

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Lisa~ Amen sista amen.
    Isn't it wonderful to have girlfriends everywhere all over the world to lean on when you need a friend, no judging just loving.. I am so grateful to each and every one of you for your love and friendship xoxoxox
    count my blessings every day xoxoxo
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    happy bday to kirby!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    edited July 2019
    Sharon shingles was near husband's hair line. Fortunately he go checked right away and he took meds right way and it cleared up without too much problem.

    It did seem to affect how he felt too.

    This was a couple of months ago, and it is all cleared now.

    I was more worried when rosacea flared up in the fall and it was near my eyes. That has since long cleared up,too. I used lavender to heal it carefully around the eye area. Diluted essential oils are anti viral and bacterial.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good morning all! Happy Wednesday! Happy Birthday to Kirby!
    Rebecca- I agree with Machka in regards to your friend's post; most likely a meme that she copied and pasted onto her page. lol I have to tell you, I have unfollowed (instead of unfriend) a great many people due to their constant political posts and jibes. It is exhausting to read and, as the black sheep of my family (politically speaking), it was stressful and worriesome to see what my siblings were posting/saying. So, yes, I unfollowed my family. That way, I could check in on them from time to time, but not have their posts constantly in my newsfeed.
    All of you ladies speaking of shingles Have any of you gotten the Shingles Vaccine?
    Love to you all! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    I have also unfollowed several people. I do look in on them now and then, and sometimes they respond to my posts which is fine, but I'm not keen on all the political stuff either.

    I've had chicken pox twice, so I do wonder whether I should look into that vaccine.

    Machka in Oz

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) I ended my relationship with Facebook two years ago and have enjoyed the peace of being free of it. If I need to have something on my phone to entertain me, I have a Kindle app and a great book to read that I checked out of the library.

    :) When the first shingles vaccine came out, Jake and I went directly to the pharmacy and got it and paid the outrageous price since our insurance didn't cover it. By the time, we found out about the new one, the waiting lists were very long so we haven't gotten it yet.

    :) Happy Birthday, Kirby

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Athena so cute JR gets excited says BABY!!! He likes her pictures a lot!

    JR told my toothless father that his teeth are pretty then said OH Noooo mommy you no have teeth! Backwards of course my Father ran around saying his teeth came back lol 😂

    HPV vaccines the maker says regrets making it can cause you to get it so I skipped it for both kids.Doctors push it bring up that fact they started telling me they won’t let their grandkids have it either they tell me more bad facts about it. I skip flu vaccine also only because a family allergic to it on some members better to try your 1st one as an adult for us. Rest we get cause German Measles has killed so many of our kids pre-vaccines

    Amber Tx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,387 Member
    edited July 2019
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) It looks like rain is coming for the next few days so I'm glad I got to work in the yard this morning in case I won't be able to for awhile. I have lots of indoor chores that need to be done.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    I’m in the same boat. The indoor projects get a little neglected in the summer months, so couple of wet days don’t go amiss.


    Rebecca: My how she’s grown! So cute!

    I had shingles a few years back in my mid 50s. Got the meds promptly, and used the lavender oil and it cleared up fairly quickly. NHS offers the vaccine free to people once they hit 71. Nearly everyone takes it.

    I’m doing indoor chores/projects while this wet spell passes through. I got most of my steps in this morning while doing my weekly shop.

    Our new engine has been fitted on our wee boat, but we can’t get it lifted into the water until next week as the boatyard is closed for the Twelfth week!
    (12 July is a public holiday in Northern Ireland. Orange Order Parades march throughout the Province, with colourful banners and bands playing. The biggest parade will be through the centre of Belfast. It is a colourful but divisive spectacle, due to the sectarian nature of the Orange Order.

    ☘️ Terri
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2019
    Rebecca: Congratulations on your efforts on the treadmill. WTG!!! :star:

    Barbie: This is undoubtedly a problem for many dog owners. I suspect cats aren’t any happier about the racket. :noway:

    Rebecca: I liked facebook for a while, but somewhere along the way it has lost its charm. There are too many negative folks and “flamethrowers” for my enjoyment. I stop in there rarely anymore. :ohwell:

    (((Pip))) Old dogs are treasures. Bullwinkle will be long remembered. She was lucky to have you and Kirby as her family. :heart:

    Rita: Your DH s the hero of the day. I’m so sorry that you had a reaction to your blood donation. :star:

    Pip: Happy Birthday to Kirby! :flowerforyou:

    I wrote the majority of this post yesterday and was called away to help DH, SOOO I'm posting it now although it is undoubtedly late. I have a walking shoe problem. The ones I bought last year seem to have gone bad on me. The soles are too soft and I wind up with Charley-horses in my feet that get me up in the middle of the night. I'd love to hear recommendations for walking shoes.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning, had a 2.5 mile walk with bff early. Now I have an open day to do as I please! Will walk through farmers market for some dinner inspiration.

