
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,255 Member
    Skipped to the last page because I've been behind on readmy posts b/c my insurance has me using a program called NOOM to lose weight. That plus KETO are working for me so far. My weight varries each day but it is because of water, bathroom status, and salt depending on what I eat and my hormones reacting to the food and my moods. Found out the fluctuations are normal but I've we talk going down. Happy with that!

    RV Rita
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Here is another great thread for low carb meal ideas!!


    Matt from Arizona
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Fancy ~ That link doesn't open. Says you have to have permission.
  • Hi :)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,491 Member
    Went downstairs to do the Amy Dixon DVD and it wouldn’t play in my laptop. Every once in a while for some reason a DVD doesn’t play in my laptop. I just came upstairs and got a Leslie Sansone one that I knew played in it. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Violet Zaki Cardio Sculpt DVD. Then there is a lady I am going to meet to help me with my crochet.

    Monday: did Violet Zaki Cardio Sulpt DVD then walked on the treadmill for ½ hr. Found out that if you increase the incline, you burn more calories, or at least according to the machine. This workout wasn’t just walking, it was a preprogram which you do different inclines. The plan for tomorrow is to do some HIIT then take the Power Hour class.

    Welcome everyone new! Tell us more about yourselves

    Mary – you are doing wonderful, taking it slow and then increasing your exercise

    KJ – “BM Palladium Blue” – what a color for a bathroom (excuse me, being silly here)

    Tracey – beautiful grand. Our seats for Sat and Sun are in the Chevrolet section, 3rdfloor up, two rows from the 4th floor (which is good in case it starts to rain, we don’t have far to go to get under cover)about 8-900 feet from the start/finish line. Where pit road ends. We didn’t get back to the condo until almost 11, the race ended around 8:30. I still don’t understand why they started so late, they usually started around 1 or 2

    The gal who helped me so much with my crochet last Monday wasn’t there this week (boo). I made the heart but decided I’d remake the gingerbread man. Something just didn’t look right. I supposed it is possible that my tension was different for each arm. Then I went to lay in the sun. One bottle of coppertone down (don’t worry, Barbara, I have three more down here), went to Hobby Lobby but they didn’t carry what I wanted but I got this cross stitch that I may do for down here. I’ll keep it down here and just work on it when I’m down here.

    NYKaren – I’m so jealous!

    Made chocolate chip cookies for vince. I prefer my homemade ones but I had to get the roll here since I don’t have all the ingredients or a mixer down here.
    We do have a hand mixer, but I still don’t have the ingredients

    The guy here at the condo loaned us his transmitter for the gate and we (or I should say Vince) programmed our cars so now all we have to do to open the gate is push one button.

    I’ll probably color my roots tomorrow. They’re needing it

    Lisa – I’m in awe of how well you are healing. Sure helps to be in great shape like you are

    Mary – I was interested to read those articles, but I kept getting a message that I didn’t have permission to view them.

    Better post this before I forget like I did yesterday

    Michele who laid out by the pool today
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2019
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Fancy ~ That link doesn't open. Says you have to have permission.

    Sorry! It might be because you have to join the low-carb group here on MFP.


    Mary from Arizona
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,930 Member
    I have caught up on all of the posts.

    Duct Cleaning- we have had duct cleaning done on two places what a massive difference it made for the dust.

    I have been dying my hair since I was 14 when a friend and I dyed out hair in her bathtub. I never strayed to any funny colours usually an undertone of red. I had it done professionally for the first time last summer when my daughter did it for her exam. It was probably closest it’s been to my natural colour that time.

    I am very tired today, I had three late nights working on invitations.

    Tomorrow I will clean my house!
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,013 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Tracy- the invitations are wonderful. You are so creative and they are one of a kind.
    Mary in AZ- I think I tried to join the low carb group but nothing happened. ?
    I had a problem with my hair coloring a few months ago where my head broke out in scabs. Guess I am allergic to it all of a sudden. Hairdresser tried another product this time and my head itched for 9 days. Don’t know what to do but may have to let it go grey. Boo hoo
    Big day today, went to dentist for cleaning, Y for mile walk and balance class then played bridge for three hours before going to grocery store and home to fix dinner. DH helped me.
    Suebdew in TX
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    It feels so good to have the roads passable again. Appreciated being able to get to get to the grocery and drug stores. Also enjoyed a walk along the river. I heard on the news another storm is possible. Guess I’m all stocked up again and ready.

