Fit For Future Families



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    SW = 268.6
    Week 1 Weight = 262.4 (- 6.2 lbs)
    Week 2 Weight = 260.1 (-2.3 lbs)
    Week 3 Weight = 257.5 (-2.6 lbs)
    Week 4 Weight = 255.1 (-2.4 lbs)
    Week 5 Weight = 255.1 (0.0 lbs)

    LOL - I knew it was going to happen BUT I did weigh in yesterday and it was down 2.5 lbs so I'm thinking water weight or my TOM coming on. I hope so....I'd rather not medicate. Depending on when you start the count, it's either 2 weeks later or 5 days.....LOL If it's not here by Wed, I'm calling it in.

    Jalara, I agree with everyone and I'd like to add something. My wedding our musician didn't show up for the ceremony and me being uber organized had a CD of songs to be played in that event (he was kind of flaky and doing it as a favour). Come the day of our music at the ceremony. I go to the aisle and stood for a moment and a few of my friends started humming the wedding march. Soon everyone was doing it and although I could have stressed because not only did I have a plan, I had a backup plan (which my MIL was holding onto because no one told her what to do with it), but it made such a beautiful memory. When things go wrong, let them take their course. That's what will make your day something to remember! PS Now about 5 of my friends that have been married have left out the music on purpose ;) Strange, but that's how we roll...

    Enjoy your wedding day and PEI, it's so beautiful and unique. I don't think there's another place like it on the world. Wish I'd thought of that for the honeymoon :)
  • Hopeful4757
    mellie - that's exciting. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and baileke. :smile:

    jalara - they are right. Something will probably go wrong and nobody will know except you.

    Welcome teetee and all of our other new girls. I love this thread!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I dont weigh untill wednesdays but Ill post when I do.

    Exciting for me today I fit in these jeans I got onsale a few years ago that I couldnt even get past my thighs. And they are a bit big! so 3 pants sizes down and my biggest jeans were too small when I started so yay me.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    LW: 154.8
    CW: 153.2

    Not what I'd hoped, but, on the whole, not a horrible week. Students come back to school tomorrow. For the first time, I'm not excited. Just tired. Already. sigh
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Well even though yesterday was a bust and today's not looking so much better weight wise, I was shocked by how much bigger today my pants are than even last week. I am wearing them regardless, but I'm going to have to sit all day - they don't have a belt...LOL

    Think I should do my measurements when I get home. That should make me feel better about the diff between now and Sunday.....
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    So much for my goal to exercise every day this week. I just got back from the doctor and officially have strep throat, he gave me strict orders to not work out for at least 3 days and get plenty of rest. The only good part of my visit was that his scale tells me I'm 2 pounds lighter than my one at home, and that I've lost 11 pounds since the last time I was there in June! :smile: He said I'm doing a great job and that I'm loosing weight at a very healthy and safe rate. Oh well, now it's off to bed - who knew strep throat could make a person so tired. I can barley keep my eyes open. :ohwell:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member

    Jalara, I agree with everyone and I'd like to add something. My wedding our musician didn't show up for the ceremony and me being uber organized had a CD of songs to be played in that event (he was kind of flaky and doing it as a favour). Come the day of our music at the ceremony. I go to the aisle and stood for a moment and a few of my friends started humming the wedding march. Soon everyone was doing it and although I could have stressed because not only did I have a plan, I had a backup plan (which my MIL was holding onto because no one told her what to do with it), but it made such a beautiful memory. When things go wrong, let them take their course. That's what will make your day something to remember! PS Now about 5 of my friends that have been married have left out the music on purpose ;) Strange, but that's how we roll...

    Enjoy your wedding day and PEI, it's so beautiful and unique. I don't think there's another place like it on the world. Wish I'd thought of that for the honeymoon :)

    LOL that’s great!! Well my DJ was a bit flaky too and when we were announced coming into the reception he introduced us as Mr. & Mrs. Curtis (MY MAIDEN NAME!) We are a bit of jokesters so everyone thought we did it on purpose, but NO I would have liked to have been introduced as Mr. & Mrs. Smith! We just laughed it off and made some great pictures with us laughing as we walked in…
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    I dont weigh untill wednesdays but Ill post when I do.

    Exciting for me today I fit in these jeans I got onsale a few years ago that I couldnt even get past my thighs. And they are a bit big! so 3 pants sizes down and my biggest jeans were too small when I started so yay me.

    YESSS!!! Way to GO!!! I know that has got to feel amazing! You are an inspiration!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    So I’ve not been doing so great over the past week but have resolved to have that changed as of today. Last week I for some reason didn’t even log my food, it’s the first slip up of this magnitude since I started in May, thankfully after my Monday weigh in I find that I didn’t gain weight!
    I keep using the excuse that I’m moving at the end of the month and therefore too busy packing to workout and not cooking because I want to minimize my fridge contents (as we may have to go a day without a fridge and only have coolers). No more! Today I will start the dreaded C25K program! I’ve never ran in my life and am scared that I won’t be able to, but here goes nothing.

    Jalara: I’m exited for you, and wish you all the best for you’re big day.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    jalara: Can't wait to see the wedding pics!

    fitterpam: You're doing so great! I love the feeling of clothes that are too big esp when they were snug at one point. Keep it up!

    So, this week i've only lost a 1lb but its a loss....I finished TOM over the weekend so there still might be some water weight lingering. I've been doing a lot of hiking and yesterday my husband and i ran into two rattle snakes very scary.

