Fit For Future Families



  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    Has anyone started or completed the Couch to 5K training program? Was it easy? difficult? Do you recommend it?
    I have never been a runner but my husband would like to do this. I am up for it but I am not sure what to expect. I am afraid my progress may be slower than the program.

    I believe the program would help kick start my metabolism. One of the things holding me back is the fact that I would have to go somewhere else to run. I will not run in my neighborhood in my current condition. I am a high school teacher and I live in the same school district I teach in. I just don't think my students need to see my body jiggling.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Ronya - that's a really cool thing to do- youa ctually make a difference in the world - how many people can say that? and heck - if you can get up a 5 and run - power to you! I totally respect that!

    I was getting up early to go to the gym, but we moved and now we have to bus it to work, which makes it harder. Yesterday was the first time we fit a work out in with our new schedule (after work) and it worked out really well.

    Paldal - I find that when I drink an excess of water I get super hyper and energetic. I tend to get headaches more when I need the water. But water is also the only thing I really drink (skim milk on occassion). I've always been a water girl.

    Chelleim - it that you in the bridl gown on your ticker? If so, congratulations! (Can you tell I'm a bride - I seek this stuff out, lol).
    I haven't done the C25K, but I know some other women on here that did and love it. My hubby and I could never do it together because of the height difference (5 ft vs. 6 ft 4), but we go gymming together and it's wonderful :)
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Chelleim - I tried the C25K thing. I downloaded the one for the I-pod that tells you exactly when to run and when not to. It just didn't work for me. I think I will be an eliptical girl my whole life :)

    Paldal - I have found I get the headaches when I drink a lot of water, but I think it is becuase I am drinking water rather than coke and my body is reacting to the lack of caffine.

    I got a BFN this morning:cry: I guess I have another month to losse more weight:ohwell:
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that Amanda. I've yet to buy a pregnancy test... Did you wait a few days past when you were supposed to get your period?

    I've been reading up on fertility and cycles and everything, and it's just fascinating what you are never taught in health class... I mean, seriously, all they tell you is about your period and "if you have sex, you'll get pregnant. So don't have sex until you're married", etc. Little did I know that it's actually pretty difficult for a lot of people to get pregnant, even without infertility problems.

    Good luck next month Amanda! We'll all be praying for you and your husband! :wink:
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    Chelleim - I tried the C25K thing. I downloaded the one for the I-pod that tells you exactly when to run and when not to. It just didn't work for me. I think I will be an eliptical girl my whole life :)

    Paldal - I have found I get the headaches when I drink a lot of water, but I think it is becuase I am drinking water rather than coke and my body is reacting to the lack of caffine.

    I got a BFN this morning:cry: I guess I have another month to losse more weight:ohwell:

    I'm really sorry to hear that. Maybe the 3rd month will be the charm. Are you stressing a lot? I hear that doesn't help matters much and screws up the hormones.

    That's really strange though because I've pretty much been a water girl like jalara too, but I still seem to get headaches. Maybe I'm just drinking too fast and not pacing myself.
  • Hopeful4757
    Hopeful4757 Posts: 138
    Hi Everyone!

    I'd love to join this group too. I was over in the other group for awhile, but then everyone got pregnant (yeah for them!) but I have not started trying yet. My doctor wants me to lose more weight, but I would love to be pregnant in October or soon after. Has anybody on here been pregnant before with extra pounds on? I don't want to do anything to hurt my future baby or me, so I am just curious. Has anybody experienced this in the overweight category? Obese category?

    I look forward to getting to know you ladies and working hard to keep each other motivated. Monday check-in is good. I always cheat on the weekends and do bad - this should help. Hope you are all having a nice week.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'd love to join this group too. I was over in the other group for awhile, but then everyone got pregnant (yeah for them!) but I have not started trying yet. My doctor wants me to lose more weight, but I would love to be pregnant in October or soon after. Has anybody on here been pregnant before with extra pounds on? I don't want to do anything to hurt my future baby or me, so I am just curious. Has anybody experienced this in the overweight category? Obese category?

    I look forward to getting to know you ladies and working hard to keep each other motivated. Monday check-in is good. I always cheat on the weekends and do bad - this should help. Hope you are all having a nice week.

    It wasn't me, but my best friend was in the obese category. She was about 225-235 when she got pregnant. She was really good with her food intake, eating lots of whole grains. She had a really easy pregnancy, and had no problems at all. She gained 14 lbs, total and the baby was 9 lbs. She really inspired me to believe that I can have a healthy pregnancy. I am going to keep working at the weight loss until I get the BFP, but I now will feel a lot less worried about being a bit overweight.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hopeful – I was about 240 when I got pregnant with my daughter and 275 the day I had her. I ended up with preeclampsia which can often (but not always) be caused by being overweight/obese. My dr made me feel bad at every appointment about my weight, I’m glad she retired.

    LHuffman – With all 3 of my pregnancies they didn’t show up on the test until about a week after I missed my period. 2 of them I ended up at the Dr first requesting a blood test. I’m going to try to control myself this time around and hold off for a week before testing. On the reading part, I read Taking Charge of Your Fertility and felt that every girl should be given this book. I learned so much about my body and cycles I was amazed I hadn’t heard it before.

    Amanda – I’m sorry about the BFN. I like the attitude though. I figure if I get a BFN it’s that much more of a chance I will be a cute little pregnant woman. Your friend sounds like a great inspiration. I took being pregnant as an opportunity to stop counting points (I was doing Weight Watchers at the time). I didn’t gain a lot, but I did gain a lot more then the dr told me to.

    Well, I went to Mexican food today and at a huge plate of nachos. I don't want to gain on Friday so I did go the gym, so yeah for me :drinker: That's all I have going on.
  • Hi I am Tamra. I have lost 37 lb but I need to lose another 60. I already have an 18 month old. But this time around I want to be healthy when we TTC which won't be for another year. The reason for this is because I "almost" had gestational diabetes, Irelynn was a huge baby, and I ended up with a csection. Nex ttime I would like to try for a VBAC.:) So healthy me here I come!!!!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Well I am off camping for the weekend. I am leading a couples retreat. I have spent the last week cooking, packing and getting ready to feed 15 people for three days! At least this way, I control what we are eatting, and can make good choices for everyone.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Hopeful – I was about 240 when I got pregnant with my daughter and 275 the day I had her. I ended up with preeclampsia which can often (but not always) be caused by being overweight/obese. My dr made me feel bad at every appointment about my weight, I’m glad she retired.

    LHuffman – With all 3 of my pregnancies they didn’t show up on the test until about a week after I missed my period. 2 of them I ended up at the Dr first requesting a blood test. I’m going to try to control myself this time around and hold off for a week before testing. On the reading part, I read Taking Charge of Your Fertility and felt that every girl should be given this book. I learned so much about my body and cycles I was amazed I hadn’t heard it before.

    Amanda – I’m sorry about the BFN. I like the attitude though. I figure if I get a BFN it’s that much more of a chance I will be a cute little pregnant woman. Your friend sounds like a great inspiration. I took being pregnant as an opportunity to stop counting points (I was doing Weight Watchers at the time). I didn’t gain a lot, but I did gain a lot more then the dr told me to.

    Well, I went to Mexican food today and at a huge plate of nachos. I don't want to gain on Friday so I did go the gym, so yeah for me :drinker: That's all I have going on.

    Funny, I have that book checked out from the library, and I've been reading bits and pieces of it every night! I was telling my best friend about basal body temperatures and cervical fluid changes, etc. and she was pretty fascinated too! If I don't get a BFP this month, I'm going to start charting next cycle.
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    That good a book huh? Does it have a time line or something?
    I mean, say you want to get pregnant in 1 month, does it say, what you need to do for the 1 month before hand, etc?

    I also love Angela's posts from the other Pregnancy topic, she has a lot of great information on what to eat to increase fertility, during each trimester and so on.

    Amanda, I'm just curious, have you followed any of those tips?
  • Hopeful4757
    Hopeful4757 Posts: 138
    Thank you guys. I am dying to start trying, but still have a bit to lose :-( I am not great with the acronyms, so what does BFP stand for? Sorry - it's probably something totally obvious.

    Anyway, I am looking forward to not having any plans this weekend. I can focus on staying within my calories and being good. It is so hard going to a party where they are bbq'ing hamburgers/hot dogs and have potato salad, etc. That is what everybody seems to do every weekend.
  • Thank you guys. I am dying to start trying, but still have a bit to lose :-( I am not great with the acronyms, so what does BFP stand for? Sorry - it's probably something totally obvious.

