

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Message from daughter, she has another tear in her retina waiting for laser treatment in the eye hospital. We live a few hours away by train so can't just go and be with her at the drop of a hat. I worry so much about her sight as this is her 'good' eye which has isn't all that good anyway, she is only 51 and has disabled child and other family problems. Do others sonetimes wish they had remained childless, sounds awful I know but sometimes it's hard not to wish that you could be in their place.

    Kate UK <3

    I must have missed the earlier posts about your daughter’s retina tears. My husband went through a series of these about 10 or 12 years ago. His issue is glaucoma. He has had two tears in one eye and one in the other, I think. They finally got his under control with a combination of two different eye drops. What is your daughter’s underlying issue causing the problems?

    I know what you mean about sometimes wishing you were childless. We worry so about our children. They bring us our greatest joy and our greatest sorrow. But most days I am thankful for mine.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Message from daughter, she has another tear in her retina waiting for laser treatment in the eye hospital. We live a few hours away by train so can't just go and be with her at the drop of a hat. I worry so much about her sight as this is her 'good' eye which has isn't all that good anyway, she is only 51 and has disabled child and other family problems. Do others sonetimes wish they had remained childless, sounds awful I know but sometimes it's hard not to wish that you could be in their place.

    Kate UK <3

    I must have missed the earlier posts about your daughter’s retina tears. My husband went through a series of these about 10 or 12 years ago. His issue is glaucoma. He has had two tears in one eye and one in the other, I think. They finally got his under control with a combination of two different eye drops. What is your daughter’s underlying issue causing the problems?

    I know what you mean about sometimes wishing you were childless. We worry so about our children. They bring us our greatest joy and our greatest sorrow. But most days I am thankful for mine.

    Her problem is apparently due to a lifetime of extreme short-sightedness something to do with the actual shape of the eye.

    Kate UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited March 2019
    Morning, afternoon and evening, my dears,

    NYKAREN - Small things in families seem to drive the worst confrontation, where large things can bring families together. Sorry yours is in an uproar, pleased for you that you didn't turn to stress eating.

    Machka - My rowing machine should be delivered today as well, but doubt we'll put it together until the weekend. :)

    Kate UK - Hope they can correct your daughter's issues with her retina.

    Barbara - Have made some spectacularly unsuccessful breads and cookies with oat bran. :wink: Hopefully you'll have better luck!

    Karen (prisoner2food) - Small victories add up, good for you!

    JanetR - I was struggling with feeling like a bad mom, as I got my two kids when they were 15 and 17, without an instruction book, and I asked my sister how she felt about the whole thing. She said her hope for her kids was that they would feel about her like we all felt about our Mama, and I think she achieved that. I think you have, too.

    - you felt about your mother much the way I felt about my father, so I fully understand.

    Sorry I made y'all sniffle over my Mama's note - it has been a talisman over the years, reminding me that no matter what else happens in my life, I was loved by the one who mattered most. The things she left behind, I've given to her granddaughters, a ruby ring, a beautiful quilt, but the note and the mouse stay with me, and have traveled with me over these umpty-thousand miles of a peripatetic life. The 40-year-old note is faded but readable, and the mouse is much the worse for wear, but they are infinitely precious.

    Speaking of notes, have learned to wait to figure out my reasons for doing things until my mind has time to process it. Woke up from a dream with Sonny Bono in it (have no idea why him in particular! :smiley: ) with the realization that I shut down my personal blog because I am not free to write the things I want to write. As an employee of Girl Scouts, even with the disclaimer at the bottom of each post, I feel constrained to stay away from the controversial. It's not a matter of feeling like they'll fire me, but because I don't want to represent the organization in the wrong light. Doesn't mean I've stopped writing, just means I've stopped publishing for now.

    Off to the races, my chickens...
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Tracey - I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Michelle - You really need to step away from Newcomers membership . Why do you keep allowing the drama to upset you? Is it really worth it? Why not just be a member and enjoy yourself?

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Morning Ladies~up and dressed and ready to head out the door.. got my lunch together and will grab a hard boiled egg for breakfast...
    had my cup of tea and watched Joyce..well a few weeks ago I bought a 1 x pair of jeggings most comfortable because they stretch lol, i tried them on but still a bit snug. pulled them out today and said what the heck and tried them on :) they fit and feel good.. slow but sure they are going down..
    makes me feel good.. I am having issues with my health insurance and can't change my payment, i am paying less than I was last year for better coverage, but have automatic payments taken out and they are taking out the higher amount, and I have to change that.. grrrr but will call them again today..
    yesterday was just a day , crazy busy at work.. and we really do need the office manager as both Mary and I are getting burned out real quick. im hoping when we do get one, that I am going to tell them I will no longer do weekends, I have no time to spend with anyone because of it..
  • lleeann2001
    lleeann2001 Posts: 410 Member
    Gotta tell you.. I REALLY wanted to eat carbs before bed but I stuck with an apple. Am too tired to get out of bed for anything else.
    I will call it a win. Lol


    Good on you sis!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    NYKaren: You are a good woman, wife and DIL to make that drive in order to support your MIL! What a loving and kind thing to do. WTG!!! :heart:

    Barbara the Southern Oregon Coastie: DH’s doctor gave him the all clear for the road trip in the RV. Yay! :heart: :star::heart: :star:

    I think I know what my husband’s biggest concern is regarding the RV road trip, and that is driving in VA to see our son and his family. I think I might have a good work around for that. My idea is to have DS meet us outside the high traffic zone and drive our rig to his place or lead us there. At least I now have hope that we’ll be able to follow our initial plan. Departure is still a couple of months away. Weather will determine when we can go and what route is the safest.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Katla ~ That sounds like a good plan to have your son drive the RV through the heavy traffic. My FnL drove their Air Stream through downtown NYC. I have no idea how they did that. LOL

    Carol in GA