
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Does anyone know what plant doesn’t need to be planted too deeply down in the earth? We have a spot between our sidewalk and a brick column that I’d like to put some sort of flower there. The problem is that the footer for the column is almost at ground level.

    Yesterday I asked Vince if he was cheating on me. What am I to think when he gets a letter from another woman??? It was from Melania Trump….lol

    Al – welcome!

    Went to give Shadow to Jess. Just had the salad bar. I think I may have eaten too much, but it was too much of decent stuff. Cottage cheese, carrots, mushrooms, peas, chickpeas, beets, tomatoes, a bite (and I do mean a bite) of a corn muffin and one of a regular muffin. I admit, tho, that I did have some dessert. A bite of brownie, a bite of chocolate chip cookie, a bite of this cherry cobbler and this blueberry cobbler, but then I had this chocolate éclair stuff. Not a lot.

    KJ – so glad you’re having such a wonderful time with the kids. I makes me sad knowing that Pete really doesn’t want to come down here and Denise will just acquiesce. Pete kept telling me when I was up there that we’d facetime. I knew it would never happen, and sure enough, it hasn’t

    Katla – so happy Arrow will be OK

    Evelyn -awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    Suz – welcome.

    Sue – what a gorgeous blouse. Your GS sure does have good taste!

    Kim – I eat the sardines right out of the can!

    Tracey – I have a feeling that clothes lines are banned because people hang their underwear out and it doesn’t do anything for the looks of the neighborhood. But with all this talk about energy conservation, you would think that clothes lines would be encouraged.

    Michele in NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Michele Not a flower, but hens and chicks might do well there - also, Scabiosa (pincushion flower) has a shallow root system. I'm sure Kim & the other gardeners will have some better ideas.

    Karen in VIrginia
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :)Nearly everything I've read or heard about decluttering or minimalism says that there's no way to convince your spouse/partner to do the same. All you can do is concentrate on your own stuff.

    :) My father loved sardines and ate them in sandwiches.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Oh one other question... a friend was moving and gave me a bag of food she was not taking... in it 3 cans of sardines... what do you do with them? I have never eaten them, I asked my mom she said they are bait - so I should go fishing... but they are food -


    My Dad loved canned sardines and onion sandwiches. I think it's an "aquired" taste. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Heather - I love the name “candyfloss” we call it Cotton Candy I agree with Bea it looks better than it tastes! ---- ok others what is it called where you live?
    Kim from N. California

    They call it "fairy floss" here sometimes. And I love the stuff!! Although I don't eat a lot of sweet things ... can't remember the last time I had a chocolate bar ... when I do, I like things really sweet!

    Sardines - IMO they're bait. But my husband will eat them with a fork right out of the tin. Blech!

    ginnytez wrote: »
    Lisa—I prefer walking outside but am with you when it comes to heat and humidity. I have mine in my basement, so it is easy to get 30 minutes or so in before work. I am getting back to my lunch walks at work, so between the two that an easy 6,000 or so steps (I am working on changing up speeds on treadmill).

    Machka9-I have a mini home gym-treadmill, bike, free weights. Not much for the idea of going to gyms-having equipment here takes away my excuses.

    Ginny in Ohio

    I really like having the equipment all set up in the basement. Going to the gym was always time consuming in some way with at least 30 min travel time. Now I can just go downstairs and there it is. I'm also setting things up for convenience ... the right shoes next to the equipment (I use stiff-soled shoes for the rowing machine, shoes with cleats for cycling, and my running shoes for the treadmill), tissues (because my nose runs when I exercise), water bottles, etc. We've got TV and music and Zwift, of course, for the bicycles.

    Originally the basement area just had dark grey rubberised matting on the floor. It still has that but we've topped it with colourful mats as well and the new curtains are blue so the place feels more comfortable and inspiring.

    However, we're still going to a small, personal, physiotherapist-guided pilates class once a week. I'm probably at the point where I could manage in a larger group or just use the weights at home, but my husband needs it to help him regain balance etc. and he's more inclined to go to something like that if I'm there.

    So I did a reasonably first workout in our gym yesterday and then 45 minutes of pilates today ... and I suspect I'm going to be feeling it later this afternoon!! All good though. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    I love sardines after JR not sure why tho. My taste buds have changed every pregnancy!

    For a shallow gardening spot I’d get something that loves to spread y grow so it stays alive. Of course wet vs dry spot decides the rest to that.

    I grew up with stubborn men definitely a spot for themselves well like I said a missing pair of hokey socks y underwear go undetected. Lol I allow hubby side of the closet to garage to be a disaster area while mines neat y proper. Definitely don’t go into the sheds! What lies in there is scary lol probably an extra toothbrush still being used even best not to know

    Amber Tx

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Evelyn in Vancouver, BC: You and your granddaughter make a lovely photo that will be treasured by your family for many years. WTG!!! :heart:

    Lanette: It sounds as though you’re doing very well. Congrats! :smiley:

    Snowflake: It sounds as though you’ve had an interesting life. I have never lived in a house without hot water. It sounds like quite an adventure. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’ve had cotton candy in the past and never liked it. Elephant ears are another matter altogether—dough that is deep fried and dredged in a mix of cinnamon and sugar. Heavenly, but clearly not calorie friendly unless you’re wanting loads of calories. :wink: The county fair is coming up and there are sure to be elephant ears there. I’ll be indulging. :embarassed: Congrats to England in the World Cricket Cup! :bigsmile:

    SueBDew: Raw celery is the perfect snack. It takes more calories to digest than it contains. Be careful about what you dip it in. :wink: You look fabulous in your new blouse and Riley is a cutie. :star:

    Snowflake: I love horseback riding, and have learned that horses are among the animals that can sense fear. Get a teacher who has the skill to keep things positive as you go along. Before you know it, you’ll be skilled and confident. :smiley:

