60 yrs and up



  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    I love all the positive comments here. I had a good day despite the heat here. I like the resistance band idea. I've never used them but I'm willing to give it a try. Thanks for the idea. :)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :) Another nice day here. Temps in the high 60's, zucchini growing well, and pleasant dog walks.
  • tnh2o
    tnh2o Posts: 159 Member
    Went for nice hike today. The Florida transplants don't know how to drive on gravel roads! (Context-it was an unpaved road to the trail head)
  • atmdaddy
    atmdaddy Posts: 51 Member
    Just ran across this post. Sounds great! 61yr old looking for friends and talk about similar interests at our age. I am a new me after gastric bypass surgery this past Oct. Lost 117lbs. Maintaining well. Life is great! Except for this Covid crap!!
  • BobWillers
    BobWillers Posts: 33 Member
    Don't you just love the size of trainers in these fitness videos? and what on earth is engaging the core?
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    edited August 2020
    BobWillers wrote: »
    Don't you just love the size of trainers in these fitness videos? and what on earth is engaging the core?

    Engaging the core is working the muscles in the torso. The abdominals and obliques and the lower back muscles. The muscles you use to hold your torso rigid when doing planks and pushups and such.

  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Hi, all, just checking in. Zero going on around here, as usual in the time of pandemic. 😆 But I'll report, anyway.

    I had to get stern with myself about exercise, and just convince myself that it is not optional. It's like tooth-brushing, I need to do it without even thinking about whether to do it. (Unlike some for whom it's more difficult, I do have the time, which is a blessing.) My preferred activities for summer - rowing on water 4 days a week, spin class 2 days a week, which I've done for over a decade - are on indefinite hold due to pandemic. 😐

    So, since around the beginning of July, I've been doing a short (2 x 2km) steady state rowing machine workout 6 days a week, plus some rather sloppy strength training 3 days a week. Against the backdrop of a plan for continuing ultra-slow loss of a few vanity pounds in maintenance, at around a pound a month +/-, this caused a little confusion in my weight trend app.

    I always gain a little water weight when I re-start strength training after a hiatus, and this time was no different. But against the backdrop of such slow loss, the trend line looked like I was gaining for a while there (look at July!). Even though I know in my heart of hearts how this stuff works (after 5 years of logging 😆 ), even I was worried for a while there. But, lately, it looks like the process can be trusted, as is usually the case: The slow fat loss is coming out of the background noise of daily water fluctuations, and the loss is showing up again on the scale. (Whew! 😉)


    On other fronts, I got a nice haul at the farmers market yesterday (elephant garlic, Bintje potatoes, muskmelon/cantaloupe, assorted summer squash, lemon cucumbers, green bell pepper, assorted cherry tomatoes, assorted salad tomatoes, eggs), and that will go nicely with the annual herbs (dill, basil, cilantro) I grew in pots this summer rather than my usual annual flowers, plus the perennial herbs out back (oregano, sage, lovage, tarragon). I feel really lucky to have tasty things to eat, since other parts of life are a little duller than usual. 😊

    Also on the enjoyable side, my Passion Flower vines (which overwinter sulkily indoors, go out on the deck in summer) have grown up to about a 10-foot height, and one of them is blooming nicely. These have really big flowers, around the size of the palm of my (big) hand, maybe 4 inches or more across, and are nicely scented, but each bloom only lasts about a day. Today, I got two at once. 😊 I think they have interesting shadows, as well as interesting colors and shapes.


    Wishing everyone here, and your families, health and happiness!

    I love a good farmers market. Your passion flower is beautiful.
  • kimschnitz56
    kimschnitz56 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All! I’m not new to MFP .... I’ve been here before. This time I’m determined to lose ALL of the weight! I’m 64, and looking for friends to encourage, and be encouraged by new friends. Let’s help each other! I started this life change by tracking in a paper journal .... Not good!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :) All these habits need to become as regular as bathing and brushing teeth. I am fortunate that I have dogs to walk in the morning so there is never the possibility of choosing to not walk first thing. My exercise bike is right in the middle of the living room facing the TV so it reminds me that I like to ride and watch TV or listen to a podcast. I am fortunate to live where the weather is always cooperative.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Hi All! I’m not new to MFP .... I’ve been here before. This time I’m determined to lose ALL of the weight! I’m 64, and looking for friends to encourage, and be encouraged by new friends. Let’s help each other! I started this life change by tracking in a paper journal .... Not good!

    Welcome you can it add me if you want
  • Peter_P53
    Peter_P53 Posts: 20 Member
    Pleased to have lost another 3lb this week, total now 6lb since restarting at the beginning of August. I know it won't last and I'll start to plateau in due course, unless I start doing some more exercise. I walk daily, at least 3km, but need some ideas for strengthening exercises and/or HIIT. Any ideas for a 67yo? Is yoga an option?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :)Yoga is a great thing for your body and your spirit but not necessarily as a big calorie burner.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Peter_P53 wrote: »
    Pleased to have lost another 3lb this week, total now 6lb since restarting at the beginning of August. I know it won't last and I'll start to plateau in due course, unless I start doing some more exercise. I walk daily, at least 3km, but need some ideas for strengthening exercises and/or HIIT. Any ideas for a 67yo? Is yoga an option?

    Try low impact cardio exercises, I downloaded FitOn from Google play store it is free and has loads of different exercise routines or you could try you tube. Also try some weight training. Good luck
  • Peter_P53
    Peter_P53 Posts: 20 Member
    annliz23 wrote: »

    Try low impact cardio exercises, I downloaded FitOn from Google play store it is free and has loads of different exercise routines or you could try you tube. Also try some weight training. Good luck

    Thanks for this annliz, just installed FitOn and it looks very good, I'll be trying it out later on
  • veggiepat
    veggiepat Posts: 127 Member
    edited August 2020
    @Peter_P53 Yoga is really relaxing for me and helps my strength too with gentle movements. There are a lot of good youtube videos to try and here is one that I think is helpful. I hope this helps. :)[url="http://&quot;]https://youtube.com/watch?v=GnHTeHAZQhM[/url]
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Peter_P53 wrote: »
    annliz23 wrote: »

    Try low impact cardio exercises, I downloaded FitOn from Google play store it is free and has loads of different exercise routines or you could try you tube. Also try some weight training. Good luck

    Thanks for this annliz, just installed FitOn and it looks very good, I'll be trying it out later on

    Ok let me know how you get on you can browse at the bottom to find more exercises
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Peter_P53 wrote: »
    Pleased to have lost another 3lb this week, total now 6lb since restarting at the beginning of August. I know it won't last and I'll start to plateau in due course, unless I start doing some more exercise. I walk daily, at least 3km, but need some ideas for strengthening exercises and/or HIIT. Any ideas for a 67yo? Is yoga an option?

    Yoga is great for flexibility and strength. I do it three times a week. Added benefit is the mind body connection.
  • tnh2o
    tnh2o Posts: 159 Member
    @veggiepat The yoga video is really good but there's a few moves I can't do. No problem I'll either modify or skip.