    Hoping for a nap and then maybe a few more miles at the gym! Feeling like exercise is truly the difference in managing my mood.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    edited July 2019
    Happy Wednesday Ladies!

    I had a nice long post ready to go this morning and BLIP - blasted IE froze up and it went away. So you lucky gals get an abbreviated version, lol.

    - love the Athena pictures and your son in OZ! Was he already born when you were in Japan? I consider FB a necessary evil, lol. Tho I'm on it less and less. I don't follow anyone except gardening sites, use it mainly to message a few folks now and then who don't use email. Post rarely, generally nothing political/inflammatory but sometimes put up factual information not generally found on MSM in case people want to check a story further.

    Beth - no kidding, I don't want anything in my produce box to go to waste either. Picked up my box at her "farm" yesterday. Looks a lot like a hippie commune way off in the woods, people living in busses. Likely there's alternative produce up on the hill behind the trees, lol. I don't care - her organic stuff is just delicious. I'll be shelling peas (they'll go in the freezer), making pesto, and figuring out some good recipes to make it stretch. I hope your rash is nothing serious. Stress can manifest in many ways.

    Pip - Happy Birthday to OUR Kirby who takes care of you so well! What's his birthday present? <3 No need to answer if it's TMI, lol. >:)

    Machka - I am envious of your weekend on the farm. How restful with that kitty by the hearth. Bravo on your test results. When will you be finished with your degree?

    Terri - I really wish the guy would get the teleporter back to me. I want to take a ride on your boat! B) . The teleporter.... how hard can it be to replace a flux capacitor? I have a feeling the mechanic took it off for a test drive and I'll never see it again, lol.

    Lisa - glad all the plumbing issues are fixed down your way, lol. B) Hooray for good news on the colonoscopy.

    Better post this before it goes away. Be back later.

    Make it a great day, ladies! <3

    Cool & Rainy SW WA State

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    Allie I may have missed this but did you look into working where your DFIL is? They see what you do for him and may be more inclined to have a position for you doing what you want to do. You can put the expertise with you DFIL on your resume too! With reference letters from the employees there!

    RV Rita
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    The blood donation and fainting was a combination of heat (104) and walking int it all day. Was dumb and gave blood after walking in the heat all day. I’m sure that’s what triggered it.

    Had bloodwork drawn today and follow up appointment set for 2 weeks from now. I will definitely ask about lowering blood pressure meds at that time.

    Just finished brunch and now have to do my campground duties. At last I finally caught up again!

    RV Rita
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Happy Birthday, Kirby!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Happy Wednesday Ladies!

    I had a nice long post ready to go this morning and BLIP - blasted IE froze up and it went away. So you lucky gals get an abbreviated version, lol.

    - love the Athena pictures and your son in OZ! Was he already born when you were in Japan? I consider FB a necessary evil, lol. Tho I'm on it less and less. I don't follow anyone except gardening sites, use it mainly to message a few folks now and then who don't use email. Post rarely, generally nothing political/inflammatory but sometimes put up factual information not generally found on MSM in case people want to check a story further.

    Beth - no kidding, I don't want anything in my produce box to go to waste either. Picked up my box at her "farm" yesterday. Looks a lot like a hippie commune way off in the woods, people living in busses. Likely there's alternative produce up on the hill behind the trees, lol. I don't care - her organic stuff is just delicious. I'll be shelling peas (they'll go in the freezer), making pesto, and figuring out some good recipes to make it stretch. I hope your rash is nothing serious. Stress can manifest in many ways.

    Pip - Happy Birthday to OUR Kirby who takes care of you so well! What's his birthday present? <3 No need to answer if it's TMI, lol. >:)

    Machka - I am envious of your weekend on the farm. How restful with that kitty by the hearth. Bravo on your test results. When will you be finished with your degree?

    Terri - I really wish the guy would get the teleporter back to me. I want to take a ride on your boat! B) . The teleporter.... how hard can it be to replace a flux capacitor? I have a feeling the mechanic took it off for a test drive and I'll never see it again, lol.

    Lisa - glad all the plumbing issues are fixed down your way, lol. B) Hooray for good news on the colonoscopy.

    Better post this before it goes away. Be back later.

    Make it a great day, ladies! <3

    Cool & Rainy SW WA State

    I’ll make sure to let him know what u wrote. ,lololol