

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Amy Dixon’s Give me 10 DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do 10 Minute Solution Slim and Sculpt Pilates DVD.

    Katla – I’m the emotional person, I’m the person who would respond “are you sure you even want me?” (Newcomers). Many times I just need someone to bring me back to earth and tell me that I’m being emotional. Plus…he’s worked his entire career in IT. So he kind-of knows what he’s talking about. I do care about the members. But I won’t continue to be treated the way I am, I get too hurt. I’ve spent too many nights being upset

    Right now I have a ginger maple cake in the oven for the gal who works at the Y and lets me come in for free. Her birthday is while I’ll be in FL. I think I’ll need to make some icing to go on it. Oh…I should have thought to put these things around the cake pans so that the cake doesn’t rise a lot in the center. Well…too late now. I’ll just put extra frosting on it….lol

    Sharon – Lisa couldn’t have said it better about Allen than I could. See, I’m not great with words. But I know that my heart is in the right place.

    M – happy Australia Day! I didn’t know it was today! Actually, I didn’t even know that there WAS an Australia Day. Thanks for enlightening me.

    Kelly – you never cease to amaze me with all the inventive things you do for the kids.

    Iced the cake. I probably should have put more water in the icing when I made it. Oh well…. Still tastes good

    Barbara – I don’t know how limeade will be in those pops. Like I said, I tried apple, grape, and you just don’t get much of an apple flavor. Let me know how they turn out. You might be able to add a little bit of the True Lime crystals to it to give it more of a lime flavor.

    I have a question for you all: Denise just called and asked if I would make the shower favors. Of course I said I would. Now, she wants them to have a nautical theme. I looked online at the place where she’s having it and to me it looks more like a place where you would have a wedding reception. Then again, most places will put their best foot forward. Anyway, does anyone have any ideas (I’m looked at you Kelly!) for games or favors? I’m going to FL so I think I can get some shells and we can have a “guess how many shells are in the baby bottle” I wonder how long it would take for custom M&M’s to be sent here. I hate having a package just sitting out. Then again, maybe I can have it sent to a neighbor.

    Kathy in KY – happy birthday to your son. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. Hope the vertigo goes away real fast

    Michele in NC
  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    M in Oz: I saw that website, thanks. This is not my first go-around with vertigo, and that time it lasted 5 months. A physical therapist friend was my best help, nothing else worked. I happen to be on one of the recommended medications because of my Mast Cell problem, it’s not working but it didn’t work the last time either!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Lanette "I much appreciate this group and you all sharing your insights in dealing with DH's or family members whose time on this earth might be limited. Sometimes I dip into gloom for a few minutes seeing my DH's health deteriorating over time, then snap out of it when I consider there are a lot of options. And it's all one day at a time." Ditto the appreciation. And thanks for the "it's all one day at a time" reminder, true for us all. "chomping at the bit to go work in the garden" same here. False Spring brought us 65 F temps at 06:00 Friday. Have to keep reminding myself it's still winter so I can weed but not plant...
    Tracey rec center scheduling job with benefits and within walking distance sounds ideal. Tailoring your resume is just the ticket. Go for it! Yay YOU!
    LIsa 11 days to a new knee? Now that's a good shock!
    Heather hygienist is not covered by National Health but fillings are? Seems backwards to me...
    Sharon Your Allan was a sweetheart indeed. Loved hearing about all your kids, grands and unofficial fosters.
    Rita got rid of cholesterol meds while on keto? Wowser!
    Machka Smiled REAL big when I read "My husband and I went for a nice 32 km bicycle ride today ... " Reframing your interaction with the back to work coordinator as a "working with people" learning experience-Brava! Was it you who posted this link? https://chopra.com/articles/7-steps-for-dealing-with-difficult-people
    KJ Likewise smiled REAL big at the painting pics. You are a treasure! Oh how what Julian said pierces the heart. Our pastor tells the story of how a teacher noticed one of her students was "off" not responding appropriately, etc. When she asked him what he had for breakfast, he replied "it wasn't my turn to eat." That teacher started the snack pack program that sends packs of food home with kids for the weekend and during the summer. :cry:
    Margaret hoping the shoes help the hip. Good shoes are the foundation.
    Kathy in KY vertigo in the shower? Yikes! 5 months? Urg.
    Carol Oww. ditto Rori's Arnica suggestion... also alternating heat and ice to flush out the bruising.
    Betsy and others, any hints on how to approach Joe with those end of life conversations? So far he's been resistant and I've failed to press.
    Michele great idea about adding True Lime to the pops, just happen to have a ton of it!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 24/31, 60 g protein 23/31, rx/vits 22/31, meditate 24/31, knee exercises 24/31, SWSY UP 7/9, SWSY LOW 7/9, core 7/9, play with Tumble 8/31, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 18/31.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    01/26 LT: Dog group-Y MT: comb Scooter-Y ST: call Ray-Y
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    I have a question for you all: Denise just called and asked if I would make the shower favors. Of course I said I would. Now, she wants them to have a nautical theme. I looked online at the place where she’s having it and to me it looks more like a place where you would have a wedding reception. Then again, most places will put their best foot forward. Anyway, does anyone have any ideas (I’m looked at you Kelly!) for games or favors? I’m going to FL so I think I can get some shells and we can have a “guess how many shells are in the baby bottle” I wonder how long it would take for custom M&M’s to be sent here. I hate having a package just sitting out. Then again, maybe I can have it sent to a neighbor.




