

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2019
    You’d think if it’s a popular item they’d get their rear in gear order larger quantities!
    They get me riled up. Sams Club hitting it hard Daughter coming home from the Navy she loves to snack.Plus family near by has up pick stuff up for them too especially my Mother-in-law so hubby can get large bags y take them to her to cook for the older grandkids.

    Went way over my calories Hubby cane hone with McDonald’s for him y me after a rough time putting JR to sleep. I do not regret eating it either.Been good well sometimes you need a meal together as a couple full of junk food once a month.
    Amber Tx.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    edited June 2019
    Sunday again already! Up and busy, this morning. Physio done. Did 25 mins of TaiChi/Yoga, and Oh boy! am I rusty. Food logged for the day. All I have to do now is stick to the plan. 😂 😂 😂 (I had a bit of a splurge yesterday. Under goal, but poor choices.)

    Waiting for DYD to bring her dog round. They are going to Germany for a week to visit DDiL's 95 year old grandma, who is very ill. (Stomach cancer). We are looking after their dog.

    Off to visit DED and family after lunch.

    Have a Blessed Sunday. 🕊 May your God go with you. 💖

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    I am up having my tea and have 2 loads of laundry in...get it done early.. then go feed my DFIL and clean out my car and probably go out with my dear friend Doris.. for lunch...
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Going to be busy today JR scratched his knee has a bandage so he says he can’t walk now needs to be wrapped up like a baby. Lol he’s my attention hog he will be like this for hours or all day. My Daughter would have yanked off the bandage saying get this junk off of me walk away or sniffle cuddle a few seconds forget why she’s upset run off mid cry. She eats spicy 🌶 food at 2 said yum.He finds a spicy chip dropped on the floor eats it hiding in a corner then starts yelling Why Why Why??? So his name may be Emilio JR but don’t think he will be eating spicy Spanish dishes ever lol 😂. But both kids hate meat 🥩I’m a meat lover so gotta cook separate dishes for us forever ♾. JR hates fruit 🍎 we have a yard with nut y fruit trees wouldn’t you know.

    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    Posted in Feb 2019, Feb 2018 and Sept 2017 ...
    Machka9 wrote:

    This is my "normal" ... :)

    My week day ...

    No breakfast
    10:30 am snack - cheese & crackers
    12:30 pm snack - banana
    2:00 pm lunch - chicken, rice, steamed veggies or occasionally LaZuppa soup, noodles, and steamed veg
    3:30 pm snack - yogurt
    4:45 pm snack - apple, mandarin or some other fruit
    6 pm snack - cottage cheese, raw veggies, whole wheat crackers
    7:30 pm dinner - steamed veggies & ... whatever else my husband makes
    9:30 pm snack - yogurt, sometimes with added fruit
    11 pm snack - toast with nutella & honey ... sometimes without the nutella ... sometimes with cheese instead of either the nutella or honey
    12:30 am snack - McVities digestive biscuit with chocolate coating or a few cheese crackers if I still have the calories for them.

    Whether I eat large meals or not, I get ravenously hungry about 1.5 hours later. I can pack away a massive dinner, and be prowling around the kitchen 1.5 hours later. Therefore, I feel so much more comfortable if I just keep the food coming on a regular basis ... but keep everything on the small side.

    My larger "meals" are the 2 pm lunch and the 7:30 pm dinner but it is rare that either one will go over 500 cal. The rest of my snacks are usually somewhere around the 100 cal point.

    That's the "diet" I used to drop 25 kg, and is something I've more or less stuck with. Anytime I need to lose a little bit of weight again, I will tighten that up and start weighing things again to ensure I stay just under my calorie limit.

    In there, you'll see that dinners are "steamed veggies & ... whatever else my husband makes".

    That's usually steamed veggies and a small frozen dinner with less calories than a Weight Watchers meal. Our grocery store had a reasonable collection of them ... we get 3 or 4 different kinds: cottage pie, lasagne, other pastas, etc.

    Or perhaps a LaZuppa or other soup for 2 which he thickens with brown rice, shredded chicken, and steamed veggies. Or there are these great Indian meal packages which is prepared much like the soup, with rice, chicken and steamed veggies added. Both make a nice big bowl of dinner that's really tasty.

    Sometimes he'll do baked potatoes with light cheese, shredded teriyaki chicken, and salad.

    Sometimes he'll do tacos. I've figured out which shells are the lowest calorie shells, then he does chicken mince, light cheese, and raw veggies.

    If I dig out the slow cooker, I can make 2 or 3 meals with chicken mince and veg and a packet of spice and stuff ... there are packets you can get to add to slow cooker meals, or just add your own spice. And I usually have a can of light coconut milk and a can of chickpeas which I can toss in.

    Once a week or so, we'll go out to Zambreros for a burrito (I do need to put in a little bit extra exercise for that!) or to Subway, and I get a 6" tuna sub with most of the veggies.

    We're busy people so we generally go with whatever is easiest ... and then pad it out with lots of veggies.

    I'll also add that I would eat more eggs ... would love to do a couple boiled eggs on toast for dinner some nights ... but sadly, eggs and my gallbladder just simply do not get along. I might be able to manage the 2 boiled eggs on toast one night ... but it would be a couple months before I could do it again. :( But if you can tolerate eggs, they're great! Low cal, filling, easy ... :)

    Now, having said that, it has changed slightly because my husband is home these days, we're eating dinner at about 6:45 pm, so I'm not having the 6 pm snack. But I occasionally have another crackers & cheese just before going home.

