JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Good morning and happy Wednesday! For yesterday:

    1. Go for a walk on my lunch break 😊
    2. Stay within my calorie goal 😊

    I'm pretty happy I did both of these as I struggle with consistency. I'm going to up the challenge and add a couple more.

    JFT 2/6:

    1. Go for a walk on my lunch break
    2. Stay within my calorie goal
    3. Leave work by 5:30 (I have a problem of working late way too often)
    4. Do a load of laundry
    5. Put away the clean laundry

    Have a great day!

    I struggle with consistency, too.
    Also with leaving work-same issue. And although I didn't list it on my JFT, laundry is something I need to do tonight, too.

    Great job, yesterday! (I done good, too... lol)

    Hope you have a nice day!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday Feb 5

    Happy (Chinese) New Year, Everyone!!!

    I made a milestone this morning - Normal BMI by (Chinese) New Years. Weighed in at EXACTLY 25.00 on a workday!

    My next major MFP-type milestone target is "Start Transition to Maintenance before End Of March" (~ 6 pounds from now)

    I also only have ~ONE INCH to go in order to do up my wedding dress - so I also have a milestone to Do Up Wedding Dress before 31st Aniversary (April 30) - and keep being able to do it up long after!

    JFT (after work Tuesday) Report -
    2 x 10 minutes HIIT (one right after work and one later into the evening) :| Did one ... but also 55 minutes jogging on the mini-trampoline
    Make up for stepping missed last night - so at least 1hr 30 minutes on the mini-trampoline :| 55 minutes jogging on the mini-trampoline - then had to go get groceries.
    Do dishes >:)
    Put away laundry >:)
    Pre-weigh and pre-pack Wed breakfast and lunch B)o:)

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Jobs are temporary - your integrity will stay with you.


    And yes, @clicketykeys you are amazing at what you do and just amazing as who you are - that much is clear! I admire your grit in accomplishing all you do and your honesty with us all. To be totally honest I've had a few of those days myself lately, and not that I EVER want my friends feeling miserable - but going through the tough stuff TOGETHER certainly eases the pain a bit.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Tuesday
    1. Log all food :) definitely eating at maintenance lately - plus the superbowl pig out I'm up on the scale
    2. Drink 6 waters :)
    3. Cook dinner at home :)
    4. Empty Dishwasher :)
    5. Put away clothes :)
    6. Shred Crockpot chicken, portion, package and store :)
    7. Cook soup for Aunt :)
    8. Pay cable bill :)
    9. Tea before bed :)

    JFT Wednesday AM
    1. SMOOTHIE :)
    2. Fish Oil and elderberry >:) Got the smoothie in - forgot the supplements - baby steps!
    3. Pack soup for Aunt >:) DH has the car today so rescheduled drop off for tomorrow. She gets home Saturday so no big rush to get it there today.

    JFT Wednesday
    1. Atleast 6 waters at work - I'm dehydrated and I think it might be causing overactive oil production, hair and skin feel greasy in record time.
    2. Log all food
    3. Eat packed lunch
    4. Cook dinner at home
    5. Load of laundry
    6. Follow up on IMA application, HR position, and return call for Medica
    7. Empty dishwasher
    8. Tea before bed
    9. Bed by 10

    JFT Thursday AM
    1. Smoothie
    2. Fish Oil and elderberry
    3. Pack soup for Aunt - deliver before work or at lunch
    4. Remember 3PM car buyout appointment - print preapproval
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,523 Member
    Recap 2/5 T
    1) Treadmill before work 3 mi 50:27 + cool down + stretched = happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings = Fitbit 14,380 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 boom! (it's been a while) & 58 floors :smiley:
    3) Meals (leftovers) & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / no snacking after supper / net calories zero / 14c water = Forgot it was food day in office... we all sat in conference room together, ate & visited (which we never do any other time b/c we have no break room). I ate small portions of several (healthier) things & logged. Stuck w/ meals prelogged, then ate 1 power muffin in evening, but I was so active that it nearly balanced out :D . Net calories -69 :/ , sodium -805 :/ , sugar green (yay), fiber & protein both net zero (how? :D ) & 14c water (yay)
    4) Locate & update JFT monthly goals & weekly w-i = done :smiley:
    5) Evening: bake Kodiak Cake power muffins (need to use up bananas) :smiley: double batch (yum) / boil eggs :smiley: we're out of eggs now / organize papers for tax preparer :smiley: so many forms & docs! / declutter 15 min. :/ no time / message gems woman :smiley: / other to-do's? :smiley: reviewed recipes, made meal plan & grocery list
    6) Unplug 9:00 :( 10:00 & my sleep was messed up :s / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / set/verify alarm, bed & tv off 10:20 :/ a little later (shovel snow if necessary or treadmill before work W)

