Fit For Future Families



  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Air Show
    Asian Restaurant
    Apple Picking (later - in the fall)
    Arm Wrestling!

    That's all I got for A...
  • Oh - I like the archery idea! I was thinking art show or art museum, but that sounds way more fun! I'm going to look into that...

  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Well holy heck - I fell off the wagon! M&Ms and nachos and pistachios! What a weekend - AF and PMS was my excuse - no more! I feel like hell today - I don't feel comfortable in my clothes, and the pride I had last week seems to dminished - and I really want that back. I was very proud of myself.

    So I'm back to work (off sick yesterday) with a healthy lunch and gym gear. Monday will be a good day for me - I will be in the 2-teens!

    I also have 2 days of pushups and crunches to make up for - so I'm doubling the load for the next 2 days - I did the crime, I'll do the time.

    How are you ladies making out?????
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Hello everyone, I used to weigh in on Sunday and still did out of habit, and then did again on Monday only to find a pretty large discrepancy. Granted Monday I started my period (sorry for the bluntness) and hopefully that accounts for the weight gain.
    SW: 165
    LW: 155
    Sunday CW: 153.8
    Monday CW: 155.2
    Could it really be that I gained an extra 2 pounds because of my period? I really hope it was that, that way next week the scale will actually show me loosing weight again instead of this standstill. I’ll be going to the gym less this month because I’m moving, but I’ll hopefully get the workout in from cleaning and packing!
    Jalara: The programs are really nice, I wish I had thought of that for my wedding! Don’t forget to actually enjoy yourself at your wedding, I spent way to much time stressed and nervous that I didn’t actually enjoy the day, so go get a massage the day before and forget about the calories of a having a cocktail (or two) the day of.
    Ron: I think every office job has that situation, I work in a predominantly male environment, and so every meeting includes pizza and soda. I’ve given up pizza almost completely because it’s never been a must have item for me and has way too many calories for a meal I don’t entirely care for. But of course I get the weird looks and all the men thinking of course every girl watches her weight, they don’t need to know its because my husband and I are TTC  So don’t stress about your co-workers, it’ll pass.
    For everyone, what’s the alphabet dating thing?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I overdid it on the long weekend and could barely move yesterday...LOL, unfortunately that's my pattern. I got some ice packs on it and then a hot bath and I seem to be better today, but so much for my active every day - came home and crawled into bed (literally crawled...LOL). Tonight is my aquafit class so that should help make up for last night - low impact and getting my muscles working again should help ease more pain.

    Water intake has been good, but I noticed today that when I went for bloodwork and the lady held my arm that it did take a while for colour to come back where she touched my arm (sign of dehydration) so I'd like to up it by 2 more glasses/day for the rest of the week. Think AF is coming anytime now so water retention is higher - noticed it on the scale too....
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Well holy heck - I fell off the wagon! M&Ms and nachos and pistachios! What a weekend - AF and PMS was my excuse - no more! I feel like hell today - I don't feel comfortable in my clothes, and the pride I had last week seems to dminished - and I really want that back. I was very proud of myself.

    So I'm back to work (off sick yesterday) with a healthy lunch and gym gear. Monday will be a good day for me - I will be in the 2-teens!

    I also have 2 days of pushups and crunches to make up for - so I'm doubling the load for the next 2 days - I did the crime, I'll do the time.

    How are you ladies making out?????

    Monday will be a good day for everyone :D Hope you're feeling better though. Good luck with the extra crunch/pushups today.....
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Hello everyone, I used to weigh in on Sunday and still did out of habit, and then did again on Monday only to find a pretty large discrepancy. Granted Monday I started my period (sorry for the bluntness) and hopefully that accounts for the weight gain.
    SW: 165
    LW: 155
    Sunday CW: 153.8
    Monday CW: 155.2
    Could it really be that I gained an extra 2 pounds because of my period? I really hope it was that, that way next week the scale will actually show me loosing weight again instead of this standstill. I’ll be going to the gym less this month because I’m moving, but I’ll hopefully get the workout in from cleaning and packing!
    Jalara: The programs are really nice, I wish I had thought of that for my wedding! Don’t forget to actually enjoy yourself at your wedding, I spent way to much time stressed and nervous that I didn’t actually enjoy the day, so go get a massage the day before and forget about the calories of a having a cocktail (or two) the day of.
    Ron: I think every office job has that situation, I work in a predominantly male environment, and so every meeting includes pizza and soda. I’ve given up pizza almost completely because it’s never been a must have item for me and has way too many calories for a meal I don’t entirely care for. But of course I get the weird looks and all the men thinking of course every girl watches her weight, they don’t need to know its because my husband and I are TTC  So don’t stress about your co-workers, it’ll pass.
    For everyone, what’s the alphabet dating thing?

