

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Sending best wishes to all those with struggling family and friends. <3
    I have one younger brother with health issues - diabetes, retinas etc. He is very cheerful and has at last realised that he has to change his diet. For years he just breezed along regardless. :'( We are close, but I would like to see more of him. He has 6 children and 10 grandchildren, plus his wife's big family, so they are very busy.
    My DH's daughter has recently had a bowel operation for prolapsed piles. She is in a lot of pain and panicking a bit. Her mother is staying with her and sleeping on the sofa! It was her first ever visit to a hospital, at age 45!

    I didn't run today. I had my hair cut and then the weather did not look attractive. I did some elliptical and some recumbent bike instead. Notched up a bonus 250. Thank goodness, because I've eaten it all.

    Debating what to do tomorrow. We have Bea in the morning from 9 am. Going to set the alarm and do some exercise first thing. Then I am supposed to be going to my creative dance class, but I didn't enjoy it much last week. The format isn't working for me. I may give it a miss and go for a run instead. We also could practice our Swing, as I've downloaded a big band track. :D
    We have decided to go out for a Thai meal in the evening and then go on to a live music pub, called The Paris House. It's going to be Cuban music.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    It’s snowing 🌨!!!! 😀
  • JLose65
    JLose65 Posts: 9 Member
    Goals for March... adding more protein,
    definitely eating slower.
    Going to try to get my will back to exercise... this has been a tough one. Need lots of encouragement for this one!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Tracey-So sorry for your loss. I too lost an Uncle this week. He was the last surviving on my father's side. ((HUGS))

    Michele- Rant!!! Then Breathe!!!!! We have your back! You have stuck in there longer than I would have, wait, okay, I put up with this same s**! every day at work. Sorry, now I want to rant-smh! Anyhow, the garage heater is an industrial radiant heater, that hangs off the ceiling. We use it when it gets extremely cold. Otherwise we use two little heaters that are infrared. As you can see, we spend a lot of time in the garage-aka the man cave.

    Drove to Cincinnati for a training class today. It was informative so that is good. Left at 630 this morning, got back to shop at 4, worked until 530. One of these days, I am going to learn to play hooky at least until closer to closing time. I love my sister in law, but as a employee/owner, she sucks! She can't handle any issues, she leaves them for me. She left an hour before I got back. She didn't call the folks whose parts came in this morning.My husband is making comments about equipment that has been there for a while.... well, his sister was there...she could have made phone calls! RRRR! Sorry. He makes me mad and then acts like everything is okay and I get even more pissed. Came home to two phone messages from doctor offices that made no sense to me. Will figure it out tomorrow, I reckon. I really need to make the trip home....

    Moving on to page 16. Good news is my scale actually went down this morning! Only .3# but I will take it!

    Kylia freezing and feeling pissy in Ohio
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Mothers and fathers.....that is a tough subject for me. Both mine are/were alcoholics. Mom has been in recovery almost 30 years, Father deceased from drinking and smoking. They divorced when I was 16. I am not sure how well I remember a lot of those years, but my brother and sister consider me their mom. They said I was always there for them when the parents weren't. Because of the divorce and the alcohol, they both missed out on a lot of important events in our lives. My mother is self centered. She is a recovering alcoholic, hoarder, and I am pretty sure bipolar. She unfriended all of us three years ago, quit answering phone and texts, then sends us all an email that she had moved. Well, other than the obligatory mother's day, birthday, and christmas card, there hasn't been much contact up until Aubrey was born and her sister broke her neck. I know that my girls are grateful that their father and I chose to co-parent even after the divorce. No things weren't always easy, but our girls are the beautiful part of our marriage. We haven't missed any important events. I am proud to say, I did/do a better job at parenting and grandparenting than my parents did.

    So happy to hear of RV trips getting go aheads! That is wonderful!

    Barbara- We have natural gas to the right of us and to the left of us. To run it to our house would be over $15,000! Propane tank is on the side of the house with no windows, so it works. We converted the house to propane heat in 1995. Added the garage heater around 2000. Next is the stove! ;)

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Elizabeth- Congratulations on your goal weight! That is fabulous!

    Janey in MO- Prayers for your father and family! ((HUGS))

    Yvonne-I love all your information! So clever and usually thought provoking. Thank you!

    Rebecca- Love the cat pictures! We are expecting another 2-3 inches of snow tomorrow night. We haven't gotten out of the low 20s all week. BRRR! Warmth in sight for the weekend though with lots of rain! At least not snow.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    jlose65- Just keep checking in. Let us know what to call you as well as a general location so we can sort you in our minds. Don't forget to tag the star at the top of the page. It will turn yellow. That book marks the page so that you can easily find us. We talk a lot, so check in often, reply as you feel the need. And WELCOME!

    So all my posts landed together as I was reading one page, commenting, posting, then moving to next. One of these days I will get as good as you other ladies and figure out how to copy and paste with a split screen. I am still struggling with posting pictures some days.

    Somehow just deleted the last of this post. grumble.

