Fit For Future Families



  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member

    Ahhhh - life feels good today!

    I love to hear it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Ron – Awesome about the dress fitting, that is so exciting!! :drinker: What a great feeling. Great choice at Applebee’s . I can’t eat there even if I stay within calories. I’m not sure what they do to their food but my head feels funny whenever I eat there.

    jalara - I think a Russia Dr is what I need. I like being told what to do :laugh: . My last OB was really wishy washy, everything will work out, don’t worry. I was like I’M TURNING 35 IN NOVEMBER AND I WANT A BABY NOW!!!! And she was like, “it’s fine, we deliver perfectly healthy babies to woman in their 40’s” I was like, “but I don’t want to be in my 40’s!” (not that there is anything wrong with that) I want it NOW!!!! :explode: So Russian would be good :wink: I hope you post an engagement photo. What wonderful time in life! Congrats! :flowerforyou:

    Melodyg – Thanks for understanding. It’s hard for most people in my life to get what I mean when I say those kinds of things. It’s sad that others have to experience these things, but it does make me feel better to know we are not alone. :flowerforyou: I also have no idea how to do more then 1 quote in a response. I just open word and do this with it, but quoting would be so much easier. Anyone know how???

    I guess I will put my goals in writing:
    Drink 64+ oz water a day
    Work out 3 times this week
    No dining out this week but Friday (not sure if this will happen, my sister is in town visiting so we’ll see)
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    check in:

    SW: 177
    CW: 177
    GW: 150

    I was completely horrible this weekend. I haven't lost a lb in weeks so and i think it's because I undo everything I work for during the week on the weekends. So, this week my goal is to work hard during the weekend by balancing my meals and exercise. I must lose a lb this week.

    Does anyone have a similar problem as I do?

    I weigh in on Fridays and I often feel like I'm spending the work week trying to make up for what I did over the weekend. I did that last week and had a .6 loss, but I worked my butt off for that .6. This week isn't going to be pretty either. I think you and I will have to be weekend buddies, let's make a plan now to get through the weekend.

    Thanks Kiffy I would really appreciate the support. I really need find out how i can control myself during the weekends. It's so hard when your family wants to cookout or eat out and it's always the worst possible foods/restaurant that they choose.
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    Hi Ladies,
    I know that to quote one person you just click on the Quote button below their post and that will quote it into your reply. But I didn't know you could do multiple. I know if you quote someone you has quoted someone else, they will both show up on your post. I hope that made sense!

    I'm gald to hear that everyone is being healthy and making healthy choices.

    Kiffypooh, if it isn't too complex would you please explain how MCs are caused? My cousin and friend got preggo a few years ago and their 1st was a MC, but of course they soon have birth to healthy babies, but I was so afraid at the time that if the trend followed, that the same thing would happen to me too. I'm sure it's a concern for every woman when she finds out she's pregnant, but it would be nice to have more information, if you wouldn't mind sharing.
  • Shan80
    Shan80 Posts: 47
    Good Morning!
    I hope this post finds you all doing well and closer to your goals! I haven't had a chance to go back and read up any just yet - things are crazy here at home. I am, however, sticking with it and feeling rather proud of myself! I haven't stepped on the scale yet this week (since monday) and I'm excited to see how I've done on Monday!
    I'm doing well with no soda - I still haven't had one yet this week! This is the longest I have ever gone without one in 8 years!

    I hope to catch up and do a better post this evening! Good Luck to you all!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Good Morning!
    I hope this post finds you all doing well and closer to your goals! I haven't had a chance to go back and read up any just yet - things are crazy here at home. I am, however, sticking with it and feeling rather proud of myself! I haven't stepped on the scale yet this week (since monday) and I'm excited to see how I've done on Monday!
    I'm doing well with no soda - I still haven't had one yet this week! This is the longest I have ever gone without one in 8 years!

    I hope to catch up and do a better post this evening! Good Luck to you all!

    GREAT job on the no soda! I know a lot of people that wouldn't be able to go a day, let alone a week! Keep it up!

