

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Rebecca: Congratulations on your efforts on the treadmill. WTG!!! :star:

    Barbie: Fireworks are undoubtedly a problem for many dog owners. I suspect cats aren’t any happier about the racket. :noway: I enjoy seeing fireworks and don’t mind the noise, but the pets need consideration and going to a park where loud fireworks are not allowed is a good solution for us. :flowerforyou:

    Shelley: Welcome. Listen in and jump in when you are ready. :smiley:

    Kelly: Happy Anniversary!!! :heart:

    Lisa: DH recently had a colonoscopy. The prep is the worst part. I hope it all goes well for you. :star:

    Karen in VA: I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Eva Kor. She led an amazing life. :star::heart: :star:

    KJ: I love the photos, especially the one of you and Joaquin. :heart:

    TerriRichards: I love your poem. Thank you for sharing. :flowrforyou:


    Heather: Enjoy your company. You are the hostess with the mostess. :smiley:

    (((Pip))) Losing a fur-baby is hard. You seem to be coping the best you can. Our dog is past 12 and we’re giving him pain killers and cbd oil regularly for a bad hip. He seems to be doing well on this system. We’ll continue to enjoy him as long as we can. :flowerforyou:

    Machka: Congrats on your excellent marks! :flowrforyou:

    I had a lovely yoga class at 8 this morning. The next class is Friday at 10, if I understand correctly. The schedule says there is yoga on Thursday and Friday. We’ll see how it all works out. I enjoyed todays class. I seem to have misplaced my gym card & will be looking for it in a moment.

    Have a great day!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited July 2019
    @KJLaMore thanks for understanding. Kelly, the construction week sounds interesting and fun (?)

    yes I was very stressed. good news though. I spoke to board members (including one board president) and they will make sure that our right to attend the meetings remains and is protected. there is an upcoming board meeting on Thursday. The governance in this school is that the board decides and the director executes what the board has decided. The directors are sometimes confused (or power-hungry) and think that they are supposed to be making the decisions. The school owes me 2 months back pay from an incident from 2017. I have written to them about 3 times since may asking them to confirm that - and they didn't ever answer while answering another question in the same mail. this morning I got a mail saying they would be paying me the 2017 back pay in August. my colleague says he things that's because they realise I'm not going to let them go. Another colleague was kicked out (just like me) but didn't stick it out, and feels really bad.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    miss 2 days and you've got 8 or so pages of messages to read here.

    sorry I'm doing miserable at keeping up, so numerous are we.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Trying to catch up...
    only on page 2,

    Pip - I cried and cried to hear about Bullwinkle! But such a good life and caring end you and Kirby gave her. hugs to you both, to yogi and bootz also.

    Kim in N. California
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    My friend, Shelley, told me about this discussion...think I'll hang and have a listen too.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Trying to catch up...
    only on page 2,

    Pip - I cried and cried to hear about Bullwinkle! But such a good life and caring end you and Kirby gave her. hugs to you both, to yogi and bootz also.

    Kim in N. California

    U r sweet, we miss her too
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    I went to the dancing without DH and it went fine, though it would have been more fun with him. It's the last one before the summer break. The teachers are getting married during the break. :D
    I will have to teach DH the routine in a spare moment. Unfortunately DH can't go dancing at the bandstand on Sunday evening as he will be travelling back from another cricket match. Grrrrrrrrrr! I don't think I want to go on my own as it's social dancing, not a lesson.

    I'm more or less ready for tomorrow. They are not demanding guests. I don't know the husband very well. DH will be out until they arrive as he is supporting Max for his sports day in the park.

    Lisa - I'm sorry about your water heater. An expensive item. We have a man coming about our thermostat on Thursday. Not cheap. I can think of things I'd rather spend money on!