    Husband needing assistance.....

    Kylia going crazy in Ohio
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Pip! that is a lot of snow in a few hours! Stay safe!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.26min, 11.4amph, 135mhr, 1.5mi= 92c
    HELIX Machine- 27min, 131mhr, 52arpm,lvl5-6, 2.73mi= 185c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.50min, 139mhr, 15.1amph, 1.4mi= 63c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn sta- 16.33min, 11amph, 139mhr, 3mi= 160c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.06min, 9.44min mi, 152mhr, .5mi= 66c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.37min, 10.07min mi, 164mhr, .4mi= 74c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 20.04min, 7.8amph, 147mhr,2.6mi= 205c

    total cal 846
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Well, here I am. MFP has changed so much since I joined 10 years ago.
    I decided to reactivate and my old login is still here. There are a few familiar faces in another group that i still came up in as a member.

    I managed to find this group by searching (Thanks Barbiecat), but I'll be hanged if i can figure out how to add myself in. So maybe someone can send me a message and tell me how, bnb or invite me or??

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member

    Went to the deep water class today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Karen Voit’s Strength DVD

    Dr. Katie – there are times when I wish I didn’t have kids, I worry sometimes too much. But that’s the price you pay. As my father used to say “you play, you pay”

    Noegrand – I self-sabotage when I think “tonight’s IT, tomorrow I watch”. Like last night, I could only think “tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, I’m giving up eating anything but fruit after dinner”. BTW – what name would you like to be called?

    Okie – I am going to step away. As of the end of this month, I will no longer be doing hospitality. But it really isn’t fair to the new president for me to suddenly bow out of membership. I’ll continue to do it until they find someone else to do it. My only fear is that they won’t find anyone. If it comes to that, I’ll give them a deadline. It just frustrates me. Greg asked me if certain people are members because they need to be “activated”. From my understanding, people can’t get onto the website anyway, so I’m in no rush to answer him.

    Talked to Denise last night. See, Maria had sent me a link for these cakes. I said to her “I don’t know why you’re sending me this, most of those cakes are made with fondant and I know Denise doesn’t like fondant”. Do you know that Denise told me that Maria had no idea what I was talking about? I can understand a 20 year old not knowing what fondant is, but a 50 year old????

    It’s getting to be somewhat of a pain to log my foods on two separate sites. I’m thinking more and more that I won’t log here. Unfortunately, nutritionix doesn’t have groups where you can ask questions. But it does look like their database is much more complete. But I will continue to come here. You all mean so much to me!

    Elizabeth – woo hoo!

    Welcome everyone new!

    Greg wants everyone to update their own information on the web. Yea, like that’s gonna happen! I’m not even going to bother wasting my breath. He’s going to do what he wants to do, even if I tell him that it’s not going to happen and he does what he wants and it doesn’t happen. Like he wanted everyone to get their own email. I told him that we have members who either won’t get one or don’t want to share their email. So what did he do? He asked everyone to get their own email. What happened? He got responses like “use my email for my husband” I just sat back and smiled. He wants to have a training session on the web. Come on! Most of our members are retired, they either didn’t work with computers and are intimidated by them or they worked with them, are tired of them, and just want someone else to do the work.

    JLose – I’m so sorry about your dad!

    Janet in MO – I’m so sorry about your dad. Yes, dads are “superman”

    Kylia – at least you get paid to put up with s***! I’m volunteering and I want to volunteer at something that is enjoyable. I guess in a way this is...keeps me laughing if anything. I’d love an industrial heater in the garage

    Put one of the gnomes in to fire at ceramics tonight. I should get it back Monday when we go. Finished except for one coat of the clear glaze on the other gnome. But I am waiting for them to pour me this bird that he’ll have in his hand.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :)Hi Barb, Good to see you here. This is a thread, not a group so you don't have to join. All you have to do is post. The way to find us again is to bookmark the page by clicking on the open star at the top and the star will turn yellow. Then you find us again by clicking on the gray star and this thread will be on the list. I hope you will be a regular part of our friendly supportive community.

    <3 Barbie
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,182 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    So all my posts landed together as I was reading one page, commenting, posting, then moving to next. One of these days I will get as good as you other ladies and figure out how to copy and paste with a split screen. I am still struggling with posting pictures some days.

    Kylia going crazy in Ohio

    I use two tabs ... open MFP twice.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,182 Member
    Well, here I am. MFP has changed so much since I joined 10 years ago.
    I decided to reactivate and my old login is still here. There are a few familiar faces in another group that i still came up in as a member.

    I managed to find this group by searching (Thanks Barbiecat), but I'll be hanged if i can figure out how to add myself in. So maybe someone can send me a message and tell me how, bnb or invite me or??


    You're here. Welcome. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,182 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    I can understand a 20 year old not knowing what fondant is, but a 50 year old????

    Michele in NC

    I didn't know what fondant was until I was in my late 40s and started watching "The Great British Bakeoff". :)

    I like baking but doing fancy stuff with icing just wasn't my thing.

    M in Oz