    A friend slipped on the ice yesterday and broke her arm in two places and broke bones in both feet and will be having surgery tomorrow. I feel so fortunate that my three falls didn’t result in broken bones. It still is hard to walk with the ice and snow on the roads.

    Betsy in NW Washington, where we are melting slowly.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,491 Member
    Tracey - fabulous invitations!

    Michele in humid Florida
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    edited February 2019
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    On the hair-coloring thing... I haven't seen the natural color of my hair since I was 19 years old and in the Air Force. I change it at will and my hair has been everything from midnight black to white blonde, and every possible shade of red, but usually somewhere on the human spectrum (not blue/purple/green in other words). One memorable trainwreck of a dye job did turn it schoolbus yellow. :) It actually is true that blondes have more fun, by the way. Blonde hair also makes people underestimate your intelligence, which has come in handy more than once. :wink:

    Me too! I've also had "everything from midnight black to white blonde, and every possible shade of red, but usually somewhere on the human spectrum (not blue/purple/green in other words)", and my trainwreck was when I took the blonding off too soon and ended up with a particularly brilliant shade of orange ... the day before a friend's wedding. I wore a hat to the wedding.

    Right now, I've got dark chocolate brown underneath topped with a lighter reddish brown. I was going to add blonde, but didn't. I'm not sure if blonde would make me look older. I am noticing that my roots are starting to show and I thought about blonde again, but now I'm debating about touching up with even lighter reddish brown.

    suebdew wrote: »
    I had a problem with my hair coloring a few months ago where my head broke out in scabs. Guess I am allergic to it all of a sudden. Hairdresser tried another product this time and my head itched for 9 days. Don’t know what to do but may have to let it go grey. Boo hoo

    There's a particular brand, which is often on sale here for some reason, that does that to me. The colour also doesn't stay well. I'm guessing that the chemicals in it are just not right. But I go into the shop to get dye and go it first because it's always on for about half price. Then I look at the brand and ... nope!

    LisaInAR wrote: »
    The doctor and the nurses were a tad flabbergasted that I walked into the appointment without a cane or walker... but in my defense, they never stated an expectation of how long I would need one. :blush: When the doctor pulls your dressing off and tells you the incision is beautiful (he's an interesting cat), it's also a good sign, I'm thinking. He also made me walk across the room twice to make sure I was walking correctly. Next follow-up is four weeks.

    I am back home safely, having navigated my first solo trip since the surgery, and I have pain pills onboarded, comfortably ensconced in front of my computer, and preparing for tomorrow.
    Lisa in AR

    I'm glad to hear that you're healing well. :heart:

    Your comment "The doctor and the nurses were a tad flabbergasted ... " reminded me of the time I had a kidney stone surgically removed in 2009, and a stent was installed. They told me the stent could be removed after 5 days or a week and they implied, but didn't state, that I should come in to have it removed.

    My mother is a nurse, so I asked her about removing it and she told me how ... so I did. I removed my own stent. A few days later I went to the hospital for a follow-up appointment, and the doctor and the nurses were a tad flabbergasted that I'd removed the stent. I think I was the first person they'd met who had done that!

    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Question: Have any of you had your air ducts cleaned? Did it do any good on the dust? I spent over an hour vacuuming before lunch and I was shocked at all the dust bunnies and fuzz. My house is 30 yrs old and has never had the ducts cleaned before.
    Carol in GA

    We don't have air ducts in our houses here. But we do have a split system and have to vacuum the filter now and then.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Machka - Ebb Tide roses sound beautiful! Rosees have to smell or they won't find a place in my garden. Everybody loves to plant knockout roses and they look spectacular but don't seem to have any scent at all.

    I've noticed that our red roses smell more if there has been a lot of rain, and less if it is dry.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Thankfully, I had a good run of health ... no colds, no flues for a long time. Till now.

    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka- Love the kitties! Did you know that little poem is from The Big Bang Theory? That is the song Sheldon's Meemaw used to sing to him to get him to go to sleep. lol I love the "happy kitty"!

    Yes ... the characters sing it when one is sick. :) Seemed appropriate here.

    But it is actually an old song ...

    Last night I slept very restlessly ... hot, cold, hot, cold ... sore throat and coughing.

