

  • stltrimom1015
    stltrimom1015 Posts: 56 Member
    Looks like I’ll be starting over again :( . It’s not too bad though, only a couple of pounds gained. Had a very stressful week at work last week which led to a lot of over-eating. Not necessarily bad stuff, just too much and eating when I wasn’t really hungry. We have 3 different types of tax forms that have to be out by Jan 31st and having trouble with 2 of them. Doesn’t help that my co-worker (who gets on my nerves on a good day) has been extra irritating the last week or so.

    I managed to get out for a short run yesterday before the arctic blast comes through today. Cold is OK to run in (23*F yesterday) but not sub-zero with negative windchills. Guess I’m going to have to force myself to use the dreadmill (I hate that thing) but I need to get back to running regularly – it helps so much with stress relief.

    I’m about 10 pages behind here but hoping to get caught up once these forms finally get processed. Things should hopefully settle down for a while after that.
    Janet in eastern MO
  • stltrimom1015
    stltrimom1015 Posts: 56 Member
    Janet in SW MO - " One of the reasons I’m looking forward to retiring (even though I’m still about 8 years away), I’ll have more time to fit everything in.”
    This made me laugh. Since I retired I’m busier than ever. 😂😂😂 The difference is, I choose everything I do. Life is too short to do anything else.

    I've heard that from several people about being busier than before, but like you said, as long as 8 hours of that busy time is not going to work, I'll be happy :) .
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I am also grateful to be alive today. Death and dying is a complicated territory for everyone. My Auntie died slowly and painfully of cancer. Oregon had already passed a Death with Dignity Act, and it is still in effect, but George W Bush was President when Auntie was racked with pain from cancer and he wouldn’t allow physician assisted suicide. Eventually Oregon won in the Supreme Court—shortly after my Auntie died after a long and painful illness. :sad: Your DH is a sensitive man, and has been through a wringer with his first partner. He is lucky to have you in his life now. :heart:

    Lisa: I think about Gloria from time to time, myself. She was a valiant woman. :star: On another subject, I hope your surgery goes very well. Our neighbor just had a hip replacement a few days ago and I saw him outside walking with his wife yesterday. He was using a walker for assistance. He was only in the hospital for two days! I hope you do just as well or even better. :heart:

    Barbie: I’m so sorry that Jake has been sick. I hope he recovers soon. :flowerforyou:

    Yoga today, Yay!!! I need the exercise. I’ve been up a couple of pounds and my left knee has been complaining about the extra weight. I’ve cleaned up some bad habits and the weight is coming back down. I am within the weight goals set by MFP, but the knee is hurting so I need to drop a little below their recommendations.

    Katla in Beautiful & foggy NW Oregon
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    I have been trying to find the time to respond for a couple of days now and am finally taking it.

    Kelly - my heart hurt about the little boy making the comment on your food. I was a Mom that fed my kids a lot of what I now consider junk. We didn’t have fast food places where we lived, McDonalds came to town the year we left. I “cooked” French fries and chicken nuggets,KD, Chef Boy R Dee, you get the drift. I made a proper meat, potato and veggie meal on the nights my husband was home, he drive long haul so it was only a couple nights every two weeks. I truly didn’t know how to cook much. I would try from time to time but then the girls wouldn’t eat and it would be a fight. I just didn’t have the energy for it. I started working for my cousin in her restaurant and my Aunt, her Mother, did all the baking. My Aunt was my hero and I so wanted to be here when I grew up. (I’ll never make it). I talked to her one day about my failures as a cook and she started showing me a little bit at a time. I learned how to cook restaurant style. The restaurant was a family style/truck stop so nothing fancy but I can now cook. This was in 1992.
    In 2012 when my Dad was sick my Aunt was living with her daughter as she had developed Alzheimer’s. Her daughter had found a poem that was written by her to me. It had been ripped out of a scribbler that the eldest daughter believed was full of her recipes, the eldest daughter thinks one of the other daughters kept the recipes so I never got them, but I treasure the poem. I typed it out and hung it in my kitchen. I wanted to preserve her handwriting.