    JFT 2/6 Hump Day ~ Not that much snow fell, hubby said he would clear once he got up, so no a.m. shoveling. Then snowplow filled in end of driveway just before I left for work. I plowed my little Honda Civic right through!
    1) Treadmill before work 3 mi 50:22 + cool down + stretched = Feel like I'm getting back in the groove (Jan. not so much) and happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings
    3) Meals (more leftovers but I like them) & snacks prelogged / no snacking after supper / net calories zero / 14c water
    4) Evening: check out Public Market (never been to this one) / grocery shop / wash dishes (pile is getting a little extreme) / fold hubby's work shirts / write review for gems woman / declutter 15 min. / other to-do's?
    5) UNPLUG 9:00 / floss / retainers / set/verify alarm (radio station?), bed & tv off 10:20 (not sure if rest day R a.m.)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    AJB1014 - when do you have to advise on the offer you had? Did they come through with more money? It’s good that you are taking the time to think and decide on what you want.
    I feel desperate so I fear I would take the first thing offered. I have heard from several people that the average time to be without work for admin people right now is 5-6 months! Last year it was 5 months for me. At least this time I have EI.

    Bookmeister86- I will look at getting that book, it looks interesting. I have been selling some items on FB marketplace, I haven’t looked at eBay or Amazon though. I didn’t even know you could on Amazon.

    I have looked at surveys in the past, but found I got lots of junk mail for my efforts and nothing else. How do you know which ones are legitimate?
    Great job on changing your mind about the burger!

    Faebert - buying a birthday present for your cat at your girls insistence, that’s one thing that they will remember and makes you a great Mom.

    Zizzybumble- the last time I lost weight in 2012 I had managed to get down to 168, before letting it all go. I had many reasons and they were valid, but this time I have decided that no matter what is going on in my life I need to continue to weigh and log daily to keep me aware so that I can stop the gain and reverse it faster.

    Clicketykeys- I was talking to a young teacher at Michaela’s birthday party. He had his wife have a 3 year old and they are expecting in June, she’s having a difficult pregnancy. I asked how he was and he said “tired”. He then went on to tell me all he has to do for school before Monday, this was Saturday. He also had a wedding that evening and family functions on Sunday. We talked for about 20 minutes and I told him about you and your lists of things on MFP and how I didn’t understand how you both could keep up with it all. I wish I had answers for you, but I don’t know what they would be.

    Maryrobinson40- I’m sorry to hear you are having a 2nd biopsy. I hope everything is clear.

    Littleblackskirt- I 100% understand about the toast and not cooking. I dislike cooking a lot! I do it because I have to, but seriously I will probably be one of those seniors that when left to my own devices will eat out everyday.

    Elbee1 - I should find a dance class again. I did it a couple of years ago and after the fear of being judged was over I actually enjoyed it too. Glad you had fun!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    JFT - Tuesday Feb 5 Determined
    2L of water - 🙂
    Calories in Green - 🙂
    Walk 1 Mile - 🙂 - 2.5
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 1/5
    Only 1 evening Snack - 🙂🙂 None!
    5 something at bathroom break - 🙂
    Write in Journal - 🙂
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices. - 🙂

    JFT - Wednesday Feb 6 - Determined
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices.

    I had a fairly decent day yesterday, I did do a little crafting and then scrubbed. I have a project I need to finish today for Michaela. I will have something for Jonah tonight so I better have something for her.

    Jonah is 7. I made him a shirt that says, “Bad puns are how eye roll”. I put googly looking eyes on it and the whites of the eyes glow in the dark, he lives bad puns so this should be a hit.

    I made my girls recipe binders for their birthdays last year using recipes from Aunts, Grandmothers, and friends. I had pictures of them eating or making donuts with their great grandmother and I included those pictures. I included pictures of everyone that gave me a recipe. They were a huge hit. I am borrowing Lauryn’s back from her tonight so that I can make one for myself.

