Yoga poses (and holding them for a while) doing the most good. Really tricky to rid yourself of thoracic disc pain. It doesn't hurt like neck or lower back pain (I'm a pro at both of those two thanks to a severe auto accident years ago), but it throbs pretty bad when you lay down on your back or sit back against a chair. Just more aggravating than stabbing. Glad I'm getting it under control.
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    100 Fwd Jump Rope
    15 Min's Elliptical
    Down and back on a Bball Court
    High Knees
    Butt Kickers
    6 Build Up Sprints
    100 Fwd Jump Rope
    Stairs Circuit (Every/Other/Face left &Right/Hop)
    DBell Carry (50#)
    30 second Box Jump
    10 Burpees
    50 Criss Cross Jump Rope
    Stairs Circuit
    30 sec Box Jump
    Stairs Circuit
    5 x 30 sec work / 10 sec rest Treadmill Belt drive,
    15 KBell Swing
    30 sec Lateral Box Jump
    Tire Flip
    Tire Drag
    500 Meter Row
    20 Leg Tucks
  • mytyglotz
    mytyglotz Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited November 2020
    No morning walk today....
    but of course I started the day with Team Body Project!!: :)
    • another round of TWT Day 1 - Sweatslinger
    • then an early afternoon session of "Turbo 20's 2"
  • getting_stronger1483
    Burn 500 calories with Jeanette Jenkins! Its a 45 minute workout on youtube. I love it!
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    ARG!! I am getting hit w all the medical issues. Back injury is either pinched nerve, herniated disc, MS, or all three. I have flu-like symptoms so getting tested. I JUST WANT TO TRAIN but I know taking some time off to reset is ok.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    alexmose wrote: »
    ARG!! I am getting hit w all the medical issues. Back injury is either pinched nerve, herniated disc, MS, or all three. I have flu-like symptoms so getting tested. I JUST WANT TO TRAIN but I know taking some time off to reset is ok.

    Hope you're OK Alex. We'll be thinking of you.

    Today was a hard, short rowing "sprints". Not really a sprint for me as I'm so darn slow right now. Had an ITC (interclub competition) 500m to turn in for this month, so I decided to do 8 X 500m/3 minute rest, with the first one counting as my ITC score. Well, I was never really a strong sprinter on the rower (1:40 was my PB time). So why I thought I could hold 1:35 on the first 500m was pretty silly of me. Ended up crashing and burning pretty bad and doing a 1:52. Not terrible considering, but the way I did it was horrific. Then the next seven intervals were shear pain. All were over 2:00 (from 2:00 to around 2:05). Light DF and high SR (stroke rate).

    Did a 1K W/U and a 1K C/D as well.

    Was nice and cool out on the deck at lunch. That was pleasant.
  • mytyglotz
    mytyglotz Posts: 1,804 Member
    Team Body Project morning:
    Repeat of "Totally Totally", then an early afternoon quick outdoor 1-mile walk.
  • B_Plus_Effort
    B_Plus_Effort Posts: 311 Member
    my office for one hour every day !

  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    50 Criss Cross Jump Rope
    15 min walk 4 mph @ 8 incline
    10 Dbell Snatch
    80 Push-ups
    40 Straight Leg Situps / Scissors

    Leg Press
    Mil Press
    Calf Raises 3 x 18
    Lateral Raises
    Rope to Shins
    Mule Kicks
    Rev Flys
    Goblet Squats
    Dbell Deads
    Front Raises
    Dbell Shoulder ROM
    Cable Squats

    Dirty Shirley Abs (30 reps)
    Situps/Rower/Knee Tucks/Mtn Climbers/Crunches/ Wipers/Hip Lifts/Supine Bike/ Leg Tucks/ Hanging Leg Raises
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    60 min's on the treadmill, Hill Climb program.
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    mytyglotz wrote: »
    No morning walk today....
    but of course I started the day with Team Body Project!!: :)
    • another round of TWT Day 1 - Sweatslinger
    • then an early afternoon session of "Turbo 20's 2"

    You inspired me a few weeks ago I tried a dance video by them!
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Improbably enough (in Michigan on November 21), it was amazingly beautiful rowing weather today, even though we went half an hour later than usual to get a little higher air temp (few degrees F above freezing at the start). (Usually, later start means more wind, which is more risk when water's cold.) Glassy water much of time, at most tiny riffles; a few clouds but good patches of sun. Gorgeous.

    Accordingly, about 12.5km rowing the double. We went upstream farther than usual, got to see the swan family flotilla on the water, 8 of them. (Kind of evil birds to interact with up close, but beautiful to see on the water.)

    Quick downriver snap, post row, from the ramp to the club's rowing dock:

    You are a badass
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited November 2020
    10K on the rower again today. Starting to feel better on it -- more consistent again, HR was steady (all under 75% max HR) and I'm getting more consistent in form and speed. Still slow with low DF, but I'm getting more zip, up the rail off the drive, and feeling better about things. Felt fresh after 50 minutes and like I was holding back, even at the end. That's how you want to feel on Steady State sessions.
  • mytyglotz
    mytyglotz Posts: 1,804 Member
    Wednesday morning with Team Body Project and a repeat of "Totally Triple". Go for the GOLD - always!!
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    Alex - good luck, hope it's all nothing serious.

    My logging here has been poor, although I've remained reasonably active.

    My Dad is not as serious as we thought. It may be cancer, but if so, it's a far less aggressive variant then we feared.

    Sunday Medium sized walk, around 12 miles. I was slightly time constrained so couldn't do further.

    Monday Climb over lunch. This was pretty poor - I was out of form.

    Tuesday A evening walk of around 10 miles.

    Wednesday Leg day. Many pistols, squatted 80 kgs for 2 sets of 10; deadlifted 100 kgs for 2 sets of 10. My body weight was 64 kgs in the morning.

    I seem to be regularly be in a Fitbit Monday to Friday step challenge. I occasionally make an effort to win it - I did last week, with just over 100,000 total for the 5 days. I am unlikely to win it this week - I'm only in 3rd, and I have just over 50,000 for the three days so far.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,837 Member
    Easy steady state rowing machine, 2 x (2 on 2" off/CD) . . . then egregiously many freshly-baked homemade buttermilk biscuits with cherry-creme honey; another steady state 2 x (2 on 2" off/CD) . . . then very indulgent solo vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner, amounting to possible 10X the exercise calories. Heh. Worth it.

    Total of 9,065m between the pieces, row in/out, and CDs.

    @drmwc, so glad things are looking a bit better with your dad. Hope the news will continue to be as good as the situation allows!

    @alexmose: You're sweet to say that, but . . . no, really not. 😆 I know you're still having challenges on the exercise front, but I hope you're finding things that keep you comfortable and contented, as much as possible. Hang in there, and keep on healing!
  • mytyglotz
    mytyglotz Posts: 1,804 Member
    Thanksgiving morning session with the infamous Team Body Project:
    • another round of "Total 4"
    • followed by a gentle "Cardio Breeze"

    I've expressed my gratitude for daily movement and Team Body Project specifically many times before, but no amount of times will ever suffice. I admit I too often take for granted the gift of movement. I truly am blessed to have a body that is able to move, despite the mild aches and pains and fatigue. I am blessed to have suffered minimal injuries. I am blessed with the power of patient and timely healing.
    I pray I, and we all, get plenty more years of enjoyable daily movement -- up to the day our time here comes to its close.

    Happy, Joyful, Peaceful Thanksgiving - wherever you are.