

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,376 Member
    Did one segment of a 10MS Carb Burner DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Women’s Health Total Body Workout DVD

    Welcome everyone new!

    Carol – how long was your son at Daytona?

    Vicki – so sorry about dh’s sister. Even tho you know it’s coming, it’s always hard. (((HUGS)))

    Lisa – I’m sorry that happened to you. Hope you can get it taken care of real soon. Look at it this way…at least this didn’t happen in winter. In summer it’s not such a problem taking a cooler shower. I’m just trying to look on the bright side. You crack me up!

    Shelley – hang out, no problem. But post if there’s something that peaks your interest.

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Janetr- I’m so happy for you! It’s amazing how the kettle bell works your whole body. And it is very possible to have a flat tummy with its use!! You do look fabulous!! The only side effect that I have found is overly affectionate husband!!


    Mary from Minnesota/Arizona

    Thank you, sweetie. No complaints on the "side effects". :)

    Janetr OKC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    58 here. You all sound like old friends. I think I will just hang out for a while and listen. That is if you don't mind.


    :)Hi Shelley Welcome. Hanging out is how we all got started and before long, just couldn't resist making a comment or asking a question. Tell us more about yourself.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Ah yes, my texting with him was a couple of sentences, but he said he loved us, and he joked around. So I think he's a happy sort! Miss his quirkiness, his witty banter and sharing a cuppa with him.💖
    He has grown up!
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited July 2019
    Purchased a new microwave online mines not salvageable. 8days of cooking with a Daughter home from the Navy,Hubby,y picky 2yr old with all means possible. So reheating pre-prepared meals going poorly today. Going to figure it out probably have to cook small portions multiple times per person until I get mine delivered.Bought online because my E-Walmart cards get turned down in store but not online! Had $25 worth That’s half the cost definitely wanted to use them on the microwave! So now joking 🙃 sorry sir you need to simplify your orders Chef Mike quit today! The replacement chef won’t be here until next week.
    Amber Tx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited July 2019
    July Goals
    This week

    1. Write what I'm grateful for here daily✔️
    2. At least 30 min exercise 6 days a week✔️✔️
    3.Track all ✔️
    4. Five minutes meditation 5 days a week 0
    5. Average 1100 calories net average✔️
    6. Lose 1-2 kilos/month down today
    7. Take measurements every 2 weeks (?) not yet
    8. Go to free coaching session not yet
    9. Try one class per week at gym (I had signed up-annual sign up- for the 7 euros a month extra for classes and havent gone since the "zen" stretching classes weren't great.) not this week
    10. Use city bike 1x a week (I also signed up many months ago at about 3-4 euros per month, there was no bike free the first time I wanted to use it and I had completely forgotten about it, it's not in my habits). not yet
    11. eat fresh leafy greens 4 days a week not yet
    12. try skipping breakfast had breakfast at 10 yesterday
    13. less than 50 carbs : yes, yesterday 1st time

    Long term writing
    14. Spend at least 2h/day on long term writing project average 0
    15. Produce at least 3 rough pages per day average 0

    14. Average at least 15 min/day of cleaning ✔️✔️✔️

    15. Make a list of short term tasks, etc and prioritise them, and do them not yet
    16. Take care of at least 2 short term (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill per week not yet
    17. Taxes not yet
    18. 1 h per week filing not yet

    19. 1 hour on art project (other than sketching) per week not yet

    20. do one work-related thing per week other than the above, to progress (I have to network and take initiative etc, in my job and I haven't been doing so much since focusing on thesis ) not specifically

    Remaining from May to do in July : Make appointment with dentist 1 yes, dentist 2 no and acupuncturist yes,

    mild weather
    some supportive colleagues
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited July 2019
    feeling super anxious today.
    I ate little yesterday. I had late light breakfast and light lunch and then was in meetings til very late and just had some coconut juice when I got home. so: very much under calories and 1st time under 50 carbs.

    I work in this school where the board voted in 2012 that all teachers are welcome to meetings. but the direction doesn't want teachers in my field to attend the meetings, so they say we can't go. only they published the annual report on facebook last year with the 2012 board vote saying that all teachers were supposed to go to this semestral meeting.

    some people on some boards checked with the direction and they said no, but the people on the boards said that the old vote is supposed to take precedent. there were important things being dealt with, as schools are in major transition at present.

    a colleague went and the director came over to her in this large meeting room and told her she had to leave. she said she stayed for a while and said she is one of the longest term teachers there and what happens at the school is important and that it was voted on the board. he said that was the old board and didn't count. (it is true that the board has changed but not that the previous vote, published last year on facebook is no longer valid). The director persisted. Apparently for my colleague some fellow-teachers who heard this said, "hello democracy". She left.