    I have another thing on my mind my husband and didn't really prevent pregnancy twice last month right after TOM and right before cause I figured i probably wasn't ovulating but now for the last few days i've been feeling nauseated and often w a headache in the am. Could it be? I don't think it could be that easy and I just got off of TOM. Maybe i'm just coming down w something.
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    welcome to all the new comers! This is a great place (if you haven't figured that out already).

    I see lhuffman moved on to the pregnancy site. I'm sure she'll be well taken care of.

    jalara - 5 days! I'm so excited for you. I'm so glad you are feeling better.

    I was weighing myself all weekend, but forgot to weigh and check in yesterday. I'll have to be better with that. My goal is to drink at least 2 glasses of green tea every day.

    this place is getting contagious or something, looks like everyone is late for AF. Wish you all the very best!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I decided to share my wedding sound "disaster" since I have one as well! We got married outside in June (I know, crazy) on the hottest day of the year! I was standing with my dad waiting for everything to start and my coordinator comes over and tells me there is a delay but it will be ok and not to worry. I was having fun with my dad & didn't even notice! So, we are peeking through the bushes trying to see what's going on and my (future) husband and minister are just standing there and nothing is happening! Come to find out, our sound guys computer overheated because it was so hot and he could not get the music to play! So, my husband (also being a sound guy and overall techie) went over and helped him and they ended up playing all of our music from his iPhone hooked up to all the speakers and no one even noticed! It was super funny!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Since everyone is sharing wedding gone wrong stories, I'll share mine. It POURED on my wedding day, to the point that the roads were flooded. It cleared up just long enough for us to get some outside pictures then started to some down again. My uncle (also my limo driver) drove people to their cars after the ceremony and my brother stood outside the reception hall with a huge umbrella walking people in from there cars. Then someone messed with my place cards, so quite a few people had no idea where to sit at the reception, thankfully my mom help with the seating chart and was able to fix everything. And last but not least, we ran out of champagne for the toast. The front tables got champagne, the middle ones got a mix of champagne and ginger ale and the ones in the back got only ginger ale. The best part is that most people were coming up to my mom all night asking where we got such great tasting champagne. Thankfully I had no idea about the place cards or champagne until after I came back from our honeymoon!!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Figured i'd jump on the band wagon and share my wedding mishaps....

    Well, it actually started the night before my husband's brother decided he wanted to throw my husband a bachelor party after all but my husband couldn't attend. You see my hubby is a drummer and had to run home (which was about 40 minutes from the wedding site) to get his drum set the night before. With all the last minute errands and rehearsal he never had time to run home and pack them up. So, basically, his brother threw the bachelor party anyway WITHOUT THE GROOM and from what I heard it was a very wild and crazy one. Long story short my new brother in law showed up to our wedding hung over and with tons of make up to conceal a black eye from a fight the night before. He hasn't lived that one down our family always laughs about is pretty funny now that I think back.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    And last but not least, we ran out of champagne for the toast. The front tables got champagne, the middle ones got a mix of champagne and ginger ale and the ones in the back got only ginger ale. The best part is that most people were coming up to my mom all night asking where we got such great tasting champagne. Thankfully I had no idea about the place cards or champagne until after I came back from our honeymoon!!

    That's great!!! And such a great idea not to let you know until afterwards. I'm sure it would have incited panic....

    So officially a week late. When I called the clinic to find out what they wanted to do she called me greedy...LOL (what's scary is I know she didn't have time to pull my file!!) I had two AFs in July, but it's now 7 days late. Not that I think I'm no longer TTC (but watch, the one time I'm convinced I'm not....) but I have my test on Thursday with a prescription waiting at the pharmacy. Fun times.....
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    bumping for later....TTC!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Well, TOM came to visit today (almost 2 weeks late!!). To make matters worse, it is the worst one I have had is a very long time. I want to cry, throw things, scream, kill someone, etc. I just want to go home and go to bed!! Luckily since I have come back from lunch everyone in the office has left me alone! I just keep reminding myself of the scripture "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" 1 Peter 5:8. TOM is being the devil!
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    sorry to hear that Mellie, maybe you should just go home and take a nap.
    I can't seem to take my eyes away from this place today, I can't even concentrate at work.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I have to join in on the wedding stories...although neither of mine were too bad. Our limo forgot to come get us, so all 350 people were standing outside in the 95 degree heat waiting with their bubbles for us to leave the church. So, to get everyone out of the heat fast, my dad slipped out the back door, got in his car, and drove around front to pick us up. We left through the crowd and bubbles, got in his car and drove down the street about two blocks. We waited until all the cars left the church then went back to the church to wait for the limo to finally show up. No one ever knew that we were supposed to leave in a limo although a lot of people thought it was funny that we left the church in a car, and arrived at the reception in a limo!

    Second, during the reception dinner, everyone was eatting and having a good time. I looked up to see one of the waiters all the way across the banquet room pick up my 4 tier cake, and wisk it away to the kitchen to cut it up for serving. Unfortuently, we hadn't gotten to do our "Bride and Groom cutting of the cake yet". I stood up and screamed across the huge room "BRING BACK MY CAKE" and everyone went silent. Luckily about 10 guests got up and chased the waiter down in the kitchen and they brought back my cake. We just turned the part that had been already sliced up to the backside for pictures :)
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    "BRING BACK MY CAKE" and everyone went silent.

    LOL!! Super funny!