Fit For Future Families



  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Ill join. My husband and I have two children and I have finally convinced him to have another. We have agreed on next april since we have two end of year babies sorta. My daughter is going to be 5 next month and my son 3 two months from them. I need to lose a bunch more before trying and would love to be a cute pregnant momma this time around. I gained all my weight from my first pregnancy and lost some but ultimately gained everything back.

    SW: 200
    GW: 135 (though its still over weight for my height)

    I dont make minigoals usually but I have been trying to get some workout on the stationary bike once a day and I lasted 7 days straight a few weeks ago. It is hard with two little ones running around BUT Im making it work. Not sure how much I will do once school starts since this year I havea kindergartner and we are homeschooling.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey Cudy,

    I'm super short too, so I know what you mean. Although, I went to my gym and had the body-fat evalatio done where they send electodes through your body, and as it turns out I have 124 lbso pure lean body mass! Which means I'd be healthy at 140-150 vs 115!

    As for the home schooling, since kids need breaks (like recess) so do the teachers! As long as you stick to a routine, I'm sure you'll do great!!! Way to go on the biking too!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    GW -whatever I am when I pop a positive test! ;-)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I'd like to join. Husband and I have been TTC for 9 years. I've got PCOS and he's got some issues as well - but he's going in for surgery in 2 months to help correct. I was put on the pill March, April, May to help correct some hormonal things....I dropped 30 pounds without doing much. Obviously that's not going to help us conceive, so they've put me on metformin and so far things seem to be taking off again (although I'm working on it now too).

    Looking forward to healthy results...
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    SW/CW - 151.0
    MG - 147.0 - my wedding weight
    GW - 130.0

    My goal every week is to stay away from all of the snack crap food that my co-workers bring into the office. It's so hard some days!!

    Another thing I want to do this week is buy myself a heart rate monitor. My husband gave me the OK to buy a ~$100 one...
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    SW: 204
    CW: 170
    Next: MG 169.5 – I know I’m only ½ a pound a way, but I’ve never been in the 160’s weight range before
    GW: 150 – I may readjust my goal once I get there

    This week I will up my water intake from 8 to 10 glasses a day. I'm going to be running to the restroom a lot more often!!! :laugh:
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I am Amanda, have been married 4 years, live in Ohio for the time being, and have been TTC for 2 months. I just thought that I would get a positive on month 1, and it was a big blow to me. I have reset my expectations, and am trying to think of the positives (like the fact that if I get pregnant in the next few months, I will be on maternity leave during the summer).

    SW: 209
    CW: 189
    GW: 160
    Short Term Goal: See the 170's!!!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Just updating to give my stats! :)

    SW: 238 (Ugh!)
    CW: 226
    Next MG: 219
    GW: 130 (I'm short too!)
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    bump for later pun intended...
    My hubby and I will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary soon, and we'd like to TTC soon after that. I am at a healthy weight, but I don't feel healthy, so I'm just trying to improve what goes into my mouth.

    Great idea jalara, guess a lot of people were interesting in joining but couldn't connect with the Pregnancy topic.
    This way there will be a separation.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm so glad this is kicking off well! Remember, there's an excellent group if you find out your preggo - the ladies there are the best!

    So far for my week I've made it to the gym once, and my water intake has improved - not perfect yet, but improved. But it's only day 2.

    How is everyone making out? What changes are you making with this fresh start that wasn't working last week or last month?
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I am really trying to focus on the water. I had completely give up all soda for 5 months, and honestly, I was feeling really good just from not drinking all that sugar. I am trying to kick the soda once again, and am already noticing the bloat disappearing in my tummy.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Feeling good this week - hormonal but good. Is this what PMS feels like....LOL I kinda liked it before when there were no hormones. On the Metformin for a three weeks now, slowly getting up to my recommended dosage (June 11 was first day). Started measuring my weight again a week ago. Haven't really changed eating habits yet, just tracking what I'm eating and becoming more aware.

