JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    JFT 31st January

    I'm happy that I didn't go to the takeaway at all in January (both for health and finances), it's a bit of a guilty weakness of mine. Probably more down to the fact that it's cold and dark in the evening, rather my willpower working lol.

    The "why-in-the-past" doesn't matter .... looking forward you can remind yourself that you have already done it! Why not count up ~ how much money you DID ACTUALLY save, and use that as the easy-to-point-to "more "immediate gratification carrot / distraction / strategy " to get you through another cold dark month .... by spring, it will be even easier to keep it to an occasional OWNED choice rather than an unthinking impulse.

    Your health will thank you, and as you notice tangible improvements in that area too, it will only reinforce the re-vamped "just how I am" lifestyle.

    That's how the UAC challenge underlying strategy works. Own you choices / planned passes.

    Gotta go scrape the car, but I have two videos i'd like to post later, to encourage people to make their own "adapted UAC" markers for this month's personal goal / achievement that is tied to a NSV, and not even necessarily an MFP marker. Something accomplished through daily bite-sized bits and choices, which is what this JFT thread is all about!

    I can already see it happening in me, but no time to expand on that right now ....

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member

    May the year of February be not so tough ....
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    edited February 2019
    Recap 1/31 Th ~ Missed mom's 82nd bday celebration due to weather & road conditions, and saw photos there w/ all 4 of my siblings, BIL & 1 SIL, and aunt who's leaving for 5 months in Oz. I felt bad about missing until I called in evening, when dad was so relieved I didn't chance driving 90 miles on crappy roads in dangerous wind chills. That made me feel better.
    1) Month end w-i and measurements / log on MFP = Done :smile:
    2) Treadmill 3 miles = 51:48 + cool down + stretched :smiley:
    3) Move hourly / 5 somethings = Fitbit 10,918 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 & 48 floors (we live in two story house & treadmill is in basement) :smiley:
    4) Finish writing cards & car payment check that must now be mailed instead of delivered personally = Done :smiley:
    5) Make fruit salad (that I was going to take to mom and dad's) = Done :smiley:
    6) Prelog meals & snacks / net calories zero / 12c water = Did well for change ~ wanted to snack after supper, recognized I wasn't truly hungry & had 1 baby pillow (old fashioned Christmas hard candy in miniature)... that kept me from eating & then the feeling passed. Net calories green 15 :smiley: , sodium -138 :smile: , sugar -36 (mostly fruit salad & leftover cake from hubby's bday), fiber & protein good (yay) & 14c water (yay)
    7) Declutter at least 15 min. :smiley: / other to-do's :smiley: bunch of little stuff done
    8) Unplug 9:00 :/ 9:30 / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / bed and TV off 10:20 :| 10:30

    JFT 2/1 F ~ Rest day
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings
    2) Snacks & (most) meals prelogged w/ wiggle room / stick w/ plan / net calories zero / 14c water
    3) Work: clear email backlog / issue PA-OESC final report / progress on UTH DVD review
    4) Evening: pick up citrus at NEWLHS / drop mail at PO / buy mushrooms (making chicken in mustard this weekend ~ yum!) / balance bank accounts / PM gems woman / declutter 15 min. / other to-do's
    5) Unplug 10:00 / floss / retainers / bed & tv off 11:00 (no alarm)

    Thought I'd share another recipe, Chicken in Mustard from Melissa D'Arabian on foodnetwork.com. Of course I tweak it, use canned tomatoes and add extra mushrooms & chicken thighs so it serves 6. Can omit wine if you want. MFP recipe builder calculates 464 calories per serving. Serve with noodles or skinny mashed potatoes (no cream or butter) ~ I eat carbs btw.

    ETA: Would be helpful if I included the link. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/melissa-darabian/chicken-in-mustard-recipe-1923558
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    So, I forgot to look through the hard copy of my weight log this morning (I didn't get up before the alarm went off like I usually do, so it was a little more hurried than usual). I went back to the 2018 JFT to check my scale progress and this morning's unexpected whoosh brought me to 186.0, which I haven't seen since sometime in NOVEMBER.