    Anyway, I am looking forward to not having any plans this weekend. I can focus on staying within my calories and being good. It is so hard going to a party where they are bbq'ing hamburgers/hot dogs and have potato salad, etc. That is what everybody seems to do every weekend.

    big fat positive:-D
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    Paldal: The book is a great book and allows you to get to know your body. There are a lot of things going on in our body that we don't realize if we are not in the health/science field.

    It tells you how to understand what is going on and how to read the signs for when you are most fertile. I think it was a great book. I haven't tracked my cycles in a while but plan on starting again this next month. It also helps tell whether you are ovulating or not, which is a big thing for people like me with PCOS.

    I highly recommend the book!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    That good a book huh? Does it have a time line or something?
    I mean, say you want to get pregnant in 1 month, does it say, what you need to do for the 1 month before hand, etc?

    I also love Angela's posts from the other Pregnancy topic, she has a lot of great information on what to eat to increase fertility, during each trimester and so on.

    Amanda, I'm just curious, have you followed any of those tips?

    You should definitely read the book. Or, there's an online "class" at that you can go through. I think there are 20 lessons or so and it teaches you the basics of your cycle and what to look for. For instance, I didn't know that there is only a 5 day window (less for some) in which you can get pregnant each month. The book tells you that your cervical fluid is the most telling way to figure out your fertile days, but the website says that basal body temperature is a better indicator. It's all very interesting stuff that I never even thought about until we decided it was time to start trying.

    I read in a different book (I believe it's called The Fertility Diet) that you should include at least one serving of full-fat dairy in your diet each day to aid with fertility. Has anyone ever heard that before?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    I read up on and I track my temperature (BBT) there too. It's handy, that's for certain! But not everyone needs to do it - I totally understand why some people don't want to get caught up in the science of it - it can become obsessing.

    Hopeful - Im with you - not ready yet - need to drop this weight first!

    It's Thursday everyone - how are you making out for the week? What are your plans to stay focused and keep logging for the weekend?
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Has anyone started or completed the Couch to 5K training program? Was it easy? difficult? Do you recommend it?
    I have never been a runner but my husband would like to do this. I am up for it but I am not sure what to expect. I am afraid my progress may be slower than the program.

    I believe the program would help kick start my metabolism. One of the things holding me back is the fact that I would have to go somewhere else to run. I will not run in my neighborhood in my current condition. I am a high school teacher and I live in the same school district I teach in. I just don't think my students need to see my body jiggling.

    I'm at week 7 of the Podrunner Couch to 5k. I've enjoyed it. It's challenging now at week 7--I'm doing 25 minute jogs nonstop. Why in the world I decided to start this in the summer, I don't know--it's HOT out there. Next week is 30 min, and the final week/graduation is 35, I think. But, the cool thing is, I'm doing it. I'm able to do it. I recommend it. It starts out at a nice pace, and if I can't do it, then I just stay at the former workout until I feel ready to try again for the longer one.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    I read somewhere that couples have a 25% chance of conceiving any given cycle, when you crunch the numbers. I just share that because it was a helpful reality check for me--I've been pretty hard on myself when I get a BFN for a cycle, since we got prego the first try last time, and this made me just ease up a bit, and remember that some things are just not in my control--so I need to chill a bit.

    Now I'm just trying to get the right 25% right? ;-) Good luck, mommas to be!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    That good a book huh? Does it have a time line or something?
    I mean, say you want to get pregnant in 1 month, does it say, what you need to do for the 1 month before hand, etc?

    I also love Angela's posts from the other Pregnancy topic, she has a lot of great information on what to eat to increase fertility, during each trimester and so on.

    Amanda, I'm just curious, have you followed any of those tips?

    Angela is very smart with the BBT and all that stuff. I track my cycles at but I don't do the temp. My cycles vary from 29-32 days, so I use the ovulation kits. I think my hubby is the bigger problem with our struggles. He's committing to eat healthy and drink lots of water (which I think it a huge thing) until I get knocked up.

    Do you have a list of these foods to eat? I've googled it, but I don't come up with much. I have an appointment with my new OB on Tue and I plan to talk to him about this stuff. I'm not ready for IVF or anything like that yet, but I would like to have another baby sooner rather then later :happy:
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