    I would have like to just keep sleeping but had to get up for an appointment with Rowan's specialist. So I dragged myself into town on the bus hoping that I would suddenly perk up. Unfortunately, it got worse, and in the middle of the 1-hour appointment, I was doing the heat, chills, heat, chills ... and then started feeling faint and like I was going to throw up. I left the appointment a couple times to go to the toilet just in case. So it wasn't a great appointment and seemed to go on forever.

    I was thinking of going to work after, but ... nope.

    We came home and I slept for about 5 hours.

    I'm feeling tired, but a little bit better right now.

    Machka in Oz

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi catching up (again) I'm about 6 pages behind. Hope everyone is doing okay, think I saw that Aubrey has gone back to hospital, sending all good wishes that she is home soon.

    We've had some lovely sunny days here - is it too soon to think spring is on its way or are we going to get another blast of cold weather?

    Love to all <3
    Viv UK
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member

    Today ... some combination of 1 and 7. All while trying to operate coherently earlier in the day.

    I’m not sure what this is. So far it hasn’t morphed into a real cold, and I would be happy if it didn’t. One of the things that can happen here is that we can get northern hemisphere colds and flues because of the cruise ships. A whole bunch of exposed people get onto a cruise ship, the colds and flues develop, and then they get off at ports along the way, like Hobart, and spread it all over the place.

    We had 3 cruise ships in the other day, and the local pharmacy was packed with people picking up medications of various sorts. I tried to flee but maybe I didn’t get out of there fast enough.

    I’m going to try work tomorrow, and hopefully things will go well.

    M in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited February 2019
    Machka - kinda loving the cat scale... I woke up, as I usually do, at a 3, and am going to try to make sure I don't get to an 8 until I get finished with my presentation and get back home. It may be horribly manipulative, but I'm going to take my cane with me, as I honestly don't know how I'll do standing up to give the presentation (that part's legit), as I haven't done a lot of standing yet. Really don't want to trip over the carpet and face-plant in front of a dozen people. Also don't want to wobble and have them think I'm drunk at 11 a.m.! If it gets me the sympathy vote as well, I'm OK with it. :)

    As for you, young lady, the fever, chills, and bathroom breaks don't sound like a cold, they sound like influenza. Please take all precautions to make sure you're OK... you've had enough stress in the last year for six people, and stress does do a number on your immune system.

    OK... up early once more, so it's time to get some finishing touches on one grant and get it ready to go up for approval. Then I need to get another one along similar lines started. Then a phone call at 7:45 to finish up yet another, and leave for town at 9 a.m. for the grant presentation for yet another. Busy week!

    Rori and Penny - just stick your hand up and wave so we know you're OK. You know how we worry... :blush:

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    morning ladies~ I am up and dressed.. about to have my tea.. I am feeling chunky ,but have been following the keto with precision .. think tonight and tomorrow will try 16.8 fasting... have to something to jump start this again...
    honest I haven't fallen off the wagon once...
    the painter started cutting in and painted behind the fridge yesterday.. its going to be beautiful once its done and will take come pictures...
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! On Machka's "scale of cat", I generally start my day at either a 3 or a 6. Six is my favorite way to go through the day.
    Machka- How wonderful that warm kitty/soft kitty is a preschool song! I love that it has history beyond the tv show!
    Michele- I kind of laughed to myself as I wrote the Benjamin Moore initials before the color when writing about my bathroom. Yeah, BM and bathroom...lol I picked a nice warm brown for our bathroom about eight years ago and Tim asked me why I painted the bathroom S**tbrown? :s
    Tracey- Oye! Only four done! I would have been tempted to grab them and do them myself (which is how I turned my daughter's wedding into my own personal nightmare). They look beautiful though, and I am sure the business will have them finished in good time!
    NYKaren- Your Italian adventures have me swooning! Keep them coming! I am traveling vicariously through you! B)
    Pip and Machka- Hope you both are feeling better soon! I seem to be keeping the "crud" that Tim and Colin have, at bay. Fingers crossed it doesn't go any further.

    Kiddos arriving soon, so I better scoot! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,821 Member
    Allie ... I feel your pain. I've been faithfully adhering to 19:5 fasting and up until this morning had lost 14 pounds since 12/30. Which is pretty good. But the scale was up 3 pounds this morning (so now it's back to 11 pounds lost)??!! The scale is such a fickle friend. You know and I know that weight jumps like that are nothing more than water, hormones, etc. Hang in there! But if you fast ... try pushing it to 19:5. This is considered the sweet spot for fat burning.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,225 Member