Fit For Future Families



  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm glad to see that everyone is doing pretty well...
    LHuffman24: I understand the cooking and eating alone thing. My DH isn't a football coach, but he does work weird hour at the airport. I hate the nights that he comes home late and I have no choice but to cook and eat alone...

    Well I've seen some progress
    SW: 160.4
    LW: 150.4
    CW: 149.2
    MG: 145 by Aug 22
    -.8 lbs!

    I will take it. Even though I would like to see a bigger difference, I guess something is better than nothing! I have met my goal of crunches and pushups. Actually, I increased my amount, 15 pushups and 60 crunches (20 middle, 20 on each side) Now for a halfway calm weekend before my DH and I close on our second house! I am completely over this process! I can't wait to sign, get the keys, start the work that need to be done, and start making money off of it! Then we will have time to start our alphabet dating! :happy:
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I'm a late-comer but I would love to join the group! My husband and I have been ttc for about a month. Just took 2 pregnancy tests and it was a no :frown: but I'm sure it will happen soon! We have been married for just over 1 year and I am 34, so I want to definatly be pg by my 35th birthday (November).

    SW: 175 ish
    CW: 140
    1st GW: 130
    Final GW: Not sure what is healthy for me just yet (I'm a shorty-5')

    My goal for now is to also increase water and completely cut out caffeine.

    I am also reading pretty much everything my little hands can find about ttc!!
  • A good book I have found helpful is the "What to Expect Before You're Expecting" book. It has been very helpful.

    So - I am excited - I went to the OB today and she did all my pre-pregnancy blood tests and gave me a t-dap? (tetnus, etc.) shot so I'm ready to start. She said she was proud of me for my eating and working out! It made me happy. We can start trying officially in about a month. Yeah!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Welcome Mellie13!

    Hopeful4757: I've seen that book in stores but thought i'd buy it used online later...... I think i'll order it today, thanks for reminding me about it! :)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    SW: 172
    CW: 157.4
    GW: 135

    I have a scale again: I'm sorry I've been remiss in posting. I've set an alarm to do so on Mondays now!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Thought of a couple more A's:

    Arts and Crafts (go to Hobby Lobby or Michael's and pick out some kiddie art kit and go to town!)
    Aerobics Class
    Architecture Tour (I know they have one in Chicago - probably other big cities too!)

    My DH coaches high school football, and 2-a-days started this week. I'm officially a "football widow"... No alphabet dating for us until at least November. Boo.

    So he did come up with one and we're doing it this afternoon. Agricultural fair. Our local fair is going on this weekend only so after he's done work today, we're going to the fair to look at the baby piggies and lambs and cows :D I am excited AND I'm going to be walking the whole time so added bonus. Just have to stay away from the food....
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    Hello All! It has been about a week since I have posted and I missed so much!
    I have been crazy busy as we are remodeling two of our upstairs bedrooms and preparing to do a bathroom. I am trying to get as much finished as possible before I go back to work.

    I have already set myself up on a schedule for next week to start my lesson plans for the coming school year.

    This last week I did not lose anything but gained 0.8 lbs as it was TOM. The only good thing about that is that we get to try another month for a BFP!

    Despite being busy I have been really good with exercising and water intake this week. I haven't done too bad with eating either.
    Hopefully the scale will be good to me on Monday. It has been tough remembering to weigh in Monday morning but I will try my darndest this week and stay caught up with your guys!

    I love the alphabet dating idea and my husband and I decided we will start that. I wanted to wait until I got back into the swing of things at school. We decided to do everything other week so it lasts the whole year.
    Jalara - thanks for the active date idea. Perhaps that is something that we can stick in during the off weeks!

    This group is so great with ideas and support! Thank you all and healthy eating to you this weekend!
  • A for archery.

    We went on our first alphabet date and it was SOOO much fun! It was nice to get out of the same-old routine we normally do. I was actually surprised by how good my husband was. He hit the bulls-eye on a few occasions. We really had a nice afternoon and came home and cooked a healthy dinner. What a fun day!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I have already set myself up on a schedule for next week to start my lesson plans for the coming school year.

    I started mine last week--school starts on the 17th here.... what grade are you teaching? (I teach 9th & 11th grade English.
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    I have already set myself up on a schedule for next week to start my lesson plans for the coming school year.

    I started mine last week--school starts on the 17th here.... what grade are you teaching? (I teach 9th & 11th grade English.

    I teach Zoology (11 & 12) and Biology (10th) I have a group of freshman science second semester. We start late this year. Our first teacher day is the 30th and the students start on the 1st of September.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I've been doing this long enough that I remember starting in September....sigh.... However, with furlough days this year, the teaching time is diminished--we've only 176 days of student contact. The district decided to cut contract days first, so the technical first day for staff is the 16th. I've been back, and not alone, for two weeks just getting things in order (and teaching summer school).

    Your schedule sounds like fun. I'm a little bummed that I've only got two (and a half, since I teach a seminar) preps this year. I get bored with myself in the third section of a class.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. I guess I'm the first to check in this week?

    SW = 268.6
    Week 1 Weight = 262.4 (- 6.2 lbs)
    Week 2 Weight = 260.1 (-2.3 lbs)
    Week 3 Weight = 257.5 (-2.6 lbs)
    Week 4 Weight = 255.1 (-2.4 lbs)

    Just waiting for the week I plateau - I'm getting to the point that I normally do just that. Mind over matter though, I guess.