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @coastalgosgal how nice that your DH is funny. Do you prefer him sans moustache or with moustache, or do you like the change. I can relate about the gym. some days I'm into it and others I'm doing 15 minutes of elliptical (plus short walk there and back) and out of there! There were big fights on FB during the last presidential elections here. I'm sure there was some falling out. I think it's easier to get into a tiff online (and on FB) than in real life. W/ a friend in real life we totally didn't agree and we decided to not go to politics often, as we quickly come to an impass, and we are too old friends to let that be the end of our friendship(so far anyway). I could tell he was just towing the party line and didn't really have a line of reasoning, so I chalked it up to traditional feeling of belonging (family party line or friend party line). On FB it's less nuanced and so public. you diss someone's opinion and it's not in the living room but online in front of dozens or hundreds of potential readers. The public aspect makes it so different. I don't post much at all on FB these days.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @1948Peachy I think I'm discovering how illegal things can be here. Sometimes I tend to think it's a national thing. Most people in France don't seem to bother about it. OR they complain but don't wish to act. I don't think most schools could stay so corrupt in the USA. so I would say that on average, in France, people are more willing to tow the line, even if it's illegal, more than in the usa. But then, no, we hear about all sorts of corruption in the usa too (think years of Harvey Weinstein enablers- to mention a non-controversial one).
    I think things are quite old school here, sort of "old boys club" (even if some - not many- of the boys are women). Like I said, the phd student who gets scholarships, jobs, etc, is the student who sleeps with or slept long term with a very senior, well-known teacher, for several years, very pretty, and average level student.
    Another top 62-year old guy got booted out with an inside scandal (but not public scandal) due to using the majority of the budget allotted for phds for his own projects and trips. This had a major effect on the school who lost it's partnership with a very prestigious partner. It may have come to light because he had also slept with two young women, in quick succession : one administrative assistant and I think a young student, and one was spurned and jealous, and so revealed some things, or maybe it was another middle-senior teacher fed up with lack of democracy and finances and denounced him.
    Most people would not have stayed in the meeting when asked to leave, but I knew my rights and I knew I had some support from the teachers elected as board members and presidents, and I didn't think the direction would physically move me, nor even make a public scene as they would not have much support. Though it was not planned this way, I was probably helped in my resolve by having just learned that my colleague had been booted out. I was expecting a more than 50% chance that the same would happen to me, and I was ready and cool and peaceful as a cucumber.

    They have given me grief off and on for about 5 years. (pervious to that all was fine). The new director was ill-advised and stood for an illegal position, and he has the unfortunate characteristic of digging his heels in even when very wrong, rather than recognising his mistakes. He's very well-off, and well-connected. During a long period (at least 6 years) the elected representatives at the school (board members and union members) weren't doing their job in this school, and were appeasing the direction, in exchange for favours or lack of threats, and so the direction allowed themselves more and more to do whatever they wanted. I read that the ministry said in the minutes of a meeting, that high level ministry official said that the boards (made at least 60% of elected teachers, administrators and students) are the decision-makers, and the director's job is to carry out what the boards decide, but that they have to remind directors of that repeatedly, as many try to affirm their will as a way to affirm their power. Oddly though the guy I the ministry who said this totally supported some very corrupt behaviour. I witnessed it 1st hand.

    If I were 30 I think I would maybe move back to the usa but health care is an issue. it's low-cost for good health care here.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Rebecca -Sorry your friend acted like that.Im not on social media found relatives to friends true sides were stressfully scary! Baby doctor made all his patients get off haven’t regretted it! Plus they got mad I chose based on lesser of the evils not party lol.Anyone good never makes it through the first rounds.


    Family dropped by so cooked all my eggs up. Takeout for dinner 🥡 I’m tired.JR hates Chinese food so he’s eating pancakes
    Amber Tx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,387 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    Pg. 26. Thank you all for your comments. Slept all day Saturday so rested up well. My DH donated blood at the same time and had no reaction. He caught me so I didn’t fall all the way done. Kept me from getting hurt.

    RV Rita
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    Pg. 27 done

    Feeling much better. I think my blood pressure meds are too strong for me now that I lost 60 pounds. Probably part of the problems.

    RV Rita
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    Pg. 29 done
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Well breakfast lunch and dinner with DFIL today. Glad I could be there.
    I fewl.bad for Tom he has arthritis in his feed and had been taking high dose naproxen for pain and it started nothing his stomach so they changed it to gabapentin and he has been on it a week and it's not even touching the pain.so Dr said double up on it.. hope that works.. never want to see anyone in pain..
    I contacted a few agencies one needs caretakers bathing toileting etc... not what I want to do
    Will cook clean shop or take them to drs appointments etc.. so will go either thursday or friday morning to check it out and apply.. I need out of that dentist office toot sweet