The Official MFP Love Match Thread for Totally Not Nude People



  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    lol She's cute so I'd be down;P

    Apologies good sire. My heart and souls have been claimed by @tinak33.
    Plenty more sardines in the can.

    You have multiple souls? SHE'S A WITCH!

    And I worked damn hard to carve my name on the blackest of her souls!
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    I believe I got in there first. Ya snooze ya lose.

    Who says I did not just WANT you to be on top?
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I believe I got in there first. Ya snooze ya lose.

    You are what we call in the industry a picky ricky

    Is that short for Pichard Richard?
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    I was gone a half hour and lost the thread of this thread

    Currently there is a prick waving contest. @RhiAnLewis17's a witch. @tinak33 likes to fingerpaint on peoples' souls. @CookingWithCumin got spicy. @HappilyDistracted cleaned up (but not enough for, ahem, some people) and some newbs came.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    denny_mac wrote: »
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    I have a friend named Richard. He goes by Rich, not Dick. Thank God.

    To me, this makes MUCH more sense. How in the heck did anyone ever come up with a shortened form of Richard and end up with Dick?

    And while we're on this subject, why is Peggy short for Margaret? That makes even LESS sense.

    Sorry to be such a nickname rabble-rouser, folks, but there are some things in this world I just can't explain.

    I agree. Why is Bob short for Robert? It should be Rob. Bob should be short for Bobbert.

    Bob/Bobby is also short for William. :|
    I don't get it.

    Bill is short for William and it makes no sense.
  • RhiAnLewis17
    RhiAnLewis17 Posts: 2,299 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    I believe I got in there first. Ya snooze ya lose.

    Who says I did not just WANT you to be on top?

    I think we discussed this a few pages ago.... Stoner brain.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    tinak33 wrote: »
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    denny_mac wrote: »
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    I have a friend named Richard. He goes by Rich, not Dick. Thank God.

    To me, this makes MUCH more sense. How in the heck did anyone ever come up with a shortened form of Richard and end up with Dick?

    And while we're on this subject, why is Peggy short for Margaret? That makes even LESS sense.

    Sorry to be such a nickname rabble-rouser, folks, but there are some things in this world I just can't explain.

    I agree. Why is Bob short for Robert? It should be Rob. Bob should be short for Bobbert.

    Bob/Bobby is also short for William. :|
    I don't get it.

    Bill is short for William and it makes no sense.

    Liam too I think

    Stan is not short. He's freakin' TALL, man.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    I believe I got in there first. Ya snooze ya lose.

    Who says I did not just WANT you to be on top?

    I think we discussed this a few pages ago.... Stoner brain.

    ON top. Not AS a top.
  • RhiAnLewis17
    RhiAnLewis17 Posts: 2,299 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    SwannySez wrote: »
    I believe I got in there first. Ya snooze ya lose.

    Who says I did not just WANT you to be on top?

    I think we discussed this a few pages ago.... Stoner brain.

    ON top. Not AS a top.

    Oh yeah. Turtlenecks.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    SwannySez wrote: »
    I believe I got in there first. Ya snooze ya lose.

    Who says I did not just WANT you to be on top?

    I think we discussed this a few pages ago.... Stoner brain.

    ON top. Not AS a top.

    Oh yeah. Turtlenecks.

    Ride or...yeah, just ride.
  • RhiAnLewis17
    RhiAnLewis17 Posts: 2,299 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    SwannySez wrote: »
    SwannySez wrote: »
    I believe I got in there first. Ya snooze ya lose.

    Who says I did not just WANT you to be on top?

    I think we discussed this a few pages ago.... Stoner brain.

    ON top. Not AS a top.

    Oh yeah. Turtlenecks.

    Ride or...yeah, just ride.

    Slow and steady wins the race
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    I am going to tag my ideal lover tonight at the stroke of midnight

    I'm going to take the tag off my store-bought lover and stroke midnight.
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    edited January 2019
    SwannySez wrote: »
    Clearly, I can't be matched... or maybe I can't be matched 🤔

    Funny that you should pop in at just this EXACT moment. I didn't realize that you wanted a match. But since you do and since we have a jilted man rebouncing like a rubber biscuit, I hereby declare that @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings and @standenvernet to be matched now and forever more.