    SW - 268.6

    End of First Week - 262.4, Week 1 Goal = Take Metformin as instructed which means eating 3 meals a day - accomplished!
    Week 2 Goal = Drink 10 glasses of water/day & Keep up with W1 Goal
    Week 3 Goal = Walk the dogs 4x a week for an hour or more with Hubby & do an Aquafit class with a Friend & Keep up with other goals

    First Goal Weight < 250 8/28/2010
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hi, I am Amanda and would love to have one more baby. My dh and I have three kids already, a 15 year old son, a 9 year old dd and a 6 year old dd. I wasn't done when we had the 6 year old but she was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome at 2 years of age and it threw us for a loop. She is very much like an infant herself but I am at the point where I have accept that and think I can handle have two babies to take care of for at least a couple of years. Rett Syndrome is a random thing so I am not worried about a future baby. I am 35 and would love to start trying in January. I want to lose 25 more pounds before though and would like to accomplish this by December. That is 5 pounds per month and I think it is doable. I am a homeschooling momma like somebody else mentioned on here and also trying to give up soda (Coke) again.

    Looking forward to this group!

    Starting weight 180 pounds
    Current weight 167 pounds
    Goal Weight 140 pounds
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Out of curiousity, how far out from ttc do you have to be to participate? I'm thinking maybe 6 months to a year, but I want to be in my optimal shape by then
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Out of curiousity, how far out from ttc do you have to be to participate? I'm thinking maybe 6 months to a year, but I want to be in my optimal shape by then

    No time limits here! If that's what's motivating, please join us! I won't be TTC until November or December, and there are others here who are waiting until 2011. Welcome!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    8am and I've already had 16 ounces of water, so far so good!
    I extend my jog this morning by 2 minutes. Did the whole 2 miles in 30 minutes, 11 of which was jogging. Eventually I WILL be able to jog the whole way. Now I want to take a nap instead of going into work. Today I have to not use the stress at work as an excuse to get chocolate from the vending machine. I have a court hearing today and I HATE them!!!! I get so nervous all I want to do is eat before hand.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    8am and I've already had 16 ounces of water, so far so good!
    I extend my jog this morning by 2 minutes. Did the whole 2 miles in 30 minutes, 11 of which was jogging. Eventually I WILL be able to jog the whole way. Now I want to take a nap instead of going into work. Today I have to not use the stress at work as an excuse to get chocolate from the vending machine. I have a court hearing today and I HATE them!!!! I get so nervous all I want to do is eat before hand.

    That' so great (about the jog)!

    What do you do that you go to court? As for the chocolate, maybe try dsapearing to a seculded area and doing some light stretching to shake out the tension? It's worth a try if only this one time to see if it helps.

    What time do you get up?
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    8am and I've already had 16 ounces of water, so far so good!
    I extend my jog this morning by 2 minutes. Did the whole 2 miles in 30 minutes, 11 of which was jogging. Eventually I WILL be able to jog the whole way. Now I want to take a nap instead of going into work. Today I have to not use the stress at work as an excuse to get chocolate from the vending machine. I have a court hearing today and I HATE them!!!! I get so nervous all I want to do is eat before hand.

    That' so great (about the jog)!

    What do you do that you go to court? As for the chocolate, maybe try dsapearing to a seculded area and doing some light stretching to shake out the tension? It's worth a try if only this one time to see if it helps.

    What time do you get up?

    I work for welfare but every once in a while I have to testify at a fraud hearing. Thankfully it doesn’t happen very often. (I’m putting my elementary education degree to great use! :grumble: But it's a job so I really shouldn't complain.) So far I’m at 32 ounces of water, and that’s been killing my chocolate cravings. Plus I brought in baby carrots, celery and sliced strawberries to work, so if I get the urge to snack I’ll eat them instead of going to the vending machine.

    Today is my late day at work (9-5) so I got up a 6:15. Normally I work 7:30-3:30 so I’ll get up at 5 to for a jog.
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    I am on week 3 of exercising at least 4 days a week and so far so good.
    I have also been focusing on drinking water and cutting out soda. I have done fairly well but am not completely there yet. I am down to maybe 2 a week, which is really great!

    This week my goal is to add in some strength training. I focused on upper body yesterday and boy can I feel it today!

    SW: 277
    MG1: 250
    GW: 180 - this may change at some point
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    I see that a lot of people on here want to increase their water intake. I've notice that when I drink too much water, I get a headache. Does anyone else experience that?
    I do so well when I'm here at work, because there are no temptations and I just fill up my bottle with water, but I'm unable to carry it all home with me.
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