    Honestly, I was surprised to get a whoosh, given that I had some salty popcorn before going to bed, but I'll take it! Chances are pretty good that things will swing back up again tomorrow and it'll be a bit before I see 185-point-anything, but right now I'm feeling good about seeing ANY progress.
  • atheistred89
    atheistred89 Posts: 28 Member
    Today I'm focusing on self-care and staying within my calorie goals. (Try not to go over 1500 for the day and most of the time I'm lower. Just depends on the day really.)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    "DISCIPLINE"[/i]. Because I know that is what I need ... the discipline to do mindful eating, the discipline to look up calories ahead of time, the discipline to get to the gym regularly, the discipline to drink my water, and the discipline to never give up.[/i][/b]

    Weekly Weigh - in

    5'11" tall
    67 yrs old
    Goal weight: 170

    Year 2017
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6
    June 1: 200.4
    July 1: 199.2
    August 1: 195.6
    Sept 1: 192.8
    October 1: 191.8
    November 1: 187.7
    December 1: 193.5

    Year 2018
    January 1: 195.5
    Feb 1 : 190.2
    March 1 : 193.6
    April 1: 197.6
    May 1: 197.2
    June 1: 194.6
    July 1: 189.8
    August 1: 190.7
    Sept 1: 194.7
    October 1: 196.6
    November 5: 200.1
    December 3: 200.0
    Dec 15: 207

    Every year from Halloween until New Years I seem to gain weight. It is a combination of seasonal depression/ missing loved ones (having lost 4 of my siblings who I was very close to), and just missing the big family get togethers. Upset with myself, but I feel uncontrollable in this ... this is one of my main goals to learn this new year.

    Year 2019

    January 1, 2019: 206
    Feb 1, 2019: 201.6 --- Almost made my goal of 200. March 1st goal is 195

    Non-scale related goals 2019:
    1. learn how to stop/control binge eating
    2. learn how to manage stress/emotional eating
    3. keep up a gratitude journal everyday
    4. consistently learn and be better at planning meals for the week .... make this a regular thing to do
    5. consistently continue with exercising 5x a week. Be more confident in how I look.
    6. make drinking water a daily habit ... not something I have to work at.
    7. Reach my goal weight .... then learn how to maintain it!! -- DO not gain weight at the end of the year!

    Weight goals 2019:
    Feb: 200 -- Almost made this goal!
    March: 195
    April: 190 -- 1st Mini Goal in time for our 43rd wedding anniversary!!
    May: 185
    June: 180 -- 2nd mini goal
    July: 175-- 4th of July party at our sons
    August: 170 -- GOAL REACHED!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    JFT, THus
    1. log all food :/ Busy day, and just didn't make the time to do this
    2. mindful eating :):/ OK all day, until evening
    3. going to a banking event where there will be snack ... choose wisely :/ Hubby kept bringing me cookies ... ate 2 of them. Better than hubby, he ate 2 bags of chips AND 3 cookies.
    4. eat slow :)
    5. concentrate on water ... especially in the evening :/
    6. brush/floss teeth :/
    7. be patient .. this is as hard for our daughter as it is for us. Keep busy ... give her her space. No one chooses a life like this :)
    8. get back on here ... be more accountable :)

    Busy day again, so I will try and go back and read posts later. But ... its a new month... another new start. Remember how we will all feel come July if we keep going!

    JFT, Fri
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. mindful eating
    4. practice patience
    5. 15 minutes on the keyboard (I am on lesson 3 --- playing a chord with my left hand!) Keep in mind ... I can't even read music, so for me just to be able to play anything is fun ... even if it is just Twinkle Twinkle Little Star LOL!!
    6. take daughter out to to the bookstore or someplace tonite
    7. eat slowly
    8. brush/floss teeth. No nitetime snacking.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    Frenchfancy2014 - hugs to you. It’s been a very emotional week for you. I hope you soon get to take a day and just be.

    Bex953172 - I really wish I was closer. I would take your girls so you could have a sleep in.

    BMCc9 - Congratulations on the winner circle. Good luck figuring out your day today food wise. January seemed excruciatingly long. I hope February goes faster.