    There are actually a lot of ideas out there!! :)

    Machka in Oz

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~
    feeling so much better today, got alot of sleep in, and the pain has subsided, the little fast i did yesterday brought me down another 1.4 lb so a total of 12 lbs down.. not bad for less than a month still going to take things slow eating as my tummy isn't 100% but will pick up some fiber and start taking that with my meal..i did buy some collagen protein powder and have put less than a scoop in my tea. going down to see DFIL and then will go pick up a few things at the store.. going to do some cleaning around here...2 of the people that live in my condo complex are also down where my DFIL is so will check in on them too..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Morning, all,

    In writing mode this morning, so I thought I'd stop by. Am going to spend the first few hours this morning (inspired by y'all) updating the "Big Book o' Death," which has all the information for all the insurances, passwords, etc., in it, as well as the obituary I wrote for myself some years back. There are always risks any time you go under anesthesia, and I'm respecting that by making sure my family's OK if something happens. I'm the one who's the record-keeper and in charge of the finances (with consultation, of course).

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Yeah, I've got to move into high gear with all that this coming week.

    M in Oz

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Lisa love your approach to prepping for surgery—knowledge is power and then you let it all go. All good thoughts and strength coming your way.

    DH and I are also updating big book of death and helping his mom with her renters—.this will be tricky as MIL is a softee and DH is all business, but renters are taking advantage of her generous kind nature.

    Barbara my heart broke as you told the story of the young student saying “it wasn’t my turn to eat”. Just broke me.

    Off to exercise and prep for a successful, healthy week ahead.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    (((HUGS))) Machka.

    Went out to see the sea. Managed to walk for around 45 minutes. It threatened to rain, but mostly held off. The surf was up, so it was very lovely. Both of us found it very tiring, but DH more than me, even though my head cold is worse today. He was falling behind at the end. I'm glad we made the effort.

    I've cancelled tomorrow's lunch with my girlfriend. Apart from feeling rubbish, so I wouldn't be good company, I really don't want to give her the virus. Last year I gave her my horrible cough and she had it for months. I haven’t heard back from her yet. This is the same friend who is hosting the York party.

    DH is very resistant to talking about death. He really doesn't want to do LPA. I will have to grasp the nettle at some point. He has about ten different savings accounts and we have hardly any joint money. If I had to pay for a nursing home because he was incapacitated I would not have access to his money. I really must do it. :/

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Heather - I don't blame you for being troubled about your DH not wanting to get an LPA set up. Is it that he doesn't want to think about nursing homes/dying or he's conflicted about letting someone else have access to his money if he's unable to deal with it? If he does have medical problems that send him to a nursing home and he's not capable of paying that bill, and you don't have access, what happens? Would they come after your house to pay the bills?

    Our attorney kind of joked that if one of us has a long-term illness with years of expensive nursing home care coming up, get a divorce early on to protect assets for the survivor. I don't think it's quite that bad. Thankfully there are options now for at-home care which are much more affordable, when the only alternative used to be a nursing home.

    My DH never wanted to think about it or talk about until he spent 3 days in the hospital with diverticulitis and then was facing colon surgery a few months after that. I told him now was as good a time as any to get our wills done and the financial & medical power of attorney set up and he agreed. So I made the attorney appointment and ran him in there before he had a chance to change his mind. B)

    SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member