Fit For Future Families



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Going in for a blood test tomorrow morning. Praying it says what I want it to say... Otherwise, she said she'd call in an Rx for Provera for me.

    Hey - any news??? How are you holding up?
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Blood was drawn this morning, still waiting to hear back from the doc... Keeping a positive mind for now!! :smile:
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Keep us posted: you're in my thoughts this morning. GOod luck.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I keep checking this over and over for news, LHuffman.

    Because there are so many people in so many stages right now...who is actively TTC? Just wondering.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I keep checking this over and over for news, LHuffman.

    Because there are so many people in so many stages right now...who is actively TTC? Just wondering.

    Good, I'm not the only one checking this obsessively.

    My husband and I are never not actively TTC :blushing: but we have both been diagnosed with different things and right now until those things are cleared up, we have a 0% chance. His surgery for variosecles is scheduled for Sept 16 and my AF is playing games again with PCOS. We're active with a local fertility clinic, but won't actually go for the procedures until January. It's really expensive ($20K - which when you pay for no medical procedures is crazy expensive) and so we have decided to give the sperm regeneration the 90 days to make sure that all the little swimmers are post-surgery...LOL Sorry if TMI, but that's where we we're hoping for a miracle between the surgery and January....That'll save us quite a bit of money.....LOL
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    My husband and I are actively TTC. I am on my third cycle of Clomid. I figure my new found healthier lifestyle can only help things along. I just got back from a dr.'s appt to check follicle growth. Unfortunately, the Dr was in surgery so I have to wait for a call back. I will probably have to go back in for another ultrasound sometime in the next week. We keep hoping, wishing and praying.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I check this thread several times day!! :laugh:

    We’re not going to actively start TTC until I hit my goal weight. Only 17.5 pounds to go! I’m hoping to be there by Christmas.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    LOL I check MFP and this thread abusively also! All throughout the day till I leave work. I can blow hours on MFP....I guess it’s a good obsession though!

    My DH and I are not actively TTC, but we are not doing anything to prevent it either. :happy: I finished with the Depo shot in April and still have not seen AF. So it’s a waiting game till my body regulates again. I have a dr appointment for Sept 15 to see what she suggests. We both hope it happens soon. But really it’s in God's hands. If He wants us to be parents, He will make it happen. But I wouldn't mind not getting preggers until after our Hawaii cruise in Dec. :bigsmile:

    LHuffman: I'm praying for you!:flowerforyou:
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Still no news... :ohwell: I'm giving them until tomorrow morning to call me back (I think 24 hours is plently of time) then I'll call them. Thanks for all of the support ladies, you're all the best!

    I guess it's pretty obvious, but DH and I are currently TTC and have been since April. Fingers crossed, fingers crossed...
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    We aren't activley trying right now - we're waiting until November or December, so it doesn't interfere with my school schedule. We did try earlier this year with no luck. It was hard to go back to not trying!
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    man, I knew blood work takes some time to come back, but this is crazy. Going nuts here! I'm obviously not the only one. Tell them to hurry up LHuffman.

    my hubby and I aren't TTC yet, his sister is getting married around the end of the year, we are still trying to decide if I should be preggo for the wedding or wait until after the wedding. :ohwell:
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    My husband and I are actively ttc for about a month. I turn 35 in November so no time to waste! We said we would wait a year or 2 and it was a year in June! I told him I have no intentions of having children in my 40's, so... And, if we are all confessing...I totally check mfp and this thread like crazy! I'm also hoping for some good news from LHuffman!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    My hubby and I are ttc this month. I have not reached my goal weight yet, in fact, i am about 20lbs away. So, if it doesn't happen this month we decided to wait until i do reach my goal weight. Plus we're building a hse and it's not quite finished yet and I would really like for that huge financial chaos to be over before we have our first child. :) Even though I can't wait any longer to have our first baby.

    Praying for you Lhuffman hope it's good news.