    I always gain around the beginning of my TOM. Don't sweat it too hard, it's usually water (unless there is another reason for it). It should come right off least it does for me. And it's only 1.5 lbs, not 2 lbs...think positively :P
  • Hey Ladies - I need to drink more water! I have been trying to spruce it up with crystal light or something, but am getting bored with H2O! I have been feeling good and seriously have overcome some temptations lately. The other night, my husband was eating a piece of stuffed pizza and I had ONE small bite only. This was a HUGE accomplishment. The old me would have at least had one slice with him, maybe two. Last night, he was eating chocolate chip cookies. I bought them because I had some friends over and I knew they were HIS weakness and would be gone if they were not finished. They were the really soft kind too. He ate those and I had a smart ones chocolate chip cookie dough sundae for 170 calories only and was OK with that! It was a break-through.

    Jalara - keep it up. You'll get right back on track. When you're doing so good for awhile (which you have been) and only have one bad day, it's easy to feel better again quickly.

    Abeare - ABC dating is something my husband and I are doing to get out of doing the same things rut. We are starting next weekend and switch off picking something to do that starts with the next letter, so next week, we have to do something that starts with an "a."

    Fitterpam - you rock! That is hard to keep going when you are all sore. Keep up the good work!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    jarla – you’re doing so great! One bad day won’t kill all your progress as long as you get back to your regular routine

    abeare – I always gain during my TOM. If that’s the reason it will be off by your next weigh in

    fitterpam – If I’m that sore I take a day off – you’re so much better than me. That's awesome!

    hopeful – I most likely would have given into to the pizza, good for you.

    I told DH about alphabet dating. We started last night and went to eat at restaurant called Armetta’s (I gave in to the temptation of French fries though). Our B date will be hiking at Bushkill Falls. He’s very excited to get to the letter S. :blushing: :laugh:

    I’m having a hard time this week b/c we still don’t have internet connection at home, and most likely won’t for another 10 days. :grumble: :angry: I’m logging all my foods for the day when I get to work in morning but I do most of my exercising at night so I can’t log that at all. I don’t want to log my workouts before I actually do them, in case something happens that I can’t. So I’m just trying to stay within my calories and if I workout it’s just a plus. I’m trying really hard to be good, but it’s so much easier when I can access MFP anytime I want.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    abeare- It would be very very hard to actually gain 2 lbs of real weight in 24 hours. You would have to have a bazzillion calories. I think the only true explaination would be water, which definetly can be messed up during AF.

    So I ran to target on my lunch break, and picked up a Chicken Caesar Salad from their little resturant in the front of the store. It was so funny. I don't like dressing so I threw that away, and I don't like cheese, so I was going to just shake off the parmesan cheese. When I got back to work I started "dissmanteling" the salad, and noticed a major lack of lettuce. Turns out there was just a little lettuce on the top. Underneith the lettuce was a TON of parmesan cheese. I ended up getting out a measuring cup, and there was over 2 CUPS of shredded parmesan cheese under the lettuce. Holley Molley. So I ended up eatting the chicken breast with a few pieces of lettuce on it. I couldn't stop laughing at the " Cheese salad" I had just bought.
  • tahmed - good for you! I LOVE cheese - that would have been a serious weakness and I might have caved. I was shocked when I went to the grocery store deli section the other day. I went to pick up a quick salad for lunch, luckily, looked at the label, and there was 44 g of fat in it! What the heck?!?!?!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    So I ran to target on my lunch break, and picked up a Chicken Caesar Salad from their little resturant in the front of the store. It was so funny. I don't like dressing so I threw that away, and I don't like cheese, so I was going to just shake off the parmesan cheese. When I got back to work I started "dissmanteling" the salad, and noticed a major lack of lettuce. Turns out there was just a little lettuce on the top. Underneith the lettuce was a TON of parmesan cheese. I ended up getting out a measuring cup, and there was over 2 CUPS of shredded parmesan cheese under the lettuce. Holley Molley. So I ended up eatting the chicken breast with a few pieces of lettuce on it. I couldn't stop laughing at the " Cheese salad" I had just bought.

    That is so gross! :sick: See, if it's me I would have to say something to them - that's bleh.....
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    jarla – you’re doing so great! One bad day won’t kill all your progress as long as you get back to your regular routine

    abeare – I always gain during my TOM. If that’s the reason it will be off by your next weigh in

    fitterpam – If I’m that sore I take a day off – you’re so much better than me. That's awesome!

    hopeful – I most likely would have given into to the pizza, good for you.

    I told DH about alphabet dating. We started last night and went to eat at restaurant called Armetta’s (I gave in to the temptation of French fries though). Our B date will be hiking at Bushkill Falls. He’s very excited to get to the letter S. :blushing: :laugh:

    I’m having a hard time this week b/c we still don’t have internet connection at home, and most likely won’t for another 10 days. :grumble: :angry: I’m logging all my foods for the day when I get to work in morning but I do most of my exercising at night so I can’t log that at all. I don’t want to log my workouts before I actually do them, in case something happens that I can’t. So I’m just trying to stay within my calories and if I workout it’s just a plus. I’m trying really hard to be good, but it’s so much easier when I can access MFP anytime I want.