    I'm also not eating as much fruit because I simply haven't had time to get to the fruit market. I used to go there at lunch, but my lunches are not my own anymore, they're taken up with doctor's appointments and other appointments concerning my husband's situation, and my own health. At some point, I'm hoping to actually have a lunch where I can get some fruit. But I do eat grapes at home in the evenings ... any time we walk down to our little local grocery shop, I try to get a bag of grapes.

    And since my husband has come out of the hospital a really weird thing has happened ... he wants to eat at the table. We've been married 10 years, and just about the only time we eat at the table has been if we've gone out to a restaurant. We have done it occasionally at home ... maybe for 3 or 4 days in a row, and then we drift back to eating wherever. But we've had dinner at the table since July now. It seems really awkward to me, but it seems to be what he wants to do.

    See for me, eating is such a secondary thing that I'd rather be doing something more important while eating ... like my filing or answering cycling club emails or whatever.

    And it has changed again over the last several weeks. My appetite has diminished to the point where I don't feel hungry to eat anything all morning, and sometimes I struggle to get through dinner. I've also reduced or eliminated other snacks. And yes, I am slowly dropping weight.

    No breakfast

    12:00 pm snack - banana
    2:40 pm lunch - chicken, rice, steamed veggies or occasionally LaZuppa soup, noodles, and steamed veg
    3:45 pm snack - yogurt
    4:45 pm snack - apple, mandarin or some other fruit ... or lately, nothing at all.
    6:30 pm dinner - steamed veggies & ... whatever else my husband makes
    8:00 pm snack - yogurt, sometimes with added fruit
    11 pm snack - a few crackers

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Oh my dear sweet friend Jennifer.. she just said I want to curl up in a ball and cry for a day.. gosh it Su--ks when you cant be there physically or help at all.. I just continue to pray
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Happy Anniversary! Give Bullwinkle a hug from me. :star:

    Terri N Ireland: Congratulations on your good health! :bigsmile:

    Dana in AR: Congratulations on your NSV—Going down a whole size is proof of success. WTG!!! :star::flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Michele: I hope that you can get into a routine that satisfies you for bone density. I’m quite satisfied taking alondrate once a week. An MRI a few years ago showed that my bone density has improved. I was hoping to simply hold my own, but results are better than I thought possible. :bigsmile: (Alondrate is inexpensive but it gets the job done well for me.)

    Machka: Congrats on cycling with your dad. What a great memory! Great ride Sunday, too. You’re a lucky woman. :heart:

    NYKaren: Great to see your post. I like your strategies for avoiding trigger foods. WTG! :flowerforyou:

    Heather: My mom used to “put her face on.” I just live with what I’ve got. My skin doesn’t like makeup. :ohwell: It does like sunscreen in the summertime, though. :wink:

    I’m not sure what I’ll do today. It is cool and overcast outside. DH is still in bed, & I’m not sure how he’s feeling. I’ve had my weekly bone density med & can finally have coffee and think about breakfast. Considering going out to the stable for Arrow time.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Katla thanks for the congratulations. Helps me keep going. Only 7 pounds to original goal, but May aim for another 10. Whatever my body wants! Lol! I love the way I’m eating now. I’ve made it my lifestyle!

    Jr’smomlateinlife have you ever tried the precooked bacon available? Keeps a long time and small pkgs.

    RV Rita on pg 69 now
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Gorgeous day on tap. Will garden and visit MIL today. Deep breath the end of the school year is imminent :D

    Doc says I have to lower my cholesterol :( so no more whole milk yogurt for me :'( I will take a break from yogurt for a while before I experiment with lower fat or even soy substitutes.


    I lowered my cholesterol and got off meds by doing low card high fat (not strict KETO) for a natural way to lower, read labels and eliminate grains and sugar. Substitute nut flours and Stevia (sugar alcohols work too but more expensive). Please don’t take offense. This is simply what worked for me. Wouldn’t hurt. I fixed my glucose and H1C numbers within 3 months too!

    RV Rita on pg. 70 now

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    NYKAREN - What Rita wrote reminded me - I started eating oat bran, cooked in no-added-sugar vanilla almond milk every morning, and dropped my cholesterol 40 points. While it is carbs, it's not wheat carbs, so it doesn't upset my system so much. One of the few good habits I've been able to incorporate for more than a year and stick with it. It's kind of like cream of wheat, with a little more body. Takes about 9 minutes in the microwave, and it's pretty yummy.

    Lisa in AR
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    x1. weigh in
    ✔️2. log all
    maybe 3. 30 min exercise
    ✔️✔️✔️✔️4. five minutes meditation
    x 5. Take care of at least 3 shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count)
    x6. At least 15 min cleaning
    x7. At least 5 min day filing
    x8. average 1100 calories net

    • Overall Feeling : good but very tired
    • Log all: yes
    • Exercise : 1 slow walking
    • 1100 calories net average : 95 over at 6:30pm
    •3 Short term writing/admin per week: only 1?
    •cleaning : no
    •filing: no

    Grateful :
    1.nice day
    2.organic farm stand open at 8 this morning, helpful for picnic stuff in a pinch.
    3. nap