Fit For Future Families



  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    I had a doctor appointment the other day and he told me that I am no longer borderline diabetic, and my blood pressure and cholesterol are great. Based on my last visit he was going to put me on medication but it's not necessary anymore!!! :bigsmile: He said I am in wonderful health and he was very proud of me, and that I'm finally out the the "obese" category - I'm just regular overweight now!! Who thought I'd ever be happy about being called overweight??? :laugh: :laugh: Also he gave me the go ahead to start TTC. He cautioned me against it before because my weight put me at such a high risk for a lot of complications, but he's not concerned about that anymore. Hubby and I are still going to wait until the end of the year to start TTC and hopefully I'll be down another 20 pounds by then.

    I was bad with drinking water today - I've only had about 3 glasses so far. No way I'm going to reach 10 before the night is over. I'm trying to be really good with eating and workouts this week, hubbys birthday is Saturday and we're going out to dinner so I know I'll be over calories that day. But I figure if I'm really good all week, one bad meal won't kill my week.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    That good a book huh? Does it have a time line or something?
    I mean, say you want to get pregnant in 1 month, does it say, what you need to do for the 1 month before hand, etc?

    I also love Angela's posts from the other Pregnancy topic, she has a lot of great information on what to eat to increase fertility, during each trimester and so on.

    Amanda, I'm just curious, have you followed any of those tips?

    You should definitely read the book. Or, there's an online "class" at that you can go through. I think there are 20 lessons or so and it teaches you the basics of your cycle and what to look for. For instance, I didn't know that there is only a 5 day window (less for some) in which you can get pregnant each month. The book tells you that your cervical fluid is the most telling way to figure out your fertile days, but the website says that basal body temperature is a better indicator. It's all very interesting stuff that I never even thought about until we decided it was time to start trying.

    I read in a different book (I believe it's called The Fertility Diet) that you should include at least one serving of full-fat dairy in your diet each day to aid with fertility. Has anyone ever heard that before?

    It's fantastic. I have the original version and the anniversary one...LOL, been trying for a long time. I learned so much about what to do if you don't have fertility issues that I could have had 8 kids by now....LOL Seriously, everyone needs to know what is in that book :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I had a doctor appointment the other day and he told me that I am no longer borderline diabetic, and my blood pressure and cholesterol are great. Based on my last visit he was going to put me on medication but it's not necessary anymore!!! :bigsmile: He said I am in wonderful health and he was very proud of me, and that I'm finally out the the "obese" category - I'm just regular overweight now!! Who thought I'd ever be happy about being called overweight??? :laugh: :laugh: Also he gave me the go ahead to start TTC. He cautioned me against it before because my weight put me at such a high risk for a lot of complications, but he's not concerned about that anymore. Hubby and I are still going to wait until the end of the year to start TTC and hopefully I'll be down another 20 pounds by then.

    I was bad with drinking water today - I've only had about 3 glasses so far. No way I'm going to reach 10 before the night is over. I'm trying to be really good with eating and workouts this week, hubbys birthday is Saturday and we're going out to dinner so I know I'll be over calories that day. But I figure if I'm really good all week, one bad meal won't kill my week.

    YAY!!!! That's great news. It's always a good thing when the doctor gives you the go ahead :) Enjoy your celebration dinner. I'm struggling with the water again today....going to do another 4 cups before the end of the night.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I had a doctor appointment the other day and he told me that I am no longer borderline diabetic, and my blood pressure and cholesterol are great. Based on my last visit he was going to put me on medication but it's not necessary anymore!!! :bigsmile: He said I am in wonderful health and he was very proud of me, and that I'm finally out the the "obese" category - I'm just regular overweight now!! Who thought I'd ever be happy about being called overweight??? :laugh: :laugh: Also he gave me the go ahead to start TTC. He cautioned me against it before because my weight put me at such a high risk for a lot of complications, but he's not concerned about that anymore. Hubby and I are still going to wait until the end of the year to start TTC and hopefully I'll be down another 20 pounds by then.