    I crossed her path as she was going out- I arrived late- and I went and sat down in the back. the meeting was in place and the director made a sign so that his vice-director (or what every you call it) come over to me and asked me to leave. I gave here a paper showing the vote on the board. she said came over and whispered that it was only people in one field present. I said that was not true and I could see people from many different fields. she then said that our field was particularly excluded ad asked me to leave. I asked her (whispering very calmly) to write to me so that it be clear. she said, while waiting she asked me to leave. I said, (whispering very calmly) while waiting we should respect the vote of the board. she said, I hope you don't need any hours for meetings or something (a threat of making my situation difficult). but then she left after less than a minute. she tried raising her voice slightly, maybe to intimidate me, but I was very calm and she would have had to make a big scene. I'm sure some people saw it and the people very close to me heard it.

    The direction has acted very illegally in my regard between 2015-2017 in a long drawn out way, and I had to go to court to defend myself and won very easily and quickly.
    I am about to begin request for indemnity that I will certainly get.

    Now they will try to sneakily get a vote to pass to exclude us.

    then I had another meeting in another school and though, I worked for years to get us a huge raise, some colleagues and others (who benefit from this) are extremely unpleasant and always have been.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,772 Member
    Terri ~ what a beautiful poem... lovely and elegant...
    sounds like super fun outing with your family.. there is so much drama with my family lately.. wow
    I got my hours cut.. the new girl makes a couple dollars less an hour than me so he would rather have her full time and cut the hours of the older lady lol
    so I have the next 2 days off.. going to spend tomorrow with my granddaughter.. i havent spent any time with her this summer and I need to do that. DD DSIL work so she goes to my ex husbands , who just sits around and watches t.v. no ambition.. doesn't drive and has some mental issues ,heriditary.. so at least with me we get out and do things going to take her to the park and let her play she needs to get outside ..
    I spoke with a dear friend last night and she has convinced me that the job im at is just not for me, (which I already knew) but I will be losing out on hourly wages if I plan to go into being a companion /homemaker.. but I feel a calling to work with the elderly .I have been doing this for my DFIL for years and have the patience for it..
    I dont want to CNA work , but housekeeping ,shopping taking people to Drs appointments.. cooking.. that kind of thing.
    wish me luck after I feed DFIL this morning I will be coming back and looking and applying for jobs
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Allie Your quote "but I feel a calling to work with the elderly" rings true, true, true. You are a special individual who makes those around you feel cared for. It's scary leaving a job, but you do scary things all the time. <3<3<3

    Kelly can't wait to see the latest Joaquin pics, I didn't think he could get any cuter, but each pic proves me wrong.

    Lisa hope you enjoy the lighter feeling and then enjoy a delightful meal and a nap(!) after the colonoscopy. Thinking of you.

    Off I go to the gym and then to my prof. dev. class. NYKAREN
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2019
    Allie Any elderly person who hired you to help them would be very lucky indeed. You would provide such peace of mind, especially for out-of-state families. I really hope you can do that...& make enough money. You could have your own business.

    Kelly I don't know who is cuter - you in the washtub or Joaquin with Grandma Kelly. Both adorable!


    Soapbox on colon cancer screening:
    For the general population there are only a couple of cancer screenings that receive an "A" recommendation from the US Preventive Services Task Force. Colon cancer screening is one of them. It clearly saves lives, with the benefits of screening far outweighing the risks. While Cologuard is not as effective as colonoscopy in detecting colon cancer, it is significantly better than doing nothing.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,076 Member
    Terri ~ what a beautiful poem... lovely and elegant...
    sounds like super fun outing with your family.. there is so much drama with my family lately.. wow
    I got my hours cut.. the new girl makes a couple dollars less an hour than me so he would rather have her full time and cut the hours of the older lady lol
    so I have the next 2 days off.. going to spend tomorrow with my granddaughter.. i havent spent any time with her this summer and I need to do that. DD DSIL work so she goes to my ex husbands , who just sits around and watches t.v. no ambition.. doesn't drive and has some mental issues ,heriditary.. so at least with me we get out and do things going to take her to the park and let her play she needs to get outside ..
    I spoke with a dear friend last night and she has convinced me that the job im at is just not for me, (which I already knew) but I will be losing out on hourly wages if I plan to go into being a companion /homemaker.. but I feel a calling to work with the elderly .I have been doing this for my DFIL for years and have the patience for it..
    I dont want to CNA work , but housekeeping ,shopping taking people to Drs appointments.. cooking.. that kind of thing.
    wish me luck after I feed DFIL this morning I will be coming back and looking and applying for jobs

    What about being a hospital/patient sitter?

    My husband had them for a while when he was in hospital.

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,772 Member
    Machka - dont think they have those over here
    I think I could do hospice companion also
    But they are looking more for CNA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,654 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,076 Member
    Machka - dont think they have those over here
    I think I could do hospice companion also
    But they are looking more for CNA

    This is on the Indeed site for the USA:
    https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=hospital sitters&amp;l=United States&amp;vjk=d365d3a7f1e17e3a
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Machka - dont think they have those over here
    I think I could do hospice companion also
    But they are looking more for CNA

    Allie - When my Dad was in the hospital in OK, they had a sitter come in and sit with him overnight a couple of times so I could get some sleep. I'm sure they had other functions they served, but maybe not, maybe they were just people sitters for wherever they were needed.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country