    Jalara: I might be ttc right along with you if we don't conceive this month.
  • Hopeful4757
    Hi ladies,

    I LOVE this site and it can be VERY addicting. I am not that close to my goal weight, but my doctor said it will be okay to start ttc. She was very impressed with what I've lost since I've seen her last (only 8 weeks ago) and was happy to hear what I was eating and doing. I just saw her last Friday and she removed my IUD. She suggested waiting a month or so because the IUD slightly weakens you a little. She also said that AF can be irregular for 4-8 weeks, so we will be ttc in about a month. I am so flippin excited and trying not to psych myself out. I know stress doesn't help...

    fitterpam - just out of curiosity, what is variosecles?

    lhuffman - still crossing fingers
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member

    fitterpam - just out of curiosity, what is variosecles?

    LOL - I spelled it wrong - varicoceles. We knew he had an issue in 2002 when we started seeing doctors about why it hadn't happened for us yet. They told him it was just the way it was - low counts. When we were ready to start the fertility treatments in Sept of last year, my ob/gyn sent him to a urologist just to see if anything was wrong and it turns out he has a varicocele. It's like a varicose vein, but in a more "sensitive" area....Recent studies conclude that varicoceles affect virtually all of the parameters in a semen analysis (i.e., the concentration, motility, forward progression and morphology). The varicoceles also effect the functioning of the sperm - although this cannot be tested by a routine semen analysis.

    They say that usually after the surgery, his counts, motility and mobility will come up to 50% of normal (which makes it go from like 1M to at least 75M within 3 months). At 1M, our chances are next to nothing. At 75M, if we can get my PCOS to stop making me crazy, we have a 50% normal chance of conceiving on our own within a year (the average couple has an 80% chance...)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Has anyone experienced any hair thinning or hair loss when they started to lose weight? I posted a thread to get some responses and got about 4 private messages telling me I'm not getting enough nutrients and that I have an eating disorder! :mad: I probably should has just asked here.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Has anyone experienced any hair thinning or hair loss when they started to lose weight? I posted a thread to get some responses and got about 4 private messages telling me I'm not getting enough nutrients and that I have an eating disorder! :mad: I probably should has just asked here.
    Oh my - some people are quite ridiculous. Ignore them. I'm sorry people have been rude to you!

    I have no experience with this, but hair loss is often related to hormone levels, and with FAT LOSS comes a change in hormone levels, specifically estrogen. I really would recommend a multi-vitamen (or pre-natal in your case, since TTC is just months away) and maybe mention it to your doc. But your doc recently said everything looks great, right?

    If that's your only negative symptom, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Bodies change. And you're is changing for the better!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Has anyone experienced any hair thinning or hair loss when they started to lose weight? I posted a thread to get some responses and got about 4 private messages telling me I'm not getting enough nutrients and that I have an eating disorder! :mad: I probably should has just asked here.

    I did notice, when I first started loosing weight (when the lbs were falling off in the begining) that I had more hair than normal falling out when showering, brushing my hair, etc. But it never was comming out in large clumps, and I never noticed a huge difference in the actual thickness of my hair. However, I have super thick hair, so it would take a lot to make it noticably thin. That has stopped now, but I havent been loosing the weight as quickly as I was before.
  • Hopeful4757
    Thanks for the explanation, fitterpam. I thought it was something another friend told me her husband had. It sounds very positive and a huge difference. I'm happy the results of surgery are such a huge difference.

    Ron2282 - Don't pay attention to what everybody says. I feel like a lot of people have very emotional responses and no filter due to you not being able to see them. Jalara's explanation seemed to make sense. I'm not a doctor or nurse, but it seems like common sense. Keep up your good work.

    I am really trying to not weigh myself today. I ususally weigh in on Fridays, but have been doing so well this week, I'm just curious. Oh yeah, I got the Polar Ft7 HRM and it is so awesome! It is quite motivating seeing that calorie count burn increase. It makes me want to keep moving. I wore it all day yesterday just to see what I burn in an average day. It's pretty interesting.
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Has anyone experienced any hair thinning or hair loss when they started to lose weight? I posted a thread to get some responses and got about 4 private messages telling me I'm not getting enough nutrients and that I have an eating disorder! :mad: I probably should has just asked here.

    I have not noticed it, but I have super thick hair and a lot falls out anyway. I would reccomend taking Bioten. It's a B vitamin that studies have shown helps with hair and nail growth. I take a Super B complex and it helps with my GERD, energy and nails for sure. It's supposed to help with metabolism, but I don't really have a way to measure that! :smile: