

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Back from the doc. They're replacing my right knee on the 5th (11 days from now). Been so long since I dealt with anyone besides VA doctors and the VA system that I am in shock at how soon it can be done. Wild. Anticipating it, but both in the positive and the negative sense. Just want it done, and to be out the other side and healing. After it's healed up and functioning, they want me in to do the left knee.

    Thinking of everyone here is keeping my mind off my own stuff. Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    Congrats!! :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    I am awake and dressed.. woke up at 3:30 in the morning, goodness... well anyway still feeling bloated and constipated, so going to work and just bringing zero water with me to hydrate...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    Saturday -- Australia Day

    Distance: 32.01km
    Elevation: 180m
    Moving Time: 1:57:34
    Elapsed Time: 2:03:09
    Speed: Avg: 16.3km/h | Max: 34.9km/h

    My husband and I went for a nice 32 km bicycle ride today ... warm temps (28C), flat, quiet roads.

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited January 2019
    My cold is worse. :'( I feel ok in myself, but very sinussy. Did not get much sleep from being blocked up. Face ache.
    However DH finished the washing up from last night and then staggered out to buy the newspaper. <3 Then he made coffee - and was totally exhausted. I've done my exercises, but it took much longer than normal. But I did them!!!!
    We will be very happy when we are over this.

    I'm pleased I've been able to work out a solution to my York trip. I won't book tickets in advance as I'm not sure which trains I will be able to catch, but I do get a third off tickets with my Senior Rail Card. I am going to try to look forward to it now. ;) My friend is delighted I am coming.

    Lisa - Sending well wishes for your op. Of course you will be nervous, but how great it will be to be able to exercise again without pain. (Eventually)

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Kelly, the painting looks like so much fun.

    :)<3Heather, Your cold seems to be lasting forever. I wish you health and energy soon.

    :)Machka, enjoy your day off for Australia Day.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sharon: Your Allan was an incredible man, and you were amazingly courageous to support him in his last wishes. One day we will all face a loss that is beyond bearing. I hope that when it is my turn I will be a strong as you. :heart:

    Allie: Congratulations! It is good to have the respect of your boss and his compliment was clearly well deserved. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Congrats on a great day. :bigsmile:

    Machka: Is there an alternative medical care option for your DH that would allow you to ditch the stupid woman you’ve been dealing with? Can you ask for him to be transferred to another person in the group? You need to be respected and treated appropriately. :grumble: Happy Australia Day! :bigsmile:

    Our neighbor went in for hip replacement surgery several days ago & we haven’t heard anything about his situation yet. I hope all is well. I plan to ask another neigbor if they have had any word on Joe’s condition.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    edited January 2019
    Question for Suebdew and others doing low-sugar eating with success.... are you cutting back all sugar including natural sugar in dairy and whole fruits, or only the added sugar in processed foods, soda, candy, desserts, etc.?

    I'm re-reading Dr. Lustig's "Fat Chance" book today. This book plus "That Sugar Film" by Damon Gameau raised my awareness of the dangers of added sugar last year. The concept of saving sugary treats for once or twice a week or in very small portions = dessert only, not snacks, (much like I was raised) is often enough for some of us to get our health and weight back in line without drastically changing our diets. Especially if we're gearing toward a Mediterranean type food plan.

    Just some observations on this foggy and chilly morning - where I'm chomping at the bit to go work in the garden a little.

    Sending warm thoughts to those of you in the Midwest deep freeze this week. :#

    SW WA State

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Lanette, I don't eat dessert with very rare exceptions. I don't eat doughnuts, pastries, muffins, pie, ice cream, cake, etc. My rare exceptions happen only a few times a year. I tend to avoid sauces and condiments which are often made with sugar added. If you want to know more about cutting back on all sugar, I recommend that you read "The Year of No Sugar" by Eve Schaub. I loved the book and it helped me find a low sugar balance for my life.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    I'm home and lying down...think I might be having a slight case of diverticulitis left side is painful .but no fever or nausea...so going to take a nap... if I'm not better later might have you take myself to a walk in..wont go to ER because it would cost me 4500.00
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Lanette, I don't eat dessert with very rare exceptions. I don't eat doughnuts, pastries, muffins, pie, ice cream, cake, etc. My rare exceptions happen only a few times a year. I tend to avoid sauces and condiments which are often made with sugar added. If you want to know more about cutting back on all sugar, I recommend that you read "The Year of No Sugar" by Eve Schaub. I loved the book and it helped me find a low sugar balance for my life.

    Thanks, Barbie - I read "The Year of No Sugar" several years ago and just ordered it again from the library. You've done a great job keeping your weight off and you are a testament to cutting back on sugar. I think your mentioning this book earlier sparked my curiosity. B)

    Margaret, I think you talked about Lustig's book a while back. He targets Fructose as the bad actor, and explains how it's metabolized vs. glucose (starches and half the component of white table sugar) and why it causes fatty liver. Fructose in fruit brings fiber along so it's not considered damaging like added sugar in processed foods, or fruit juices which eliminate the fiber.

    It's been an interesting journey learning about what makes us fat and unhealthy, and how to get back on track to health and fitness.

    SW WA State
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Just skimming and only up through pg 72, but I've been sitting way too long, past time for knee exercises.