    Can you feel it babies?

    It's the love! The LOVE!

    OK, @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings ... How can I disappoint you? Do you have a shopping list or a questionnaire that we could use to evaluate my inadequacies?

    Well @standenvernet ... I'm almost always in a state of disappointment, so don't take it personally ;) but let's play...

    Here are a few questions for you:

    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why?
    2. Are you a Taurus?
    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type?
    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be?
    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to?

    And finally... would you still be interested if I looked like this.... ?

    Easy peasy, and thanks...

    To get to the meat of the matter :
    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why? Smell, I'd give-up smell. People say I smell too much anyway, so I'm sure I wouldn't miss that one much.

    2. Are you a Taurus? No, over time I've become disenchanted with many of Ford's products; however, plenty of folks do feel that I'm full of bull in many ways, so perhaps I'm still qualified

    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type? This one can be quite deep, but... aren't these two attributes kinda interdependent? I mean, a true "Queen" is functionally crippled by her isolation from the realities of day-to-day life, which would essentially render her into a "damsel in distress", but with a superiority complex. To look at a this from the "damsel in distress" angle, I've often noted that many people in distress are NOT helpless, but simply on a patch of rough ground; for this class of person, I'm helpful AF. However, the classic "damsel in distress" is probably just kinda unaware of her reality placing them on the same grounds as a "Queen", except maybe without the superiority complex. That may be from the Internet though.

    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be? Hmmm, excellent question. Perhaps a temperamental doorknob on a highly visible bathroom door in a very busy library. It could be good times to grant access to those people that are in need, and just "not" allow the door to open for a few unfortunate (but fully deserving) individuals that may provide a good show for all to appreciate.

    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to? This can change in a moment and/or several times a day. I have no particular allegiance to any one song (though I do feel weird not standing and cranking the USA's national anthem when it comes around). This ↓↓↓ happened to be playing just now, and it was loud -- is that any help?
    Oh, and for that pic... Bring dem eyes; we can definitely talk about it
  • SwannySez wrote: »
    Clearly, I can't be matched... or maybe I can't be matched 🤔

    Funny that you should pop in at just this EXACT moment. I didn't realize that you wanted a match. But since you do and since we have a jilted man rebouncing like a rubber biscuit, I hereby declare that @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings and @standenvernet to be matched now and forever more.

    Can you feel it babies?

    It's the love! The LOVE!

    OK, @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings ... How can I disappoint you? Do you have a shopping list or a questionnaire that we could use to evaluate my inadequacies?

    Well @standenvernet ... I'm almost always in a state of disappointment, so don't take it personally ;) but let's play...

    Here are a few questions for you:

    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why?
    2. Are you a Taurus?
    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type?
    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be?
    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to?

    And finally... would you still be interested if I looked like this.... ?

    Easy peasy, and thanks...

    To get to the meat of the matter :
    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why? Smell, I'd give-up smell. People say I smell too much anyway, so I'm sure I wouldn't miss that one much.

    2. Are you a Taurus? No, over time I've become disenchanted with many of Ford's products; however, plenty of folks do feel that I'm full of bull in many ways, so perhaps I'm still qualified

    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type? This one can be quite deep, but... aren't these two attributes kinda interdependent? I mean, a true "Queen" is functionally crippled by her isolation from the realities of day-to-day life, which would essentially render her into a "damsel in distress", but with a superiority complex. To look at a this from the "damsel in distress" angle, I've often noted that many people in distress are NOT helpless, but simply on a patch of rough ground; for this class of person, I'm helpful AF. However, the classic "damsel in distress" is probably just kinda unaware of her reality placing them on the same grounds as a "Queen", except maybe without the superiority complex. That may be from the Internet though.

    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be? Hmmm, excellent question. Perhaps a temperamental doorknob on a highly visible bathroom door in a very busy library. It could be good times to grant access to those people that are in need, and just "not" allow the door to open for a few unfortunate (but fully deserving) individuals that may provide a good show for all to appreciate.

