

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    Rebecca - I love that you can laugh at your goofball, I know too many that would be nasty about something like cutting in the middle.

    Michele - I like the yogurt pops idea, I will have to remember that for my Grands this summer.

    Lisa - Happy to read you are doing better. I too have been reading all the posts but having a hard time making comments to all. My goal is to limit social media a bit and I’m missing it.

    Machka and Beth - your talk about not progressing was one of the topics at the symposium on Tuesday. A police Sargent gave a talk about getting first responders back to work after critical incidents. He said that they started their program in 2009 when a Rookie police officer was injured and had fatally shot the suspect. WCB and occupational therapists were helping but they only had so much they could do. In this instance the Rookie was scared of his weapon but was being cleared to return to work. He spoke to his superior and EPS stepped in and created a peer support system to help these situations. It has grown immensely over the last 9 years but one thing he repeated over and over is that people need to look for other ways to help and not just follow the old ways.

    Katla - I am quite proud of my future son in law as well. I don’t know how they do what they do. I could never work in the healthcare industry, my heart would be broken. It’s good that they are finally taking closer looks at what some of these careers do to their mental health and bringing it out into the light.

    I have been busy playing with my Cricut, I have been making birthday party decorations for Michaela’s party on Saturday. I’ve used I think all of the functions I can do with it. So it has been a learning experience and the 3 year old will love everything without judging. I need to do some cleaning today and apply for some more jobs. I wish the job hunt wasn’t so difficult.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    Rebecca, I am just giggling away at your picture of the cornbread! My daughter does the same thing to everything in a pan, from where that came, I’ve no idea, but I always know who’s gotten into it!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    well im home it is pouring rain and windy and I am soaked.. im home from grocery shipping and bought only good stuff.. doing well with it all.. so I have been wearing 2-3x at least in pants, and usually blouses and sweaters too..
    so on a whim I bought like I said the 16-18 size, one is a bit more structured so it doesnt fit over the belly yet, but it will the other 2 shirts fit perfectly... makes me a happy camper.
    I have laundry in the wash and am on my second cup of tea.. today and I might just take a bit of a nap and then clean out the fridge
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Love your DH , Rebecca! :D

    I know some of you love my crazy food/drinks. So I'm carrying on.
    I've just finished mashing the tatties and neeps for tomorrow. We will have a small helping tonight. (Potatoes and turnip/swede) Lots of butter, I'm afraid. ;) We are having a big portion of brussel sprouts as well, with salmon .
    Tomorrow for Burn's Night it is traditional to drink whisky, but my son is AF. So we have jumped the gun and had a CAOL ILA whisky tonight. It's from the island of Islay, (pronounced Eye-lah) where I went on my own for a holiday when my first marriage was breaking up. I toured a different distillery. There are six on the small island. The Caol Ila is light in colour, but distinctively smokey and peaty in flavour - one of my favourites. I think tomorrow we will have one after he has gone home. <3
    In previous years we have had a whisky tasting, but not this year.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
    Awe Heather, he's a keeper!💗😋 I wanted to state how proud I am of you supporting your son in being AF. Some families wouldn't bother, oh its his deal, if he can't handle being around it, then he doesn't have to attend, mindset. To make allowances and adjustments is what families do. 💗
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Rebecca, I am just giggling away at your picture of the cornbread! My daughter does the same thing to everything in a pan, from where that came, I’ve no idea, but I always know who’s gotten into it!

    I have seen a post online, and I am thinking that is where my dear husband got the idea from. He most certainly wasn't brought up to😋!! A couple days prior he had a hunk of my chocolate cake, BEFORE dinner! He's like a child, but with a raunchy sailor disposition!!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Whew! Caught up. Probably missed a bunch due to skimming.

    Beth, I’m with you on the haggis.

    Hugs to all with work issues, sick DHs, sick yourself, and/or struggling with this whole weight thing.

    Rebecca, your DH cornbread story takes the cake (dying laughing at my own joke).

    Love you all,


    K, he did take my chocolate cake too....see photo in later responses! He took a big chunk before dinner!
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy National Compliment Day!