    Just a Memory to Tracey Dawn

    In these pages she may see, recipes that were dear to me.
    So settle down and take a look, get out your bowl and begin to cook.
    See it’s not so hard to do, once you’ve decided, dessert or stew.
    I too had to learn
    Although many things I did burn.
    Takes time and patience I am sure
    But makes you try that much more.
    With best wishes in all you try
    There will be dishes to wash and dry
    With some goodies on a plate
    Really take a little break
    Watch a show on tv
    But all the while think of me.
    Just hope you’ll carry on.

    Maybe that Mom just needs an Aunt in her life that has patience and can teach her without making her feel bad, she probably already does that to herself I know I did. You are a blessing in those kids lives.

    My husband and I have not discussed plans on the event of a prolonged illness or death. I have thoughts and plans for myself but I’m not sure about him. I have tried to bring it up a few times but like Lisa, I get the dismissive sound. I can’t even get him to see a doctor so I just keep trudging along. I should do something up that my daughters have access to.

    Heather - I hope you start feeling better soon, this is a bad flu season this year. A week or so ago I heard that there has been over 500 deaths in Canada related to the flu this year.

    Lisa - So sorry to hear about your new coworker.

    I’m curious, I wasn’t a part of the group when Gloria passed, how were you able to find out what happened? I’ve thought about that from time to time when someone doesn’t post for a while.

    Well I’ve taken up way too much space. It is time for me to go clean.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    I really need to start posting pics of what I'm eating! This morning I had French Toast Keto Egg Loaf with blueberries and whipped cream. Bulletproof coffee. All told about 545 calories and very filling and tasty too!

    RV Rita
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Tracey ~ What a wonderful poem your aunt left for you. I am sorry that you did not get the recipes that she had written down. Gloria was walking her dog after dark and was hit by a car. We found out about it from what her daughter had written on Gloria's Facebook page.

    You all have made me think so much about what to do when one of us passes. I cannot get my DH to come up with any burial plans or how to proceed with the necessary after-death procedures. I am clueless about how to handle things like taxes and real estate. I have always paid all the utilities but he has handled all the other things. I finally got him to come up with the name of the lawyer that we have used for a long time when needed. At least, I have made a spreadsheet with all our passwords, bank information, etc. Is there such a thing as someone to guide you once your spouse has passed?

    Carol in GA

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,435 Member
    I would urge people to get their affairs in order. It can be a nightmare for family if you don’t. My DYD’s partner’s mother died suddenly 18 months ago with no will, and it still hasn’t been sorted out. It’s bad enough dealing with the grief without the added stress of dealing with an intestate estate. We did EPAs years ago when hubby’s parents did their‘s. and our girls know where everything is if they need to sort things. I update it as and when there are changes.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Tracey ~ What a wonderful poem your aunt left for you. I am sorry that you did not get the recipes that she had written down. Gloria was walking her dog after dark and was hit by a car. We found out about it from what her daughter had written on Gloria's Facebook page.

    You all have made me think so much about what to do when one of us passes. I cannot get my DH to come up with any burial plans or how to proceed with the necessary after-death procedures. I am clueless about how to handle things like taxes and real estate. I have always paid all the utilities but he has handled all the other things. I finally got him to come up with the name of the lawyer that we have used for a long time when needed. At least, I have made a spreadsheet with all our passwords, bank information, etc. Is there such a thing as someone to guide you once your spouse has passed?

    Carol in GA

    Thank you Carol, I hope one day one of her daughters can sit with me and share her recipes, she passed last March.

    I am very thankful that I have not had to handle my husband’s death but I was quite involved with my Grandmother when my Grandfather did and then my Brother and I did my Dad’s as my Mom had no idea and couldn’t handle it. We found the funeral home director was a great source of information along with the bank manager. The funeral director walked is right through the whole process, he was a tremendous help even had the forms required for the Government. Then it was just a matter of contacting companies individually.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Looks like I’ll be starting over again :( . It’s not too bad though, only a couple of pounds gained. Had a very stressful week at work last week which led to a lot of over-eating. Not necessarily bad stuff, just too much and eating when I wasn’t really hungry. We have 3 different types of tax forms that have to be out by Jan 31st and having trouble with 2 of them. Doesn’t help that my co-worker (who gets on my nerves on a good day) has been extra irritating the last week or so.

    I managed to get out for a short run yesterday before the arctic blast comes through today. Cold is OK to run in (23*F yesterday) but not sub-zero with negative windchills. Guess I’m going to have to force myself to use the dreadmill (I hate that thing) but I need to get back to running regularly – it helps so much with stress relief.

    I’m about 10 pages behind here but hoping to get caught up once these forms finally get processed. Things should hopefully settle down for a while after that.
    Janet in eastern MO

    Don't be too hard on yourself. It usually isn't helpful, in my experience. I like this quote from Anne of Avonlea:

    “Well, we all make mistakes, dear, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.”
    ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

    I loved L.M. Montgomery. Have you ever read The Story Girl? My favourite.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    ". You, and husband share and live a life of epic triumphs!

    I really find great meaning in that, Rebecca. We don't recognize how much we have triumphed over until we see it through another's eyes. It is, for MOST of us, immense.

    I list a whole huge post before this, but couldn't recreate it if I tried. The gist was, I had a nightmare becoming executor for my brother's very small estate. He hadn't updated the beneficiary on his life insurance and had a very small, very dirty condo (dog not walked many days!), and he died intestate after a 3-month illness during which he refused to go through paperwork with me. I was his only surviving relative. GET YOUR BENEFICIARIES CHECKED AND A WILL DONE!

    Frazzled just remembering Sharon Near Seattle.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Leftover roast w/ multigrain microwavable rice. 1 of 4 containers! I shall eat good this week! Tomorrow, making more broth, adding a wedge of cabbage, and omitting the rice.
    Whidbey island
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited January 2019
    Rebecca ~ I am in the process of making vegetable beef/chicken soup right now. Yours looks really good! All of the area schools are closed tomorrow due to possible black ice. We Georgians just don't know how to drive on these occasions. :)
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Lisa in AR Fragile and precious those poor kids! I remember needing my mom SO MUCH in my late teens and early 20s. I made many bad decisions, although it was being deeply depressed from her kids that brought many on. I'm sure given the nature of the work you share that there'll be more support than we had in the 50s. We were just expected to carry on.

    Betsy in NW WA, I think many don't understand how these documents work. They're afraid someone will "sieze the moment to take control" or find it very hard to understand this could be useful to prolong their life and preserve their assets rather than the reverse.

    Allie, Thats the perfect validation for what we've all been discussing, but what a shock for you, expecting to bring him home!

    Heather in UK, Im so glad to hear you're taking a "duvet day"! That phrase endlessly satisfies. It brings visions to mind of pillow props and hot Scotch broth or gingery spice or chai tea and the books! The books or a great series on TV and little naps and treating oneself as one might a dear child who is feverish and out of sorts.

    Winston Churchill was a man who holds great fascination for me, as do all the leaders of that era. I was born into it, but did not live it except for endless John Wayne movies and a recollection of mom having enough coupons to get me new shoes. My late husband lived the Fepression and the ear years, and served in the US Army enough to before the final peace to get the GI Bill. It made him the first male in his family to graduate from high school and the first to graduate from college. I totally support free Junior college St least, and 4-year school if at all workable. I'd willingly pay more taxes to be sure the next generation of medical, STEM And humanities (!) grsdustes are ensured.

    Sometimes I read a post and I really wish I could physically hug the poster! KJ (Kelly), it was yours today. I'd have been out there with you, annoying the sleeping squadrons of workers with squeels and laughter. Sometime ya just need to recognize the unique thrill of a morning like that! Thanks!

    Slightly Crazed Sharon Near Seattle - with NO SNOW!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member