

  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Evelyn on Vancouver Is. - I hear your rain up there is about like Forks down here in WA. A boat would be a fine idea. Your kitty sounds like she was a real source of amusement and comfort. Is there a reason you haven’t adopted another? I figure these two may be my forever cats, although my family tends to live long. I hope so. My orange girl is 7 and my Siamese will be 4 Feb. 10th. I wish we’d all kind of grow old together

    Heather U.K. - your husband’s illness sounds pretty worrying. I dearly hope you don’t get it too. Unfortunately, both the flu and the pneumonia vaccine don’t prevent us from getting it entirely, but make it a lighter case if we do. Hope you’ll both be out and walking again soon. I too have been AF for 34 years. Glad to hear some restaurants are respinding with choices other than wine or liquor for festive or celebratory pairings. Thanks for the rundown on haggis, by the way.

    Machka in Oz - i have up trying to multitask last year, finally. My anxiety is usually well controlled, but I found after all these years suddenly trying to do even a couple of things at once begins that cycle. Focusing on one thing at a time is now my way of completing my tasks successfully.

    Michele in NC - Thanks for the GREAT idea to use up yogurt! I’d been wondering how that could be worked out. And pops w lots of protein are perfect for bypass people.

    Sharon Near sunny Seattle
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,583 Member
    Good Morning All! I've all of you. Belated Happy New Years to all! My word for 2019 is BALANCE!

    My goal for January 2019 was to change our eating habits. DH is focused on this after suffering with extreme bloat during the latter half of the year. After seeking direction from his doctor and getting a referral to a specialist he was told that he had gas easily cured with Gas-X and changing our foods. So we are doing an big decrease in white foods (sugar, flour, potatoes, pasta, and rice), decrease/elimination of fried foods (except fried chicken on Sundays :D ), and the active seeking of fresh produce. For the month of January we have both lost 6 pounds each thus far. The nice thing is that we don't feel deprived except in the late evening when we miss our usual desserts but since there is none in the house we just groan for a few minutes and move on.

    Tere in RVA

    Woohoo! Great to "see" you!

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,583 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »

    The part that is such a bummer is I was beginning to get to a place that I could save some real money – as I don’t even have $100 in savings, and would really like to see at minimum a months house payment. I will be making no changes, just plans, until May and will tuck away as much as I can to help me over what ever might be ahead.

    Kim from N. California

    So sorry. This is really discouraging. I'm sure something will work out, but I know how frustrating it is not knowing how it is all going to work, especially when you were getting into a groove.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    :s:s Frustrated with my weight and diet. I started the Keto diet on December 12, list 10 pounds by Jan 12, but put 5 back on! Don't know how or why. Following same calorie/fat/carb regime right through! So freaking frustrating but I won't give up. My belly fat has gone down and all my blood work is good (except thyroid). I got rid of cholesterol meds but had to double thyroid meds just this week, so maybe that's what's happening? :s

    RV Rita
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sharon near Seattle ... hugs ...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    total cal burn for the day 928
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    edited January 2019
    Did the Firm Maximum Cardio Burn DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Amy Dixon Give me 10 DVD

    Viv – I think your mother IS in some sort of denial. Agree with how to talk to your family about the situation (he may not be able to do this). You were given some really good advice

    NYKaren – happy birthday!

    Just found out (I’m not supposed to know this) who the next officers for Newcomers will be. Sandi is going for vice president. She’s the gal who really wanted to work with me and couldn’t understand why we were reinventing the wheel. Talking to her about the website might very well produce positive results. Seems that Adra has made a new application and is going to present it. Last I knew she was going to work with me. Well, we shall see what it’s like. I’m suspecting very limiting. She’s the one who thinks the directory is “breaking down”. She’s the one who thought by updating email address on the web would automatically update the mail list. It can’t. Our web has nothing to do with Google mail list. I like how I’m involved in things. Well, now they want to have individual memberships which means that I’d like to somehow just deactivate a member. This way, should they return, we’d still have all the information (email, etc) for the person. But right now I only have a delete member ability. If I use that and the person comes back, they’ll need to fill out a whole new application.