    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to? This can change in a moment and/or several times a day. I have no particular allegiance to any one song (though I do feel weird not standing and cranking the USA's national anthem when it comes around). This ↓↓↓ happened to be playing just now, and it was loud -- is that any help?
    Oh, and for that pic... Bring dem eyes; we can definitely talk about it

    Hmmm.... ok. Let's see what we got...
    Cheesy dad jokes, over thinks everything, a bit pervy and into electronica... there's potential here so long as you are into daddy issues and come bearing gifts like diamonds and glow sticks ;):D

    You're a good sport Stan! :)
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    edited January 2019
    SwannySez wrote: »
    Clearly, I can't be matched... or maybe I can't be matched 🤔

    Funny that you should pop in at just this EXACT moment. I didn't realize that you wanted a match. But since you do and since we have a jilted man rebouncing like a rubber biscuit, I hereby declare that @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings and @standenvernet to be matched now and forever more.

    Can you feel it babies?

    It's the love! The LOVE!

    OK, @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings ... How can I disappoint you? Do you have a shopping list or a questionnaire that we could use to evaluate my inadequacies?

    Well @standenvernet ... I'm almost always in a state of disappointment, so don't take it personally ;) but let's play...

    Here are a few questions for you:

    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why?
    2. Are you a Taurus?
    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type?
    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be?
    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to?

    And finally... would you still be interested if I looked like this.... ?

    Easy peasy, and thanks...

    To get to the meat of the matter :
    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why? Smell, I'd give-up smell. People say I smell too much anyway, so I'm sure I wouldn't miss that one much.

    2. Are you a Taurus? No, over time I've become disenchanted with many of Ford's products; however, plenty of folks do feel that I'm full of bull in many ways, so perhaps I'm still qualified

    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type? This one can be quite deep, but... aren't these two attributes kinda interdependent? I mean, a true "Queen" is functionally crippled by her isolation from the realities of day-to-day life, which would essentially render her into a "damsel in distress", but with a superiority complex. To look at a this from the "damsel in distress" angle, I've often noted that many people in distress are NOT helpless, but simply on a patch of rough ground; for this class of person, I'm helpful AF. However, the classic "damsel in distress" is probably just kinda unaware of her reality placing them on the same grounds as a "Queen", except maybe without the superiority complex. That may be from the Internet though.

    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be? Hmmm, excellent question. Perhaps a temperamental doorknob on a highly visible bathroom door in a very busy library. It could be good times to grant access to those people that are in need, and just "not" allow the door to open for a few unfortunate (but fully deserving) individuals that may provide a good show for all to appreciate.

    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to? This can change in a moment and/or several times a day. I have no particular allegiance to any one song (though I do feel weird not standing and cranking the USA's national anthem when it comes around). This ↓↓↓ happened to be playing just now, and it was loud -- is that any help?
    Oh, and for that pic... Bring dem eyes; we can definitely talk about it
    You're a good sport Stan! :)
    D'awww Geeze ... :flowerforyou: :heart:

    wanna cookie? :cookie:
  • SwannySez wrote: »
    Clearly, I can't be matched... or maybe I can't be matched 🤔

    Funny that you should pop in at just this EXACT moment. I didn't realize that you wanted a match. But since you do and since we have a jilted man rebouncing like a rubber biscuit, I hereby declare that @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings and @standenvernet to be matched now and forever more.

    Can you feel it babies?

    It's the love! The LOVE!

    OK, @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings ... How can I disappoint you? Do you have a shopping list or a questionnaire that we could use to evaluate my inadequacies?

    Well @standenvernet ... I'm almost always in a state of disappointment, so don't take it personally ;) but let's play...

    Here are a few questions for you:

    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why?
    2. Are you a Taurus?
    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type?
    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be?
    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to?

    And finally... would you still be interested if I looked like this.... ?

    Easy peasy, and thanks...

    To get to the meat of the matter :
    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why? Smell, I'd give-up smell. People say I smell too much anyway, so I'm sure I wouldn't miss that one much.