    "A compliment has a powerful effect. It can instill confidence in a child, or validate someone’s hard work. A compliment not only improves the receiver’s mood, but it also says something about the giver. It tells them you noticed. To give a great compliment, first be sincere. People have a way of knowing when we are fake. If you don’t mean it, it’s worse than getting a thoughtless birthday gift. Complimenting character versus a new haircut are different rewards. The first says you respect the person and the other tells them you paid attention. Sometimes the receiver needs to hear one or the other, or both. Human beings like to be unique, original. Strive to compliment what makes a person stand out above the rest. Take the time to reflect on what you admire about the person."

    Rebecca - Loved the cornbread photo. I take it your husband doesn't like the crusty edges? Loved the pictures of him, too. What a great big goofy grin!

    Michele - I do yogurt pops in the summer too. Looking forward to trying some new flavors this summer.

    Heather - I tried haggis at a Celtic festival once. It was OK, but I probably wouldn't go out of my way to eat it.

    Machka - Sorry your "helper" isn't helpful, but I continue to be amazed at the progress your husband has made on his own.

    I did it - I made a quart of homemade yogurt yesterday! Actually I guess it's still a work in progress because it's still draining, but it tastes delicious! I also prepped three jars of steel-cut oats for the refrigerator, baked a batch of muffins with the leftover cranberry-orange sauce from Christmas, and (finally!) wrote thank-you notes for our gifts. It was a nice reminder of what my days can be like when I'm not crazy busy at work. It's been quite awhile since I had a slow spell like this. It won't last long but I'm enjoying it while I can.

    Any "Joe vs. the Volcano" fans out there? I love Tom Hanks and that is one of my favorite movies. It's quirky and a little weird. Anyhow, there's a scene where he is stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean. He wakes up to see a ginormous moon on the horizon, and he stares at it for a minute then says, "Thank you for my life!" Driving home from an outing last night the rising moon looked just like that - a great huge orange in the sky - and I just paused and whispered, "Thank you for my life!"

    Now I need to take Luna for a walk then use some of today's free time getting my taxes ready for the accountant. :*

    Every one of you is fabulous in her own way and you inspire me every day.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Whoa! It has been a day. SO glad I only have two hours left with kids. All of the kids have had their knickers in a twist over one thing or another all day. VERY whiny. :( When I am tired it is hard to deal with that. They all fought nap, but are finally all asleep (as of about 30 minutes ago). I am just going to let them sleep until pick up, (4:30-5:00)I think. Anyway, reading the food comments. I have never tried haggis; but I would probably give it a go. I am a more adventurous eater than most. My DH, Tim, on the other hand is not an adventurer of any kind. He tried some plain greek yogurt years ago and hates it (too tart). I have been trying to get him to try my home made yogurt for months because it isn't as tart as the store bought brands. He finally tried it last night and likes it. (cue angels singing the halleluiah chorus). SO...I may need to make a bit more yogurt than I already do. We will see.

    The snow is really coming down again. Weather is predicting another 6-8 inches before tomorrow at this time. Not much, but it will give me a couple more shoveling sessions between now and then!

    Hugs to all! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,581 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Happy National Compliment Day!

    Any "Joe vs. the Volcano" fans out there? I love Tom Hanks and that is one of my favorite movies. It's quirky and a little weird. Anyhow, there's a scene where he is stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean. He wakes up to see a ginormous moon on the horizon, and he stares at it for a minute then says, "Thank you for my life!" Driving home from an outing last night the rising moon looked just like that - a great huge orange in the sky - and I just paused and whispered, "Thank you for my life!"
    -Yvonne in TX

    Love that movie. I need to see it again. I do remember that scene. There are so many touching moments in that crazy film. One of my favorite lines, delivered multiple times is, "I have no response to that." I used to use it a lot with my family. I think I need to bring it out again.

    Thanks for the reminder. Such a fun movie.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Sue - Poor Nessa. She looks so cute. I would love to cuddle with her! I'm glad to hear your hub is holding his own at the moment. My prayers continue for you both.
