Fit For Future Families



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hello everyone - it's our first check-in! I hope eveyone did well last week.! And welcome to all the newcomers!

    If you haven't yet, remember to post your SW (starting weight), CW (current weight) and GW (goal weight). You're current weight will change each week (we hope)!

    LW (last week) 223.5
    CW: 220.2 - down 3.3 lbs

    Last week I wanted to make it to the gym twice, and I did. I also wanted to up my water intake, and I did.
    This week my goal is to make it to the gym 3 times, and up my water intake more. Also - i would like 7 hours of sleep each night!

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    LW (last week) 170
    CW 169.5 – down .5 pounds I’m finally in the one 160’s!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
    My next mini goal is to see the 150's

    Last week I wanted to up my water intake to 9 – 10 glasses. Other than 2 days, I did pretty well with meeting that. This week I need to focus on strength training a bit more. I want to do 3 strength training workouts this week.
  • Hopeful4757
    Hopeful4757 Posts: 138
    Good morning all!

    I have a whole list of to-do's I'd like to get through this week. I want to add that to my mini goals so I can't use them as an excuse not to get to the gym. I also would like to get to the gym at least 4 times this week.

    Jalara - how was your bridal shower? Did you get anything you weren't expecting that was really thoughtful? Did you get anything you are super excited to use? I love showers.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Good morning all!

    I have a whole list of to-do's I'd like to get through this week. I want to add that to my mini goals so I can't use them as an excuse not to get to the gym. I also would like to get to the gym at least 4 times this week.

    Jalara - how was your bridal shower? Did you get anything you weren't expecting that was really thoughtful? Did you get anything you are super excited to use? I love showers.

    Hey Hopeful (I love your nickname) - The shower was wonderful - it was so nice to have all the women that watched me grow up there to wish me well - it was very touching. And my sister even put signs and balloons outside the house! I got some great Pampered Chef stuff, my chapagne flutes and cake cutting set, as well as some wonderful scrapbooking supplies, frames, towells and a little bell in the shape of a bride. Best of all - my friend's mother MADE me a beautiful country sign and wooden angel to hang - they're beautiful. It was so wonderful! Thank you for asking!!!!!! I picked up some pretty thank you cards while I was on my break this morning - so fun :)

    Don't forget to give you weigh-in Hopeful!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Checking in fast, off to work :smile:

    Starting Weight 180
    Starting this Group 167
    Today's Weight 166.5
    Goal Weight 140

    Lost .5 lb this week. The scale was much nicer to me yesterday when I did my weekly weigh in on my own, hmmmm.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Checking in:
    SW: 209
    LW: 189.5
    CW: 192.5
    GW: 160.

    My body is going crazy. I am having a lot of weird things going on, so last week I was not focused on weight loss. I am back on the wagon today, and hopefully can get everything straightened out very soon. Maybe I can even loose the 3 lbs I gained this week.
  • Hopeful4757
    Hopeful4757 Posts: 138
    I, personally, am not ready to put my weight out there. I took a big step figuring out myself how much I weigh. I will post how much I lost each week and hope to get more comfortable to be able to say it out loud. I am sure this is something I should be doing, this probably goes against the "the first step is to admit the problem," :-), and it is nothing against anybody on our thread since I know you are all amazing, wonderful, supporting women. I admire those of you who put their weight out there - I am still not happy with where I'm at yet - I know this is the purpose! So anyway, I will cheer everybody on when they report their weight loss and I will let everyone know if I'm loosing or scary - gaining.

    This week, I gained about 2.5 lbs. I think this is because of AF and I was bad with water. I really don't think I should have gained that, but it certainly got me moving and working a lot today. Hope I'll even out in the next couple of days.

    Jalara - those gifts all sound so wonderful. I loved the personalized gifts and thoughtfulness of people who came to my shower. One lady gave us a Christmas tree skirt with our new last name embroidered on it. I love it. I hope in the future when I am pregnant, someone will knit a blanket or something because I think that's the sweetest thing.

    Well, hope everybody is off to a wonderful start. Here's to another week at it and more determination for all. :drinker:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member

    This week, I gained about 2.5 lbs. I think this is because of AF and I was bad with water. I really don't think I should have gained that, but it certainly got me moving and working a lot today. Hope I'll even out in the next couple of days.

    Every month I gain anywhere from 2 to 5 pounds with AF. :grumble: Thankfully it's all gone the following week!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hello All,

    Here are my stats from Friday (not sure if I posted them here). I weigh in on Fridays and will just use those numbers for this group too. I was weighing in on Fridays with Weight Watchers then Wednesdays for another group on here but it didn't work for me. Too much weighing in and this weird mind game I play with a "free" day on the days I weigh in, etc.

    SW 250 LW 185.6 CW 185 Loss .6
    Mini goal: 175
    Goal this week: Only eat out ONE day this week

    I'm happy with my loss. Turns out I am no longer "obese" any more, I am officially "overweight" now. Although I'm very excited about that, it hasn't stopped me from completely sabotaging myself this weekend and onto today. I really want to get to 175, but I guess not as bad as I thought I did, or I wouldn't be eating anything and everything.

    Anyhow, I'm off to take a nap with my little daughter. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Hello All,

    Here are my stats from Friday (not sure if I posted them here). I weigh in on Fridays and will just use those numbers for this group too. I was weighing in on Fridays with Weight Watchers then Wednesdays for another group on here but it didn't work for me. Too much weighing in and this weird mind game I play with a "free" day on the days I weigh in, etc.

    SW 250 LW 185.6 CW 185 Loss .6
    Mini goal: 175
    Goal this week: Only eat out ONE day this week

    I'm happy with my loss. Turns out I am no longer "obese" any more, I am officially "overweight" now. Although I'm very excited about that, it hasn't stopped me from completely sabotaging myself this weekend and onto today. I really want to get to 175, but I guess not as bad as I thought I did, or I wouldn't be eating anything and everything.

    Anyhow, I'm off to take a nap with my little daughter. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    Congrats on the BMI designation change. When you hop over that line, I'm sure it gives you a little thrill :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Okay time for my weigh in, I guess.....

    SW = 268.6
    Week 1 Weight = 262.4
    Week 2 Weight = 260.1

    Had the watery feeling today again. Think I might be experiencing hypoglycemia with the medication (although everything I've read says it doesn't cause hypoglycemia)....GRRRRRRRR I didn't meet my mini-goal this week and with this weirdness going on. I'm going to try it again as well as continuing the medication until my doctor tells me what to do.

    Mini-Goal this week = 10 glasses of water/day
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    check in:

    SW: 177
    CW: 177
    GW: 150

    I was completely horrible this weekend. I haven't lost a lb in weeks so and i think it's because I undo everything I work for during the week on the weekends. So, this week my goal is to work hard during the weekend by balancing my meals and exercise. I must lose a lb this week.

    Does anyone have a similar problem as I do?
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    check in:

    SW: 177
    CW: 177
    GW: 150

    I was completely horrible this weekend. I haven't lost a lb in weeks so and i think it's because I undo everything I work for during the week on the weekends. So, this week my goal is to work hard during the weekend by balancing my meals and exercise. I must lose a lb this week.

    Does anyone have a similar problem as I do?

    I weigh in on Fridays and I often feel like I'm spending the work week trying to make up for what I did over the weekend. I did that last week and had a .6 loss, but I worked my butt off for that .6. This week isn't going to be pretty either. I think you and I will have to be weekend buddies, let's make a plan now to get through the weekend.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hopeful - no worries about no being comfortable sharing your intimate details - we're here to support YOU at YOUR comfort level. Whatever support you need, just let us know.

    Ronya - WAHOO! That's a really significant accomplishment! I'm so pleased for you!!! Add that to the news from the doc last week, and you are such an inspiration!

    Hope everyone is kicking off their week the way they want to! I indulged in some left-over cake from y shower last night - and enjoyed every bite :) But I also made it to the gym right after work, so I'm really pleased about that too - I kept my heartrate around the 140 level, so I felt pretty good when I was done.

    In addition to my weekly goals I've set, I have to be wary not to get carried away at FI's 2 birthday dinners out (and I'm making him pie too!) Luckily I don't have many gluten-free options besides salads at most restaurants, so that helps.

    Happy Tuesday everyone! Is it a long weekend in the US this coming weekend? It is here in sunny Canada, and I think we might run away golfing or kayaking or something. But don't forget to weigh in Monday morning!
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    I forgot to weight in yesterday and I did this morning too so I just ran up to the scale.

    SW: 277
    Week 1: 268
    Week 2: 268

    Staying the same isn't too bad for this week. I had a couple of bad food days.

    Goal 1: I accomplished my water goal of 10 glasses a day 6/7 days. I plan on continuing this goal this week.
    Goal 2: I plan on cutting out candy, cookies and cakes of all sorts. I am purging my house of junk this week!

