
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Caught up reading. Welcome all the newbies.
    Karen- your BOGO grandbabies are precious.
    NYKaren- love That you are in Florence and hope you get to Venice or the east coast. We visited Italy when we were stationE in England and drove all over the country. It was interesting as we were used to driving on the wrong side of the road in England.
    Thinking what my cup is filled with. I need someone to shake me out of my “I don’t care “ attitude. Pip, are you available.
    Lisa- I worry about you but know you will take all precautions. Just don’t push yourself too hard.
    Oops battery down to 3 % so better post.
    Suebdew in TX
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
    Lisa in AR, when I was a kid I always read that as "girding my lions". I wondered what they needed belts for, but thought it must be something to do with harness, and how cool it was that someone somewhere had multiple lions trained to pull.

    TinaDuke, I would be worried all to heck about borderline type 1 diabetes. Is there a public health service where you can get that checked for free? Saving your sight, heart and feet/legs would be a good motivator for me. All those are needed to have any fun in retirement and see those kids grown and settled.

    Dr. Katiebug, what form is itthats giving you conniptions? Sometimes it's the fault of the information on the form? PM me if you think I can help.

    Heather, I found myself salivating, not at the mention of ice cream, but at the idea of sunshine and somewhat warmer weather. I'm glad you're feeling so much better

    Mary from WI, I'll just bet there's too much snow and ice still. Stick to that nice warm pool and whatever you can do at home or at the local rec center. Good going for you!

    Vicki, ALS is a horrible disease. I hate it, MS, CF, Lupus, MD, Huntington's, dementia and all the others that stea our loved ones' bodies and minds a creeping inch at a time. I'm sorry to hear your DSIL has it.

    wessecg (?), you on your horse, me on a mid/sized BMW bike! Yee-haw!

    Oh dear, Pip! Use that boot on whatever ails you! So sorry you're ill.

    I can finally get my car up and down our hill. I devoutly hope it stays this way. I did my 1000 steps today - up from 750. I'm hoping to gradually get stronger and improve cardiovascular health. My physical therapist has me working on that and upper body strength. If I can't ditch the can I don't want a sore right shoulder all the time! Do any of the rest of you use a cane? Most of you sound so fit I can't imagine it.

    Sharon, thawing but still cold, Near Seattle
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    That was supposed to be, "where in Kentucky?"
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    My physical therapist has me working on that and upper body strength. If I can't ditch the can I don't want a sore right shoulder all the time! Do any of the rest of you use a cane? Most of you sound so fit I can't imagine it.

    Sharon, thawing but still cold, Near Seattle

    I did use a cane for a week when my PT thought I had a fractured hip. You've got to get it the right height, and there is a trick to using it ... hold it in the hand of your good side, not your bad side. Then your cane and bad side go forward together, and the good leg goes next, then the cane and bad leg, then the good leg. It's terribly slow, but you can get into a bit of a rhythm.

    Sorry ... you might be doing that already.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    I'm about to do the weirdest thing ... for me. It's 10 pm, and I'm going to take my vitamins and go to bed. At 10 pm!!! And I had a 1.5 hour nap after work too.

    I had to juggle my Things To Do list a bit and just push a few things off till tomorrow in order to accomplish this, but I don't think I'd do anything worthwhile if I stayed up and tried to accomplish something.

    M in Oz
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    I hope you’re able to get some sleep Machka. Hopefully you’ll feel better when you wake up.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    well good morning..
    Please keep my DB in your prayers ,I have spoke with my SIL and he has left her... I dont really know what is going on but it comes down to money... I havent heard from him since thursday.. and I hope he is safe..

    I havent gotten on the scale for a week or so, and I got on it this morning and was flabbergasted that I am 4 lbs... I am still eating the way I have been , but not going to give up..
    Alfie going to uncle Toms today while Dave comes to paint..Tom will drop him off later..after I get out of work,,
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good morning ladies!

    I am up and Hubs is off to the airport. I really should go color my roots, but our heat doesn’t kick up warmer until five and it’s really chilly right now for me to be standing in the bathroom doing my roots. I think I’m just being extra lazy, but then again, it is just 4 AM.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    Extra lazy is...me!
    I don't color my hair.

    Karen in Virginia

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,162 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: I am so sorry that you are not feeling good. I hope today is better than yesterday. :flowerforyou:

    Okie: I know how you might be feeling. I have gained back a few pounds and am working my way back down to the weight where my knee doesn’t hurt. :embarassed: :ohwell:

    Machka: I’ve always been told that the body repairs itself while you sleep. Rest well! :flowerforyou:

    Allie: Never give up! You seem to be doing better, despite the occasional bump in the road. Good for you. :smiley:

    Karen & Okie: I colored my hair once & didn’t like the way it came out— :noway: I had a perm as a kid and again after my second child was born. I finally learned the lesson that perms are not for me. Both of them left me looking like I could win a Harpo Marx look-alike contest. It wasn’t pretty or habit forming. :noway:

    Beth: Happy holiday from work! :bigsmile:

    I have yoga today at 10 am & need to get going. I want to spend some time on an exercise bike to burn a few calories and get myself warmed up before yoga..