    Why don't you log the exercise the morning after doing them? You just have to scroll back on the date bar to the previous day and modify that day's record. I do it after I plan my day and then to keep myself honest, I go back and make sure I did everything I said I was going to. It'll give you a more accurate historic record, I would think.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    fitterpam - thanks, that's a good idea. I'm going to log my exercises now before I leave the office. Maybe if I know they’re already in there it will give me more motivation to actually do it.

    tahmed - you’re are awesome!!! I have a bit of an obsession with cheese, I don’t think I would have been able to do that.
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    wow, have I really been gone that seems like a lots happened, since I last checked in.
    It's great to hear everyone's progress and new goals.

    I'm sorry for all the AF floating around. I hope everyone feels better for the weekend coming up.

    Alphabet dating eh? Where do I sign up? That sounds like a great idea. Have to see what my hubby thinks and maybe start next week with letter A.

    It's our two year anniversary tomorrow, and we are going to water world, YEAAA! After that we'll be going to our first dress up dinner, I'm so exciting, yea yea, I'll be careful with my food intake.

    jalara -- almost 2 weeks to the weekend, are you going nuts?

    ron and all of you other wonderful ladies with coworkers or mothers or mothers-in-law that just can't seem to be happy for you....don't fret, remember, they are just jealous. You are doing this for yourself and not for them. And of course, we are all doing this to be "Fit for Future Families."

    I love you guys!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Thought of a couple more A's:

    Arts and Crafts (go to Hobby Lobby or Michael's and pick out some kiddie art kit and go to town!)
    Aerobics Class
    Architecture Tour (I know they have one in Chicago - probably other big cities too!)

    My DH coaches high school football, and 2-a-days started this week. I'm officially a "football widow"... No alphabet dating for us until at least November. Boo.
  • LHuffman24 - I SOOOOO get the football widow thing! My husband has been coaching for over ten years. He was head coach for a long time and helped run a whole football league and was head coach for a big part of that. They practiced 5 days a week to start, went to four, and then stayed at four and had games on Saturday - which he was at ALL day for ALL levels. It sucked!!!!! To top that off, he coached almost 45 minutes away from where we lived so I NEVER saw him. He actually stepped down this year to spend one year with me baby-free so we could do some weekend get-aways, etc.

    They usually start Aug. 1 so I was preparing to have him be super crabby missing it, and so far, fingers crossed, he has been okay. He told me he knows he'll miss it more when they start games. He already warned me he's going back to coaching - not to get too used to this. :-(

    If you need to talk or vent, I'm here for you. It could get frustrating.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Thought of a couple more A's:

    Arts and Crafts (go to Hobby Lobby or Michael's and pick out some kiddie art kit and go to town!)
    Aerobics Class
    Architecture Tour (I know they have one in Chicago - probably other big cities too!)

    My DH coaches high school football, and 2-a-days started this week. I'm officially a "football widow"... No alphabet dating for us until at least November. Boo.

    Love the idea of Arts & Crafts!!! DH and I are taking turns planning the dates and I know he's been struggling with A. I think I'll swoop in and use that for tonight...he can think of B for next week. I added another stipulation that it should be creative and next to free....
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey all!

    So we're totally loving the alphaet dating idea - but I think we're going to make every 2nd date an active date - we're both trying to live healthier!

    I totally love the idea :)
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    LHuffman24 - I SOOOOO get the football widow thing! My husband has been coaching for over ten years. He was head coach for a long time and helped run a whole football league and was head coach for a big part of that. They practiced 5 days a week to start, went to four, and then stayed at four and had games on Saturday - which he was at ALL day for ALL levels. It sucked!!!!! To top that off, he coached almost 45 minutes away from where we lived so I NEVER saw him. He actually stepped down this year to spend one year with me baby-free so we could do some weekend get-aways, etc.

    They usually start Aug. 1 so I was preparing to have him be super crabby missing it, and so far, fingers crossed, he has been okay. He told me he knows he'll miss it more when they start games. He already warned me he's going back to coaching - not to get too used to this. :-(

    If you need to talk or vent, I'm here for you. It could get frustrating.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one out there! This is my 4th football season since we've been together, so it's really nothing new I guess. I actually don't mind having some alone time after work, but I really hate cooking and eating by myself. That's the hardest part I think.

    They have several coaches on staff that are not teachers, so their double sessions are being run from 4-5:30 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. - probably the stupidest schedule I've ever seen. I am a morning person, so I like to be in bed by 10:00 or earlier. I haven't really seen DH this week since he's been staying after practice to talk with the other coaches. Oh well, things will get better once school starts!

    I'm only working a half day today (DH and I are going out for lunch then buying a new fridge for the garage - our 40 year old 70's yellow fridge is dying a slow and painful death and I need the freezer space for my garden stuff - plus the fridge side for hubby's beer...) so I better get to work. Have a great weekend ladies, I'll try to check in later!
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