    Wow, that's amazing!! You should feel so proud! I hope you posted that story in the success section on here, you are an inspiration!!!! Great work! :flowerforyou:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    I had a doctor appointment the other day and he told me that I am no longer borderline diabetic, and my blood pressure and cholesterol are great. Based on my last visit he was going to put me on medication but it's not necessary anymore!!! :bigsmile: He said I am in wonderful health and he was very proud of me, and that I'm finally out the the "obese" category - I'm just regular overweight now!! Who thought I'd ever be happy about being called overweight??? :laugh: :laugh: Also he gave me the go ahead to start TTC. He cautioned me against it before because my weight put me at such a high risk for a lot of complications, but he's not concerned about that anymore. Hubby and I are still going to wait until the end of the year to start TTC and hopefully I'll be down another 20 pounds by then.

    Wahoo! That's fantastic!!!! I'm so happy for you - I keep looking to you for inspiration - and you're a great one!
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    Angela is very smart with the BBT and all that stuff. I track my cycles at but I don't do the temp. My cycles vary from 29-32 days, so I use the ovulation kits. I think my hubby is the bigger problem with our struggles. He's committing to eat healthy and drink lots of water (which I think it a huge thing) until I get knocked up.

    Do you have a list of these foods to eat? I've googled it, but I don't come up with much. I have an appointment with my new OB on Tue and I plan to talk to him about this stuff. I'm not ready for IVF or anything like that yet, but I would like to have another baby sooner rather then later :happy:

    Scroll toward about the middle of the page in this link for the food list, she usually puts up a new post and a link in the Pregnancy topic.
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    I had a doctor appointment the other day and he told me that I am no longer borderline diabetic, and my blood pressure and cholesterol are great. Based on my last visit he was going to put me on medication but it's not necessary anymore!!! :bigsmile: He said I am in wonderful health and he was very proud of me, and that I'm finally out the the "obese" category - I'm just regular overweight now!! Who thought I'd ever be happy about being called overweight??? :laugh: :laugh: Also he gave me the go ahead to start TTC. He cautioned me against it before because my weight put me at such a high risk for a lot of complications, but he's not concerned about that anymore. Hubby and I are still going to wait until the end of the year to start TTC and hopefully I'll be down another 20 pounds by then.

    I was bad with drinking water today - I've only had about 3 glasses so far. No way I'm going to reach 10 before the night is over. I'm trying to be really good with eating and workouts this week, hubbys birthday is Saturday and we're going out to dinner so I know I'll be over calories that day. But I figure if I'm really good all week, one bad meal won't kill my week.

    That's wonderful news! Congratulations!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Angela is very smart with the BBT and all that stuff. I track my cycles at but I don't do the temp. My cycles vary from 29-32 days, so I use the ovulation kits. I think my hubby is the bigger problem with our struggles. He's committing to eat healthy and drink lots of water (which I think it a huge thing) until I get knocked up.

    Do you have a list of these foods to eat? I've googled it, but I don't come up with much. I have an appointment with my new OB on Tue and I plan to talk to him about this stuff. I'm not ready for IVF or anything like that yet, but I would like to have another baby sooner rather then later :happy:

    Scroll toward about the middle of the page in this link for the food list, she usually puts up a new post and a link in the Pregnancy topic.

    Wow, that's a list! Thank you so much!!! She's amazing!
  • JoyBellz
    JoyBellz Posts: 108 Member
    Didn't manage to update stats as requested days ago. Updating now.
    SW: 269.4
    CW: 270.2 :o(
    GW: 135-140
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Are we doing our starting weights from when we started losing weight, when we joined MFP (which is probably the same for most) or when we started this group? I weigh in on Fridays, can I just post mine on Fridays?
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    I'm in the same boat as JoyBellz here are my stats

    SW: 192
    CW: 175
    GW: 150

    Plan on TTC within the next month or so and if it doesn't happen we're going to wait until Feb.

    I need to buckle down on my excercise and eating these last few weeks.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Are we doing our starting weights from when we started losing weight, when we joined MFP (which is probably the same for most) or when we started this group? I weigh in on Fridays, can I just post mine on Fridays?

    SW - when you started your weight loss ambition
    CW - what you are now (will change weekly, we hope!)
    GW - what your aiming for
  • monkeyfood
    monkeyfood Posts: 106
    Hey everyone!
    After TTC for almost a year. I decided that It would be a better idea for me to lose weight before bringing a baby into the world. I am really glad I found this group!
  • Hopeful4757
    Hopeful4757 Posts: 138
    Congratulations ron2282! That is so exciting - I have an appointment with my OB on Aug 6 and am nervous because I thought I'd lose more weight before than. How great to go to the doctor and have them tell you you're good to go!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Are we doing our starting weights from when we started losing weight, when we joined MFP (which is probably the same for most) or when we started this group? I weigh in on Fridays, can I just post mine on Fridays?