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Lisa: You seem to be doing so well. I am trying to screw up the courage to make an appointment to check into the knee replacement. One of my problems is deciding which knee to do first. Also, I am terrified after seeing the picture you posted of the open knee and the pain you felt after coming home. I am so tired of walking like an old lady and not being able to sit/stand or go down slopes/stairs without pain.

    Hair Coloring: I have been doing that since I was in college. When I turned 70 in August, I decided that my too blonde color was making me look older than I felt so dyed it light brown. Now, I am ready to go back to blonde because it blends in better when the white starts showing. My mom and my grandmother both got theirs colored up to their deaths at 90. Dark brown.

    Question: Have any of you had your air ducts cleaned? Did it do any good on the dust? I spent over an hour vacuuming before lunch and I was shocked at all the dust bunnies and fuzz. My house is 30 yrs old and has never had the ducts cleaned before.

    Carol in GA
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,930 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Carol in GA - My only advice (at this stage of my own recovery) would be that it's a trade-off of short-term pain and a lot of physical therapy work in order to make my life pain free in the future. As the saying goes, you have to decide what you want most. I've learned that, without the pain medication, even as high as my pain tolerance is, it's higher than that. With the pain medication in my system, I can tolerate it quite well.

    That's not to scare you, it's to help you decide for yourself. My own decision point was basically that, no matter what I did or didn't do, my knee was deteriorating more every year. It was stopping me from living my life, and keeping myself healthy. To me, it was worth the work and the pain in the short term for the long-term goal of being pain-free and being able to exercise for my own health.

    It's possible that there are other options for you - they may be able to give you cortisone shots or SynVisc shots that will give you a few more years before you have to make the decision. Worth seeing a doctor, as knee replacement truly is a last resort.

    Lisa in AR
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2019
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Carol in GA - My only advice (at this stage of my own recovery) would be that it's a trade-off of short-term pain and a lot of physical therapy work in order to make my life pain free in the future. As the saying goes, you have to decide what you want most. I've learned that, without the pain medication, even as high as my pain tolerance is, it's higher than that. With the pain medication in my system, I can tolerate it quite well.

    That's not to scare you, it's to help you decide for yourself. My own decision point was basically that, no matter what I did or didn't do, my knee was deteriorating more every year. It was stopping me from living my life, and keeping myself healthy. To me, it was worth the work and the pain in the short term for the long-term goal of being pain-free and being able to exercise for my own health.

    It's possible that there are other options for you - they may be able to give you cortisone shots or SynVisc shots that will give you a few more years before you have to make the decision. Worth seeing a doctor, as knee replacement truly is a last resort.

    Lisa in AR

    You’re so right with what you are saying about the pain medication. I took care of my husband’s 84-year-old aunt when she went through her knee replacement surgery. Not liking to take medication she wanted to cut down right away. I told her that she needed to keep the medication level up in her body so that she would be able to do the physical therapy that was required to help her knee to heal properly. For three weeks we performed the exercise routinely and she was walking normally without pain and driving by herself at the end of three weeks. You are doing fantastic!! Keep up the great work!!

    Karen - very cute pictures of the twins!

    Mary from Arizona
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    We were going to catch the bus to Rottingdean and then walk back 3 miles under the chalk cliffs. I decided the weather wasn't good enough for me, so I caught a bus into town and bought myself a tooth mug to match my bathroom. :D
    DH went off regardless. The bus took an hour and it drizzled as he walked back. We will do it another day when the sun is shining, but try to find a more direct bus.

    My brother rang this morning to talk about his 'episode' this Saturday. He went to a pop concert and felt sick in the middle. Then he exited to the bar and threw up and fainted. Something like a fit. They ordered him an ambulance, but he had to wait 8 hours in the ER. He us fine now, but is going in for tests on his heart and brain. They think it was nothing much. Hope so.

    I colour my hair myself and can't imagine not being a blonde now. Originally I was a mousy brown, but tinted it reddish. I am now grey, but hate that. Love my blonde. :DB) And because I do my roots myself it costs virtually nothing. I still think of myself as a 'bright young thing'. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited February 2019
    Barbie, Lisa, and Mary ~ Thanks for your comments. I just need to get over my anxiety and get it done. I have been getting the cortisone shots every 3 months and have had the series of gel injections.
  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    I got the typo, I almost didn’t even see it! We are in Bowling Green since 1992. Fond memories of many summers at Great America. We also lived in Bloomington, when DH finished his training, and LaSalle/Peru. Love living in college towns!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,225 Member
    CarolI had the ducts cleaned at my son's house. We have hot water heat no ducts. He also cleaned the furnace which he said was one of the worst he had seen. He did use brushes to clean the ducts. At first things seemed to still get dusty. I think he stirred up the dust in the furnace. Son has changed the filter a couple of times because they got so dirty so fast. Now it appears much better in the house. I had it done because it was a rehab and I could see the dust in the vents.

    The guy we used recommends it done every three to five years depending on it you have pets. The cost will vary depending on who does it. I would recommend one who uses brushes to clean them out. Son has a small house and it was around $300.

    If you are getting a lot of dust I would recommend it along with frequently changing the filter in furnace/AC.

    :heart: Margaret
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Ther seems to be a lot of ladies eating keto and low carb. Here is a great thread that shows keto meals.


    Mary from Arizona