    Tracey – what’s the job like? I do hope you get it. It’s so much better when you are doing something you really enjoy, you tend to go above and beyond.

    Lisa – what wonderful news!

    Carol – OUCH!!! Hope your finger is better fast Isn’t it amazing, we really don’t realize just how much we depend on our thumb. I remember when I had trigger thumb, it was amazing the things I couldn’t do (or do with a lot of pain)

    Went to see “Murder on the Nile”. Pretty good.

    Got an email from the current president (who I hope will go for serious grief therapy). She hopes I will cover loose ends while they transition to find someone to fill this role (hospitality). Ahhh...no. Come April I'm outta there. Then she asks: Will you be staying on the web team in the roll of new members welcome and entry ? After the way I've been treated? Does she even want me? I probably will stay, but there needs to be changes. For one thing, I can't be left out in the cold when something refers to my job. So we shall see.... Vince said he'd help formulate a response for me that would basically leave it openended because he knows me and I'm an emotional type of person.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa in AR: Sending good thoughts for your knee replacement on the 5th. I hope surgery goes well and you heal quickly. :heart:

    Okie: Thanks for the information about cheddar cheese not containing lactose. No wonder I can eat it and not become miserable. Yay! :smiley:

    Pip: Love your picture at the barbecue. :bigsmile:

    (((Michele in NC))) You have given your time and effort to the Newcomers for a long time and haven’t gotten the thanks or respect that you richly deserve. I’m glad that Vince will help you with your response to them. :star:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,387 Member
    edited January 2019
    So many posts that I only had time to scan them.

    My heart goes out to all those who are ill, or have family who are ill. May you find the fortitude you need to move forward. So many people have offered their advice and I don't think I can add to what has already been said.
    Lisa in AR: All the best for the 5th. May your surgeon's skill be sure, and your recovery speedy.
    Sharon near Seattle: (((hugs))) Your Allan was a special person.

    ☘️ Terri
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Sharon: Thank you for writing that out for us on Allan's journey with you. Your strength in letting him leave through the door he chose was as special as the man you were with. I'm sorry you lost him so soon.

    Barbie: Loving your life, as well. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Thanks for all the comments on the knee surgery. I've known it was in my future for many years, waited as long as I could to start the process, and am glad that it will be happening quickly. Especially because I tend to dread these things, and it's good that I will have a short time for my apprehensions to run amok. :wink:

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka - you could create a blog (in your "spare" time, lol) teaching the caregivers what it's really like to deal with their set of instructions for your husband's care. Are you able to stay calm? I'm afraid I would have had some melt-downs with these folks... or my sarcasm in response to their suggestions would be dripping from the walls. B)>:) Glad you'll have access to your Gram's funeral.

    Sometimes I can stay calm. Sometimes I'm over it enough that I just think ... "OK, here we go again."

    But if they persist, I head into the sarcasm, and I usually have to end the conversation because my level of sarcasm escalates to the point, I actually cannot carry on a conversation because I've got a sarcastic response to just about every word they say.

    Occasionally, I get into the yelling. This is usually after I've had a calm conversation that didn't help ... then a sarcastic conversation that didn't help ... and they're still pursing their idiotic line of thinking ...

    Way back, I was on the phone with a bank. I had 3 or 4 conversations and email exchanges to find out what I needed to do to access our accounts. On the first conversation, they actually hung up on me! But I finally got to the point where I had filled in the appropriate paperwork and had faxed it. Faxed!! Can you imagine?? I actually had to find a photocopier with the fax option!! I called them back to make sure they had it and to make progress, and got "You didn't send the right paperwork". My tone escalated to heavy sarcasm ... and then yelling. Finally I hung up and called back a little later (hoping to get a different person, and did). Same response ... I hadn't sent the right form, and he was about to hang up on me. I was right into yelling then, and while I was bellowing and screaming into the phone, I suddenly heard him say, "Oh wait ... here it is. Everything is all right and we'll process this right away". That time all the yelling seemed to work! Encouraged him to take a second look at things. :grin:

    M in Oz