    My goal for the week is to bring a bagged lunch every day to work so I can make sure that am able to identify the calories I'm consuming.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Hopeful - that is great news! Congratulations, I'm so very very happy for you!!!!

    fitterpam - You must start your days early! You're making wonderful progress though - congratulations!

    MWilson - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I guess you're headed to the preggo group now! I'm so pleased for you!!!!!! :heart:

    Myself - yeah, not so great. Officially I'm down 0.2 lbs, but I'm pretty sure I gained last week, so I'm pleased with this. I'm not trying tobreak any records, I'm just trying to keep at it and not give up like I have so many times before. If I do that, the weight will come off over time, and I'm good with that.I'm not aiming for 5 lbs a month - another 1.5 before the wedding. I want to be below 210 for Nov 1, and below 200 for Jan 1. I'm pretty sure I can do that!

    My mom and sister came in this weekend to help us out with some wedding stuff, and now all the major things are done! We spent yesterday relaxing and cuddling on the couch - it was so nice! 13 days to go! We're both getting really excited. I've decided to keep my veil down for the ceremony, since I think it's such a classic way to do it and is rarely done now. And we've picked all of our music (Father/Daghter dance is Edelwiess by Julie Andrews!!!) and things are going really well!

    Also, I think I have an ulcer again - my tummy hasn't been well for more than a week now, and nothing feels good going in to it, and I feel completely drained of all energy. I've got an appt with the doc tomorrow evening, so hopefully she can put me back on meds - when I had one a couple of years ago it got so severe that I lost more than half my blood before we found it, and ended up in the hospital. Not this time. Bright side? Chocolate is a big no-no with one, lol.

    My goal for this week is to keep my water intake up - I want to have 20 oz by noon on workdays. I'm going to keep at my crunches and pushups (same amount as last week, but twice a day now), and I'm going to be 219 when I weigh in on Monday!
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    I've been doing this long enough that I remember starting in September....sigh.... However, with furlough days this year, the teaching time is diminished--we've only 176 days of student contact. The district decided to cut contract days first, so the technical first day for staff is the 16th. I've been back, and not alone, for two weeks just getting things in order (and teaching summer school).

    Your schedule sounds like fun. I'm a little bummed that I've only got two (and a half, since I teach a seminar) preps this year. I get bored with myself in the third section of a class.

    I think we are at 180 student days and 185 teacher days.

    I will be getting bored too as I have 5 sections of biology; however, I think I am going to experiment and teach them different ways!
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    Jalara - Congratulations on all of the wedding work completed! I am sorry to hear about the ulcer; hopefully you get it taken care of quicly so you are no uncomfortable.

    Fitterpam - Way to go on the weight loss!

    The scales were kind to me this morning but TOM was last week so I saw a bit bigger loss than usual.
    SW: 277
    LW: 268.8

    I did really well with my water intake last week so I plan to keep that up
    I also plan on exercising 6 days during the week and trying to make healthier choices and not just stay in my calorie range.

    Here is to being healthy and another great week!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    SW: 204
    LW: 169.5
    CW: 167.5

    Down two pounds this week!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I really pushed myself with working out this past week and it paid off. Only 17.5 more to go before we start TTC, as this rate I might hit my goal before Christmas. This week I need to keep meeting my water goal, I still need to work on strength training. My 30 day shred DVD is so scratched from use that level 2 skips like crazy. I guess that means I need to go up to level 3. :indifferent: I’m trying to work up the courage!

    jarla – it must be such a relief to get the major weeding stuff done! It's so close!

    hopeful – that’s great news!!

    fitterpam – you’re doing so good! Plateau or not you should be so proud of yourself.
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Getting anxious here... My period is now 15 days late. I've taken 3 pregnancy tests - all negative. My period has always been VERY regular, even since I went off of the pill in April.

    I called my doctor this morning and left a message with the nurse. It's now been 1.5 hours since I called, with no return phone call. I know they're busy there, but I seriously want to know wants going on with ME! I've been reading up on missing your period/negative tests, and I'm not really liking what I'm reading (possibily of eptopic pregnancy) so I really want to get in there and figure this all out. On the other hand, my co-worker who is due later this week told me that she didn't get a BFP until her fifth week (after getting multiple BFNs)...

    Please, nurse, just call me back!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Getting anxious here... My period is now 15 days late. I've taken 3 pregnancy tests - all negative. My period has always been VERY regular, even since I went off of the pill in April.

    I called my doctor this morning and left a message with the nurse. It's now been 1.5 hours since I called, with no return phone call. I know they're busy there, but I seriously want to know wants going on with ME! I've been reading up on missing your period/negative tests, and I'm not really liking what I'm reading (possibily of eptopic pregnancy) so I really want to get in there and figure this all out. On the other hand, my co-worker who is due later this week told me that she didn't get a BFP until her fifth week (after getting multiple BFNs)...

    Please, nurse, just call me back!

    I hope it's good news for you!! I am several days late as well and have taken 2 neg pg tests! But, this is my first month off the pill. Even though I was super regular before and was only one the pill about 1 & 1/5 years. I'm a little nervous. My husband keeps saying things like "you might be pregnant" and I know there is a 99% chance I am not, so it's a little nerve racking!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Well I've seen some progress
    SW: 160.4
    LW: 150.2
    CW: 149.4
    MG: 145 by Aug 22
    -.8 lbs!
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    good luck to all the ladies with the missed periods! I hope you get a BFP in one test or another. The not-knowing makes everything so much more difficult.
    I'm scared to weigh in this week because of AF.
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