What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 546 Member
    I do at home workouts. Chalene and Jillian . Elliptical and Spin. Oh and oldie but a goodie Billy Blanks Taebo!!

    Oh man! Reading about your Billy Blanks Taebo (video?) was a blast from the past! I used to work out with him via VHS tape. Also Denise Austin's kickboxing. Good times.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 546 Member
    edited January 9
    21 min. on the elliptical trainer at noon, then some stretching. Maybe TMI, but hubby and now son have both had a stomach bug, probably a norovirus, over the last few days. My stomach felt a little unsettled while I was working out so I decided to go easy (and cleaned off the machine when I finished, as per usual). I'm still okay, so maybe I won't get this virus . . . .

    We are having very cold weather here (the high has been below freezing these last few days) and with snow expected tomorrow, I needed to get some kind of workout in. Somehow completing a 500 piece puzzle isn't burning many calories!
  • Spinster321
    Spinster321 Posts: 32 Member
    20 minutes of a walking video, and 8 minutes stretching. About to do a little more stretching now.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,205 Member
    prduk2000 wrote: »
    Running 40 minutes in zone 2. Loved it.

    Now some core and flexibility work.

    Welcome to the thread, @prduk2000! I hope we'll see you running around here often, since I think I saw you write something on another thread about triathlon in your future. ;)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,205 Member
    I didn't post day before yesterday (Jan 6), but did the 10k + 3' CD stationary bike thing, a moderate 91W average, mostly Z2.

    No workout yesterday, no good excuse, fell for Winter doldrums I guess. Went and got a cloudy film laser-zapped off one cataract lens (a.k.a. YAG procedure) for a dramatic improvement in left eye vision, so that's a plus.

    Rowing machine today, the same format as recently, ending up with 5889 imaginary meters in total including row in/out bits and CD. Few seconds under 10' of it Z4, 13' Z3, remainder below for a total of 32:13 (which includes a couple of 30"-ish breaks to glug some water).

    Before the row, 2 x 10 hanging knee raises, and after the row, 3 x 10 each of the same three kettlebell exercises in a circuit again . Shoulders and knees holding up OK doing that so far, though it's not comfy while in process. Proceeding slowly and cautiously.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,205 Member
    20 minutes of a walking video, and 8 minutes stretching. About to do a little more stretching now.

    Welcome to the thread to you, too, @spinster321! Keep up the goodness. I need to do more stretching, so thanks for that good example. :)
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,856 Member
    Treadmill - 1 hr, 3.0 mph, 12% incline

    My normal commute is about an hour without traffic. Snow was just starting to fall as I left this morning, average speeds were down about 10%, no big deal. But then traffic ahead slowed to a crawl, darn near a stand-still, and I managed to drive forward about 3 miles over the next 90 minutes. My boss called to say the weather and traffic, if anything, got worse as I kept going north, so I made an executive decision to turn around and head home. All told, I drove for almost 4 hours to get 80 miles on my car and arrive back home after accomplishing nothing, not even getting paid for my time on the road. So yep, I am NOT working from home the rest of today in protest.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 6,033 Member
    Recovering from 2nd cochlear implant surgery so it's easy going for the next 3 weeks...
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,205 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Recovering from 2nd cochlear implant surgery so it's easy going for the next 3 weeks...

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, @J72FIT: I know it's kind of frustrating to back off the usual intensity/activities to heal properly, but I hope the cochlear implant surgery will give you excellent long-term outcomes.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,205 Member
    Back to stationary bike, the usual recent 10k + 3' CD. Bike/Garmin claim 7.26 miles at 15mph average speed, bike says 93W average. About a quarter of the time was Z3, over 70% Z2, remainder below.

    I'm starting to feel like HR response is getting back closer to normal after my very non-normal November/December forced hiatus then intensity limitations, which is reassuring. Resting HR is back to normal, getting decent HR recovery during CD and post workout (usually 20ish bpm in each of those phases), but not sure whether cardiac drift upward over the workout is still up a bit.

    BTW, @mtaratoot, I had not power cycled my Garmin watch recently, not since the last required update (couple/few weeks, maybe?), so I did. I haven't had a repeat of the accidentally deleted workouts, but early times yet. Yeah, I worked in IT, and even managed help desk for a while, so I know we tell people to reboot . . . but I also know why we tell them that: Probably 90% of the time it's because we don't have a better idea :D , but sometimes it does work - probably more than the 10%. ;)
  • Kupla71
    Kupla71 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I have started strength training after not having done it for a long long time.

    Chest press
    Bicep curls
    Tricep extensions
    Side lunges

    Plus a 40 minute walk. Hoping to do strength training twice a week.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 6,033 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Recovering from 2nd cochlear implant surgery so it's easy going for the next 3 weeks...

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, @J72FIT: I know it's kind of frustrating to back off the usual intensity/activities to heal properly, but I hope the cochlear implant surgery will give you excellent long-term outcomes.

    Thank you!

    I am slowly becoming the bionic man... lol
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,856 Member
    Upper Body, DB Day

    DB Bench Press <<superset>> 1A DB Row 5x5
    Incline Cable Fly 3x10
    1A Pulldown 3x10
    DB Shoulder Triset (Front Raise, Lateral Raise, Rear Lateral) 3x10
    DB Shrugs 3x10
    DB Hammer Curl <<superset>> 1A Cable Pushdown 3x10
    Palloff Press 3x10 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec

    My son joined for the workout, his construction gig has been slow going during winter and he needed to blow off some steam. Half my age, half the weights I'm throwing around. Probably won't take him long to catch up, though, considering I didn't start lifting seriously until I was in my 30's.
  • dwightwilson9717
    dwightwilson9717 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I designed a mass-building routine broken into 3 phases. I'm in phase 2 until the 17th. Friday the 10th Was mainly chest and triceps but the focus for this week is legs so a few key leg exercises were included. I do my side delts on leg days so seated dumbbell presses were also on the list. I do 5 sets, 10-12-12-8-6 for the reps. The weight this phase is at least 85% of my maximum. As far as the exercises: Barbell bench press, tricep cable press, alternating dumbbell front delt raises, seated dumbbell presses, weighted step-ups, alternating dumbbell calf raises, stiff-leg deadlifts, and weighted forearm exercises.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,856 Member
    Leg Day

    Squats 4x10
    BB Step Ups 4x10
    BB Hip Thrust 4x10
    Seated Leg Curl 4x10
    Seated Calf Extend 4x10
    Cable Crunch 4x10, 15, 20, 25

    Huge crowd at the gym today. Son was still asleep when I left for the gym; got about 3/4 through when he called and said he was on his way. Pressed pause on my work til I caught him up; ended up being a LONG day at the gym.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,205 Member
    edited January 12
    Still wrangling with energy level or motivation, not sure which. Skipped working out yesterday, procrastinated today. Late evening, decided to stationary bike rather than row (or skip again). Did the 10k + 3' CD, bike says 7.29 miles averaging 15.3mph/98W. Not quite 60% Z3, remainder below.

    Reassuringly, resting heart rate now seems to be roughly 50 +/- 2 again, rather than being in the upper 50s to 60 like it was shortly after the fall when I couldn't be active for a while. I need to figure out what to be doing as far as volume/intensity to keep making recovery progress - it does seem like workouts down-regulate the headaches a bit - plus get some fitness benefits and keep overall energy level in a good range.

    My breast cancer survivors rowing team, which had dropped out of existence for several years, is going to be reforming. Initially there'll be weekly rowing machine practices starting January 21st. Should be good.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,856 Member
    Sheesh...she considers a heart rate in the upper 50s as "high", while I'm thrilled mine is down to 68. Just shows the difference between a cardio-lover compared to a weightlifter.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,205 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Sheesh...she considers a heart rate in the upper 50s as "high", while I'm thrilled mine is down to 68. Just shows the difference between a cardio-lover compared to a weightlifter.

    It's all relative, right, @nossmf? Speaking of which . . .

    When it comes to resting rate, genetics is in the mix, too. Blame your parents: It's a popular way to handle stuff like this. ;)
  • Spinster321
    Spinster321 Posts: 32 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    20 minutes of a walking video, and 8 minutes stretching. About to do a little more stretching now.

    Welcome to the thread to you, too, @spinster321! Keep up the goodness. I need to do more stretching, so thanks for that good example. :)

    Thank you. :)

    Today - 20 minutes (1 mile) walking video; 17 minutes stretching.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited January 13
    I spent the weekend diving in Dorset.

    On Saturday we got one dive in. We just did a harbour wreck. It was nice; maybe 2m visibility. 30 minutes dive; water a slightly bracing 8C. The air temperature was lower; I think around 5c most of the day.

    On Sunday, we got 10 folk on the rhib, with dive kit for 7. That meant we never got on a plane, so fuel efficiency was poor. We went a few miles out of the harbour. Visibility was so bad we canned the dive. The lack of planing meant we were low on fuel coming into the harbour. Do we needed to switch to the reserve tank, and didn't go diving. We were all very cold, so it felt like the right decision.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,856 Member
    BB Day

    Bench Press 5x5
    BB Row 4x10
    Incline Bench Press 3x10
    Pullups 30 total reps
    BB Shrugs 3x10
    Seated BB OHP 3x10
    Preacher Curl 3x10
    Cable Pushdown 3x10
    Cable Woodchoppers 3x10

    Working with my son, he feels very humbled with the weights he's using compared to me, but fact is he's lifting heavier starting out than I did when I started, so between him only being 24 and a lifting noob his gains will be phenomenal in a short time.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 6,033 Member
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,205 Member
    @nossmf, going beyond my joke-y reply yesterday:

    Last I knew, I think you were doing cardio primarily for general health, and sticking with mostly zone 2 max so as not to interfere with recovery from strength training, which is your priority?