    Congratulations on everyones continued success and good luck this week!

    jalara: We don't have a long weekend in the U.S. until the beginning of September (at least not that I am aware of) but i am a teacher so I don't keep track of days off until the end of August again.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    SW: 147
    Last week: 131.4
    This week: 131.4

    Sigh. Its TOM, so I guess I should just be glad that I didn't gain anything. Or maybe the eating out we have been doing. We'll see next week if it's any better. I weigh in on Saturday morning. It's enough of a "consequence" to keep me making better choices on Friday night. :-)

    Keep it up ladies!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    SW - 151.0
    CW - 149.4
    MG - 147.0 - my wedding weight
    GW - 130.0

    Lost 1.6 pounds this week! I bought a Heart Rate Monitor on Friday, and I love it! It's really eye-opening to see how much MFP and the treadmill over estimate my calorie burn. For instance, I ran for 20 minutes last night on the TM before my class started. The TM said I burned 280 calories, my HRM said only 178. It was off by over 100 calories in only 20 minutes! Crazy...

    Anyway, my goal for this week is to try to play with my dog more. She gets bored being inside so much since it's so hot outside. I'm going to make more time in the evening for some fetch and tug-of-war with her. Also, still gotta stay away from the snacky foods at work...
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Hopeful - no worries about no being comfortable sharing your intimate details - we're here to support YOU at YOUR comfort level. Whatever support you need, just let us know.

    Ronya - WAHOO! That's a really significant accomplishment! I'm so pleased for you!!! Add that to the news from the doc last week, and you are such an inspiration!

    Hope everyone is kicking off their week the way they want to! I indulged in some left-over cake from y shower last night - and enjoyed every bite :) But I also made it to the gym right after work, so I'm really pleased about that too - I kept my heartrate around the 140 level, so I felt pretty good when I was done.

    In addition to my weekly goals I've set, I have to be wary not to get carried away at FI's 2 birthday dinners out (and I'm making him pie too!) Luckily I don't have many gluten-free options besides salads at most restaurants, so that helps.

    Happy Tuesday everyone! Is it a long weekend in the US this coming weekend? It is here in sunny Canada, and I think we might run away golfing or kayaking or something. But don't forget to weigh in Monday morning!

    Oh, I wish we had a long weekend here... I actually have to work all day on Saturday this weekend. Those of you that already have kids probably are familiar with the Webkinz? Well, apparently they have a huge fan-base, and their USA Road Trip is stopping by the park/zoo where I work this Friday and Saturday. I'm prepared for the onslaught, although I'm hoping to be able to get away for a healthy lunch both days!

    Bring on Labor Day weekend!
  • Shan80
    Shan80 Posts: 47
    I'm soo glad to have found this thread. I hope I can join you!
    Just a bit of backround on my real fast - I'm 30yr old. My DH and I have been TTC for 8 yrs - with 6 mc's under the belt :( I have PCOS so it's very hard to conceive and to lose weight. I"m at the heaviest I have ever been in my life and I'm very motivated to get it all off. I started at teh beginning of summer and then slacked off as we got so busy but I am back to it 110% and ready to get this done!
    SW: 266
    CW: 258
    MG: 238-232 (20-25lbs by end of Aug)
    GW: 130lbs

    I hope to get much support and offer just as much through out this journey!

    *also just a sidenote. I moderate a website dedicated to women (and men) who are struggling with TTC. It's full of amazing women that offer tons of support, laughter and friendship. I've been a member since 2006 and I'd be lost without it. If any of you are interested in checking it out please message me and I'll give you the site address!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    I'm soo glad to have found this thread. I hope I can join you!
    Just a bit of backround on my real fast - I'm 30yr old. My DH and I have been TTC for 8 yrs - with 6 mc's under the belt :( I have PCOS so it's very hard to conceive and to lose weight. I"m at the heaviest I have ever been in my life and I'm very motivated to get it all off. I started at teh beginning of summer and then slacked off as we got so busy but I am back to it 110% and ready to get this done!
    SW: 266
    CW: 258
    MG: 238-232 (20-25lbs by end of Aug)
    GW: 130lbs

    I hope to get much support and offer just as much through out this journey!

    *also just a sidenote. I moderate a website dedicated to women (and men) who are struggling with TTC. It's full of amazing women that offer tons of support, laughter and friendship. I've been a member since 2006 and I'd be lost without it. If any of you are interested in checking it out please message me and I'll give you the site address!

    Welcome to the group! We're happy to have you!

    Like you, I started, saw progress, and then stopped. And started. And stopped. Etc, etc, etc. But I'm back at it and determined now!

    Would you like to set some weekly goals for yourself? (Make it the gym a certain # of times, water intake, etc). We report our weigh ins on Mondays!
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