    Faebert - I am making a cake tomorrow for my girls , I can guarantee I won’t be up at 4 doing it though. I don’t know how you do it!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    I have the girls birthday gifts almost done. Kaitlyn’s is done I just need to make her card today. Lauryn’s I haven’t decided if I should put a quote on it or not. If I do, it has to be a smaller quote.q8ujxdb48dp6.jpeg
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    As promised earlier ...

    The following Ted Talk video was originally shared in my UAC challenge last December, but is SOO worth regular repeat viewing.

    Inside the mind of a master procrastinator – Tim Urban

    By watching it first, you will GET why, as shown in this second video (from a different challenge), so many go for the immediate, easy choice without making the connection to the fact that they are only making things harder for themselves down the road. This 10 min video from Fearless Motivation features the National Spokesperson for the Boys&Girls cCub of America, Denzel Washington

    To me, this video encapsulates the Big Picture (General) Theory behind what we learn on a personal, practical level by keeping on keeping on No …. Matter …. HOW …. an individual day goes. The principles apply whether we are talking MPF (scale-impacting) goals, or other NSV reasons that brought you to / have kept you here in JFT Land (like job hunting or keeping ahead of the dishes)

    Can you see a way to apply the Goal => Day-by-Day Discipline and Commitment => Accomplishment formula to your own specific situation and challenges to get you through the month?

    For me – setting aside the fun&easy pleasure of reading with my (workday) breakfast, gained me even MORE pleasure from being ahead of thicker “normal driving conditions” morning rush-hour traffic. I am STILL amazed at how much difference 10 minutes sooner out of the driveway makes!

    Getting up RIGHT when the alarm rings (hard) to fit in the daily pre-work 10 minutes of HIIT has already paid off in inches shed / lowered Body Fat % formula results (delayed gratification win)

    Go TEAM!

    Each of us can work this in our own way, applied to our own circumstances, to end February in some way farther along our individual paths than where we stand at this moment!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I have the girls birthday gifts almost done. Kaitlyn’s is done I just need to make her card today. Lauryn’s I haven’t decided if I should put a quote on it or not. If I do, it has to be a smaller quote.q8ujxdb48dp6.jpeg

    LOVE the book-quilt!!! (the other is really good too .... but incase you missed it .... I have been a bookaholic from the cradle ... )
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    @cory17 and @ZizzyBumble thank you for your kindness ❤️❤️❤️

    @maryrobinson40 keep hanging in there.,we are on our way to better !😉xx

    @frenchfancy2014 Thank you.. with sisters like you to lean on...I know we will make it. We are WINNERS!!!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    HEY! It's the first day of a new month... HAPPY FEBRUARY SISTERS AND BROTHERS!
    I'm ok and I'm on my way. Sometimes we miss our exit in life, but we shouldn't stress because there's another
    chance to get off the next one...lol. Ok I had about two naughty thoughts and I'm moving along quickly.
    This weekend, let's do our best to ENJOY what WEEKEND means.
    We can choose to make the most of it, or we can cash in our chips and hope we get away with the complimentary fruit basket... Ok...some of you may be scratching your heads over that statement...Hahaha. We can do what's right
    and know that the outcome will be success, or we can so call cheat, which only gives momentary feel goods and leave us in tears on the scale.
    I want to do something good for me this weekend. I'm feeling confident that we all will do well this weekend.
    Love you Ladies and gentlemen.
    Mary, over and out <3
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited February 2019

    This is from the GEM fb page and I thought of our little group :smile: (note: there is a difference from analyzing where you are weak and figuring out how to overcome said weakness and condemning yourself for stumbling. Peace and joy.)

    What you SAY to yourself matters 🙌

    Imagine you had a choice of roommates. Would you want to live with someone who constantly criticized you and noticed everything you did WRONG or someone who always was kind to you, and celebrated every GOOD thing you did, no matter how small?

    You are the ONLY one who lives in your mind 24/7. What does your internal dialogue look like?

    And ask yourself...has being harsh and self-critical ever actually benefited you? 🤔

    If it hasn't, maybe some change is in order. Maybe instead of beating yourself up, you should cheer yourself on. Be your own encourager, and surround yourself with others who do the same! 💕
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited February 2019

    Love it!!! Great job. Is that paper or vinyl or???