    I gave up soda over 15 years ago (I believe I was 12) because of sleeping problems, and I haven't looked back. I can't stand the stuff now. Too sweet...
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Kiffypooh, if it isn't too complex would you please explain how MCs are caused? My cousin and friend got preggo a few years ago and their 1st was a MC, but of course they soon have birth to healthy babies, but I was so afraid at the time that if the trend followed, that the same thing would happen to me too. I'm sure it's a concern for every woman when she finds out she's pregnant, but it would be nice to have more information, if you wouldn't mind sharing.
    I hope you don't mind but I thought I'd help answer!
    This is a but of a rough questions, since a MC happens for different reasons for different women. Here's some explanation from the Mayo Cliic -
    I know mine (I had 2) were caused 1) I got a really bad shock from an old old electic stove which stopped the baby's heart
    2) wrong placement in my uterus (I have a bicornuate uterus).
    I hope you're friend makes out okay. I hope we all do.

    Wants2Lose - well done! That's really great :) As for thescale - that's awesome to not look - I weigh myself A LOT! :)
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    jalara - Of course I don't mind, thank you for your input. I'm really sorry about your MCs. Can't they find the position of the uterus on our yearly checkups? I guess not if they don't do a ultra sound right?
    24 days til the wedding!!! how do you feel?

    Good Job Want2Lose, I usually don't drink soda unless I'm eating cheese at restuarants (because I find it helps with faster digestion). And I cook pretty much every day, or make three different large portions on the weekend for the entire week, so we don't get bored. This way, I don't eat out a lot, so less soda. It's really like a reward and it works great for me. Even when I drink soda it's either diet or something light like sprite.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Paldal - I had surgery in March to correct it - much better and my Russian doc says we're good to go :)

    24 days - so excited! I don't think words can describe it.
  • Hopeful4757
    Hopeful4757 Posts: 138
    jalara - thanks for the website about mc. It is interesting to read. I'm so sorry you had to go through that and all of the other ladies on here who have experienced that as well. It makes what we are doing everyday seem that much more beneficial. I know we will all get our perfect little ones hopefully sooner than later.

    Great job to everybody who has given up soda. One replacement that I love (and comes in a can if you're used to that - I know - mind over matter lol) but is the minute maid cherry limeade light. It is SO good and I have replaced soda with that. It's only 10 calories for the can and is very refreshing.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Hello everyone, and thanks again Jalara for letting me know about this group. My name is Ashley, I live in Montreal Quebec and my husband and I have been TTC for about 7 months now. My goals are to be the healthiest I can be not just for the pregnancy but to make sure I teach my future kid(s) a healthy lifestyle.
    I quit smoking about 11 months ago and am still trying to loose the weight that I gained then and the weight from getting off the pill. I have about 30 pounds that I could stand to loose, but my main concern is health. I eat rather well, I’m very conscious of what I consume, but lack the energy or motivation to workout. I hope by being part of this group I will need to stay accountable to not only myself and actually workout 3 times a week at least!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    abeare - Welcome! There's a lot of great women here :) We weigh in on Mondays, to help keep us honest over the weekend.

    Would you like to share your:

    SW (starting weight - either on your fitness journey or your MFP start),
    CW (current weight)
    MG (minigoal)
    GW (goal weight)

    Hopeful - Thanks for the kind words. I've dealt with it and moved on, and now I'm more comfortable with the experiences.

    So, yesterday morning I woke up so proud of myself for how I did on Thursday, and was shocked to see how a couple decisions in ONE day can make such a difference....then I blew through y calories last night and ended up with an upset stomach. *gag*......... still feeling off today, so I told FI that I'm going to stick to water at the pub tonight (maybe 1 diet cola) and go to the gym first think tomorrow morning. Ugh - my tummy is upset. For yourinfo.... I ate Reeses Pieces.... an entire movie-size box.

    Poor belly. Stupid decision. Won't do that again!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Just read through the posts to catch up.

    Jalara - 23 days!! I cant believe it is almost here. You are going to be a beautiful bride!

    abeare - Welcome

    Want2loose - Good job on the pop. I went 6 months, and then went on vacation, and have been drinking it ever since. I am trying hard (but not hard enough to give it up again).