    2. Are you a Taurus? No, over time I've become disenchanted with many of Ford's products; however, plenty of folks do feel that I'm full of bull in many ways, so perhaps I'm still qualified

    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type? This one can be quite deep, but... aren't these two attributes kinda interdependent? I mean, a true "Queen" is functionally crippled by her isolation from the realities of day-to-day life, which would essentially render her into a "damsel in distress", but with a superiority complex. To look at a this from the "damsel in distress" angle, I've often noted that many people in distress are NOT helpless, but simply on a patch of rough ground; for this class of person, I'm helpful AF. However, the classic "damsel in distress" is probably just kinda unaware of her reality placing them on the same grounds as a "Queen", except maybe without the superiority complex. That may be from the Internet though.

    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be? Hmmm, excellent question. Perhaps a temperamental doorknob on a highly visible bathroom door in a very busy library. It could be good times to grant access to those people that are in need, and just "not" allow the door to open for a few unfortunate (but fully deserving) individuals that may provide a good show for all to appreciate.

    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to? This can change in a moment and/or several times a day. I have no particular allegiance to any one song (though I do feel weird not standing and cranking the USA's national anthem when it comes around). This ↓↓↓ happened to be playing just now, and it was loud -- is that any help?
    Oh, and for that pic... Bring dem eyes; we can definitely talk about it
    You're a good sport Stan! :)
    D'awww Geeze ... :flowerforyou: :heart:

    wanna cookie? :cookie:

    Yes please! 😊
  • HappilyDistracted
    HappilyDistracted Posts: 1,700 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    Clearly, I can't be matched... or maybe I can't be matched 🤔

    Funny that you should pop in at just this EXACT moment. I didn't realize that you wanted a match. But since you do and since we have a jilted man rebouncing like a rubber biscuit, I hereby declare that @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings and @standenvernet to be matched now and forever more.

    Can you feel it babies?

    It's the love! The LOVE!

    OK, @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings ... How can I disappoint you? Do you have a shopping list or a questionnaire that we could use to evaluate my inadequacies?

    Well @standenvernet ... I'm almost always in a state of disappointment, so don't take it personally ;) but let's play...

    Here are a few questions for you:

    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why?
    2. Are you a Taurus?
    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type?
    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be?
    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to?

    And finally... would you still be interested if I looked like this.... ?

    Easy peasy, and thanks...

    To get to the meat of the matter :
    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why? Smell, I'd give-up smell. People say I smell too much anyway, so I'm sure I wouldn't miss that one much.

    2. Are you a Taurus? No, over time I've become disenchanted with many of Ford's products; however, plenty of folks do feel that I'm full of bull in many ways, so perhaps I'm still qualified

    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type? This one can be quite deep, but... aren't these two attributes kinda interdependent? I mean, a true "Queen" is functionally crippled by her isolation from the realities of day-to-day life, which would essentially render her into a "damsel in distress", but with a superiority complex. To look at a this from the "damsel in distress" angle, I've often noted that many people in distress are NOT helpless, but simply on a patch of rough ground; for this class of person, I'm helpful AF. However, the classic "damsel in distress" is probably just kinda unaware of her reality placing them on the same grounds as a "Queen", except maybe without the superiority complex. That may be from the Internet though.

    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be? Hmmm, excellent question. Perhaps a temperamental doorknob on a highly visible bathroom door in a very busy library. It could be good times to grant access to those people that are in need, and just "not" allow the door to open for a few unfortunate (but fully deserving) individuals that may provide a good show for all to appreciate.

    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to? This can change in a moment and/or several times a day. I have no particular allegiance to any one song (though I do feel weird not standing and cranking the USA's national anthem when it comes around). This ↓↓↓ happened to be playing just now, and it was loud -- is that any help?
    Oh, and for that pic... Bring dem eyes; we can definitely talk about it
    You're a good sport Stan! :)
    D'awww Geeze ... :flowerforyou: :heart:

    wanna cookie? :cookie:

    Yes please! 😊

    Umm, ever since everyone started calling @cookingwithcumin "Cookie" .... Well, that takes on a whole different meaning...
  • HappilyDistracted
    HappilyDistracted Posts: 1,700 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    Clearly, I can't be matched... or maybe I can't be matched 🤔

    Funny that you should pop in at just this EXACT moment. I didn't realize that you wanted a match. But since you do and since we have a jilted man rebouncing like a rubber biscuit, I hereby declare that @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings and @standenvernet to be matched now and forever more.

