

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    edited April 2019
    Heather: Hope your visit with you friend goes well.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I hope you are able to have an enjoyable visit with your friend. :heart:

    Sue: Thanks so much for your good thoughts. They’re very welcome just now. :flowerforyou:

    Rebecca: Keeping my fingers crossed for your new home. I hope all goes well. :star:

    I had my dental appointment today and have a new crown on my left lower back molar. My mouth is still numb, but my fingers work about as well as usual so I can type on my computer keyboard. They used some sort of laser printer to create the crown while I sat in the chair. I sat there a long while.

    We cancelled the dog’s surgery because he seems to be doing well and the DH’s colonoscopy takes precedence over everything else. Monday we check into a hotel room near the hospital. The next day DH has his test and afterward we can come home. I hope the results lead to improvements in his quality of life--the sooner the better. Wednesday afternoon I need to go to the dermatologist to see about the cyst on my back. If DH isn’t feeling well after his procedure, I’ll call and change the appointment. I think this is likely. We’ll see. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym, windy- 7.58min, 12amph, 127mhr, 1.58mi= 68c
    TREADMILL walk- 30min, 6-8incl, 3.5-3.8sp, 96ahr, 124mhr, 1.81mi= 150c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.20min, 123mhr, 16.7amph, 1.48mi= 48c
    ride puy 2 sumn station- 14.36min, 12.5amph, 150mhr,3.03mi= 174c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 3.59min, 10.07min mi, 153mhr, .39mi= 65c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.12min, 9.36min mi, 157mhr, .44mi= 77c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 21.15min, 7.4amph, 137mhr, 2.62mi= 191c

    total cal 773
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Rebecca – Glad to hear that non-responsive owner will not impact the new rental. Weeding is great exercise, and depending on the space maybe you could grow a few herbs or veggies, if I recall right you had a community garden space at one time.

    Heather – glad you were able to remove yourself from the germs quickly.

    Katla - Although each of us are different, and your DH has his own issues, it seems that the worry and prep about a colonoscopy is worse than the recovery. Thinking good thoughts.

    Ate like a pig today, but with 5 hours of gardening and a bit over 10,000 steps I felt ok eating back a couple of hundred of my exercise calories.

    Kim from N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Went to the deep water class today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Jari Love Get Ripped 1000 DVD.

    Felicia – it would be hard to post a pic of the ceramics out by the pool since there are so many spread over a large area. I was hoping to somehow get a blanket for Linus that wouldn’t fade in the sunlight. One thing we were thinking of is to have a wire that the blanket would stick to. This way when you change it, you attach the blanket to the wire rather than his hand. But place the wire in a position so that it looks like he’s holding the blanket. Looks like I’ll have to look for some light blue fleece. I’m thinking that since I don’t need much fabric, maybe just a remnant would work at least for a few years.

    M – I forget, what happened with your husband’s driving?

    Regarding shopping – I would like to do the shopping online and have it delivered to the car rather than going in the store to get it, only problem is that you have to order a minimum amount (like $30) and many times I don’t get to that amount. Oh, I probably could if I’d let them pick out the milk and meats, but that I prefer to do myself because you know that they’re going to just pick any old one and I like to look for things like “how does the meat look, is there too much marbling, what is the expiration date”

    I can’t remember the last time I ordered take-out. Oh, I think it was a few years ago when Denise or Jess wanted something. Maybe it was Denise because I remember getting a salad and all they had was iceberg <gag> lettuce. That was probably Pizza Hut.

    Shopping list – Rebecca – yours was a hoot. I usually keep mine on my phone so whenever I’m in a store, I can just check to see if there’s something that I need.

    TerriRichards – I’d even feel guilty if for some reason I didn’t meet my deadlines. Sometimes life just gets in the way. Maybe my deadline should be “just for today”

    I think I’ll make some chocolate donuts for Vince today since I’ll probably have a little time between exercise and having to leave for ceramics. After ceramics need to stop at Lowes Foods to pick up the bleach for the pool and I need some more oat bran (got my coupon!).

    Yesterday, we went to look for something for this frog that I made to hold in his hand. Whatever we get has to be 16” from the bottom of the stake to where whatever it is the bottom of that. Vince thought a butterfly would look nice. Since there is a picture of a fly on his stomach, I’m thinking more on the lines of a pinwheel. It isn’t fired yet, when it’s fired many times the paint comes out a different shade so that’s why I haven’t posted a picture of it yet. I didn’t get it fired when I first painted it since I wanted to look for a solar-powered flower. Only I forgot that the only solar-powered ones had the solar thing on the bottom, for some reason I was thinking that it was in the middle of the flower. I’m thinking that I saw some that were solar-powered in the middle of the flower in the Dollar Tree, but I’d be willing to bet that the stem isn’t 16” or longer. I’ll check it out, anyway since I have to go there for Easter cards anyway. I just can’t see spending a lot of $$ for Hallmark cards when the card just gets thrown out anyway.

    Twilli – welcome

    Tracey from Green Bay – you were missed. Glad to hear it wasn’t something real serious. Always love hearing from you.

    After exercise, stopped at the Salvation Army then the dollar store. I had to get Easter cards for the girls anyway. I found this stake with a pinwheel and a frog on top that can go in the frog’s hand so I took the frog to ceramics tonight to be fired. Also put Donald Duck in to be fired.

    Put out most of the ceramics by the pool and took the other half of the solar cover off. We need to get a new one, that one was falling apart. Well, it’s over 10 years old. So we put ½ of the pool cover and the cover for the spa in the garbage last week and the other half this week. Had dinner and then to ceramics. Stopped at Lowe’s Foods on the way home.

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    A Goal: get through my list! It would be great if I could get through it in April, but there are 50 main items on the list, each with sub-items. Also, no sooner than I finish one thing, more crop up. So we'll see how we go.
    Machka in Oz

    Yay ... I've done one item on my list.

    I did a second item too, but that morphed into a new bigger item with a few extra components.

    And I've added another item related to the first one.

    This is how it goes. One step forward, one step back. :lol:

    M in Oz

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    <3Katla, staying in a hotel near the site for the colonoscopy is a great idea but certainly adds an extra layer of stress to the whole ordeal especially the part about having to leave your dog behind. I wish you and your husband the best getting through the procedure.

    :)Rebecca, you and your husband and son would be ideal tenants. Best wishes for successfully renting the place you want.

    :) It was supposed to rain today so I planned an excursion to the new Michael's store in town that I haven't visited yet. I was there less than 10 minutes--long enough to walk to the back find the one color of yarn that I couldn't find at Wal Mart and get back to the car. I'd forgotten just how much I don't like shopping except to get exactly what's on my list. It didn't rain, but it was much colder today so I wasn't disappointed to not work in the yard.

    :) My first day of returning to my basic eating went great. When Jake asked if I wanted to go out for lunch tomorrow, I declined the invitation so I could stick to my eating plan.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW WA
  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member
    My goals were March were the same as Feb and Jan: to move 10 minutes per day, every day. I only missed days I was very ill or recovering from a surgical procedure, so did it 80% of the time. I had two surgical procedures, one of which took me almost a week to recover. I also, more often than not, did 20 or more minutes a day. So I'm very happy! I look forward to exercise and I feel stronger.. and best of all, I think I just feel better in general.

    Not sure how much weight I lost, but I'm down 47 lbs total. I only weigh about once per month (or less). Have many more to go, since I started at 402. :)

    My goals for April are: 10 minutes of exercise per day, learn & perfect one more freezer meal recipe (to make in bulk and freeze in individual portions) - hopefully something vegetarian! I also need to figure out if my caloric needs have changed now that I'm exercising, and adjust for that. I only want to lose .5 - 1 lb per week (I am recovering from an eating disorder & more weight loss only encourages the disorder).

    Have a great month, ladies!

    Shannon in rural Ontario, Canada
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sue in WA - Biggest big hug, you have a lot on your plate. Much love, good thoughts and prayers for you, your husband and family. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    edited April 2019
    exermom wrote: »
    M – I forget, what happened with your husband’s driving?

    Michele in NC

    He got his driver's licence back on the first assessment ... not a driver's test, just a general assessment. Passed with flying colours!! :)

    And then, just 3 days later, he had a seizure (tonic clonic or grand mal). Bye-bye licence.

    Regarding groceries ... I usually order once a week for the two of us, and have no trouble going over $100 each week. In fact, I'm often over $150 and about once a month, I'm up around $200. :grin: The only meat I order is chicken mince once in a while. That's about all the meat we eat. And I don't order much in the way of fresh fruit and veg ... we pick that up at a fresh fruit and veg market or similar. :)

    M in Oz

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Fancy good point about dogs being walked on the left, I’d just be glad if Leah stopped pulling . I don’t care at what side she walks on. It’s the same as when they say don’t let the dog walk in front of you. I don’t mind if Leah is walking in front, if she is going the wrong way, I say “this way” and she is happy to go with it. I also think it depends on the dog, Frankie our other dog was a reactive dog (to everything), so we couldn’t let him get too far in front when there were people/dogs/cars etc nearby. We can praise Leah and use exciting gestures, but couldn’t do that with Frankie, we had to keep voices/gestures calm. For 10 years we “managed” his behaviour by keeping him as calm as possible even if it meant that we walked him very early in the morning to avoid people. (Can’t understand why I miss him!) :)

    Katia hope all goes well for your husband’s surgery. <3

    Heather enjoy your visit with your friend in London, I hope she is feeling well for your visit.

    Better make a move, need to compensate for all the extra calories consumed yesterday.

    Love to all <3
    Viv UK
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Heather: Commiserations! We all have days like that, but they do pass. Sending positive vibes your way.
    Michelle: I can empathise with what you say about goal-setting. I have had to train myself to think of goals as guidelines for what I want to attain, and not to feel guilty when I fall short. Making SMART goals, and/or breaking them down into smaller steps help me get where I want to be, if not today, then tomorrow, or the next day. Maybe renaming them Aims might help
    S - Specific
    M - Measurable
    A - Attainable
    R - Relevant
    T - Time-bound

    I found this definition of a goal and it occcurred to me that maybe it's the deadlines that we set for ourselves that are the problem, rather than the goals.
    A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envisions, plans and commits to achieve. People endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.

    I prefer the list method ... which is actually similar to what you've said. I make a long list. Certain things need to be done on certain days, so those things are higher priority or definite priority. The rest I work through one thing at a time, and if I have to push things to the next day and next day and next day ... that's more or less OK. Then periodically something from the list rises to the top and needs to get done, so it does.

    But those are basic life goals like getting assignments done, making and attending medical appointments, etc.

    When it comes to bigger goals, like cycling a long distance or running a half marathon, those require a plan. :smiley:


    Machka in Oz
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morning all. Going to be a nice April day/week here in Ohio.Temps to reach 76 Sunday.

    Flannel sheets washed & stored,heavy blankets ditto. Winter is over,at least in this house.Not allowing it back!
    Just read one page,but need to reply while I can. Will catch up later.DH has early appt with eye Dr. I drive as his eyes will be dilated.
    Next wk it’s his heart Dr appt.

    ALLIE,what does the office mngr do to upset customers?
    Thinking back,we have seldom seen or met one in the offices we go to. A mngr would be part of the back ground employees who keep the place running.

    BARBIE,sorry to hear you have to be so diligent in keeping pds off.Seems there is never an end to it all
    & maybe what drives us batty.........looking for it? You are so great at catching the up ticks.

    KELLY,Can just see the kids loving Pony Express Day. DD has 3 she cares for & we are GRMA & GRPA to them.
    All excited & wanting to cuddle when we visit.

    Haven’t chose any goals,but usually stay with the basics of CICO,tracking every day.No real exercise yet,
    Tailbone has a ways to go.Walking a bit is it for now.

    HEATHER,You always bounce back.Enjoy your friends & time away.

    PENNY,Love the snow pics. So beautiful!

    MICHELLE,NO the pitcher is not mine. DD has collected Polish pottery for a long time,
    So has lovely holders for flowers & table center pieces.

    Ok,time to get the day started.Have a good one.
    Pat in Ohio