Fit For Future Families



  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    Can I join? I'm hoping to lose weight so that my husband and I can start on the TTC journey in early 2011.... I've been on MFP since 26th July and have already lost 8.1lb so hoping that this will continue! I can't wait to finally start TTC (we have a big holiday planned to go to Indonesia in January so are putting it off until after that). I'm hoping to lose about 40lb before we start trying.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Of course, nessaj, and welcome!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good morning all,

    Thought I would start my week off with a rant.

    Think I'm going to have to call the fertility clinic again on Monday to get my Rx for Provera :grumble: I thought the Metformin was doing wonders for me since I had one AF start July 4, last 5 days and then, to their surprise (and mine, of course), had another one start July 14 and last 5 days. I thought it was getting itself under control. I was feeling completely PMSy around the 28 day mark after the first one....nothing. Not feeling PMSy at all now so I'm thinking I'm still not balanced hormonally......GRRRR. Oh and I'm 99.9% sure we're not preggers because of my husband's condition - BTW 1 month to go for his surgery as of tomorrow.

    Last time I took of 35 pounds (and actually got down to this weight), I did gain some normality around my periods but nothing this time. I'm down 12% of my original body weight, you'd think that something would have jump started. But no...nothing. I'm not stressed, I'm eating well. It's like nothing I do is going to about feeling helpless. :ohwell:

    They are going to love me at the clinic....LOL First I come in with two friends within 2 weeks and now nothing......They might send me for more bloodwork too to see where my hormones are first.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Hello everyone. I found this topic interesting and plan TTC once I return to the states in November. My husband and I will be married for 2 years tomorrow and we have been separated for all but 1 month. We are both in the military. Now that we should be back together this year, that is my primary goal. ( I say should because my husband just made rank and that could jeopardize his next duty station).

    While overseas, I wanted to focus on getting into a healthy weight range for 3 reason: 1) So I would have a healthy pregnancy, 2) I know that it would be possible to get back to down to this weight, 3) for my career to actually be in weight standards. Now, I only have 11 more pounds to go (haven't updated my tickler because I just found that number out recently from a body fat analysis), I plan to achieve that by the time I leave here.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yippee - weigh in day. I'll have to wait until after I'm done work though - woke up late today. See you all later!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member

    I keep bouncing between 190-192. I am thinking I am stuck....or just not trying hard enough. I am going to try really hard this week, and see if there is a difference. AF should be here by Saturday, so next weekend we will find out if all of our "hard work" has paid off. After three months of dissapointments, I have a feeling this isn't going to be it, but I will have to wait and see.

    Welcome to all the newbies!
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    SW: 277
    LW: 264

    My goal is to continue to get in 6 days of exercise and continue to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. These two things seem to be working very well for me.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    SW: 204
    LW: 167.5
    CW: 167

    Only down half a pound this week. I’m less than 20 away from my goal, so the weight loss is starting to slow down. :grumble: My goal this week is to do some type of exercise every day, even if it’s just a slow walk after dinner. I want to try to be as active as possible.

    Congratulations to everyone who lost this week and welcome to everyone who recently joined us!!
  • Hopeful4757
    I don't even want to weigh myself after this past weekend. I woke up and am on track though today. My goal is to workout four times this week and get at least 8 glasses of water in a day. We can do this!! What are some of your goals this week?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone!

    LW: 220
    CW: 219

    I was down to 217 on Friday, but that wasn't so good, since I hadn't been eating much. I ate normally yesterday, and I think my body decided to hold on to it. I"m feeling better, which is good.

    This week is wedding week! 6 days to go! My to-do list is super high. My goal this week is do crunches and pushups, and get my water intake in. I'm over booked already, so there's no gym time. Yay wedding!
  • Hopeful4757
    Woooo! Okay, so I had fiber as one of my tracking things in my food diary. I always did fine with this, so decided to track my sugar in its place. I just finished entering my breakfast and am already over my sugar! I had a healthy cereal, coffee and juice. I take my coffee with skim milk and 1 tsp of sugar, so I thought it was the sugar I added to my coffee - but the skim milk had more!!! It had 13 g of sugar in 1.25 cups of skim milk! Between this and the low acid, no pulp o.j., I am already over at 8:15 in the am. What am eye opener!
  • baileke
    baileke Posts: 6
    Checking in this week. I had a rough weekend, but my hard work through the week paid off. I'm also late and showing signs of being pregnant. I already have my annual scheduled for this Friday, so I guess we will see then...that is if I can make it that long without testing. Here's hoping with fingers crossed!