    Rebecca your husband's piece of cornbread made me giggle. Reminded me of the cat I had who took one bite out of each of the dozen muffins I'd just baked... ;} :heart: :love: LOVE the happy hat!
    Michele I love the yoghurt pops idea, have some limeade in the freezer, may give it a try. Never have trouble going through a large container of Greek yoghurt, it's my go-to to meet the protein goal at end of day.
    Karen in VA those are better than just good marks... imho. Kudos to you both!
    Lisa Oh what a relief it is!
    Heather more and more your DH sounds like he had pneumonia... the persistent cough, weakness and long recovery. Do I remember a bad reaction to the antibiotics? Some inflamed skin? Would it be v. difficult to get him back to the MD for a followup? Tatties, neeps and bsprouts yum. Haggis and salmon :noway: I don't drink much hard liquor, but do love the smokey peaty flavor of Laphroaig (sp?).
    Allie new shirts fit, what a great NSV! Then Onderland, you ROCK!
    Yvonne loved the National Compliment Day. Food for thought...
    Machka Aaaaugh. The back-to-work coordinator is just so premature. Surprised she's even involved with no back to work date yet set by your husband's MD. Can the MD tell her "don't call us, we'll call you!"?
    Sue in WA 50 years. :heart: Ditto those who say you and your husband continue in our prayers.
    Barbie "finite life together and I want to make the most of it" just what I needed to hear. Thank you.
    Kim ditto what Barbie and others said about your resourcefulness. If you could choose the way to make $$ during those 13 hours/week what would it be?
    Viv (((hugs))) Ditto NYKaren, Machka and Heather. Would your mother go to a caregiver's support group? Sometimes it's easier for mothers to hear from others what they can not hear from their daughter.
    Tere "...groan for a few minutes and move on" Love that strategy!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 24/31, 60 g protein 23/31, rx/vits 22/31, meditate 24/31, knee exercises 24/31, SWSY UP 7/9, SWSY LOW 7/9, core 7/9, play with Tumble 8/31, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 18/31.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    01/23 LT: 4H Mtg-Y MT: CFRFPD Mtg-Y ST: PowerPoint Open Office test-Y
    01/24 LT: CFRFPD minutes-N MT: Tumble loose leash-Y ST: comb Tumble-Y
    01/25 LT: SWSY-Y MT: start BurnBan PowerPoint-Y ST: Tumble loose leash-N
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Lanette, I don't eat dessert with very rare exceptions. I don't eat doughnuts, pastries, muffins, pie, ice cream, cake, etc. My rare exceptions happen only a few times a year. I tend to avoid sauces and condiments which are often made with sugar added. If you want to know more about cutting back on all sugar, I recommend that you read "The Year of No Sugar" by Eve Schaub. I loved the book and it helped me find a low sugar balance for my life.

    Thanks, Barbie - I read "The Year of No Sugar" several years ago and just ordered it again from the library. You've done a great job keeping your weight off and you are a testament to cutting back on sugar. I think your mentioning this book earlier sparked my curiosity. B)

    Margaret, I think you talked about Lustig's book a while back. He targets Fructose as the bad actor, and explains how it's metabolized vs. glucose (starches and half the component of white table sugar) and why it causes fatty liver. Fructose in fruit brings fiber along so it's not considered damaging like added sugar in processed foods, or fruit juices which eliminate the fiber.

    It's been an interesting journey learning about what makes us fat and unhealthy, and how to get back on track to health and fitness.

    SW WA State

    Yes that is a good summary of Lustig's book. I do find books like his helpful in my keeping my sugar lower. This group helps to keep me on track too.

    Right now at 172 and 5' 8'' I am not at my lowest. I am 20 pounds down from where I was last year. I notice when I let sugary foods like ice cream and bread back into my diet that is when the weight starts to creep on.

    Not all the books I read agree. One thing they all seem to have in common is the sweets and breads affect insulin levels and insulin is part of what caused the body to create fat.

    I do know my knee is doing better at the lower weight. I also bought some new shoes yesterday because I was starting to feel some discomfort in a hip.

    When I had the knee problem a few years ago the PT noticed my shoes and said they were part of the problem.

    Staying warm and inside in the Midwest. Arctic Blast this week.

    :heart: Margaret
  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    Viv: I think she is less in denial than beginning the grieving process. She is overwhelmed, tired, maybe even upset that she is giving over control to caregivers even though she knows she needs help. She is angry that he will leave her, doesn’t appreciate what she is doing and protecting herself from grief. Neither one can help what is happening and not really capable of supporting each other. It’s so difficult. Someone mentioned validation, and yes, she needs that too. I cannot tell you how many people that I have advocated for to meet death on their own terms, yet I was angry at my dad for years after his death when he did it his way. It was selfish, but I still needed someone to say that I could feel that way. Just being there, listening and loving, is an amazing help and gift 💜💜💜
  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    🎂🎂My 2nd son’s birthday is today. I wish he wasn’t so far away in southern CA, but that was his dream to live out there. Some of the kids in my online classes thought I was kidding when I said I had kids older than half of the class, but it’s true.

    It boggles the mind how much trouble people get into driving out here in barely a 1/2 inch of snow. Every time! Watching that Midwest Arctic blast, Margaret. My mom and most of my family is in Chicago. We are supposed to get 4 inches of snow down here first on Monday night and then the deep freeze, but not as bad as there. I saw this morning that central and northern Wisconsin had temps in the -30s°. Yikes!

    Feeling a bit puny today: blood sugars a bit low, but worse is this vertigo. Almost fell in the shower bending over to rinse out my hair. It makes me tired to be so nauseous and dizzy.

    Later, ladies,
    Kathy in KY