    Margaret: I agree with Lanette. Your son is a cutie. :star:

    Meg: I love seeing your posts! I like feeling we’re in touch again. flowerforyou:

    SuzDuz: Welcome! :star:

    Kim: We call it Cotton Candy and I agree with you. It looks better than it tastes. On the other hand, it looks a lot like insulation for an attic. YUK! :noway: DH likes canned sardines. I think they are oily. You won’t know whether you like them until you try one. Let us know what you think. :smiley:

    Suzanne in W Washington: Welcome!!! Let MyFitnessPal set your calories and use them to choose to eat healthy foods. Be patient with the process. Real change takes time. Be sure to log every bite and swallow. Nobody but you needs to see this, but you will appreciate the chance you get so choose wisely and gain control over your own health. :star:

    Barbie: You’ve opened a door to a memory. My father also liked sardines and ate them out of the can with crackers. I love the memory but could never stand the smell or taste of the sardines. :wink:

    I’m out of time for posting. Today was a good day. We went to an unexpected street concert and had a good time. :smiley:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,205 Member
    Michele moss roses have shallow roots and do not take much water. They are annuals here. They do like sun. I have alyssum growing in our rock from seed from another garden area. They are small white or purple flowers. Johnny Jump ups seem to be able to grow anywhere too they do like it a bit cooler so it might be too hot in your location. I agree hen chicks would do well they are more of a succulent.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Oh one other question... a friend was moving and gave me a bag of food she was not taking... in it 3 cans of sardines... what do you do with them? I have never eaten them, I asked my mom she said they are bait - so I should go fishing... but they are food -


    Kim - I think sardines are yummy, I drain them and put them in my salad and try to keep the kitty away😃. Thanks for the idea about donating drums to the school, I will suggest it.

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Sardines - IMO they're bait. But my husband will eat them with a fork right out of the tin. Blech! I'm with you on that Machka!
    Kim, go fishing! lol I know some people think of sardines as food, I am not one of them.
    Machka, thank you for the tips on the bike. As I said before, it is a loaner, it is too big for me, but it's helped me to see what I do and don't want/need on a bike, so it's been a good thing. Certainly a bigger seat, wider in the back (where I'm wider!! :) ) would be a really good thing! And of course, one that is the right height for me.
    Tracy, our little Rosalie was born May 11, so she's just a bit over two months now. It was so nice to cuddle her!
    Katla, I'm so glad that Arrow will be okay. I guess we could all take a lesson from his experience! (too many sweets=health issues! lol)
    Kim, so very happy to hear that your work situation is getting better! Sorry to hear that your mom is in denial about your brother, although I think I get where she's coming from, burying our children is not the natural order of things.
    Meg, good to hear from you!
    Suebdew, you look lovely and I find it hard to believe that you're 80! I think there was a misprint on your birth certificate....
    Lisa, too bad about the treadmill. Probably not unexpected tho, after all if it did work they probably wouldn't have just dumped it.
    Candy floss, definitely looks better than it tastes, hubby likes it, I've never been a fan. I prefer the honey roasted nuts! :# (no calories in them!!!)
    DIL's parents are hosting a baby shower for our granddaughter, I wasn't sure if I would be able to get away from work to go, but I can, very happy about that. I contacted the other gramma today and asked if I could bring anything, she said how about a little cake? Well, how little??? I've been to some of their family gatherings, there's LOTS of people there! Anyway, I went and ordered a 10"x13" slab cake today, if she thinks it's too big, well, that's too bad. She didn't get back to me when I asked about size, so..... I can always bring the leftovers home for hubby, he will not mind at all!
    Okay, I'm pooped, so happy that I can sleep in tomorrow!
    Congrats to those celebrating, hugs for those who need them and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    KIM DH and I love sardines on toast I eat every bit as good for your bones but he removes every scale and bone. He does the same with canned salmon even though I tell him you need to eat all of it.

    Having a problem seeing some of the pics on my ipad, will try on my phone, not sure what's wrong they show as question marks.

    SUE you look gorgeous

    Found it funny to hear that what we call Bouncy Castle is called Bouncy House LOL

    Welcome newbies

    Kate UK <3
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    Suzanne in WA, welcome. Had my right knee replaced about five months ago, and struggling to get back to fitness myself, after a few other health issues kind of set me back. You're in good company.

    Up far too early, wide awake at 3 a.m. this morning. Should be an interesting week, but hopefully not exhausting. Taking DH to the airport early Friday morning, and picking him up Sunday evening. Usually it's me in a hotel for the weekend, trying to figure out something to do, as I've traveled so much for work. He'll have fun at the reunion, and I will enjoy three days all on my own, but with my stuff for a change. :)

    Heard from the 25-year-old son in school in Coos Bay, OR. Said he's changing his major, away from bio-sciences, to computer science, and has a VA workstudy job in the next semester. Worried a little about him - but can't fix him from here (or even when he's here, for that matter). Hard to explain why the worry - just a few things he's said that make me think he's depressed again. Can't make him go to the doc to get help.

    Anyway... off to the races. Will get my internal reports in early this morning and buckle down on the big grant. Got a few smaller ones due in these couple weeks as well, plus a few final reports on other grants. Egg (the cat) is mad at me this morning, as she stuck her head through the door and it's been raining so she got her feet wet. She blames me for the weather. Happy Monday. :smiley:

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,818 Member
    Not a sardines fan here either. My husband used to put tinned sardines on a saltine with some yellow mustard. (shuddering)

    Terri ... the scale has been playing fickle with me as well and, like you, I know that my eating choices are to blame. While I still maintain my fasting schedule, I know how to overeat in my open window quite well. Back at it today!

    Beth near Buffalo