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @Snowflake1968 - I talked to the manager on Monday - she said the owner was not willing to come up on the salary. I tried to negotiate paid vacation time, another no go. The one positive is they cover 75% of health insurance, so that is less of an expense. But is it enough to for me not to feel resentful in a year or two when I'm making the same salary with no room for advancement? That's what I'm not sure of. Actually, I am pretty sure I would be resentful. And I don't want to start at a job, just to be looking again in two years. So I bought myself until atleast Thursday to give them a desicion - but I'm not really sleeping well!!! I do have an offer at the pool store I used to work at, for a slightly lower hourly wage, but it would just be a summer commitment - I would still keep the 20 hours at the family business - and then in October, I would be able to look for something I WANT, not something I NEED without the urgency to "just get a job." I received a request to interview for a purchasing position with an 80k/year salary today - DH could be a stay at home dad to our future babies if I made that kind of money! It's an hour commute with no traffic though - more like 1.5-2 realistically, so I really don't think its a great fit for me, where I do want to have kids soon. BUT - it gave me the confidence boost I needed to know that I AM worth more salary wise than this current offer - I just need to be patient to find the right place, with the right salary. Whoops - speak of the devil and he shows up, manager just contacted me about the inside sales position. I think I'm going to decline it - gosh this is all so hard. Thank you for asking :) How are you holding up?

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @Snowflake1968 - I did surveys through inboxdollars.com - they also paid you like 2 cents per email you opened from them. A lot of the "sign up bonuses" were junk and I kept to just the surveys and the emails. I made like $30 in a month or two.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    @clicketykeys my job is also a "for the children" type of position. But when admin uses that to justify lots of extra unpaid hours, its BS. We're all working to pay those bills and keep a roof above. I think it has to do with being in a field that used to be primarily female dominated. But you're right about admins changing regularly. What are the nonfinancial benefits to you?

    Fluids +
    logging :(
    exercise - sore and fatigued last couple of days, went to bed early yesterday and back at it!
    food - trying to get back on track. good thing is going to bed so early lately means less opportunity to munch.
    study :(
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    @Snowflake1968 - I talked to the manager on Monday - she said the owner was not willing to come up on the salary. I tried to negotiate paid vacation time, another no go. The one positive is they cover 75% of health insurance, so that is less of an expense. But is it enough to for me not to feel resentful in a year or two when I'm making the same salary with no room for advancement? That's what I'm not sure of. Actually, I am pretty sure I would be resentful. And I don't want to start at a job, just to be looking again in two years. So I bought myself until atleast Thursday to give them a desicion - but I'm not really sleeping well!!! I do have an offer at the pool store I used to work at, for a slightly lower hourly wage, but it would just be a summer commitment - I would still keep the 20 hours at the family business - and then in October, I would be able to look for something I WANT, not something I NEED without the urgency to "just get a job." I received a request to interview for a purchasing position with an 80k/year salary today - DH could be a stay at home dad to our future babies if I made that kind of money! It's an hour commute with no traffic though - more like 1.5-2 realistically, so I really don't think its a great fit for me, where I do want to have kids soon. BUT - it gave me the confidence boost I needed to know that I AM worth more salary wise than this current offer - I just need to be patient to find the right place, with the right salary. Whoops - speak of the devil and he shows up, manager just contacted me about the inside sales position. I think I'm going to decline it - gosh this is all so hard. Thank you for asking :) How are you holding up?

    I am trying very hard not to panic and sort of enjoy this time. Like you, I don’t want a job just to have a job. I truly dislike changing jobs so I want something long term. The job I’m really hoping for closes tomorrow, I’m still praying I get called for it.

    I think you are wise not to take that position if they aren’t willing to negotiate at all. It will mean struggling later for any concessions.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Another poop day here, looks like were going to lose out on another house, which also means we'll be in the least prioritised catergory for a house.
    So well be stuck here gor atleast another year or we go into private rented which we didnt want to do.

    Although im not eating my problems away, jm not evrn hungry, just drinking them away instead wih water vodka.

    Hugs Bex.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    @Snowflake1968 - I talked to the manager on Monday - she said the owner was not willing to come up on the salary. I tried to negotiate paid vacation time, another no go. The one positive is they cover 75% of health insurance, so that is less of an expense. But is it enough to for me not to feel resentful in a year or two when I'm making the same salary with no room for advancement? That's what I'm not sure of. Actually, I am pretty sure I would be resentful. And I don't want to start at a job, just to be looking again in two years. So I bought myself until atleast Thursday to give them a desicion - but I'm not really sleeping well!!! I do have an offer at the pool store I used to work at, for a slightly lower hourly wage, but it would just be a summer commitment - I would still keep the 20 hours at the family business - and then in October, I would be able to look for something I WANT, not something I NEED without the urgency to "just get a job." I received a request to interview for a purchasing position with an 80k/year salary today - DH could be a stay at home dad to our future babies if I made that kind of money! It's an hour commute with no traffic though - more like 1.5-2 realistically, so I really don't think its a great fit for me, where I do want to have kids soon. BUT - it gave me the confidence boost I needed to know that I AM worth more salary wise than this current offer - I just need to be patient to find the right place, with the right salary. Whoops - speak of the devil and he shows up, manager just contacted me about the inside sales position. I think I'm going to decline it - gosh this is all so hard. Thank you for asking :) How are you holding up?