    The dr said I have both a yeast infection and a UTI, so she gave me meds for both. I am starting to feel a little better, just in time for DH to get home from his 1 1/2 week business trip. Time to start the baby dance again!!!!! I haven't done real well on the water intake this week, but I have been geting some type of exercise in each day.

    Have a great weekend.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    So here are my particulars as I started my fitness journey in May of this here.
    SW 165 lbs – At 5’2 this put my in the obese category which scared the crap out of me
    CW 155 lbs – Now out of the obese category and am simply overweight. Yeah!
    MG 150 lbs – Id like to loose 5 lbs in the month of August, and actually keep that pace till I reach about 135. I know the progress will be slower at that point & that I may start looking at inches lost instead of lbs.
    GW 125 lbs – What I used to weigh for the majority of my early 20’s before I got married and stated TTC.

    So hopeful Monday will roll around to show all of us had a good healthy weekend!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    :heart: Thanks for the support!
    :heart: Welcome!
    :heart: I tried to stop pop for a while. I think I made it 3-4 months, but then I went to my mother-in-law's...Haven't stopped since. I am trying to cut back and increase my water. Its been going well so far...

    Checking in...(I weigh in on Fridays)
    SW 196
    LW 151
    CW 150.4
    MG 145
    GW 135
    YAY!!!! I have been staying around the same... So now it's time to keep going down :smile:
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    hey jalara, I was just wondering since it's the end of the month, will we make this topic monthly too like the pregnancy topic?
  • cmdrenn
    cmdrenn Posts: 5 Member
    I'd like to join your group. Here is a little about me:

    I'm Courtney,25 and I have been with my wonderful husband for 6 years. I have a 7 year old little girl who is my world. I am trying to lose weight so that I can give my husband a baby of his own. We have lost 2 children since we have been together. My son passed away Sept 13th, 2006 and then I miscarried about 10 months later. We have done every fertility treatment out there to get our 2 babies, but now I want to try on my own and losing weight would really help. Any help I can give anyone I'm more than happy too! Can't wait to meet everyone and share our successes!

  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    cmdrenn - welcome to the group, and I am so sorry for your loss. You are in excellent company here - welcome!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    OMG - cramps suck. I'm in so much pain it hurts to walk right now - my legs are actually a little numb (happens to me on occasion, but not all the time).

    Womanhood sucks today.:sick:
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Kiffypooh, if it isn't too complex would you please explain how MCs are caused? My cousin and friend got preggo a few years ago and their 1st was a MC, but of course they soon have birth to healthy babies, but I was so afraid at the time that if the trend followed, that the same thing would happen to me too. I'm sure it's a concern for every woman when she finds out she's pregnant, but it would be nice to have more information, if you wouldn't mind sharing.
    I hope you don't mind but I thought I'd help answer!
    This is a but of a rough questions, since a MC happens for different reasons for different women. Here's some explanation from the Mayo Cliic -
    I know mine (I had 2) were caused 1) I got a really bad shock from an old old electic stove which stopped the baby's heart
    2) wrong placement in my uterus (I have a bicornuate uterus).
    I hope you're friend makes out okay. I hope we all do.

    Wants2Lose - well done! That's really great :) As for thescale - that's awesome to not look - I weigh myself A LOT! :)

    I'm so sorry for your two losses, that must have been so hard!

    My mcs were just random ones, not reason and really early on in the pregnancy. What my OB said was that genetically the two pieces didn't fit. He pushed his fists together like they were pieces of a puzzle. Something about the way he presented it to me made me feel a little less at fault for them. He said each one is independent of any others, just like flipping a coin. I really felt that I wouldn't have 2 because I thought the chances lowered if you've already had one. He said that is not true that each one doesn't have anything to do with another.

    I was actually more afraid of a MC when I was pregnant with my daughter then I was with either of my two MC's. My sister-in-law had gone through two of them so I guess they were more real and recent. At the point of both of mine my SIL and I both had healthy little girls running around. I will say though there was a part of me that "knew" it was going to happen. I've talked to couple other friends who had experienced mc and they both said the same thing.
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