    SW 276.8
    CW 272.0 (Lost 4.8 pounds my first week!)
    GW 145.0
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    LW: 140?
    CW: 140

    I don't think I lost at all this week. I am still at 140 and I seem to be stuck there, but I was "stuck" at 150, too! Still to period. I'm going to call my dr. and see what they think is the problemo!

    My goal is to drink more water and get back off the soda and not let my husband corrupt me with it!!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Wishing you the best baileke!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Welcome to the newbies! Great job to those that have lost this week, even if it was a little! Every little bit counts and gets you closer to your goal!
    SW 169
    LW 149.4
    CW 148.4
    Well I kind of cheated this weekend. I usually weigh in on Friday mornings, so I did and had a measly .4 lbs lost. Then I weighed in on Saturday morning and .8 lbs lost! So I'll take a 1lb loss for the week! I know its a little cheating, but the results were there. I have been working extra hard on the rental house ripping apart the bathroom. We'll see what this week has in store...

    Jalara!~ 6 days! YAY! Just remember to have fun! Also, I want to pass on the best piece of advise that I got...Something WILL go wrong. The inportant part is to accept it, don't stress about it, and move on. I can't wait to see the pics!

    Hopeful!~ I wouldn't worry too much about the natural surgars in things, just watch the added sugars.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hopeful - I agree with kcurtis - don't worry about the naturally occuring sugars. When you hear on health reports about the amount of sugar North American's consume, the normally mean "added" sugars - you need the good ones! Your cells actually need to have healthy sugars - so skim milk is great - just make sure it isn't on top of Froot Loops! :tongue:

    baileke - Welcome again! I wish you luck at your appointment, and great job on the loss so far!

    Mellie - welcome back! Good luck with the doc - how many days late are you?

    kcurtis - Great job on the loss! I have to laugh - I was weighing in every ay last week, and loved what I saw, but once my tummy could handle food it went back up - which is healthy, but I liked the little numbers:ohwell:

    Yup - 6 days! Super exciting, and I promise to post pics to my profile so you can all see them, but it won't be until after the honeymoon (in PEI) - I can't wait. I have a spa day booked, and I'm having TWO massages, a body wrap, facial, mani/pedi. Ahhhhhh - that will melt away the stress! This week is super crazy, but I'll be on here every day until the weekend, and likely Monday night - I'll weigh in Tuesday.

  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Afternoon all. I will have to weigh in on Sunday’s since my work week is Sunday through Thursdays until I return to the states. I just happened to get on the scale this morning, but that was after drinking almost a liter of water, running 4 miles and lifting weights. I am not sure if I want to go by the weight on the scale for today. So, instead I will go by my last weigh-in.

    LW: 150.5

    KCurtis: Thank you for the welcome.
    Baileke: Fingers and toes crossed from afar!
    Jalara: Congrats on the wedding, it is true, the closer it comes the more anxious you are. KCurtis is right, something will probably go wrong, but don’t let it ruin your big day. 2 years ago today, my brother’s tux didn’t fit and the store was closed. He’s big and normally has to shop at big and tall stores, so of course the one he brought at a typical store wasn’t tailored so it was il-fitting and it showed in all the pictures.
  • baileke
    baileke Posts: 6
    I agree with KCurtis and teetee that something WILL go wrong, but chances are you will be the only one that notices. We had a few things go wrong with our wedding and no one noticed except for me. Remember it's your day and nothing else matters. I'm super excited for you! My wedding day was one of the best days of my life next to having my son.:happy:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thanks! I'm really excited. Already I can see us having a problem with our lapel mics - I don't really have a place for mine! I told everyone that if all else fails, I'll just stand super close to FI :)

    Weird thing here - when I sign the marriage registration, I have to sign with my new name! I thought I wouldn't do that until after! So funny!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Mellie - welcome back! Good luck with the doc - how many days late are you?

    Yup - 6 days! Super exciting, and I promise to post pics to my profile so you can all see them, but it won't be until after the honeymoon (in PEI) - I can't wait. I have a spa day booked, and I'm having TWO massages, a body wrap, facial, mani/pedi. Ahhhhhh - that will melt away the stress! This week is super crazy, but I'll be on here every day until the weekend, and likely Monday night - I'll weigh in Tuesday.


    Thanks! I have not called yet, probably later in the week... I am 11 days late!
    Have fun at the wedding and honeymoon!! I agree with the advice-something will go wrong but if you are truly enjoying yourself and are calm and relaxed and trust the people you have put in charge of things-it will be a great day and the things that go wrong will be funny stories to tell later!!