December 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    have you considered other forms of strength training? bodyweight stuff maybe that you find more fun. power yoga, trx, circus arts, convict training etc

    Wait... what is "convict training"? My brain threw up some interesting imagery when I read that. LOL

    Convict training or convict conditioning is body weight exercises done with minimal equipment, as you would find in a jail/prison. There is a book on the subject I believe, ah yes here it is convict conditioning book
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    No run tonight too much paperwork.
  • amirahdaboss
    amirahdaboss Posts: 921 Member
    edited December 2018
    Usually Tuesday’s are a rest day for me, as I’m accustomed to having classes all day, but as of today winter break has begun! Meant to take it easy and go out for one mile as fast as I could and maybe walk a couple of miles. However, that didn’t work because within a couple of minutes my heel was literally throbbing, so I stopped immediately. Well, I didn’t stop, but decided to go significantly slower and do a couple of miles that way instead. If all goes well with my heel, I’m planning on 4 miles tomorrow so I don’t wanna risk anything.
    12/1: 3.1 miles
    12/3: 2.7 miles
    12/5: 5 miles
    12/7: 3.5 miles
    12/8: 4.1 miles
    12/10: 2.6 miles
    12/12: 7.5 MILES!
    12/14: 2.7 miles
    12/17: 3.1 miles
    12/18: 3.1 miles
    Total for December: 37.4/50 miles
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    have you considered other forms of strength training? bodyweight stuff maybe that you find more fun. power yoga, trx, circus arts, convict training etc

    Wait... what is "convict training"? My brain threw up some interesting imagery when I read that. LOL

    Convict training or convict conditioning is body weight exercises done with minimal equipment, as you would find in a jail/prison. There is a book on the subject I believe, ah yes here it is convict conditioning book

    Yup what he said. You can also find videos on YouTube and infographics on pinterest (where I found it)
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,449 Member
    dewit wrote: »
    @Scott6255: I just think your wife was relieved to see with her own eyes that this is indeed how you spend the hour(s). She just looked upset as a cover :smiley: Seriously: lights and such are a good idea - I was considering this while running in the dark myself. You know, there might be a biker in a hurry and with music in their ears right behind you. Better be safe than sorry, agreed?

    Well what else could I be doing for over an hour and come home dripping with sweat? Oh wait... >:)
    But yeah, I agree.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,136 Member
    dewit wrote: »
    @amymoreorless Re: strength training. It may not be your thing, but I do rock climbing as my strength training. I sort of like lifting weights, but never did find something I could stick with. But I LOVE rock climbing. It's interactive and social and so challenging, both mentally and physically. It's like exercising while solving puzzles, so I find it hard to get bored. And no 2 climbs are ever the same! Certainly not conventional strength training, but it works for me! I'm always trying to introduce people to the sport!

    @martaindale: wow, never until just now did I take indoor climbing as a serious option. A spontaneous thought is that this is something I could do with the kids! I'll browse the net to see what's available in my region. Thank you so much for describing it so nicely.

    Meanwhile, I just plan to stick to skating (roughly once a week) - we're still in the beginner's corner :smiley: Does that count as running/walking? :wink: : (I would track it here if you guys said "yes" :smiley: )

    I actually got started climbing because of my daughter! It is something you can definitely do with your kids. So much fun. And a super supportive environment!
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 586 Member
    @amymoreorless Re: strength training. It may not be your thing, but I do rock climbing as my strength training. I sort of like lifting weights, but never did find something I could stick with. But I LOVE rock climbing. It's interactive and social and so challenging, both mentally and physically. It's like exercising while solving puzzles, so I find it hard to get bored. And no 2 climbs are ever the same! Certainly not conventional strength training, but it works for me! I'm always trying to introduce people to the sport!

    @martaindale Oh! Rock climbing sounds like fun! Except for the whole “being up high” thing. I am terrified of heights. :)

    I'm terrified of heights too, and it really slows me down when running trails! A friend says she's all but cured her acrophobia after getting into rock climbing. Now y'all got me itchy.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
  • dewit
    dewit Posts: 1,468 Member
    edited December 2018
    @Avidkeo: that is the best thing you could have done given the circumstances! Worth sacrificing the run - I am 100% sure that you'll get your reward, one way or another. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed all day (for you to be able to run today)! I appreciate a ton what you did for your friend, being a mum myself and having precious support!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Well run didn't happen. My closest friend woke with extreme lower abdominal pain during the night, so bad she took a strong pain relief that knocked her for 6.shes a solo mum with 10 month old twins, so I went round to check on her. Ended up watching the babies while she got a few hrs sleep, which fortunately helped a great deal. Was way too hot to run when I got home. Fingers crossed I'll get out tomorrow...

    Definitely did the right thing here. Just run twice today to make up for it ;) But seriously, I choose this over a run any time.