    If that's the scenario, better gauges of progress would be how fast/far your heart rate drops right after the same duration/intensity cardio exercise, and whether you can increase the objective intensity of your cardio gradually over time but stay in the same heart rate range.

    After exercise, IMU something around 15-20bpm drop in one minute post-exercise would be normal/healthy. Elites may be more in the 20s bpm after 1 minute. Much lower than 15 . . . well, that probably wouldn't be good. Maybe risky.

    IIRC, you've increased the incline on your treadmill along the way, which would be an example of "increased objective intensity", as would increased speed. If you're staying in the same HR zone when making changes like that as time goes on, it's a sign of progress.

    It's true that a lower resting heart rate is also an indicator of cardio progress, but lower means "lower than it used to be". The absolute value doesn't much matter, as long as in the normal range, because of the genetic factors among other reasons. Consistent levels of cardio at a sufficient level should gradually lower it . . . but too much will make it go up (overtraining symptom).

    Also, comparing cardio-bunny me to very-strong you may be apples to oranges in another way: Is your resting heart rate from an all-day fitness tracker's results, or more the doctor's office/daytime observation kind of thing? Mine's often around 60 in those latter circumstances; the low resting rate is at night. Before I had an all-day tracker, I'd measure it first thing in the morning with a HRM, still in bed, non-alarm-clock day.

    I wish I could tell you my 1RM for bench or DL or something, but I don't know what it is. I'm sure the answer would be "pathetic". :D I'm fairly strong in the limited motions involved in rowing, but not in other respects. I'm not proud of that, but it's a True Fact.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,205 Member
    Rowing machine again today, same format as recently, total of 5820m including row in/out from intervals and the cool down. About a quarter Z4, half Z3, remainder below. On the 1k and 2k portions, 2:32.2 per 500m average pace, at a low 19spm average. Yeah, that's slow, but not terrible for my demographic as a steady state workout (not race pace) piece.

    I've been trying to add in some kettlebell or other strength/mobility work on row days gradually lately, but didn't have time before my appointment with my osteopath today. I don't like to work out for the rest of the day after he tries to put my skeleton back in a better place, seems to have better results. ;)
  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 76 Member
    First post back here in a loooong time. Don't want to chirp about a resolution or commitment until I see if it lasts. However, I've been doing a trainer led fitness class at the local Y, 3x per week for over a year now. I've started getting back in the pool too, a half dozen times this month so far including 1400 scm this morning. Still very slow compared to once upon a time but it's starting to come back a little. Rare but occasional track and cycle work though I hope to start increasing that again. Long ago I used to focus on cardio but lately the fitness class gets some strength work added in. A work in progress ...
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,066 Member
    I went climbing. I was poor; gravity was high.

    I used to monitor my RHR fairly religiously. I'm lazy about it now; I tested it now due to the chat about it. It seemed to be 48, which is within my range from when I wore a Fitbit, albeit on the lower end of that. (I smashed every Fitbit I owned. So I now go for cheap Casio digitals, which seem to be indestructible, although I won't cry if I do kill it. A replacement is around £15.)
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 6,033 Member
    Easing back in post surgery with mobility work...
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,856 Member
    Treadmill - 1 hr, 3.0 mph, 12% incline

    I realized towards the end of my walk today that I had barely registered the workout and my breathing was barely labored (did not monitor heart rate). Part of that could simply be from the distraction of the movie I played on my cell, but I've still been aware during other movies. Thinking I've just adjusted sufficiently to this level of intensity that I need to consider upping something, either speed or incline. I have two cardio sessions left this week; I will increase incline on one, and play with speed on the other, and then compare the two to see what change I want to keep going forward, if any.

    @annpt77 I just tested myself (two fingers side of neck for 15 seconds, multiply by 4) while sitting at my kitchen table in the evening while I read your remark. I recall my RHR was in the 50's back in my college days when I was running 5k's for fun every weekend; I was in the low 70's for my final medical checkout when leaving the military, but I was overweight and sedentary at that time (pre-lifting). Hadn't paid any attention to it in the decade and a half since until your comment struck me as funny.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,205 Member
    @nossmf, apples to apples, or more like, my HR just sitting here now is about 76, so you're a champ. ;) In my defense, it was meandering up and down around mid-60s, low 70s before I did tonight's workout.

    @Ernest_Nigma, nice to see you back amongst us again. Glad to hear you've kept up some fitness activity over the year, and are ramping up again. Keep up the good stuff!

    Stationary bike again for me, the same 10k+3' as recently. Including the 3' CD, it was 97W average, a theoretical 15.2mph speed for 7.26 miles in just under 29', 55% Z3, 40% Z2, remainder below. HR response isn't wildly different from what I was seeing for similar workouts before the head injury and resulting forced workout hiatus, so I guess that's good.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,856 Member
    Treadmill - 1 hr, 3.0 mph, 13% incline

    I increased the incline during my walk today, from 12% to 13%. After the initial shock of the increased work I quickly found a steady rhythm again, indicating the increased intensity wasn't that much different from what I'd been doing. Fact my calories burned only went up by 40 bears that perception out.