    Can you feel it babies?

    It's the love! The LOVE!

    OK, @Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings ... How can I disappoint you? Do you have a shopping list or a questionnaire that we could use to evaluate my inadequacies?

    Well @standenvernet ... I'm almost always in a state of disappointment, so don't take it personally ;) but let's play...

    Here are a few questions for you:

    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why?
    2. Are you a Taurus?
    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type?
    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be?
    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to?

    And finally... would you still be interested if I looked like this.... ?

    Easy peasy, and thanks...

    To get to the meat of the matter :
    1. If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would you choose and why? Smell, I'd give-up smell. People say I smell too much anyway, so I'm sure I wouldn't miss that one much.

    2. Are you a Taurus? No, over time I've become disenchanted with many of Ford's products; however, plenty of folks do feel that I'm full of bull in many ways, so perhaps I'm still qualified

    3. Do you tend to go for the damsel in distress type or the Queen of her own domain type? This one can be quite deep, but... aren't these two attributes kinda interdependent? I mean, a true "Queen" is functionally crippled by her isolation from the realities of day-to-day life, which would essentially render her into a "damsel in distress", but with a superiority complex. To look at a this from the "damsel in distress" angle, I've often noted that many people in distress are NOT helpless, but simply on a patch of rough ground; for this class of person, I'm helpful AF. However, the classic "damsel in distress" is probably just kinda unaware of her reality placing them on the same grounds as a "Queen", except maybe without the superiority complex. That may be from the Internet though.

    4. If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be? Hmmm, excellent question. Perhaps a temperamental doorknob on a highly visible bathroom door in a very busy library. It could be good times to grant access to those people that are in need, and just "not" allow the door to open for a few unfortunate (but fully deserving) individuals that may provide a good show for all to appreciate.

    5. What song do you absolutely have to crank to 10 and sing along to? This can change in a moment and/or several times a day. I have no particular allegiance to any one song (though I do feel weird not standing and cranking the USA's national anthem when it comes around). This ↓↓↓ happened to be playing just now, and it was loud -- is that any help?
    Oh, and for that pic... Bring dem eyes; we can definitely talk about it
    You're a good sport Stan! :)
    D'awww Geeze ... :flowerforyou: :heart:

    wanna cookie? :cookie:

    Yes please! 😊

    Umm, ever since everyone started calling @cookingwithcumin "Cookie" .... Well, that takes on a whole different meaning...

    This cookie don't crumble hunny, it stays solid 4 life

    Never doubted that for a second
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I'm so confused, is this thread a free for all now? If so cool

    About the nickname aspect of this thread...sorta, maybe not at all a nickname train of thought

    My name is a quite common name with several variations. I often get people calling the numerous variations, and often making some of them super awkward to say. I also have people who have known me for years and call me random names that make no sense at all (Kate, Jessica)...who?

    My brother has a nickname for me that is totally random too, it's for my "alter ego" who often shows her face if I've been drinking or sleepwalking.
  • HappilyDistracted
    HappilyDistracted Posts: 1,700 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I'm so confused, is this thread a free for all now? If so cool

    About the nickname aspect of this thread...sorta, maybe not at all a nickname train of thought

    My name is a quite common name with several variations. I often get people calling the numerous variations, and often making some of them super awkward to say. I also have people who have known me for years and call me random names that make no sense at all (Kate, Jessica)...who?

    My brother has a nickname for me that is totally random too, it's for my "alter ego" who often shows her face if I've been drinking or sleepwalking.

    The officials have appeared to abanadoned their posts instead of managing the chaos of the thread and letting it spiral into it's own special thing.