    SW - when you started your weight loss ambition
    CW - what you are now (will change weekly, we hope!)
    GW - what your aiming for

    Thank you! In that case

    SW - 250
    CW - 185
    GW - 150 (at the moment, but I hope to be knocked up before I get there)
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    So, my hubby and I are TTC starting again this month and I had a question about calories. So, right now I'm eating 1200 a day and trying to get back into the exercise thing. I'm concerned that if I'm eating 1200 calories when I get pregnant and continue to do so through the first 5 or 6 weeks of pregnancy until I find out I am pregnant, that it won't be enough. What do you all think? Am I being silly and shouldn't worry as long as I'm eating healthy meals and my tummy isn't growling, or should I up my calories during the 2WW?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    So, my hubby and I are TTC starting again this month and I had a question about calories. So, right now I'm eating 1200 a day and trying to get back into the exercise thing. I'm concerned that if I'm eating 1200 calories when I get pregnant and continue to do so through the first 5 or 6 weeks of pregnancy until I find out I am pregnant, that it won't be enough. What do you all think? Am I being silly and shouldn't worry as long as I'm eating healthy meals and my tummy isn't growling, or should I up my calories during the 2WW?

    Until you know, you'll be fine. And more than ever, if you TTC you'll likely be paying very close attention to your body - so listen to what it has to say. That said, during pregnancy you only require an extra 300 calories (above maintenance) each day.

    The BEST THING to do is talk to your doctor - they know your history better than anyone, and can put you on a safe & approved calorie allotment for pregnancy.

    But until you see the BFP, don't stress over it. Just be sure you're getting the Folic Acid and other vitamins you need!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    So, my hubby and I are TTC starting again this month and I had a question about calories. So, right now I'm eating 1200 a day and trying to get back into the exercise thing. I'm concerned that if I'm eating 1200 calories when I get pregnant and continue to do so through the first 5 or 6 weeks of pregnancy until I find out I am pregnant, that it won't be enough. What do you all think? Am I being silly and shouldn't worry as long as I'm eating healthy meals and my tummy isn't growling, or should I up my calories during the 2WW?

    I'm not sure if you have a regular cycle... but if you do you would typically be about 4 weeks pg when you find out you are pregnant. Of that 4 weeks... 2 you aren't even pregnant, it is just because pregnancy weeks are counted from the date of your last period. The next two are before implantation for the most part (maybe a few days to a week in there after implantation, it depends)... and the placenta doesn't form and start nourishing the baby until implantation occurs. My plan is to call as soon as I get a bfp and ask my doctor's advice on calorie intake. I am not doing 1200 for now, but am aiming to lose 1 pound a week. You will be fine eating as you are until you know you are pg. :)

    (And, yes, I unfortunately know WAY more than I should about the whole process of getting pregnant! I do have to second (third?) Taking Charge of Your Fertility as a great book though)
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Love this group idea :-)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    When I was pregnant with my twins, I gained 18 pounds. They were born 10+ weeks prematurely, so I didn't have a lot of 3rd trimester weight gain, but did have gestational diabetes. In a way, I think that was a blessing, since the guys ended up being the bruisers in the NICU at 3 pounds each. Even though I was pregnant with twins, I started out heavy enough that people didn't realize I was pregnant until the guys started warping the shape of my belly.

    Nursing twins was great: I lost the 18 pounds plus an additional 20 within the first 3 months that they were home. I just slowly gained the additional 20 back (actually, when my mom died, I gained the last 15 of that back fairly quickly.)

    And now, here I am. about 40 pounds heavier than I'd ideally like to be, and 25 pounds heavier than I think I can realistically attain without amputation, with a strong desire to have another baby. My concern is getting my weight and health under control, to avoid both the potential for gestational diabetes again, as well as the possible onset of type 2 diabetes as I get older.

    SW: 172
    CW: 163 (mfp start weight)
    GW: 135
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