    I am trying very hard not to panic and sort of enjoy this time. Like you, I don’t want a job just to have a job. I truly dislike changing jobs so I want something long term. The job I’m really hoping for closes tomorrow, I’m still praying I get called for it.

    I think you are wise not to take that position if they aren’t willing to negotiate at all. It will mean struggling later for any concessions.

    OMG it closes tomorrow! Time sure does fly - I've been saying my prayers for you! Have you thought about calling to say you are very interested and would really like to be considered? I guess peoples opinion on doing that can go both ways, but I'm one to think it really cant hurt to have them take an extra look at your resume before deciding. Wishing you the best of luck!!!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Another poop day here, looks like were going to lose out on another house, which also means we'll be in the least prioritised catergory for a house.
    So well be stuck here gor atleast another year or we go into private rented which we didnt want to do.

    Although im not eating my problems away, jm not evrn hungry, just drinking them away instead wih water vodka.

    Hang in there! Sending you hugs!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Wednesday 6 February

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green :) even with the rock cake that was provided in this morning's meeting; after all, it would have been churlish to refuse a cake that has the reputation for keeping the organisation going in times of stress.
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Fitbit excercise goals :)
    January water challenge :)
    Modified February nighttime challenge :)

  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Hi Everyone... I'm having my second biopsy Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m.
    I have spoken to my family that I will not be "driving Mrs. Daisy" for the rest of the week.
    I'm totally going to take care of myself. I have canned soup so that I won't be overeating
    and bottled water by my bed, so I can really take it easy and heal.

    Mammogram was last week and breasts are still tender . All in All, I welcome these
    tests because my body is worth all the efforts I can put in to have a life of quality.
    I will be on meds so I'm not sure if my log in streak will continue... Lol…. But I will try.
    I'm Thankful, and Optimistic🙌🙏
    Love all of you.

    Mary, I obviously missed some big news....can I ask what biopsy is of? I didn’t realize there was a first biopsy! Prayers and gentle hugs my friend. ❤️

    It's my cervix... Ouch... Wouldn't you know it... I haven't had a man down there in 9 years and the first
    man I get is a doctor, but he's not going to be down there to make me purrr.... LMBO😂😂😂😂😂
    Story of my life.
    Wanna hear something else funny. I have a friend in my life who happens to be almost everything
    I could ever want in a man...the "almost" part... He's Homosexual....😂😂😂😂😂
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,362 Member
    Hi everyone, hopping on to post my goals. I wrote them out in a Word document earlier today but never got them pasted into here!

    I dropped Maddie off at a Doggy DayCare this afternoon for first time. We are going on a short trip and I need a place to board her where I think she will be okay and not scared that she has been abandoned again. I've been worried about her all day but every time I look at the web cam they have up, she is doing just fine! Nervous as a mother hen with chicks...

    I have a lot to catch up on again, so I'll do that later tonight. Love you all! xoxox

    Just for Wednesday | 2/6/2019:
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Drink 90 oz of water
    3. 30 active minutes on my FitBit
    4. 2 fruits / 3 veggies
    5. No vending machine snacks
    6. Eat only when sitting down
    7. Be mindful, eat slowly, enjoy my meal
    8. Give myself credit for positive choices
    9. Review restaurant's menu online and pre-select healthy choice for dinner tonight
    10. Beck's - next chapter
    11. Lymphatic massage for arm before bed
    12. Gratitude Journal / Podcast / Simple Abundance / Calm App / Read until lights out by 10:30
    Also on this week's list:

    Listen to this week's Half Size Me podcast
    Go through clothing in spare room and either keep/donate/toss
    Call Planet Fitness and get membership squared away
    Reserve a car for us at AZ airport
    Shop for 3 outfits that fit and that are my style so I have something comfortable to wear that I feel good in also.
    Shop for summer clothing to wear while at dad's in AZ that I will feel comfortable in
    Attach binding to quilt
    Get lab drawn for Friday appt.
    Prep serving-sized snacks to grab easily for lunches, etc.

    Word for 2019: tenacity/tenacious I will fight to achieve my goals with the tenacity of a dog with a bone.